The vampy leading man was auctioned off today in Cannes for the amfAR Cinema Against AIDS 2009 Cocktail Party. The bidding got so high that Pattinson was split between two bidders, who each paid $20,000 for the chance to meet, greet and win a kiss on the cheek from the 'Twilight' idol.
Other items that were auctioned off included a saxophone donated by Bill Clinton, and a vacation with newly engaged pair Harrison Ford and Calista Flockhart.
Proceeds from the auction support amfAR's work which includes AIDS research, HIV prevention, treatment education and sound AIDS-related public policy. To find out how you can support amfAR, visit http://www.amfar.org/.
a kiss on the CHEEK.
JUST the cheek?
there is no recession when it comes to rob. :D
so, should I sell my organs on the black market? XD
I wonder if he actually wanted to do this. =\
It's a good cause though!
He said he's scared of AIDS...from getting stabbed as his "only legitimate fears". Check his interviews.
Yeah I know it cheek kiss my ass, in fact I would pay for Rob to actually kiss my ass more so then a kiss on the damn cheek srsy!
Sheeesh, K I am off loverly ladies. I am sick as a dog and my kiddo is up from his nap so no more posting for me. I will be back later this evening when he goes to bed to update more.
I miss Goz...
Dani, thank you. You are rocking our world this week!
Take care of You, and feel better soon. xxx
I will pay Rob $50K to kiss you and Goz... but hells to the no on the cheek!
(Missing Goz, too)
Wish I had been there. And had 20K (euros? dollars? GBP?) to spare :)
For that amount of money I would demand entire service cough cough
i hope i was the butt cheek. and optional nibble.
Okay, that woman from Le Grand Journal and her stupid plastic fangs owes AmFar at least 20 grand!
I agree with you Mechevpao, for that amount of money I would also demand entire service or at least a kiss on the lips, right? You know this was for rich daddys to buy for their teenybopper daughters, that's why it's just a kiss on the cheek. We can't have Rob being arrested in Cannes, now can we? Hells no. we need him back!!!
Oh I just spat my morning coffe laughing - what a fund raiser indeed, imagine how much he coudl rais efor charity. Somebody was brillian but I bet they never expected that much, hell he would be blushing bright red - wondered what he was up to yesterday!
Yeah, I was thinking that, too. For $20K I would be expecting a little more than a peck on the cheek :)
Wow, I would love to have seen Rob's reactions as the bids were escalating.
If Rob ever decided to quit acting and pimp himself out, he'd be a bazillionnaire with a 10 year waiting list.
Wha...only $20,000 each, cheap bitches. Plus, it's for charity surely they could have given more. And kissing RP anywhere on his body is worth more than that. Hell, what am I saying it's pretty much priceless...LOL
a/la, i love that, a bazzillionaire!! Golden!!!
beback later dinner and homework check time. Love you girls!
Sorry you're not feeling well, Dani! We appreciate you (& Gozde)!
As for the winning bidders: they may be fervently praying that "kiss on the cheek" is arcane British slang for something far more saucy.
Hi, Mrs. R.! How are you??
Hi KK!
I'm fine—and yourself?
I really just popped in here for a second—must see the younger generation of Robinsanes off to bed in a moment. :)
Mrs. R. I'm only here for a second, too. I haven't packed yet for my trip to Chicago (leaving tomorrow). Should be sending you an email tonight...
Who will buy it?
How do you think?
Thanks, KK—I'll be on the lookout for your email (but don't sweat it, if you have too much packing to do instead).
And I hope you have an amazing trip!
By the way, I just thought of an alternate name for RP's little hoodie woobie:
Little Black Hiding Hood.
*"LBHH" trademarked by Mrs. R*
And good night! :)
i'd rather get a kiss on the lipss. but just meeting him and a kiss on a cheek is more than i can ever ask forr. does rob even want to kiss this chick?
LBHH...classic! I am not surprised you came up with that one, Mrs. R. (I'll be sending you an email soon, too!)
KK, drive safely and have fun in the windy city this weekend! Get your write on! I was gonna go visit my mom a bit but doubt she wants my cold. *sigh* I may be stuck here recuperating. Robsessing just may be the cure for the common cold...I may test that theory this weekend!
Mrs. R, always with the winning witticisms.
(a little alliteration before bedtime never hurt anyone)
LBHH! HA! That's perfect :)
Hi everyone!
for 20,000 it has to be those lips
Yvonne! Bring those lips to the EW pics thread!
hello! here are the lips! I was on the other thread, apparently talking to myself! Here u all are!
the other one! scroll down! :)
Don't forget to get your votes in for ROB at the MTV Awards
Dani, thank you and hope you feel better!!!
I just never get enough of him.
Did anyone have problems with this site today? I was on this morning and then my computer at work crapped, it keep trying to open robsessed windows. I was so frekaing out and then it took it 2 hours to fix and I pretended I didn't know what happened. I was just dying from having no updates.
Hi everyone!!!
WinWin, we're in the thread below :)
Get well Dani!
Hello A/LA, KK, Mrs. R., Win, Suz, Shani, Mechevpao, Leann, Kespax, Yvonne!
Wow, that would be so awkward! I'd much rather take him out to the back of this hole-in-the-wall Chicago deep dish pizza/Italian restaurant here run by ex-pats and chat with him for hours.
No granny cheek kisses allowed. I'd much prefer the stylish and quite lengthy patented Rob hug as a goodbye.
OK, that's what I'd like for my $20K.
Hi, to every one tonight!!
Winwin, I had problom with the blog today, like it doesn´t fully upload
Chicago girl I will prefer too what you mentioned more than a kiss on the cheek too
HI Chicago in L.A.! Where's good deep dish in SoCal? I had some yummy deep dish in Echo Park, but I've never had the authentic thing in Chicago!
BTW a bunch of us are making a racket in the thread below (Ent. Weekly article)
Chicago - You still here? It's been so hard to get on the blog at the same time lately!
I'm actually heading to Chicago tomorrow for the weekend.
A kiss on the cheek?....Hmmm...works for me....LOL
Video up at ET online -
wow! i think he may have been very embarrassed by this, but couldn't turn it down because of the cause.
that said, if the girls play it right, they can do a quick face-turn and have it land just right ;)
hello everyone!
Thanks for the video link, Victoria. So cute, he looks like he's hyperventilating! LOL
Guys, it was $20,000 paid by TWO parties. That's $40,000 raised!! It was split b/c the bidding got outta control!!!
That is amazing for someone nobody knew a year ago. It's the Rob Effect.
Thanks Victoria for the video...Rob is adorable up there on stage, he looks good in blush lol
Just saw the video of this on robpattinson.blogspot.com.
The poor guy is a good sport.I was so embabaressed for him.
But man if I had a friggin money tree in the back yard I would've paid 2 million just to breathe the same air he did.
Ok so I'm late with the info. blame it on hyperventilating from watching the video.lol
Sandra- I've been voting like mad."A fit is garunteed", if he doesn't win over Taylor.
Yes a big ass Bella fit!
here's the link for the auction
i would have pointed and said "what's over there?" and when he looked i would have gotten close so when he turned back SMACK!
i'm such a deviant.
40,000 euros = $50,000 US dollars.
So Harvey Weinstein & family love him, & he wants him too - he's a mega producer isn't he?
Oh he's utterly adorable in that clip, and apparently the whole auction was just sort of sprung on him. I did like how they were making it more about pleasing someone's kid/daughter so kind of less gross.
Yeah, Harvey's a big deal producer, co-founded Miramax with his brother and now owns Weinstein Company. He's really good at getting good critical buzz for his films and has many award-winning films in his resume (Shakespeare In Love, Good Will Hunting, Gangs of New York, Kill Bill(?) come to mind). Good to kow Rob is on his radar!
on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-fEXfhLI3c
no doubt the auction went out of control, I can picture those daughters saying 'daddy pay up!!'
money can buy you everything indeed *sighs*
Yeah! I bet you he is sooo embarassed by this. I guess, I defer to Lizalou's concern in earlier posts about him getting over exposed. This is definitely unexpected and you can tell by the video that he is so embarassed. He really quite don't know what to do; he tried to be part of the game, but his body language as well as his voice belies his true emotions.
Poor thing. I hope they don't do that to him everytime he go to an event!
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