Here are 3 How To Be Wallpapers :))

To celebrate the release of How To Be [DVD]
in the UK and Ireland on May 18th we are giving away 3 DVDs and 3 posters signed by Robert Pattinson!
Unfortunately the drawing is open to the residents of the UK and Ireland only (I know! I'm sorry :( )
Everyday leading up to May 18th we'll give you a quote from the movie. All you have to do is leave us a comment and also note the quote down. I'll delete the post everyday before I post the new one. No cheating :)) At the end of 5 days we'll ask you to send us the 5 quotes via email and after cross checking with the comments to see if you left a comment as well, we'll have a random drawing and pick the 3 lucky people that will receive the signed Rob posters and the How To Be [DVD]s ! :)))
You can order the DVD from amazon today from this link
For more info on How To Be visit the official site here.
For official How To be Merchandise like coffee mugs, clocks & t-shirts visit their online store here.
Oh and the quote for today is : "That's exactly where my bed was, but it was over there and it was, it was... different!"
Does that count as a comment !!!!
I can't wait to see this movie!
Art is the perfect dork!!!
That is definitely a comment Kate :)) Muah!
Chokin' on dust here ;)
Robsessed fab as always!
awww man... we can't participate... bummer...
Oh well I already pre-ordered my UK copy :)
I am not eligible to enter the contest as I am outside UK/Ireland but good luck to the UK/Ireland Robessers here. Very cool giveaway!
Woah! How cool!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this site, keep up the amazing work girls! Knowing everyone else on here shares the same level of robsession as myself makes me feel sooooo much better, and slighly less guilty for spending hours ogling his beautiful face! :)
What a great giveaway! Even more ecited to see the film everyday. Not long now...... :)
(pulling for you dear!)
oh.. P.S.
Suz {hearts} Art
heres my comment..
I wish I could give you ALL a signed poster and a DVD :)) I really do! You all are the reason we keep going even when life gets hard. (yeah, I'm depressed. Don't let me get you down :))
Go UK and Ireland fans!
OMG i have been DYING to see the movie but cant find it ANYWHERE!! GRRRRR!!! (would a UK dvd work in the USA?? LMAO)
Gozde this is NOT your fault! It is still a cool giveaway and hey they chose YOUR blog to do this! You should be proud hehe!
I can't wait to see the movie!!
GO KATE!!!!!
Kate, I'm going to SQUEEEEEEE with you if you win for sure!
I love me some Art but the name creeps me out since it was my dad's name. You can't really have dirty fantasies and yell out the name that way. It's just WRONG.
Oh I am very proud and SO happy that we can do this give away! Thanks Network Releasing :))) They are awesome! They have been so giving and helpful with everything!
Love you all!
Tricia there was a post up about this before. If you have a multi region DVD player it will play the DVD's from different regions or there is a link for a website lists all the different DVD players and there are codes you put in to get it to work. The link was on here but I can't find the bloody thing now! I'll have another look for ya!
Hi! I live in Malaysia and I love Rob. :)
Is there any chance that they will make a contest or giveaways that is open to us on the other parts of the world?
Love being a member here..
G & D Way to go..
So Proud!
Hey Suz! No wonder I never see you. You are on in the day time and I am...well...Not. LOL.
well I never win anything, but its worth a bash!
I ordered my dvd from amazon aaaggggeeees ago. Can't believe I'll finally get to watch it next week!!
I might not can win the posters, but I can enjoy the wallpaper--Freezer Rob is now on my computer screen at work. Everybody at work will just have to deal with it. Can't wait to see this movie!
I can't wait to get my DVD... I already ordered mine. I love it. Saw it at the Las Vegas Film Festival and have watched it on IFC Direct... I think it's what we'll be watching tonight in honor of Rob's big day. :D I, too, am not eligible for the giveaway, but I was fortunate to get one of the autographs enclosed with my copy of the CD - it was a great surprise!
going to try my luck to see if i can possibly win. yayness! :)
So exciting :)
I cannot wait to see this movie!
This competition is awesome! Thankyou for running it :)
I soooooooo want to win! Great comp :)
eew! i used my flickr account for the open ID and it posted a very long, and odd profile name. apologies. this was my comment:
going to try my luck to see if i can possibly win. yayness! :)
Welll this looks like an awesome comp! im not really twilight obsessed, im more ROB obsessed!
Peace x
The three posters are absolutely priceless..hard to pick my favourite....maybe the first one, his face is priceless...
total bummer. The movie is awesome-my favorite, so far...
Ahhh, can't wait to this gem on friday in London! xxx
Leaving my comment here... since I can actually participate, finally a good thing about not living in the US ;)
Signed or not signed I need to get my hands on the poster with Rob in the frozen food section. I love it!
DB! I troll during the day when I should be working.... Nawty!
Hit me up with the playdate times and I will take a napie. xxx
Great comp gals.... So excited about How to Be, have booked tix to the Robert Pattinson day at Clapham Picture house for an RPattz fest... xx
We will figure out a date. I am so freaking busy this week it's crazy. I barely have time to Robsess at all. I even have to schedule a time to have a drink today in honour of his Birthday.
i am DYING to seee this film seriously.. i nearly cried because it wasnt getting any showings in the uk, so i need to get this DVD ASAP
awww wow!!! great comp!! am excited gals!!
Aww, I'm excited.
Ok, now I love the UK :D
Not as much as I love you though Rob! Before I found this site I was really worried that the level of my obsession would get me in trouble, but now I have you all to get in trouble with I have felt so much better since I found this place a few weeks ago.
Love you Rob forever <3
Love you too ROBsessed xx
Ooooo I am definately going to start doing this. I'm on this site all the time anyways so I may as well note down the quotes :D
oh question! When we e-mail, do we use the e-mail on the main page and do we have to include anything in the e-mail like usernames so you can identify us???
ohlala!!! I love that! I never had much luck but as I come to this site more than once everyday I thought I could give it a go! oh and the quote is awesome!!
Outside the Uk...
*Cheers 4 Kate!*
Kate, if you win, pleaaase take yourself a picture with the prize.
I imagine Rob's face saying that quote... (does he say it?)
Oooo this is such a good competition!
I love the wallpapers
We don't have to put anything specific in the comment do we lol?
It's the little things that make me happy. :)
Finally a comp i can enter because i dont live in the U S of A... come on UK for once youve done me proud.... just have to rememeber where ive written down the quote lol
Omgg. Isnt Robert Pattinson like the fittest man ever?! xx
Well, I never win anything so here's to hoping!!
This is a comment =)!
hmm... ORPD.
Obsessive Robert Pattinson Disorder (:(:
as always
you rock Goz
OOh, what a fab competition. Thanks guys. This movie rocks and I love it!!
Gozde thank you so much for the wallpapers, they're amazing! I'm dying to watch the dvd, it's just a matter of days now, yeah :) RobArt reminds me of RobDaniel in The Bad Mother's Handbook, so freaking funny and adorkable:)
Good luck to all UK/Ireland Robsessed!
NOOOO! )= i need to move to the uk.
i cant wait to see this movie!
i really want to win!!!
Thankyou so much for this giveaway!! :D
Cant wait to see the film!!
*Swoons* I would lick the poster if I won!!!!
Please add me!!
I am a follower so my email is on there.
I'm so excited to see 'How to be' on friday.
Hey, great How To Be wallpapers! (hope this counts as a comment!) xx
Such a great competition :)
I'm definitely in for this one.
(Hope this suffices as a comment Goz! <3)
Btw, miss_uta, your avatar is both incredibly frightening and adorable! Love it.
This is most definately a comment! I am so excited about How to be coming out as it looks amazing. I realy love geeky Art bless him!
I hope you enjoy my comment.
Hey lads,
Im from Ireland. Class Site ;)
Gozde and Dani yous truly are the best infairness now like.
thanks for letting me know about the competition.
from Katie and Ciara. xoxo
Greetings from Ireland.
wow it's like national holiday today or smth,have never seen any celeb's b-day be so celebrated on so many gossip/celeb sites before. E!/celebuzz/splashnews/popsugar/MTV/4tnz!/Extra TV/The Vancouver Sun/socialitelife/lainey(well maybe she's not exactly celebrating but mentioning it)/examiner/JustJaredJunior/the hollywood gossip/celebridoodle and many more
oh and here
yet another list of things that people love about Rob(just like earlier on mtv blog)
OMG i just read that Taylor is now winning on the MTV Awards....he is ahead of ROB...please vote
i hope it's a lie but...
@Sandra,wtf? where did you read that? it's impossible,he simply doesn't have such fandom to be winning,those numbers may be bogus. but if it's true then........
Officially commenting because I officially love Rob and How To Be is officially awesome! :D
"its not your fault"
Monika i read it on the imdb boards and it is possible if the teens are voting for Taylor and not all of Rob's fans are voting everyday
then Rob fans are letting him and themselves down,they should be ashamed of themselves lol no srsly T just can't win,it's wrong. it's for best breakthrough performance,how is having 4 lines and 5 minutes screen time breakthrough performance? I really hope those numbers are bogus.
I hope this person is wrong i'm off to do some major voting tonight
my comment is here.
i love this blog. it's so up to date i hardly check any other websites.
OMG. Another reason to get myself repatriated.
Why on earth did I leave Blighty to come and live on this rock in the Caribbean where his indie movies don't get shown and I miss out on all the Rob competitions??!!
Margot - can you check your email. I just sent you one re the one you sent me. Need your response.
Here's another post about why Taylor is this thread...Taylor fans are making a lot of different accounts in different names and that's why Taylor is winning
Best of luck Ireland/England girls!
Well, good luck to whoever wins!
I will have to purchase the DVD too... I really want to see it and it will not be shown here I'm affraid.
On another note: the MTV movies awards:
I really wonder about those early numbers, this leak is weird, right? I wonder if it's not simply to urge people to vote for Rob and twilight...
Unless Taylor's fan really have much time on their hands to vote like 100 times per day? in a way, it's possible I guess, especially since parts of Rob's fans are older than they think and are not that interested in such things.
In doubt, I'll try to speed-vote for rob only numerous times a day... (sorry Christian Bale!)
That's it, I'm moving to Europe.
Wait...there must be an easier way to get my hands on one of Rob's craptastic jackets since I'm in the same continent he is most of the time, LOL!
If anyone's bored, I actually made my first ever video and uploaded it to Youtube. It lost a lot of quality during the upload for some reason, but oh well, it's still Rob...just a little blurry! :)
I want to see this movie so much
but in Greece it will be released in a ''million years''(i hope!!:))
i want this copy so much!
thanks for the oportunity!!
Rob is losing to Taylor in MTV Awards Breakthrough Award. Taylor has 38% and Rob 36% /
Hey Gozde, Hi Everyone!
I can't think of a quote but what can I say?, something that rhymes or as close as I get to it anyway. so...
ROBsessed is fab
ROBsessed is great
ROBsessed gets me through these stressful days!
Lame I know :) Take care everyone x
yay for once a competition i can enter! this would defo make up for missing the showings in London hehe
Leann - Just watched your first video. I really liked it. You should make some more. I love the song you picked for Rob's birthday.
Just got my region free DVD player hooked up last week(thanks to Gozde's info.)Can't wait to get my How To Be to add to my Rob collection. I'm in the US and I don't have cable so I'm going foriegn.Soooo excited to see this movie.
Go vote for Rob at MTV. He deserves the award,especially with all the crap he gets from the paps and media. That and this year belongs to him not Taylor.
Aw, thanks DD! I just wish it looked as good on youtube as it does on my hard drive. :) I've never tried to embed videos so I don't have any Rob footage on my 'puter, just photos. It was fun messing around though! Or maybe just fun sorting through all my Rob pics? lol I realized after it was done that the song makes it kinda stalkerish...I so love that song though!
I've been voting for Rob almost every day...can't believe Taylor might win it for 5 minutes of screen time! Give me an effing break.
I will have to say my favorite part of the movie was when he got into bed with his parents, and his mother said to him afterwards "Somtimes I don't know about you" and he screams at her "What is it that you wonder" the way he screams it, and his facial expression is classic....Hands down the funniest part in the movie.
OK. Robert's birthday and I am going to make my own wish on his birthday (aside from my earlier-in the-day Marilyn Monroe impersonation and best wishes song) and say that this is indeed the year that...
if SNL knows what is good for them, they will have him on the show ASAP. Not that he needs THEM in any way, shape or form, but I think I speak for many of us when i say we'd appreciate a good hour or so of him live and in the raw, so to speak. As long as all the cast members don't go hugging up on him at the end of the show like they usually do to cute guest stars. is that SO much to ask? Thanks.
Happy Birthday Bobby, I hope you are partying your ass off tonight, baby.
Loves and so much more,
Leann - Hey girl, I didn't think the song was stalkerish until you mentioned it. At least from the fine ladies on this site, we know its all in good fun. It is always fun to sort through Robpics. He is a man of a thousand expressions; each one a little different and each one beautiful.
I also spent some time Robsessing about chaps today...ummm... Too much to contemplate LOL
Very OT, nothing to do with this post, even though I saw someone mentioned it, but I just read it on; Taylor is winning Rob at the Mtv movie awards?????
"Rob is losing to Taylor in MTV Awards Breakthrough Award. Taylor has 38% and Rob 36% / "
Nothing against the kid, but come on!!! a guy like Rob, who gets his birthday mentioned by most of net media and gossip sites mentioned and celebrated (they don´t do that even forthe likes of Brad Pitt or Johnny Depp); a guy like Rob that has so many fansites, blogs, etc dedicated to him.. is loosing to Taylor????
a little tweet about Rob, from his friend :) aawww
If all you Rob fans that know how to speak french...greek....Italian and so on could tell all the other Rob fans site to vote for Rob at the MTV awards in your own language that would help big time...please think about it thanks
OMG! Robart is sooooooooooo cute! Can't wait until I can see the movie
IF I put on a fake English accent will you believe I'm from the UK?
Yah no ... didn't think so.
Aww this place just gets better and better!! Love you Gozde and Dani!
Count this Irish lass in ;)
guess I'm kinda glad I live in the UK ;)
Yay, I'm so excited for 'How To Be'!
I've booked my ticket for the Roborama thing (what an awesome name :)) at York in June.
I love this site btw :)
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