Kellan Lutz (and his mipples) Denies ALL Rumors

Wow, that shirt is not covering his mipples at all :))

And the girl that is interviewing him sounds "like soooo stupid. OMG!"

Thanks to for sending me the embedding code and saving my sanity :))

I'm sure this won't stop the gossipers. Nor will it stop Laimey and TeddyPoo because they NEED Robsten and RobKi for hits. Watch Ted write about it tomorrow(oops he already did, oh Ted, so sad!) followed by Laimey the next day....SO LAME and A LOAD OF CRAP...

Thanks to "Fine" for the scans :))


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DD said...

Here is to Rob, this blog and all the ladies to play here!

Ana73 said...

Here's to Rob, i wish one day that he could see the love that we wish him every day.

Gemgirl65 said...

Ana, I'm kind of like you--I almost went to see the movie myself but didn't! My co-workers all went with their husbands and kept telling me how much they loved it. I really wanted to go, but I hadn't read the books yet (just part of Twilight,) and I didn't feel loike going alone. I kicked myself later when I spent a long, cold January devouring all four Twilight books and trying to find snippets of the movie on Youtube. I finally watched the flick illegally online (I know, but I HAD to!) and I became even more hooked. It still hasn't abated.

I'm a little worried about what'll happen when NM comes out. I'll be on the street corner like a crack-ho, trying to make extra money to go see it every day. Is anybody worried that they'll embarrass themselves in the movie theater? Like sighing or moaning or falling out of the damned seat? 'Cause every time I see pics of Rob from the set, and see how insanely beautiful he looks, I truly worry about my sanity throughout the an entire 2 hours of that on the big screen. I might come out with the sense of a 2-year-old, completely wrecked.

TwiHartRK said...

Leeann - I've been on the TwiMoms site but not stayed. There is nothing wrong with it - it's a different flavor...

I little more extended pinkie IMO.

Gemgirl65 said...

"extended pinky" LMAO

You say that phrase in here, and it'll have a WHOLE different meaning. I think maybe this is where I should stay LOL.

DD said...

Leann - With on that. He looks so handsome in the set photos so far. Him all beautiful on the big screen! Make sure you get a cold drink!

Diane said...

Wow, it's always a shock to find people who understand how you feel, when you think you're really going crazy. The stories of loss totally hit home. I lost my soul-mate/husband 7 years ago. Couldn't listen to music, read poetry - anything that allowed me to feel because all I could feel was pain. In Twilight I was suddenly reliving all the tumultuous feelings of when we first met and I could actually feel the wonderful things again, not just the sad ones. Then here comes Rob with his totally natural bursts of laughter, his off-the-wall sense of humor, his ability to make me remember what lust feels like one minute and the next to want fiercely to protect him from the big bad world. Now I just want him to know the kind of love that's worth whatever price you may ultimately have to pay.

Ana73 said...

It was not that bad seeing by yourself except some little girl was next to me telling the person that she was with everything that did not match the book til someone looked over at her to shut up.

i was wondering too how i am going to see New Moon, i actually might see it by myself again so that i am not bothered by anyone.

TwiHartRK said...

Hi DD!

Leeann - "sighing or moaning or falling out of the damned seat"

OMFG - I'm gonna be squirming in my seat the whole damn movie!! I went with another friend who is a couple years older than me and she and I were squeezing each others hands the whole time to keep from squeeing OUT LOUD. I swear people thought she was my date. I mean she was but not that kind...

WinWin said...

Lean, I agree that Rob looks are so versatile. After watching the LA hot clip today. He lloks and sounds so totally different in all his roles and watching the 8 minutes of 800 Rob pictures you can really see what a chameleon he is. He looks like a different person in a lot of the photos.

Didn't Kellan audition for Rob? I can't really picture it. I am glas that Stephenie insisted on him being Emmet. I can't imagine Henry Cavill as Edward either.

DD said...

Ok ladies. I have to confess. I saw the movie in the theatre by myself alot! Funny. I hate going to the movies by myself. But I didn't even really notice it with Twilight.

TwiHartRK said...

And nevermind NM - how the hell am I gonna watch Little Ashes without coming undone? Did you see the video w/JB?? Holy ShiZZZZZ!

DD said...

I also really hope that Rob will write and record some music. I would love to have more of his voice.

TwiHartRK said...

Haha DD - I've never wanted to watch a movie by myself but all my friends who read the book went and saw it so I had to wait until I was visiting my parents to convince a childhood friend to go with me. She didn't think it was weird - I just told her I had a crush on Rob like she used to have on Billy Idol - LMAO!

SCARLETT said...

I'm kind of afraid of the emotions in New Moon. I had to go see Twilight alone. (I was too embarrassed at my age to ask anyone to go with.) I don't think I can handle the break up scene and subsequent abandonment emo alone.

I hope that doesn't sound too pathetic.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I toast to us all!!! I'd send out the toast in Russian (cuz it sounds so boisterous!), but I can't write in cyrillic on this blog.

TwiHeart...Ummm...I'm a bit OCD...can you tell?????? :p

WinWin said...

I'm watching Bridget Jones Diary right now and as much as I love Hugh Grant, he always looks the saeme in all his movies and I can't remember him doing an American accent before. But our Rob won't have to worry about being type cast. He puts so much effort into physical appearance as well.

DD said...

Twiheart - I wasn't the only woman watching the movie by myself. I made a couple of friends because of the movie....other women there to worship his Robness!

Diane said...

I know what you mean, Scarlett, about facing the emotions in New Moon, but at least we know there will be a big pay-off. If Rob and Kristen can go around laughing and being happy after shooting the breakup scene last week, then there's hope we'll all survive it.

WinWin said...

Scarlett, my solutions was to start converting people to Robsess. I got a few of my friend s and coworkers obsessed with him. They are coming with me to see LA and we are all going to see everyone of his movies together. You have to give them a set of Twilight books and see how into the books they get and then make them watch the movie. They all fell in love with Rob right away.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - On the corner like a crack ho? LMFAO!!!!

Diane - "Now I just want him to know the kind of love that's worth whatever price you may ultimately have to pay." Wow. That's about the best wish anyone could send Rob. :)

WinWin said...

Well good night ladies!

Obviously I am not saying anything interesting tonight. No one is feeling my love tonight.

DD said...

WinWin - I totally love your recruitment plan. I got one person in my office Robsessed. Maybe I should branch out...broaden my Robsessing base!

Diane said...

I actually worry about him. Such a unique combination of talents and abilities is so rare, I'm getting darned near as paranoid as he is.

Ana73 said...

when i went to see twilight i noticed alot of dad's their with their young daughters. i am guessing it was his weekend and this is what she chose to do. like i said it was not that bad sitting alone,except for the annoying girl next to me.

my husband took my step-daughter to see selena when it first came out on his weekend way back when.

SCARLETT said...

WinWin, Thanks for the encouragement--I feel it!!

Diane said...

We're feeling your love Win - and your wisdom. I finally started trying that kind of thing too. Even got a lesbian hooked!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

WinWin - Wait!!! We totally heart you (and your recruitment plan - they probably don't even see you coming...)!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

I don't know when I'm going to get to see LA or HTB until they come out on DVD, as I live in the middle of nowhere. I should be calling the Des Moines theater for the campaign for sure, but I might have to see that alone too, as my BFF there isn't a Rob fan and probably wouldn't sit through a gay biopic! Never say never though.

WinWin, I've never seen Henry Cavill act, so I can't really say about him as Edward. Now, of course, it's impossible to see anyone else as Edward other than Rob. It's so funny how he fits the description in the book perfectly: taller, thinner and lankier than the others, beautiful face, crooked smile. And Kristen fits the physical description of Bella perfectly too.

Diane, I'm so sorry, I can't believe you lost your husband too. It's so hard to fill those kinds of holes; I think we all search for ways to do it, and we all deal with it differently. I wish I'd had the Twilight books to immerse myself in after my dad died. This will sound so goofy, but what I did a lot was watch re-runs of That 70s Show on TV every night and just laugh at the silliness of it. I was a kid in the 70s and it was a pretty happy, carefree time for me, so watching those shows just took my mind off of everything and gave me something to smile at, much like Rob's interviews did for KK.

I was going to add something else but my mind is turning to mush here this evening (and I'm not even looking at pictures of Rob!) Better sign off soon!

DD said...

I did already put in for Nov 20 off from work. I am hoping for the midnight showing of NM. If not, I will be in line really early. Better start recruiting now so we can take turns in the line. (I'm not looking forward to NM, no not much LOL)

Ana73 said...

leann - i am in the same boat, have to wait for DVD. i am in the middle of nowhere too :(

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - You're in Iowa? Where?

Ana73 - Where do you live?

WinWin said...

Thanks for the love. I heart you guys. I just went to vote on the MTV awards. I've voted about 15 times today. I guess somehow I manged to do that for ROb today. My priorities are kids/family, Rob, work and ROb. I find that I can multitask really well. I can't believe I voted so many time today, I'm 37 with 3 kids great dh and a busy marketing job and I am worried that he won't win at the MTV movie awards.

Sorry for getting mushy. After waiting all day to see the LA clipand then being so moved by the heartbreaking tension, has got me a little mushy tonight.

SCARLETT said...

Thanks to everyone tonight for the virtual shoulders and sympathetic ears, not to mention a few fist pumps!!

I wish that Rob could know how much support there is for him here. It seems like he feels so isolated and alone sometimes. If he just came here (secretly), it would just have to make him feel better, too.

Ana73 said...

KK - las cruces, new mexico

DD said...

WinWin - I think the clip had the same effect on all of us tonight.

WinWin said...

Speaking of my recruitment plan. I share with one of my close friends some sexy youtubes of Rob and she can't stop thinking about him. I even told her about this blog mentioning the possibility of Rob showing up at a Bobby Long gig this summer since (we hope) he will be filming "Remember Me" here in NY and she is so down with going with me. There is hope.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

WinWin - Yeah? I'm 38, no kids and I worry sometimes that Ted C's stupid shit blog is going to stress Rob out or hurt his feelings. GAWD, I'm mushy too! We have to worry about the little AND the big things.

DD said...

There was an article that I think Goz posted in February written by a woman named Jennifer Wood. It was titled "What is it About Edward Cullen".

The last 2 lines of the article read:

"Robert Pattinson is not Edward Cullen. But Edward got a little bit hotter because Robert Pattinson gave him a face, a body, an evilly seductive grin, and an innate shyness that he didn't have before.

So Robert, there is your answer, from one admitted TwiHard cougar who thinks you are perfect because you are not Edward Cullen, and thinks Edward Cullen is perfect because he is not anyone at all."

I couldn't have said it better myself. (since we are mushy toight)

Diane said...

Yes, Leann, as someone once said "whatever gets you through the night." The Twilight books work well in a crisis because they are essentially about feelings (and therefore difficult to translate to screen.) It's useless to argue their literary merit; they have the power, no matter how many things the author did "wrong."
It's like people I've heard criticizing Rob's features, claiming that this one or that one doesn't meet some criteria of beauty. And that's relevant, why? Put them all together and he's stunning. No need to analyze that.

Gemgirl65 said...

WinWin, I'm so slow and write way too damned much that I don't even get any comments in about anyone until 20 minutes too late! lol

I am in SE Iowa, about a 2-hour drive from Des Moines. 5 hours from Chicago or Kansas City; 6 or 7hours from Minneapolis. Middle of BF Egypt!

I have never had the great soul-mate husband love of which you speak. *sigh* Came close once, but it wasn't meant to be. This is probably why I love the Twilight books so much...I still like to dream the impossible dream. And about the break-up scene in NM? I am seriously afraid of sitting through it in public. I will be crying in the theater, and I HATE that. But there's no way I won't.

SCARLETT said...

Oh, I stopped short at the sexy Youtube comment. Any suggestions besides the kissing outtake?

WinWin said...

Leann, that crooked smile kills me evrytime. That strut into the cafe, standing in the background when Mike asks Bella to the prom. I just melt everytime. He did his homework so well. Even the pained look while dancing with her in his room and the prom kiss. There is no other taht can play Edward.

I would love to see him play Georges in Bel Ami. I hope that will happen.

You guys mentioned how he is a commitment kind of guy. I totally agree. He even mentions how he wants his luck spread out and not all at once. This statement tells me he is willing to wait fo rthe right person and not looking to conquer the world and sow his seeds. Another plus about ROb. I caought his comment aalso on Tyra about Taylors casual dating.

Diane said...

DD - yes, those were great quotes.
Win- how did you get the MTV site to let you vote more than once?
Cache dumping, or what?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - I'm in Minneapolis.

I'll be bawling through the scene when Edward leaves. Thankfully, it is nearly impossible for me to be embarrassed by anything in public. I'll be crying and whispering "f*ck off!" to any haters looking my way. I might even throw popcorn at them.

I met and fell in love with a soulmate when I was 22. Rob has said that he thinks if you find a soulmate when you're too young, you may screw it up. Well, I screwed it up big time!! I have never connected with anyone the same way since, though I have had several relationships. His sister is my very best friend in the world.

Note to everyone: When you find a soulmate (and I think there is more than one for each of us...I have to believe that or I'm f*cked), hold onto it with everything you have and treasure it above all things in your life. It ain't easy to find but so easy to lose.

Anonymous said...

I have to say something.
I got here and started reading through some of the comments. The honesty that you guys have about the trials that you've been's incredibly refreshing. This is why I love coming here. Amidst all of the dirty talk, there is heart.

I'm listening to Major Tom Coming Home, one of the most ridiculous- and greatest- songs of all time...over and over and over again. And I'm bawling my eyes out.

I love the ROBsessed ladies.

TwiHartRK said...

OMG Scarlett - you haven't Robsesed on You Tube yet?

I step away for a minute and now I'm having to catch up....

I think I got it all - what is this big thing you are talking about KK??

Hey WinWin - I was walking through the mall w/my co-worker and we saw the cut-out Edward and SHE went SCHLURP!!! Girl after my own heart. I love her but I'm not interested in Robsessing with her just yet...Well, if she's not here already ;O - go get um - no one is immune to Robness.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Bolide - I LOVE THAT SONG!!!!

DD said...

WinWin - I have a very busy professional job also. And worried all day about whether or not Rob will get enough votes to win MTV awards. Go figure. It's just part of the Robsession thing. It just feels more "normal" when we all talk about it here, than it does at work in the middle of a meeting. LOL

WinWin said...

Scarlet, don't be mad, I show her drunk Rob after VMAs and the one from TMZ about him licking costars and also the one with him smoking. SHe totally love the bad boy side of him. I had gotten her first with the GQ mag and outakes though. Then I brought it home with Tyra and Ellen show interview and all his radio interviews are hot. Don't forget the TRL appearrance too.

Ana73 said...

just curious everyone who is blogging RIGHT now just put what state you are blogging from...


Anonymous said...

KK~ I love the chorus! I've heard this song so many times before, but up until a few days ago I didnt know what it was called.

I have to thank the Lincoln MKZ commercial for, nearly, making my life complete.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

TwiHeart - You mean "big things" to worry about? My job security, going back to school, my f*cked up love life right now, when my next therapy appointment know the big-life things. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm in Pennsylvania.

WinWin said...

Diane , you have to close out the window and then go back in again.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I'm in Minnesota. And it's finally warm. Winter will be arriving again next week :P

DD said...

I am in Washington State.

Gemgirl65 said...

OMG people...there are so many great posts here and I want to comment on them all and I can't! Overload! lol

WinWin and KK - LOL about voting for Rob and worrying about Rob being as high on the priority list as, ya know, life. I tend to even put life on hold while I sit here typing. Not returning phone calls or emails, not going for a walk (I really did intend to!)...then again, I am prone to procrastination, so this makes a (not very good) excuse.

DD, love that quote! Fabulous.

Diane, ITA with everything you said about the power of the books beyond their questionable literary merit, and the power of Rob beyond his perfectly imperfect looks.

I AM a crack ho. Robward is the crack, and Twilight books are the pipe. Is that right? Or the other way around? Midnight Sun is like a pure, uncut highgrade speedball of pure Edward unfettered by the filter of Bella. Lord I wish SM would finish that book. I'd devour all 10,000 pages of Edward's neurotic POV of all 4 book as quick as Jasper'd suck on a paper cut.

WinWin said...

DD, it was amazing all the work I got accomplished even with all the voting. lol

Ana73, I'm in NY.

Diane said...

KK- you're so right about the meeting too young thing. We were 21 and spent 3 years trying to stay away from each other by locating on opposite coasts, etc, because neither of us planned to get married that young. We finally just gave up because nothing meant anything without the other one to share it with. It worked fine, but I hope Rob doesn't run across anyone special till he's older, and I hope you have another brush with fate soon - it's always when you're least expecting it.

Diane said...


SCARLETT said...

Yee-haw! I'm in Texas!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - If you like neurotic, completely OCD Edward, you HAVE to read the ff "Cullenary Coupling." In my opinion, this is the definitive neurotic Edward ff.

WinWin said...

I'm even excited about his birthday , like he was one of my kids or my DH. I was thinkign the other day that a Kindle would be aperfect gift for him. He can carry around 100 books easily.

TwiHartRK said...

I'm in Portland and still bitter that Rob isn't here in my beautiful city. NOT saying I would go stalker but something about it would make me smile...

KK - I was thinking Rob's anatomy - but shit - those are big things...I guess we all have our crosses...Thinking of you bb.

DD said...

Leann - You are too much. If only we could have the whole saga from Edward's POV! All would be well with the world!

WinWin - I will work on my multi-tasking skills!

Gemgirl65 said...

Bolide! *smooches*

Are you talking about David Bowie or am I having a brain fart?

WinWin said...

Thanks for listening to me rant tonight ladies. Gotta go get some sleep. Great big hugs and kissed to you all. I heart you guys. Sweet Rob Dreams!!! catch you guys tomorrow.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

TwiHeart - I don't want to think of my big things. I do, however, want to think of the big thing you mentioned (wink). MUCH better :)

DD said...

Hey Twiheart - I am about 2 hours from Portland. Love to spend the day at Powell's.

Ana73 said...

well i am going to sleep now, loved blogging with you all. that was great to see where everyone is from. literally all across the U.S., ROB is so loved.

Anonymous said...

Leann~ Hi sweetie!
It's the same character, but Peter Schilling sings this song. :)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

G'night WinWin! Sweet dreams!

Anonymous said...

You're going to listen to that song and say, "Whaaat? What is wrong with this girl?"

Yes, I tear.

SCARLETT said...

About soulmates--I met my sweetie when we returned to our 30th (yes, that is right, no typo) high school reunion. We never dated in high school (except to go to the prom as friends) although we were close buddies. Then, WHAM! We dated a year, got married, and he move to my city. We had seven wonderful years together before he passed away very suddenly (hence my NM angst).

He was so much like Rob that it literally takes my breath away sometimes. Tall, lanky, a little widow's peak, long slender fingers, a killer sense of humor, need I say more...sigh.

DD said...

Nite WinWin Have sweet Robdreams

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Night Ana73!

Peter Schilling's response to Bowie's cool song from the 80s. I used to play this one loud. In fact, I'm gonna download it onto my MP3 player before I go to bed :)

TwiHartRK said...

Leeann is on FIRE tonight - better to light the pipe with bb

"Midnight Sun is like a pure, uncut highgrade speedball of pure Edward unfettered by the filter of Bella."

cheers to the TwiCrack addicts. I think Rob IS THE pipe tho... :O

Gemgirl65 said...

G-night Win and Ana!

I am in Iowa. Shoot me please. LMAO at your winter comment, KK. And if you don't stop trying to get me to read ff, I WILL drive all the way up there to smack you. ;) (Is he reeeallly neurotic? 'Cause Edward's POV is fascinating to me. Much like watching him sleep would be.)

Also LMAO at Peter Schilling, totally forgot this existed!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Scarlett - You know, the love I'm talking about had so much in common with Rob, too. Tall and lanky, similar-colored eyes, a bit awkward, super intelligent, long piano fingers plus played the piano beautifully, amazing sense of humor...crap...I didn't really put this all together until right now. Hmmmmmm....

Anonymous said...

KK~ We're on the same page. ;)

Leann~ I hope that MS is actually published. I really enjoyed seeing all of the situations from Edward's perspective. And I love the way that he sees Bella. And how obsessed he is with her.

I wish someone would oil my window and sneak in while I'm sleeping...

TwiHartRK said...

Night WinWin and Ana! Sweet Rob dreams to you both!

WinWin said...

Before I go,

Twiheart - I only shared my love of Rob "big" things with one of my friends and she is very impressed with him *wink*. We love talking about his assets togther. She gets me.

oxox to all

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - This Edward is so neurotic that reading this ff may kill you! There is a chapter where he germ-proofs Bella's house so she won't get more sick than she I laughed so hard, I thought I would puke. The whole chunk of chapters titled "Heart of Darkness" are like this. Seriously...he even has two parts of his personality - the monster (who is hilarious) and the saint (Starched-shirt Edward - more hilarious) who he communicates with in his own head. Read it!!!! You're close enough to me that I may have to drive down with a printed copy in my hand!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Goodnight, WinWin and Ana!

DD said...

G'nite ladies - thanks for the great robsessing. This blog is the best.

Diane said...

Leann, I totally get your resistance to ff, but I didn't catch whether you've read Midnight Sun - or what there is of it.

Gemgirl65 said...

Scarlett, I love that story! Last August I was at my 25th reunion, and "the one that got away," who is seemingly happily married with two lovely kids, informed me that he always wished he'd pursued me more after high school, and that every time he sees me he wonders "what if," and that he looks forward to a particular art show that we both attend every year because he knows he will see me there.


I was traumatized for a month. Fine time for him to bare his feelings, when it can go nowhere. He's nothing like Rob, BTW. Tall, outgoing, burly, athlete with perfect straight teeth and hazel eyes. He was never my type physically, which is probably why I didn't pursue him either...apparently it wasn't meant to be.

Sorry I went so OT there!

Diane said...

Leann - no, that's not OT.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Oh boy. Don't you love when someone spouts something like this off to you? You hear it and then it's like "What the f*ck am I supposed to do with this now?????"

My former love is married, no kids. Things aren't all rosy there either (like I said, his sister is my very best "friend" soulmate). I've mentioned on this site before that the woman looks just like me. Plus, my friend is forbidden to say my name around her. It's been a few years, lady...what is your problem with me???

TwiHartRK said...

"Kellan will Crash in Rob's Room" New Post - fyi...
And break me off a piece of that title please? Imma go check it.

Leeann & KK - whoa - that's I have to say about that...

Gemgirl65 said...

G'night DD! Sweet Robdreams!

Yes, Diane, I have read what there is of Midnight Sun, twice. Every time I start reading it, I finish it in about two sittings because I cannot. stop. reading. Edward is so internalized and so uber-analytical that, if he weren't constantly trying to keep himself from killing Bella and Mike, he would really be a Big Girl.

Oh crap, KK. You're really wanting to make me read that whatever it was Cullen ff thingy. Schizophrenic Edward talking to himself sounds right up my alley.

Unknown said...

alie!! kk!!

diane :) leann :) boli :)

how is everyone tonight? late night?

Diane said...

LOL - oh, THAT Edward Cullen. Someone said that you might thing Rob was overacting in those first scenes if you didn't know he'd been studying Midnight Sun. I'm mean, without MS, nobody's really going to get how really, really much he wants to kill Bella.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Read it. REad it. REAd it. READ it. READ It. READ IT. READ IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Read it.

Read it. (I've got the link...said while dangling the carrot in front of Leann...and yes, Rob microwaved this carrot himself).

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30!!! I just sent you an email like 2 minutes ago.

Diane said...

Well, now I can't write either without typoing merrily along. It's hard to keep up. Hey, 30 - Big News! We've decided we really like that guy - what's his name? - you know, the one that played Edward in that movie.

Gemgirl65 said...

Geezus H, KK! "What the f*ck am I supposed to do with this now???" is what I journaled to myself and ranted to my friends for over a month! GAH! I cried every day for 40 days--I started counting--because I was so confounded by the whole thing.

Hmmm, you're in a prickly situation there...he's married his substitute, and you never know how that will end up. And yet you can't live your life waiting around in case things might go sour either. Men, feck 'em all!

Except Rob! No, especially Rob! We all want to feck the heck out of Rob.

Gosh, do you think all the skeletons flyin' out here tonight might be a reason why we're obsessing on some celeb for awhile?...naw....surely not. ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Diane - Yeah...wasn't his name Blob? No Rob...Patterson...Pattingson...

Anonymous said...

Hi ts!

KK~ I went from teary-eyed to LMAO in a matter of 2.4 seconds.

TwiHartRK said...

Hey TS - Diane. I think you're right and that was part of the problem I had with this movie. All of the MS was Edward's inner dialogue. Because he NEVER would have outwardly shown his aggression towards her like he did in the film. God him dragging Bella through the forest - um, Edward would have ripped her arm off doing that?!?!? Sooooo OOC.

OH please someone stop me before I go off about this trainwreck of a movie...I can't believe I get so pissed still. Yes I've watched it so many times. Some of the visuals match (Rob, Rob and Rob) but the rest was meh...

Unknown said...

kk: wow we're getting better aren't we??? i'll check it before i go to bed ;)

diane: oh? did i hit the wrong site...? i thought i was here to obsess over zac efron?

*ducks and hides*

Diane said...

OOC - is that out of character? There's so many terms flying around of which I am atrociously ignorant. Like what' olive juice?

Gemgirl65 said...

TS darlin'! *smooches*

We're all talking about our deepest, darkest places and how Rob soothes our souls. :) Oh yeah and how he's hot and stuff.

Diane, I'm so with you on the "Rob as Edward" in those first scenes...if you've read MS, they make perfect sense. If you don't know what's going on, you're like, Did that dude just sit on a box of thumbtacks?

TwiHartRK said...

Wait, who'd I miss saying g'night to?

WinWin Ana and DD.

LeeAnn - take a hit come on. Try it you'll like it...

I lost my FF virginity to Wide Awake. That seems to be where it starts for a lot of us.

Diane said...

30 - you best be ducking. I saw you wearing that Team Zac t-shirt.

Gemgirl65 said...

*am Buggs Bunny, resisting the dangling carrot in the space ship*

*wait, Rob microwaved it for me?*


Diane said...

Leann - or jizz in his pants. Have you seen that video - freakin' hilarious and I hold Twilight to be darned near sacred.

TwiHartRK said...

LMAO Leeann!!! One of my favorite Rob useless facts...

I get the MS him hating on her in the beginning but once they started talking it got so convoluted and OOC. And it didn't go along with the book at all. I mean if he doesn't say I love you at least ONCE in NM I don't know what I'll do!

Unknown said...

diane: so busted... i also love joe jonas... and have posters of him in my bedroom

leann: just do it!

TwiHartRK said...

Sorry Diane - yep, out of character from canon Edward.

Diane said...

Hmm. Rob's fall-back position, instead of music, could be microwaved veggies. He's got the carrot thing down. Can a broccoli floret be far behind?

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, I'm holding out for a more ecstatic look than that should Edward ever jizz anywhere onscreen in a theater near me.

Twi, I know...but at least they cut the scene where Bella's all "bite my finger" and Beavis, er, Robward is all "really? huh-uh-huh-huh! CHOMP"

good lord.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

TwiHeart - I totally agree about Edward showing his aggression to Bella. Dragging her through the forest??? Please.

I've always been nervous about saying this, but I didn't like Twilight when I saw it the first time (liked Rob, of course, and a few other things).

I mean, that whole scene in Biology was just lost. Edward was desperately trying to think of how he would slaughter every single person in that room in minutes giving just enough time for Bella's blood to cool. much more could've been done. I think Rob had the right idea going in. Too bad it got squashed.

Diane said...

Yes, 30, but did you f**k Joe Jonas?

Anonymous said...

I missed the character development in the movie. I didn't understand the need for things such as helicopter shoots, when there was so much emotion which could've been the focus.

Please don't shoot me, guys.

I lovvve my PattyPattz.

Gemgirl65 said...

TS, I fucked Joe Jonas. *laughs*

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Read it.

Diane said...

Leann - yeah, I think that's called "coming soon to a theater near you."

Diane said...

KK - Don't you mean "read it - out loud."?

TwiHartRK said...

You mean KStew's favorite scene - the finger biting?? My favorite scene was them in the rain - sigh...Robward with rain dripping off of him...

GAH - more romance DAMNIT - MORE! It's why we loved the book! It's why we love E&B - throw in whatever you want for effect but the romance is what made the story great...

30S - well all roads lead back to Rob and he has fucked JJ.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - CHOMP! Don't even get me started on that one. I know it was an adlib, but seriously...I have this bloodlust that may cause me to kill you at any moment but, heh heh, let me take a little bite of your finger to catch a little taste. Mmmm...that was delicious and...CHOMP!!! Time for your change, Bella, and we're not even half way through the damn movie yet.

Unknown said...

oh i totally fucked joe jonas... i love him

and to tell the truth... i didn't like twilight the first time i saw it... i spent the entire movie comparing it to the book and came out uber disappointed. i loved rob though!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - You don't know how long I've waited for read "Cullenary Coupling."

Anonymous said...

TH~ Exactly.


Gemgirl65 said...

Diane, do you think Rob eats Green Stuff? We might have to start small here, like a green jelly bean, or a guacamole Dorito.

Most people I know were disappointed in the movie if they'd read the books first. Oddly enough, I wasn't too perturbed by the fact that it was very different, and nowhere near as emotionally involved as the books. I didn't expect much from it, frankly, and was actually pleasantly surprised that they captured the overall mood and feel of the book.

Or maybe I was just blinded by Robward to the point of mental impairment.

Diane said...

Worse than the chomping scene (very OOC - yay, I'm catching on) was the people who thought it should have been in the movie! Then there was Rob's convoluted improv about "don't go into the woods alone - especially without me." Say what, now? Or the line about "fragile human." Impeccable American accent; British pronunciation of "fragile."

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

TwiHeart - My favorite scene??? At prom...he kisses her and his face shows his struggle to balance the love and the bloodlust.

Tenneil said...

carrot...his holy wetness... what else are we talking about here...
hey ladies....WINKS

Gemgirl65 said...

KK - read what?


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - You are very, very naughty.

TwiHartRK said...

KK - don't be nervous about admitting that here!!! There are too many things wrong that movie to name - and that's coming form someone who admits to watching it 50 times. Again, it's the cinematography...pfft. NO IT'S CUZ I WANNA OGLE ROBWARD AND PRETEND THAT IT CAPTURES SOME INKLING OF THE ROMANCE IN THE BOOK.

*deep breath* See now I'm shouting. Can you tell I'm still bitter??

Anonymous said...

KK~ I love his mouth twitch in the bedroom scene. Before he pounces on her.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - Just answer these questions to catch up...

Have you ever loved and lost a soulmate?

Do you know who Rob Pattinson is?

How familiar are you with Peter Schilling's 80s hit "Major Tom Coming Home?"

What did you think of the finger biting extra in Twilight?

What did you dislike about the movie Twilight?

Should Leann read ff?

Tenneil said...

Hey leann, ts, twi, kk.... ladies jumping right in to all this hotness *fans self*

Diane said...

Leann - I had the same reaction to the movie. I'm actually quite fond of it now, and of course you're right about Rob and green things. Bet he has a moldy Cheeto somewhere that would do for starters - unless FEMA gets to his disaster of a hotel room first.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

TwiHeart - I can't tell you're still all... :P I'm pretty bitter about a lot of it, too to tell you THE DAMN TRUTH!! LET'S ALL YELL NOW!!

Diane said...

Not so loud, you'll wake my PE.

Tenneil said...

Have you ever loved and lost a soulmate? NO... not in death

Do you know who Rob Pattinson is? well id like to think so.. but prolly not really

How familiar are you with Peter Schilling's 80s hit "Major Tom Coming Home?" HUH??

What did you think of the finger biting extra in Twilight? holy mother of fuck...

What did you dislike about the movie Twilight? hold on spider monkey... I mean WTF

Should Leann read ff? YES

I think I answered all of them
how did I do??

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Diane - Your PE is gone, honey. He's hanging out with my Jean Luc Picard.

Unknown said...

hey t :)


the answer to should leann read ff? YES... omg YES

Diane said...

KK - OMG they must have seen an advanced screening of Little Ashes.

Anonymous said...

4, 3, 2, 1!!

Gemgirl65 said...

KK, LMFAO at your synopsis for Tenneil...brill!

Tenneil, bless you, you picked up on the carrot out of all this mess and ran with it. We've all fecked Joe Jonas, too, so you'd better get in line, you don't wanna be left out.

Diane, I'm starting to think we share a brain. Well, the parts that I'm not sharing with KK, and bolide (the lip-twitch *SWOON* alone redeems every craptastic moment of Twilight,)and TwiHeart, and everyone else on here....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - You're up to date. I'm giving you extra points for your answer to the "What did you dislike about the movie Twilight?" question. I mean really...spider-effing-monkey...WHAT?

TwiHartRK said...

LMAO @ Leeann and green things - and Diane's PE.


Oh sorry I guess I can stop yelling. Sorry PE...Diane just give him his binkey and he'll go back to sleep on his own ; )

Tenneil said...

KK thanks for the recap...

TS what up girl

PE is hanging with startrek now... talk about the dark side

Anonymous said...




Gemgirl65 said...

Diane "Bet he has a moldy Cheeto somewhere that would do for starters - unless FEMA gets to his disaster of a hotel room first."

*dies laughing*

I am died.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Diane - They totally saw LA. Now they're drinking Heinekens with their hoodies pulled up.

Gemgirl65 said...

Are PE and Jean-Luc re-enacting scenes from Little Ashes?

Tenneil said...

KK ~ I know that line puts me over VERY TIME......AAAAAHHHHHH

Fecked JJ uuuummmm speechless you have made me who gets his ring??

~KY~ said...

ladies! *squeeee*

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - No, now they're getting chased down an alley by some Bratz girls.

Unknown said...

jean-luc is effing pe now? holy shit... my pe is tucked dali in the mirror...haha

Diane said...

Yes, but Jean-Luc is going mad, mad do you hear? trying to get PE out of his little peacoat.

Tenneil said...

TS~ lmfao..."tucked"

Tenneil said...

Hey KY~

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - No one said they are actually doing it. All we have is a Barbie doll who claims she SAW them doing it. You better go check out eonline to get your facts straight.

Unknown said...

ky ;) 'sup girl? you on your phone or the

TwiHartRK said...

hahahahahaha - Spider Monkey was ALL Rob! CH said he picked that line...
**STOOOOOOPID** It was probably his nickname for KStew after having him on his back all the time. I wanna ride Robward!!!

Thanks Bol!!

Diane said...

That was not Barbie - that was Ted C!

~KY~ said...

puter for now

Mechevpao said...

oh, I enjoyed reading your conversation tonight, there were great stories shared... I hd to study and missed the chat :(

Tenneil said...

KK~ roflmao....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Twiheart - Okay let's add that to Rob's list of flaws.

1. Spidermonkey adlib.

Yup...that's as far as that list goes.

Gemgirl65 said...

KRISTEN! *smooches*

I am so free with the smooches tonight. Must have been all that LA earlier today.

KK, you are seriously killing me tonight. Oops, am already died.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I just saw "pea coat."

I don't understand why Robert hates it so much.

Robbie, honey, they wore pea coats in Alcatraz. Channel your inner bad-ass.

End rant.

TwiHartRK said...

KY!!! I didn't see you there! Hey girl how you feelin' tonight? Slippery?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - The Egyptians took the Book of the Dead into the afterlife. You, however, need to take ff with you to show you the way.

Tenneil said...

Twi~ I know I remember that now...I forgot... sprry Rob but that line KILLS me everytime...its not right..
did you say riding ROB... hmmm like the sound of that

Unknown said...

kk: was barbie a reliable source? or lainey doll???

and i tried to get pe out of his little peacoat too... not gonn lie hahaha

Mechevpao said...

ohh now you talking all the bad things in the movie uh?? hehehe

TwiHartRK said...

And by "riding" I mean on his back through the trees - isn't that what the kids are calling it these days?

KK - LMAO at ff into the afterlife!! It's going in my will...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - I think so because when I caught up with her, she had a pic of Jean Luc and PE that had been photoshopped to show a large, amorphous, black blob covering PE. It looks legit.

Unknown said...

alie and t... riding rob? ummm yeah

kk: you ff pusher... i LOVE it!!!

leann: cave to the peer pressure... don't say no!

Gemgirl65 said...

I love pea coats. I love the way Rob says "pea coat." And "sculpted." And "belly hair." And "glitter glue." And "coccyx."

Wait, I said all this the other night.

Fess up, everyone who has a PE: have you dressed and undressed it dozens of times, and fondled its plastic peen?

Mechevpao said...

now.. WOW.. riding Rob, that is a topic to chat seriously

Tenneil said...

Twi... "iam down with the kids"

KK ~ seriously you are no fire tonight.... your killing me... LOL

Diane said...

Gosh, Twi, you must be down with the kids.

TwiHartRK said...

Yep, Ted C.'s source is Barbie. And PE, and CO Robward, and his dog, and all the other "peeps in the know"! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Hey Mech- we're still here...

KK - I seriously can't think of anything else to add - his quirks are too endearing. I was gonna say he smells bad but we won't go there...

Tenneil said...

sorry KK that was on not no...LOL\getting tired

Diane said...

He had a plastic peen!?! Jean-Luc, get back here with that - now!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - When did Rob say "coccyx"?

Unknown said...

leann: don't forget book and body and literally and... sex

kk: i have tears....lmfao

Gemgirl65 said...

Hi Mechevpao--we are tackling all sorts of serious topics here, since we can't actually tackle Rob himself.

Mechevpao said...

Hi Twiheart..

mmm what is a peen? I´m afraid to ask haha

Unknown said...

kk: he said it during the commentary

Tenneil said...

PE stayed caged for long time... I took him out... we even did a dossier photo shoot... damn that pea coat wouldnt come off to put a wife beater on... sad,, I know me too... but turned out lovely...the camera really loves PE...

I have not fonded mine...

Gemgirl65 said...

KK, on the commentary, during the crash scene, Rob mentions that he threw down Kristen's stunt double and broke her coccyx.

Where do I sign up for that?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yes, what is a "peen" TwiHeart????? (wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

~KY~ said...

hello to ALL! =)

always slippery at the rob site twi and it aint from ky babe...

hey if any of you have a FB that aint on my friends yet hit me up on my email k..

Diane said...

As in breaking that of Kristen's stunt double. Smooth move, superhero.

TwiHartRK said...

Mech - You don't know what

ROTFL at Jean Luc stealing PE's peen-is.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I haven't listened to the commentary yet. Have to wait until the school year is over so I can lock myself in to watch and recover.

Mechevpao said...

HI Lean.. Hi all ;)

Ohh and not breaking the coccyx, not like he broke the stunt´s at least hahaha

Unknown said...

kk: so ted c has a talking donkey? wow

t: my pe stayed in his cage for a long time too... then he watched twilight with me and went to an open mic night and a few other places as well... hi, my names 30something and i still play with dolls

Gemgirl65 said...

Seriously, KK, get your TwiDVD now and listen to Rob say "she broke her coccyx." It's eerily sexy. I can't imagine why.

You can send me a link, but I make no promises.

Tenneil said...

KK~ you must listen to it / watch it with earphones on ... I promise you will need days to recover...

TwiHartRK said...

KK - have you listened to the commentary?? The whole thing? YOU would love it!

I wanna add the way Rob says "bouffant" to that list Leeann.

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