The film is based on a screenplay by Madeline Stowe. She was originally slated to star in the project. Variety described the film:
She [Stowe] would have played a woman (now to be played by Weisz) whose husband is killed and her two children kidnapped by a Comanche war party in 1859. She is rescued by a frontiersman, to be played by Jackman. Pattinson will play the son.
Please keep in mind that we do not have official confirmation from anyone on Rob’s team that he has signed officially for the project. Variety does tend to be accurate, however, and Hugh Jackman was asked about Rob playing the role and seemed to confirm it as well. Once again, this article is based on information from the original script. Details, names, and plot points can change substantially during the pre-production and filming process. And since we do not wish to spoil the movie, we’re keeping this to some pretty basic information at this time, and limiting the information to Rob’s character only.
Well, with the disclaimers out of the way, let’s take a short look at Robert Pattinson’s role in “The Unbound Captives”.
Character Name: PHINEAS
*The character is shown first at age 10, then again at approximately 17
*As indicated in information published on the internet, Phineas was kidnapped as a child and assimilated in a Comanche tribe.
*Phineas (all descriptions here are of the character at age 17) is described as having long hair and pierced ears, presumably in the 19th-century Comanche style.
*Virtually all of his lines are in Comanche.*The character’s Comanche name is Tsomo, which means “bead”.
*Yes, he rides a horse…bareback. He rides quite a bit, actually.
*Although the character does have a few flirtatious scenes, this is not a romantic-type role.
* The older Phineas is in the latter parts of the script, perhaps the last third. It is definitely a supporting role.
* Our source describes the character like this: “Phineas is pretty fierce. He’s been raised as a warrior. He can be silent and standoffish, but he can throw a bit of a fit, too.”
That’s a pretty basic character breakdown. Our source felt that the role was definitely a different one for Rob and would be physical, challenging and complex.
Source-Pattinson Anonymous
This all sounds incredible. I love that this will be such a vast departure from twilight. Great move on Rob & his management's part!
wow RTP as a native amer. i am loving this, dark hair earring whoa.
Physically challenging? Requiring Rob to be athletic? I hope the filmmakers are planning on doing a lot of edits (kind of like in the baseball scenes of "Twilight"). No disrespect of Rob intended. I think it is endearing that he is not the athletic type. At least we know he's going to be staying in top-notch shape. That's good for all of us!!!!!!!!!!
Okay...I'm soooooo not supposed to be on here right now. Am trying to be productive today....really.
Can Rob play a 17-year-old?.. He looks more like 27 to me! That said - sounds HOT.
If all goes well, this should be a good move for RP... provided the storyline stays strong and MS gives good direction. I foresee lots of good mother/son relationship building perhaps... I'm sure he'll be glad to get out of the "romantic lead" dept. for a bit. Also playing some sort of physical warrior role should help him further develop his physique which is going to be a must for his future success. I think he has it in him... it just needs to be drawn out... by the right people.
I guess where gonna get to see him with a spray on tan, huh?
Good luck Rob... we're rooting for you!
I mean we're gonna see him with a spray on tan.... oops!
Can't wait to see him flex his acting chops some more...well I like to see him flex anything.
Watched the Haunted Airman a few times this week and BMHB. I am very convinced that he is just a the beginning of a long and satisfying career. He's good plain and simple.
Now for more drooling..I hope this means less clothes and more brooding, I love when he gets intimadating. My fav scene in Twilight was when he saved Bella from the Port Angeles bad guys. He really did look fierce to me.
KK-So glad to see you though, your one of my favorite Robsessed people.I love to read your posts even if I can't always respond.
You crack me up or make me think, I love it when you defend the site from stupid people.
RPaddict - {hugs for you!} Thanks! You are so right about less clothes. If he has been raised by native americans during the 1800s, it's likely his character goes shirtless some/a lot of the time. Oh boy...this could be hella good...How am I supposed to get anything done today when you are planting these delicious ideas in my brain?????? :D
Oh...and I appreciate you being glad when I try to defend the site from speculators. I mean, does it matter who he is dating/sleeping with??? There are much more interesting speculations to be made about Rob:
1. Will he don a tux at Cannes?
2. Will he go shirtless for "Unbound Captives?"
3. Will he have some schmexy scenes in "Remember Me?"
4. Does he ever read our comments here? :)
Neither Rob will always be seventeen years, not the looks or age Weigh has to be your mother, no I like X-men are not actor, handsome
I think that when Rob said he had no work and now They everyone wants fame,
I prefer DUNE
he left interesting article.
10. Unbound Captives - Pretty good script, Madeleine Stowe has obviously put a lot of time, energy and thought into it. Still... can't fathom why Fox would want to put $5 million dollars for it? It's not that good. (Oh, and Robert Pattinson is all wrong for the role of the son - note to casting director : go watch ‘Heath Ledger in The Patriot' and recast the role). I also don't understand why Stowe can't play the female lead - she's not that old, and quite frankly, I think she's still an out-and-out fox. But what do I know? I work on the Internet.
Until next time, 'Caffeinated' Clint
Hahaha.. KK you made me laugh with your comment about his physicality.. he has admitted himself he is not and action star.
I like this departure with the character from Twilight, very different… it is good that he is not only choosing leads role, but also supporting roles, many actors have benefited them self playing supporting roles (Penelope Cruz for example managed to steel a movie and get an oscar doing supporting role)
I hope there will be confirmation about his from Rob himself or his management team.
Thanks a lot for this info!!
Mechevpao - Agreed. Sometimes the supporting roles are juicier than the leading roles.
I cant wait...regardless....
This sounds great! A very dfferent role for Rob to play. Thanks for posting this, it's very interesting to read. Looking forward to seeing a feirce rob riding bareback :)
P.S. Phineas is a strange/intersting name. I was looking at it and couldn't help but notice that Phineas is an anagram for "Penis ha!" hehe :)
May 13, 2009 9:39 PM
Carson Reeves said...
Yes, I understand that it smells fishy to some. I'm sure if indeed there are some tall tales being told here, we'll hear about them soon. Either way, it worked. It got me to read a script that otherwise would've been discarded as "Madeline Stowe's first directing vehicle." Definitely helps that the hottest actor in Hollywood is attached though.
May 13, 2009 10:40 PM
Carson Reeves said...
Hmm, I wonder if Parents Weekend is in our future. It very well might be.
May 13, 2009 10:40 PM
y8lotus said...
There is too much hype around Pattinson. I didn't even think Twilight was so spectacular--at least not enough to warrent the fallout it's gotten (weak dialogue in my opinion, it worked better in the book, but the teeny-boppers are happy). I have to admit, though-- if he weren't attached to this film, how long would it have been before we'd heard anything of it?
May 13, 2009 10:52 PM
Carson Reeves said...
Exactly. They're paying more for the heat the actor gives them than the actor himself. It's so hard to get a film into production. Getting the hottest actor in HW guarantees the project will move.
May 13, 2009 11:07 PM
Anonymous said...
I think you can post the script. It's been around for 16 years! This thing has been floating around a bit since Gil Netter came up with the genius idea to get Stowe to direct. They had to send it out to attach the cast. I heard the story a little bit different than was reported, a friend told me Stowe did get paid (I don't know if it was the whole $5 mil, but still a lot) but she was attached to star as she wanted and that was what kept it from getting the green light back in the day. Time passed, it went into turn around and Gil Netter came up with a great plan to put move her behind the camera.
May 13, 2009 11:41 PM
Anonymous said...
Look I thought Stowe was a good sexy actress in her heyday, but lets face it she's no Costner. She's going the Costner route here of trying to prove she can create a masterpiece her first time behind camera. And who knows she might be able too with a good DP. But I don't see it happening, why? Because Hugh Jackman is so wrong for the role of a frontier man. Hugh might be a nice guy but his acting range is limited in my book.
Hey KK... I am here just for a sec... but good afternoon...
Tenneil - HI!!!! I was just going to be here for a second...Good Lord, this site is so addicting!!
Shirtless, bareback horse-riding Rob with longer hair...My brain is officially mush.
Why is he being cast as a 17 year old?
yum! half-naked, earpierced, long hair Rob on horse. I was so picturing cowboy. maybe a bath scene in the lake? flirty, too. thia just keeps getting better and better. I'm ok with a support role for him. I don't want him to have the pressure to carry a big studio film yet. let him ease into it with a few more credits under his belt.
this mother/son relationship makes me think of Vanity fair.
Thanks Gozde for always thinking of us.
I just had another vision. Can you imagine how awesome Rob would look with his height as well? and the long legs...
Hi everyone!
WinWin - Hi!!! Just so you know...you are killing me with your observations about frontier Rob...:D
This is my great grandfather's story or is like it. His father was kidnapped by Cherokee, then, my greatgrand father was 1/2 Cherokee and lived as one until he "became" white to escape the trail of tears, so to speak, married another half or more, blood, woman, my great grandmother who both disclaimed any blood to escape the insults.
Rob will be perfect as he has the "look" needed. He plays 17 in Twilight, remember.
I've never cared for Westerns, but I might just get converted...
KK and WinWin you're painting some stunning visuals there.
Jalarag - I normally can't stand western-style movies (with the exception of "Dances with Wolves." I'm openminded and can make an exception for Rob and Hugh...it will be torture, but I'll find a way...;)
Rob played 17 in Twilight, but that was a year ago, and he was already looking too old. I'm a bit concerned with this age thing... Although they did cast him before he hit it big, so I guess they really thought he was right for the part. Who knows.
I don't know how reliable this is, but according to E! News (aired sometime last week), Rob and Hugh's reps have confirmed that they have both signed on for this project.
I am also very intrigued to see Rob as a Comanche Warrior.
It's so cool that we will see Rob not only in Twilight sequals. Can't wait!!
BI - I just left you a comment on the Frank Sinatra thread.
Are you having trouble creating a login account on Twilighted? Let me know.
KK - I admire your sense of self-sacrifice.
BTW, I thought you were only here for a second.
But I understand. Every day I promise myself I'm staying away from here because there are so many things I'm supposed to be doing that just aren't getting done.
*sigh* It's a hopeless situation.
"assimilated in a Comanche tribe" ouhlala!!! can't wait to see that ;)
Hmm - well, I didn't think it could work at all when I heard he was playing a "captive," cause who has time to shave when they're being held prisoner, and once he starts rocking the scruff it's goodbye teenager. (BTW, I nominate that as the longest run-on sentence today.)
On the other hand, if at this point in his captivity he's gone native, Camanches are clean-shaven, so the problem disappears. Here all I wanted was for Rob to speak French. He always goes above and beyond.
KK, the visuals are killing me too.
what kind of accent does this role require? Kidnapped at ten, then only Comanche until 17? I love Rob's voice and can't figure what kind of accent he has to pull?
Uhmmm... am I the only one that has a HUGE problem with this role? He's being pigeonholed! Hollywood is trying to capitalize on what they believe his target audience to be - teenyboppers!
A 17 year old??!?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Rob, please, turn this role down. For all that's holy. You're a man, not a boy. How in the HELL are they going to make a mature-looking 23 yr old into a believable 17 yr old? He doesn't even look 17 as Edward.
Gah! Sorry ladies, I hate this. Nothing hot about a 17 yr old.
From ScriptShadow blog site where the script was recently reviewed:
"As far as the other roles it has a half-naked part for Robert Pattison which will please the Twilight fans. He flirts with the only pretty girl around and gets a sponge bath when he's injured."
Blech, it's a bullshit kid role. Not a role for a serious actor.
as much as I'd love to watch Rob along with Jackman in one movie ... I still cannot imagine Rob in this role, as it's been written , not at all
One last rant and i'll shut up - it's like a reprisal of that awful dragon movie - boy warrior, not yet grown, standing in the shadow of the strong male lead.
Rob, turn it down for crissakes!
there are suppose to be 2 sons ... what about the other one ? younger ? is it sure that Rob is meant to play that 17yo ? why not Stove herself playing ?? Rob looks more mature than 23 to me, let alone 17,
sacre bleu ... I'd better be wrong
Lizalou - I don't think there's much in common between an accultured Comanche warrior and an enamoured vampire. His role in UC is not even romantic, apparently, which is great.
However, I am also a bit worried about the 17-year-old thing. I just don't think Rob is belieavable as a teenager.
Either way, Rob half-naked, riding a horse: surely nothing can go horribly wrong with that?!.. I hope not anyway!!
KK- Your welcome I'm not so good at the defense thing and sometimes Goz and Dani need a hand.
Not to sure about the pigion hole comment.
He's not playing a seventeen year old in Remember Me. I believe it said that he was starting out at 17in the description and the story would continue on from there.I could be wrong.
I just think that it's still a versitile and different role for him to tackle.I think it will be good for him,also getting to play opposite Hugh Jackman who is a very recognizable actor, that certanly won't hurt.
No offense ment just my thoughts.
KK; It's a long story, but in short, I can't create a log in for Twilighted. It tells me one of my email address' is not the right format?? And when I use my other email address it tells me I already have an account (which I do), but it won't recongize the password they sent me!!! It's really frustrating. Up until there's only been one story I wanted to read and I was able to find it on FF.
I have a friend reading CC and she's been telling me about it and Im kind of intrigued to see where it goes. I was hoping it might be posted elsewhere, in case I wanted to read it.
Whew... that was long winded.
One more thing, if he chooses to do it,maybe it's because he liked the role and the script. Who knows what he's really thinking.The role could be a challenge and risk he wants to take. I don't know..but I'm willing to support whatever movie he decides to do as I'm sure everyone else is despite differing points of view.
You all are great fans.
LittleBear, I agree, he'll look hot no matter what. And if allow the superficial side of me to control - i'm thrilled with this role for him.
But that's not why i'm really drawn to him anyway. It's the depth of character and intelligence that grab me - not just that fantastic jawline ;). If I met him and he turned out to be a total dick, the spell would be broken completely for me regardless of his good looks.
But anyway, with regard to this role, I don't think playing a kid is an intelligent move. It appeals to the sort of audience that reads Tigerbeat and hangs posters on their wall. And it falls in line with Cedric Diggory, that horrible dragon movie character and then Edward. All teenagers. Hell, even Dali was only 18 in the Little Ashes role.
Hollywood is driven by only one thing - money. And they're seeing dollar signs with Rob and will try to throw roles at him that capture their perceived target audience which right now is comprised of teenagers and tweens.
i am sooo excited for rob to be taking on soo many different types of roles outside of twilight...i cant wait!!!
Rob on back of a horse??? Seriously???
And with long hair and earrings....hmmm...sorry, unable to imagine that at the very moment.
He would need to take time for lessons how to ride a horse proberly (doubt he can do it yet)...when is he going to do all this stuff with Remember me and the Twilight Sequels coming up as well??
I think it's a stretch for Rob to play a 17 y.o. but, with that being said, he he not playing the lead; Hugh Jackman is. He is in a non-romantic supportive role and, IMHO, I think that's a good move.
BI - You've got to read it!!! Do you want me to email you my login info???? I don't mind if you use it as long as you don't leave crazy reviews (haha) unless they are brilliant, of course. Then leave as many as you want to make me look good!
The only thing I'm worried about is the possible bad ass wig because his hair needs to be long.
The best things will be a tanned,possible six-pac,possbly scruffy, sexy as hell,half-naked indian looking Rob. Yummy!!!!
I can't wait, damn it.
Picture this: Rob is riding up bareback on a beautiful stallion looking all ediable and doable. While trying to stare down his enemy. He's holding something hard, long, and really sharp...Teehee
Wait, that's what she said, "hard, long, and really sharp". LMAO
Actually, something just dawned on me and I take back everything i've said. I don't think Rob really gives a shat about building a credible acting career so long as the script reads well for him and piques his interest.
He's never said he aspires to be Pacino.
I'll just fall back to admiring him then. :)
Lizalou - You're right. Rob doesn't seem to care about what roles he chooses as long as he sees something interesting in the script. I personally don't think Rob is going to be an actor for life. I'm going to trust that Rob found something in this script very intriguing...
Lizalou - I completely agree. But maybe it's a good thing for him to take on a few supporting roles like that right now, to expand his range and experience, and cement his box-office appeal. The movie itself is not aimed at teenagers, so I wouldn't worry too much about type-casting. (if anything, it's bringing him into mainstream Hollywood territory I would say)
One thing I am a bit worried about, however (apart from the age thing): I'm not sure long hair is the most flattering look for him :p
Obviously, I was answering your previous comment, Lizalou.
I'm not so sure he doesn't give a shit... I'd bet he's actually pretty ambitious career-wise, although he'd never say it.
Pattydeboun- Hell, it's so many people with this story. Black people got captured as well. It was just so much going on back at that time. The Comanche numbers were dwindling because they were getting killed by the soldiers and frontiers people, right???
Re: the not looking good with long hair comment - oh my. I'm all for the long hair. I know he was supposed to be goofy and awkward as Art in HTB, but I thought he was smoking hot with that long hair. Damn.
Lizalou - Really?! Fascinating how we're all attracted to different things in him. The boy obviously can't go wrong.
I wouldn't say that Rob doesn't give a total shit...I think that he's not concerned about picking roles that will increase his fame. Being a good actor and being a movie star don't necessarily go hand in hand. I think he would rather be respected by his acting peers than be known as a movie star. Just my opinion...
Ohh, I see your concerns, I thought the same things too, but I think we might have to consider that there could be a lot of rewriting till the time they start main production of the film, they could change the age of the character and some physical aspects of the character to fit better with Rob.
At first I thought that they were attaching his name to this project to get green light, but there is also Rachel Weizs attached to it and she is not any fool, the three actors attached to it choose their roles if they like it, Rachel and Hugh can both transition from commercial projects to independent projects very easily.
And I really disliked those comments given at other boeards that were copied and pasted here, it is interesting to see what other people are thinking about this, but to call Hugh Jackman untalented actor is unfair, I´m not his fan but I´ve seen him in many movies and he is truly talented.
@ LittleBear
actually, Rob did say in some not long ago here interview, in the very end that he is a very amitious man, and I think that as much as I don't usually care what he's saying because IMO it's impossible to figure out truth from careless babbling and contradicting himself - this is something that sounds serious and I believe it, yes he is ambitious and has determination to move forward
About if he is concerned or not about his career in a long term, I will quote an interview he gave to an Spanish article…
< Although he admires actors like Ryan Gosling or Romain Duris, Pattinson indicates Jack Nicholson as mirror in which reflects, because "he changes at will his registry and without effort".
Any director you would like to work with? “ It would be incredible to work with Milos Forman or Jacques Audiard. I believe that I am going to continue saying names in the interview, to see if someone calls me (laughter). Tony Gilroy! ".
No strategy is despicable trying to reach the top. "I believe that movies are the best form of education in mass. And I have great objectives, although I am not sure yet which they are. I am going to sound like an idiot speaking of my desires, but I am a very ambitious person. Very ambitious". >
Lizalou- Didn't we read recently in one of the post Rob saying he was ambitious. I know before he was all about what interested him. Now everything has changed. He's an A-list star that can take on any type of roles. I really don't see him leaving acting not for a very long time. Remember his idol is Jack N. Oh and he did sign on to do UC last Fall before Twilight hit big.
Shirtless Rob, with long hair on horseback? ROTFLMAO - oh, wait that was for real - BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Can't wait to see this!
Mech- That's the interview I was thinking about for my comment.
we could pass every test on His Robness hands down
I personally don't think he takes roles for career moves. I think it's either the script or the people involved. I'm selfish, I just want to see more of him.
Shani, we must be picturing the same things today. Although I hav an addiitional scec of him washing up in some river or lake. lol
I meant to say "until last".
KK - your conclusion about how Rob might choose roles is not just your opinion - he's indicated that with everything he's done. That's why I hope he continues to pick parts that interest and challenge him rather than ones designed to make him a "star." He can't help but be a star anyway - he was just born that way.
Winwin- I didn't even get that far in my fantasy. I was still stuck thinking about him riding... Teehee
I'd say Rob has artistic ambition, which does not necessarily mean that he wants to be a Hollywood A-Lister.
He said once something along the lines of: "All I really want, is not to be embarrassed". I suspect that's pretty much his most genuine feeling about it all, lol
(so: make sure they get you a believable wig, Rob! there's a big potential for embarrassment in bad wigs!)
Diane- Yes indeed, "he was just born that way". LOL
Heh, I suppose I should qualify the not giving a shat.
I do believe he's very ambitious, but only in things that interest him. At least that's the impression that I get from his interviews.
I can see him exploring several things - acting, writing, music and not necessarily caring about building one absolutely huge career in any one of them. Whatever lights his fire at that point in time is what he'll focus on.
It's just my opinion and obviously I don't know the man, but I do recall him saying many times that he goes strictly on the script in choosing roles and doesn't really care about much else.
Maybe the script is amazing in this Stowe movie and he doesn't care about public opinion?
shani, we'll finish the story together, let's see what you come up with after his river bath.
sorry for the typos. that's what happens when I get all Robflustered.
TwiHeart, I kind of that reaction as well...I just can't see it, really! Rob HATED the hair extensions they put in his hair to be Edward. The extensions lasted one day before everyone decided that was the wrong look for Edward. The illustration in CH's Director's Notebook is sort of ghastly LOL. Rob with long blond braids or Marcia Brady hair? Hmmm, I'll have to sit on that one awhile.
I don't care for Westerns, but I'd sit through Rob and Hugh reading me the phone book, so I may not have much objectivity in this case. I don't think Rob's very believable as Rachel Weisz' son, but at the same time, he'd better do the "young" roles while he still can, especially if he keeps up that nasty smoking habit. (Rob baby! You look hot doing it, but for the love of all that is holy, stop destroying your lungs and aging yourself before your time!)
Rob knows that every door is now open to him as an actor in Hollywood, and he'll do his damnedest not to blow it. I think he'll be an actor for a long time, too, because now it holds so much potential for him that he never dreamed possible before. He is the IT guy right now, period. He is striking while the iron is hot and I'm sure he'll continue to do so.
LB- Yep, he sure did say that. He never wants to be embarrassed. That was my concern too about the wig. I just hope they don't mess up the pretty.
So this will be filmed after Eclipse. Since BD hasn't been confirmed yet, maybe he will go a little longer in Eclipse and have time to grow out his hair and they could do extensions instead of a wig.
There goes rob riding off into the sunset, glistening with sweat. This is not good. I have to go out to dinner with my inlaws.
Winwin- So the next part will be him going into the woods and killing a grizzly bear with his bare hands and taking the fur to wrap it around his tone, muscular body. Because now it's winter and he has to stay warm. I'm skipping a bit ahead. Sorry!!
I'm glad to read that some people could get past the 17Years old thing, if the actors and the story are good, you easely forget whatever doubts or inconsistency. It's when you are not captivated by a movie that you start wondering why and see all the black spots (at least for me).
Rob probably saw something in the original script that peaked his interest, and the meeting with the director must have convinced both of them that they could achieve something together. I will gladly see the movie when it comes out and juge for myself then. untill then I have "faith" in his jugement (I hate this phrasing but can't think of anything more fitting now -_-).
awww ROFTL
Would Rob be painted at all? The Comanche men did that.
This could hide a lot, as far as age is concerned.
Any thoughts?
hmmm ... on the other hand, if they would like to make him into native am-raised, so barechested ... it would require lots of exercising in the gym ... poor BB
and if they'd succedded I don't really know if I could stand too muscular Rob ...
OT: They really can't afford to break BD into 2 movies timewise (I had read a suggestion to do this, I don't remember where), because the actors will look too different in 3 years... Not that I really care that much about BD!
@ margot:
If they turn Rob into a 2cond Kellan/Taylor, I will cry! No No No! Muscles can be lean and long, they don't have to be bulky ;__;
I know, it's my personal taste, I'm sure other would rejoice.
anna- I think he did see something,well alot. I doubt that he would take that role if he didn't feel that the character wasn't someone he could mold or make into a believable portrayal of someone who went through something so dramatic.
anna & margot: don't worry, there's no way he will ever look like a Kellan! He's just not built like way. He'd get all lean and wiry, not bulky. And that's fine by me :))
bol- Hey girl!!! Yummy, I didn't think about painted Rob. He could be all painted up. Did they say warrior??? If they did, he will be looking kind of mighty fierce, for real.
Shani~ Hiii! :)
If the character description is correct, as posted:
"* Our source describes the character like this: 'Phineas is pretty fierce. He’s been raised as a warrior. He can be silent and standoffish, but he can throw a bit of a fit, too.'"
oh yeah, he will be all hot, sweaty,and glistening.With a Six-pac, okay maybe a three-pac bulging. LMAO
now you got me ... I'm scared to death with all these visions of Rob Schwartzenegger in wig fierce pierced warrior speaking Comanchie
and I have to go to sleep with that vision ! it's midnight here :(((
be naughty dear ladies
nite nite
bol- I hope they make Warrior Rob into a doll. Now that's a doll I wouldn't mind playing with. He can come and capture me. Well Rob can. LOL
I'm totally gnawing on my lower lip right now and I can't stop.
This is exciting. I think that he could make this shit look good. I'm just sayin'... Picture the whole package.
I said package.
plus adolescent
Bye Margot!!! Don't be scared. Warrior Rob is bad in a good way.Teehee
almost zygote
*said zygote*
somebody ... plzzz... kick me outta here
Wow no offence but this role sounds beyond shit for Rob.
17 years old, long hair and peirced ears, riding horseback?
No, just no! It all sounds awful, and Rob doesn't look 17 at all any more.
This film sounds like it could completely ruin his career, the film and role sound really really bad.
I really hope he quits this one.
"Parts Per Billion" would have been a million times better. The role of Erik Miller was made for Rob. This role is just freaking weird and I never want to see it.
Rob is at a point where he needs to be extremely careful about picking his roles and this seems like the worst movie ever, even with Hugh Jackman (who I like)
Ok rant over...apologies lol
bol- I think he might just be able to pull it off.
Kerr bear- Hold your horses. Let's just wait until we see him on set looking yummy first. Then when we start seeing the trailer and it look possibly bad. That's when we start talking bad that his career is ruined. Kay!! ROTFLMAO
Rob is tad weird when he "throws a fit" lol.
Again I say this role is all wrong for him.
Its cool that Rob doesn't care about fame and enjoys being in a supporting role, but this role sounds awful and i can't think of why Rob would do it when I'm sure he has loads more options.
I really hope he quits this lame movie. He's so much better than this.
Shani~ Did you come up with the idea for a Pocket Phineas? LOL
I think that he could pull it off, as well. If the makeup is decent, I could be a believer.
Also, maybe they'll change the script at bit and Rob won't be 17. And even if he is...I've seen 17 year olds who've looked well beyond their age.
I hope that they can pull it all together.
how can Rob look yummy with earrings and long hair?
Besides, I don't care that much about actors changing their looks if its for a good character but the actual character sounds lame.
But hopefully the actual movie would be a lot better than the description or else Rob should take a pass on this one.
Plus, Rob has a young spirit and a mature soul. Sounds about right, to me.
Oooooo, I like long hair on guys. I'm not a huge fan of Brad Pitt or anything, but I loved his long hair in Legends of the Fall and Interview with the Vampire.
bol- Yeah, but since he's a warrior it has to be life size bb. LOL
KB- You never know until you try a look. For Rob it may be really hot. Mostly we are thinking about his body. We're kind of blocking out any of the possible bad.
Shani~ If you're still around, I'll check you later.
Apparently, my face wants to eat itself and I should step away from the computer before it gets worse.
Have a good one!
kerr-bear, you're channeling the same energy as me earlier! My thoughts exactly.
What got me through it is that I remembered that Rob said he really didn't care about image when taking roles so long as the writing was good. And maybe this script is excellent?
That being said, I still think it sounds like shit on a stick for him to do this role ;)
A word that always comes to my mind with regard to Rob is integrity. I think he has a lot of that quality and he will always choose roles that he feels are worthwhile, that help him to grow and that give him satisfaction - wherever they lead him.
I think we just have to depend on him knowing what's right for him.
And in the meantime we'll live on the visions of smoking hot, bare chested, horseback riding, face painted Rob.
KK; thanks for suggesting I can use your log-in, but Leann emailed me the link for CC on FanFiction sites. LOL @ about leaving comments... of course any comment I would leave would be brilliant...lol.
bol- Legends of the Fall brought out Pitts pretty like no other movie before it. Well after was Interview with a Vampire. Long hair for him was killer hot.
Oh and I must add that if he sat and played guitar and sang 'I'll be your lover, too' by Van Morrison for me, he could look like Jabba the freaking Hut and I'd swoon.
If he's deadset on this western role, bring on the long hair. Just please, makeup artists, lay off of the spray tan.
Orange rob = BAD!
Shani - agreed re: the Brad Pitt Legends of the Fall. Sweet Jesus. And i'm not even a Pitt fan.
bol- Yeah me too, I'm hungry as hell. I will talk to y'all later.
Shani~ I saw your comment and I had to write back!
When I saw Pitt like that, I had an, "I NEED YOU TO BITE ME," moment. Repetitively.
Okay! Now I really must go!
Lizalou- "Shit on a stick",funny as hell. Okay, now I'm out. Love ya bb.
Writers change ages of characters in scripts all the time, depending on who is hired to play the role. The Phineas character could be re-written older or the age not mentioned at all. They don't have to say how many years he's been with the Comanches.
Well, I think Rob would be wise to take such a role, because, it would allow him the chance to work with a strong cast and place him a challenging, method role.
I think that Rob could get away with playing younger, other actors have pulled it off convincingly in the past. Hey, Mel Gibson played William Wallace in Braveheart and according to historical records, Wallace was about 15-17...so who knows?
Yeah, I would love to see Rob exclusively in more edgy, independent roles. But, he needs to seize what he can now and go with it.
Ohh, it just hit me... Brad Pitt in Legends of the Fall, he pulled off a character that went from really young to older; pretty much the description that is given to the character Rob is supposed to play in this film is similar to Brad Pitt´s in that movie.. kind of..not as romantic…, and if Brad Pitt could pull it off, why Rob would not?... beside, this thing about if he is right or wrong for makes me think, this is how a fandom might had felt when it was announce he was playing Edward Cullen, and I think that we can discuss of his acting in Twilight… good … bad .. or so so, but it is undeniable that by most people he brought to life that character.
Maybe we could wait a little and see what happens before we start condemning him for choosing this role ;) hehehee
Wait a minute Victoria and Lynne I concur. Now I'm out.
Mech- My sentiments exactly. Damn, everybody is saying some good shit. From now on I concur with the next three people so that I can go and eat.
Perfect wording and sentiment,"to have faith in his judgement", here,here.
I want to see him in movies where he can broaden his horizons... I think he will do a good job in this...why wouldn't he. I totally agree with you all if Brad Pitt can do it why not Rob.
Hi everyone:
Just popping in for a second—I read through everyone's comments and felt compelled to contribute.
I agree that RP is far too mature-looking to convincingly portray a 17-year-old character (he looks older than his actual 23 years, in my view).
Is it essential to the story that he be 17? In other words, is his character still a minor—do his parents discover him, and then try to retrieve him from the tribe, so that they can continue to raise him themselves?
Or might the script be altered to suit RP's true age and appearance, so that the character is a recognized adult, not in need of "rescue," who encounters his parents as more of an equal? (As Dani pointed out, many scripts are changed substantially from their original form, based on casting or other variables: male characters become female characters, or vice versa, characters' professions vary, etc.)
As for RP's anticipated hair/wardrobe for this role: I could accept long hair...IF they pull it back into a ponytail. To conceal that marvelous jaw, against which scientific instruments could be calibrated, would be a serious travesty.
And the less wardrobe, the better. ;P
Back again later!
"Maybe we could wait a little and see what happens before we start condemning him for choosing this role"
I completely agree with this statement.
As others have said in earlier comments, they will problem tweak the script a bit to fit the actors.
Shani; I hope you agree with my comment too and are able to eat ;)
*probably tweak the script a bit to fit the actors.
Apparenly Comanches wore more clothng in the 19th Century.
According to Wikipedia-
"In the 19th century, woven cloth replaced the buckskin breechcloths, and the men began wearing loose-fitting buckskin shirts. They decorated their shirts, leggings and moccasins with fringes made of deer-skin, animal fur, and human hair. They also decorated their shirts and leggings with patterns and shapes formed with beads and scraps of material."
Well, that's disappointing. I was hoping to see Warrior Rob in nothing but a few strategically placed pieces of fabric. ;)
Victoria and Bootstrap Intern, description from the script: "Phineas dressed only in a breechcloth, eating from a bowl of sugar with his fingers." Could still happen (:
I'm gonna trust that Rob found something about the script that made him take the role. It'll be interesting to say the least. Just skimming it now, but selfish me can't get past the brief sponge bath scene!
Hi everyone,
I usually just lurk but felt compelled to post today. Just wanted to say how much I LOVE this blog! It makes me feel better about being 34 and completely ROBsessed! Wanted to let you all know that your comments are sometimes more entertaining than the stories themselves! Thanks for making me laugh (and think) :)
Rob in UC: Could be good. Really good. Sexy fo so. I was also concerned about the age at first but I guess that can be adjusted (like many of you stated earlier). I don't think they could mess with the pretty too much. They know what we wanna see. Besides, his pretty just shines through. It's the unstoppable pretty! Ok I'm gushing. I'll shut up now and go back to lurking.
PS- Mrs. R, love, love, love your name!
"Phineas dressed only in a breechcloth, eating from a bowl of sugar with his fingers."
Oooohhh... wild Rob...scruffy Rob = sexy
mmmmmm... me dies (feints imagining it)
buddha'sbouffant, with a username like that, you MUST post more often, just to give me a grin!
If that scene with breechcloth-only-wearing-Rob eating with his fingers stays in the script, I am there with bells on. dI am so there I already came back. I don't care how old or young he is, or if he's wearing a shiteous Marcia Brady wig, or if he's painted up like a flying purple people-eater. It's still ROB. He will shine. :)
OT: did people had to bother Rob while he was at the table eating on this birthday??
Aw, Mechevpao, I wonder if that was the fan that Rob was courteous to but then turned his back on? Don't blame him one bit...takes a lot of cajones to bother someone while they're eating with their family and friends! Sheesh. Why couldn't the guy have waited 10 or 20 minutes? *sigh*
Hi buddha'sbouffant:
Re: my name: Thank you! It suits me, in various ways.... ;)
And please don't just lurk—come out of the shadows! Bonus for me: every time you appear, I can say "bouffant" to myself, in RP's delicious Twilight-commentary accent....
Okay, back again later.... :)
Yes Leann I wonder to if that was the fan,.. I don´t blame Rob for turning his back, he was very charming because he even with shuck his hand.. I would have turned and tell him to F* off if I were Rob in that same situation.. he is too patience with people.
Mechevpao - really shitty if he did disturb Rob during his meal.
But I can't take my eyes off the t-shirt and the 6-pack that seems to be hiding underneath.
Mrs. R,
I think your name suits many of us :)
"Rob's delicious accent" - Yeah, that's how I came up with the name! I LOVE the way Rob says "Buddha" in the "my best story ever" vid and I LOVE the way he says "bouffant" in the audio commentary.
his voice+hisaccent= hugeturnon :)
Jalarag, there is a six-pack underneath the shirt??? O_O
Damn, I´m missing something here, it would be better for the sight if he were with out the shirt... could he had build a six-pack for his scene without a shirt in Italy (ooohh faints)
Hello All!
I'm not reading any of the comments before I post this, so sorry if the thread has already moved on but>>> WHOA!! Rob on a horse, riding bareback, with long hair (whipping in the wind).. looking and acting fierce!
These are the things dreams are made of!! *fans self*
Oooooooo this sounds yummy.
So this could be the character that is "abusive...violent..."etc.
And re the age thing, being around teens and watching them grow, age is a very ambiguous thing from about 14-25.
Look at those girls modelling at 14 who look 25.
And I think Rob often looks just like a goofy kid, the Edward make-up makes him look older, when he's fresh faced and grinning he looks like a teenager; when he's with Kellan and some others fooling around he looks like their kid brother.
And anyway, we are talking about a macho, I'm a man & a warrior at 14 culture he will be depicting.
Give him some credit for having the acting chops to pull the role off - and look divine, oh my, indian rob yum, yum, yum.
It's interesting Jackman slotted this one into a rather full schedule, Australia could look just like Texas:)and our dollar is down.
Dear Rob,
Let's get physical..physical...
Awwww. If he take this role, he really is an actor, testing his ability to the limit
Creepy guy intruding on his family dinner - the eyes tell you creepy guy totally knows this is a gross invasion, and poor Rob looks like he wants to puke.
I so admire how the darling is handling all of this with fans and stalkers bothering him.
If it was me - I would be a total bitch celebrity I couldn't cope with all of that pawing and in my personal space stuff, I don't even like it being a nobody when people get in my way, I would so be the smash camera guys type.
BI- I'm back,okay I agree with you too bb.LOL
Janehofstra- WTF!!! "phineas dressed only in a breachcloth, eating from a bowl of sugar with his fingers". Well I know what that means Rob ASS OUT. Yeepy KY YEAH!!!!LMAO
Oh it's going to be good times...good times.*sigh*
Shani; LMFAO
LOL! Sorry but when I think of Rob speaking in Comanche I want to LAUGH! Ok, I'm done.
Oh yeah, and I forgot about that asshat who decided to interrupt our man's b-day feast. He really did get off easy. Because if it was any other star. His ass would have been tossed out by some big burly ass bodyguards. But then the silly bastard would have tried to sue. So I guess Rob went about it in the right way.
I agree that Rob looks older than his age of 23. Maybe they will change the age of his character~if they see fit to do so
suddenly.. i am not feeling it..
Hmmm I think I read that Rob is supposed to have said "yes" to this script before Twilight hit. If that is true then either the people behind casting were clairvoyant or just needed an English actor for the part.
They seem to be happy to throw his name out there to guarantee interest now.
I also hope he never signed on because it was all that was available at the time.
If he did not realize his "Star Power" back then, given his apparent surprise at the crazy success of Twilight(hell wasn't everyone)It is possible that he was talked into this role.
I hope this is not so.
I do not want him typecast as a teenager forever either. It will limit his scope. How old will he be when this movie comes out 25????
Yeah Yeah I know......
Rob on horseback and half naked may sound good to some but realist ically SEVENTEEN.. Noooooooooooo.
If they change his age how will that be anymore believable?? with Rachel as his mother.
Don't forget that Rob himself said that the reason he took the role in "Little Ashes" was because he didn't know if he'd find another acting job. Critics aside, it sounds like he is great in the role. I doubt he took this role because that was all that was available at the time, but if it was, perhaps this film will turn out much the same.
At this point, I just don't know enough about the movie script or possible rewrites to be anything but glad that Rob is moving on to newer roles. :)
And if Rachel plays her real age or a few years older, it would be possible for Rob's character to be as old as at least 23 because women back then married at 15 or
KK- I said the same thing the other day about women at that time marrying at 15. So Rachel would be perfect as his mother, age wise.
Katykeene- That lady who wrote the story did say that a lot of the agents were buzzing about Rob before Twilight. They saw something speacial about him and she did too. That's why she wanted him for the role. Hugh recently was gushing about how amazing Rob's role will be. We just have to wait to see for
Are you still there??
Hello .. anyone around??
I'm around for a few more minutes...then off to see what happens in my Robdream, after RP reaches for the towel.... ;)
Hey Mrs. R.... how was the rest of your day....
Hi Kelly,
My day was quite uneventful! I just finished watching the movie "The Happening," which took me twice as long as it should have, because I kept pausing it to lecture the screen(writer).
How was your day??
Mrs. R. - Hi! Yes, I'm still on for a few minutes!
My day was uneventful as well... I just finished watching Australia... not a bad movie.. but just when I thoug tit was over it went on for another hour... WTF... but still enjoyable
Hugh Jackman anytime can be a good thing: ).. if it can't be Rob why not Hugh : )
Did everyone head off to bed??
Hi KK!
I just wanted to get back to you re: my budding career as an NC-17-rated documentarian, since you had expressed interest in joining the crew.
It seems that in addition to my original "dream team" of Rob, Cillian Murphy, and Ewan McGregor, Colin Firth and the brothers Fiennes will also be making cameos (thanks to the ladies on the earlier "who should play Sinatra"—or, if it is RP, "Robatra"—thread).
You must realize, of course, that this will be a very low-budget, independent production (the kind RP relishes), so there will be very little in the way of salaries for the cast.
However, the boys have generously agreed to, well, take it out in trade.
Are you still in?
*NC-17-rated documentary=code for porno*
Mrs. R. - I can make the sacrifice of taking trade for this project and will gladly serve as an acting coach to help these luscious men through the sexier parts of the documentary. We do want them to be the best they can be, yes???? After all, this project is solely about quality...wait...quantity as well because I'll take all of them.
I fear we will have an overabundance of usable footage on this project.....
And now I must go pursue that Robdream.
Good night, KK! Good night, Kelly (if you're still here)!
Goodnight, Mrs. R.!!!!
Apparently there are too many things to be said about the possibility of Rob going native.
All I can muster/think/share are these random words that need applied to some form of mad libs: fierce, warrior, breech cloth, and riding.
I also kinda like the idea of him learning yet another language & his voice uttering indigenous words. I know I'd be properly blown away. Bring it. :)
Thanks KK and Shani. I AM willing to be persuaded that this movie will be good for Rob.
Shani I had not read the comments by Ms Stowe about the "specialness" of Rob. She is on the same page with us all with that comment.
Hey I think Hugh is gorgeous and am a big fan. Rachel is a good actress also. Two books I thought were brilliant Rachel has starred in the film version of. One being "The Constant Gardener" and the other being "Lovely Bones". She got an award for the first and if the second lives up to the book it should be a success for her.
It can't hurt Rob to work with these actors. He can learn a lot from them.
"I also kinda like the idea of him learning yet another language & his voice uttering indigenous words."
Honey; I think I'd be properly blown away too :)
And hello to you too!!
Hi BI and Katykeene!
I am here again when I really should be doing other things (sighs).I so wish I did not feel this compelling need to visit this site so often. What is it about this boy that draws usually sane, serious people in????
Apart from the obvious of course!!
Okay before I am misunderstood on that one...I am NOT referring to his good looks or sex appeal. (It would make more sense if it was that simple.)
BI- I suppose we can all pretend the words are of the "amour" variety and bide our time til they turn, um, more of the "guttural" variety.
Mmmm, guttural. Voice, words, sounds.
Night girl. I return back to a mountain of work tomorrow after my amazing week in the big easy.
PS. *OT Travel & Liquor Alert* : They have a drink called the "Black Hole" in the pretzel place, (actually called Fritzels, on Bourbon). It's a pint of Guinness then a shot of absinthe (which really is a double shot, bastards.) I chickened out on entering the black hole but did the double shot and hot damn that was a quick buzz nonetheless lol.
Katykeene~ girl, I feel your sighs. I am here WAY too much.
this is HOT. ahhhh...
Its great for Rob to be taking on roles most people don't picture him doing...he's been pretty chameleon-like so far, I'm sure he'll be great and get some good experience out of it. Rachel is pretty amazing.
Plus on a selfish note, I agree with Tess, for a robsessor, 'these are the things dreams are made of'. Ungh.
Hi KK and everyone else who's here tonight.
Honey; RE: the black hole; I would have chickened out too and just drank the pink of Guinness.
i'm so excited for this. the role kind of reminds me of Heath Ledger in The Patriot. however isn't Rachel Wiecz (sp?) a bit too young to be playing Rob's mother??
katykeene; I'm here way too much as well. Lately, I've been trying to cut back on my time here just so that I can things done... lol.
@BI: me too! Integrating robsession into real life is difficult though! I'm failing miserably. maybe this week, lol
HI ladies, back for a few minutes. I'm here way too much too. I even have this blog up at work and hit refresh when I'm not busy. I am very sleep deprived so I'm heading to bed.
IOT - I can't wait til Tuesday. I want red carpet Rob. Hope he grew out some scruff for us.
As for Rachel playing his mom, it kinda makes me sad. She's only a year older than me. Then again, I never really think of Rob as 23.
I just read a bit of Rachel's Bio and it sounds like she and Rob should hit it off well apart from the fact they are fellow countrymen.
The Aussie connection...I read that Rachel is in pre-production for "Dirt Music" which would have to be Tim Wintons' book. That will mean she will probably be in Australia for that and Hugh is Aussie.
I know I am stretching but I am still hanging out for Rob to come here also. Maybe Rachel will enjoy herself enough and I know Hugh loves his country so they could sell him on the idea.
Apart for the few teen screamers he might get and the odd paparazzi he should be able to be himself and not be hounded here. That alone should sound attractive after the fishbowl he has been living in lately.
KatyKeene- I'm glad to help and pull you to the dark side.LOL
Honey- That reminds me of that "Black Hole" drink you was talking about.
Yep Katy, Rob pulls us all in and it's hard to go back to the real world.It's just so pretty and nice here.LOL
Katy- You just reminded me that Rob's ex girlfriend Nina said in an interview that she wanted Rob to visit her in Australia or New Zealand. I forgot which country she's in. But she said at that time she talked to him and when ever he got time off he would
come to visit her. Apart of me wish they would get back together though. But she has a French boyfriend. Well from what she said at that time.
Thanks for reminding me WinWin the 19th(tomorrow)is my birthday so I think seeing Rob on the red carpet at Cannes will do nicely as a birthday pressie. I also can't get my head around Rachel as his mum. Way too young looking even if, as others have said, they married young back then.
Erin and BI.. I think we are lost, and even if I can truthfully say I enjoy my obsession, it is bloody inconvenient.LOL
WinWin; Rachel is only a year older than me too... So it's for me to think of her playing his mom. Like you, I don't think of Rob as 23.
KatyKeene; This Robsession IS bloody inconvenient, but oh so fun ;)
* it's hard for me think of her playing his mom.
I'm getting tired therefore my typing is getting sloppy.
I'm off to bed now. Good night ladies! Or good morning, depending on where you are :-)
Shani I have not heard that Nina was in Australia. Admittedly I do not read the gossip mags so if she had a story in one I would miss it.
NZ and Australia are a little distance apart so he could go there without coming to Oz. I guess I will just have to continue to hope Hugh invites him "down under".
BI.. "Good afternoon" from Aussie. Goodnight to you.
Geez, stop saying Robert is too old to play 17; a lot can be changed in a script -- it is not like it was written in stone! They can easily move the age from 17 to 20 if needed, if it has to be fitted for Robert.
this sounds like a really good movie and role for him. looking forward to seeing it and you don't have to be athletic to ride a horse, but it will take a lot of practice if he's not used to it.
About the not looking 17 comments, I think fronteir people tend to look older back then, the whole rough living and being out in the sun and all that (looking at pixx in my Little House in the Praire guidebooks LOL). And I'd imagine someone brought up to be a Native American warrior would look older at 17 than a white teenager also.
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