First Look @ New Moon in EW

We'll be on the lookout for the scans so we can read the article but for now...
Hummina Hummina Kiss Kiss.


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Anonymous said...

aaahhh hell yeah! new moon goodies already :)

can't wait!

Gemgirl65 said...

I just really, really, really can't wait for those stupid MTV Movie Awards to get here already.

Like really really really. Can't wait.

I am sick, I can't get creative anymore! Just gimme my Twi-crack and my Rob-crack already. (There's been some gooood RobCrack this week! Thanks Goz and Dani!)

Gemgirl65 said...

The other thing I'm really, really, really waiting for is those damned paps and crazy Twi-stalkers that we revile actually using their super-magna-scopic telephoto lenses to get shots of SHIRTLESS ROB NEXT WEEK SHOOTING THE CLOCKTOWER SCENES. I think I can deal with the guilt of looking at those pics, no matter who manages to get them.

I am trying to imagine the pandemonium that will ensue here on Robsessed, but I'm not sure I can. Then again, we may all drop like flies and be unable to speak altogether.

Anonymous said...

Ah, I see Bella still has her formal wear style still in check: fancy dress + sneakers.

Allie said...

I wonder what scene that is with Kristen on the floor..

Anonymous said...

LOL Leann... we're going to have to put a baby leash on you to keep you down!

Anonymous said...

Allison- I was thinking it is when Bella gets accidentally pushed into the glass table @ her party at the Cullen house.

Diane said...

We can borrow a baby leash from Clare Pattinson who isn't using hers anymore although maybe she should.

Anonymous said...

Great idea, Diane!

Leann, do you like teddy bears? The BabyPattzLeash® has a teddy bear on it.

If Rob needs a leash, I'm holding the other end. ;)

Diane said...

Leann - I'm sorry you're sick, but I'm sure if you get a glance at that shirtless pic you will be instantly cured. And probably able to play the piano again even if you never could before.

A/L.A. - Before you grab that leash, TomStu called. It's his turn to wear your avatar's shirt.

Gemgirl65 said... all telling me I need a leash...pot calls kettle black!

As if a fergin' baby leash would hold me back. Maybe if it were made of steel!

I actually did know how to play piano once...took lessons for 10 years. I could never just sit and noodle by ear the way Rob can though. More proof Rob is from Planet Perfect. Even though he claims to not know how to 'play perfect'...don't worry, Rob, you don't have to act! Just be yourself.

Preferably half-naked on a palazzo in the brilliant mid-day sun. I'll make popcorn and stay the day for that show.

Anonymous said...

hahahaa, snap!

Anonymous said...

only half-naked, Leann?

Sandra said...

Speaking of SHIRTLESS you think the directer would have Rob step out into the sunlight with just his shirt "unbuttoned" you think they would be that mean to us?

As for buying a kiss....i could knock off a bank or two and fly to Italy for my (lick chest) kiss

Suz said...

Edward is Fucking Delicious.


Anonymous said...

My avatar changed shirts -->

Diane said...

The other naked half is for me, me, me. I call dibbs. This is getting eerie, Leann. I too took piano for 10 years (4 to 14). My father played by ear, and we all hoped I'd inherited his talent. We were all wrong, so wrong. And not the kind of wrong that feels like it's dirty.

Gemgirl65 said...

Robward had better be half-nekkid, goldarnit!

And standing in this doorway (which he will most assuredly be:)

Diane said...

Your avatar is wise beyond his years A/L.A. Did he hide the green plaid shirt the same place as the hoodiewoobie?

marya said...

seriously why does all the good stuff come out when im in the middle of my finals??????????????
sheesh...i cant get off the frickin computer...everytime i refresh thres new goodies...and not goodies... like oh look a zoomed in weird angle blurry pap picture of rob standing in the street...oh noooo...i mean goodies as in NEW MOON PICTURES and rob hotness all around in a a polo...with wet hair! for gods sake...whats left...ummm lets see...
oh yeah rob taking a swim at the beach in cannes...yeah that will be the end of me

Diane said...

OME, they actually have the clock tower decked out for St. Marcus day! That was the only thing wrong with Volterra - the clock was just in the wall of a building, not in a tower, but they solved that problem. Let's hope everything else is as accurate!

Gemgirl65 said...

Sandra, if we get only a glimpse of Rob's glitter-glue belly hair this time around, I'm hog-tying Chris and Catherine and especially Melissa together and pummelling them with Twi-books until they stay true to the story. Which entails Edward's naked torso. Several times.

Actually, I think they should take poetic license with one thing: in the palazzo scene, they should have Edward step out into the light in slo-mo for just a nano-second...long enough for us all to see him all glitter-pretty-vampy-perfect...and then have Bella slam into him, blocking him from view of the clueless revelers in the square.

I actually have very precise ideas about how that whole scene should be shot for maximum effect. If the movie isn't as good as what's in my head, I'll be disappointed.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Diane - Mwahhahahaha!! The hoodiewoobie is being clutched in Rob's fingers at night along with the blue/green plaid shirt...

Suz said...

Psssst Leann


That pic is still fucking killing me dead.

Mission: Must get untagged HQ Version

Diane said...

I pray you are right, KK. The hoodiewoobie has been conspicuously absent the last couple of days. I tremble for its belovedness.

Gemgirl65 said...

Suz, ICAM. We need that pic untagged, stat. My avi is crying out to have the white letters removed from the Pattinson family jewels. (Glad to see you've quasi-recovered from seeing the large version!)

Notice how there is a direct correlation between Rob's increasingly dour expression and the lack of hoodiewoobie? Coincidence? I think not.

Diane said...

Leann - where did you get that photo?! When I first saw it, I thought he was lifting his leg, as on a fire hydrant and thought "when in Rome..." (I have no idea what the toilet facilities are like in Cannes these days, but I imagine there are long lines at all of them.) Whatever he's doing I must have him or I will go mad, mad do you hear?

RPnKSaddict said...

Damn I knew I should've gotten a subscription sooner. It's in the mail tomorrow.
A quick hi to you all. Have to go make dinner for the DH but had to come here for a peak.
lol you all kill me. 30 mins. later just had to post.
KK- Now who's avi rocks! Love the hand porn.I couldn't take my eyes off of them gripping the microphone.
Will hopefully pop back in later.

Suz said...

Leann, I hope you don't mind, but I used it on my blog, giving you full credit for killing me, of course.


WinWin said...

ahhhh, checking mail right now!!!

Anonymous said...

I heard the song "Stand and Deliver" in my head when I first saw Leann's avatar. ;)

Suz said...

Oh he can stand...

and I'll Deliver...

(is that wrong?)

Gemgirl65 said...

LOL Diane! No, he is not lifting his leg. He is, for some reason, standing quite spread-eagled. I think he must be walking or moving to the side and the photogs just happened to snap it. I think I got it off of Getty Images (hence Tag-o-rama.)

I'll send you the large version, but beware, it nearly did Dr. Suz in last night.

Dr. my room, on a broom. On the stair, with mad-sex hair. On the river, makes me quiver. On the floor, give me more!

Oh, I could "do" Dirty Dr. Suess all day.

Diane said...

Yes, and deliciously dirrrrty too.

Anonymous said...


Diane said...

Oooh, can you do it wrong and dirty? Can you do it with no shirty?

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA and Suz...I puffy heart you, too!

Like I said before...I don't know what Rob's doin' in this pic, but he can come over and do it at my place any time he likes.

Suz said...


Are you thinking what I am thinking looking at your Avi?

Suz <----would sooooo wreck that

(hmmm is that wrong?)

Anonymous said...

Similar Suz... I would just grab the corduroy collar and.... (insert fave FF scene here)

Gemgirl65 said...

Diane, check your gmail. :)

Gosh, I can't remember last night's Dr. Suesses...but they were good ones!

I think I liked the, "in a tuxedo, near a BG named Guido" the best.

Gemgirl65 said...

"dirty"..."shirty" that how you got your degree?


Diane said...

That is a good one! I'm off to check for hawtness in my email.

Anonymous said...

? what'd I miss yesterday?

Diane said...

Nah, had to rhyme it en francais. Thank you, Santa!! I don't know what he's going, I don't care what he's doing, just as long as he keeps doing.

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA, we just got stoopid per usual last night on one of these threads. I was drunk and getting a cold...I was just being retarded. And killing people with spread-eagle Rob. I just tried to send it to you but no email on your profile! You'll have to check Suz's blog! :)

Diane said...

That made no sense at all and I blame it entirely on Rob via Leann.

Anonymous said...

Found Suz's blog... how' I miss these wet hair pics? And.. did he get a little haircut?

Gemgirl65 said...

I love Suz's blog! Yeah, I've been thinking the hair looks a little trimmed, too. The boy had to look respectable for Cannes. He did rock the scruff though, thank God! I really miss his longer hair. Not super-long, just SexDrive, Rome, Mexico long. That's my favorite length for Rob.

However, when I see Robward in NM, I am quite positive I will have no complaints whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Had to change avi --->

because ChinScarRob sucking his lip is too goooooood!!!!!

Diane said...

He's too big a star to suck his own lip now, that should be up to others.

Gemgirl65 said...

Does the line form behind you, Diane, or you, A/LA?

Normally I wouldn't want sloppy seconds, but in this case I might make an exception. ;)

Anonymous said...

First in line, 'cause I'm pushy.

Diane said...

Why, what an idea, Leann! I surely would not presume to say who those "others" should be, but now that you mention it *bats lashes innocently* if you insist I go first I hate to deny you anything. Especially after the great fire hydrant picture. I appreciate your patience while I take my turn, which BTW is scheduled to end shortly after Hell freezes over.

Gemgirl65 said...

OH for the love of all that's Robly. You'll leave the boy's lips more destroyed than a doggie chew toy.

Now step aside and let me show you how it's done! *pushes Diane and A/LA out of the way*

Anonymous said...

Diane: push:)

Anonymous said...

Actually, my lips are big and soft. Reason #whatever why I love the RP is that he has full lips. If you are born with 'em, try kissing a guy with thin slivers for lips. It's never right. I need something to grab on to, and Rob's got it.


Diane said...

I am the victim of La Push, Baby!

Anonymous said...

Diane is on a roll tonight!

Diane said...

But I dream of being on a bagel.

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA, I so hear you on that one! I have kissed thin-lipped's just not fun. Rob has gorgeous lips. Oh, I really cannot think about this lip-sucking thing any longer.

OK Diane, I'll go if you stop saying that.

Suz said...

Now you've fuking done it..

Here comes SuperMassiveBodyGuard

And whilst he is dealing with you bitches...

I will whisk the boy away to infinity and beyond...........

Anonymous said...

bsht. that bodyguard don't scare me. I can take him. You just throw a raw stake in the opposite direction of Rob and he'll take off faster than Marmaduke.

Anonymous said...

steak. I must have had vampires on the brain.

Gemgirl65 said...

On a roll, with a pole!

In a tent, 'til I'm spent!

In a fountain, moving mountains!

On the table, willing and able!

Filled with lust, in Rob we trust!

(guess what else rhymes with those last two...)

And I'm not even on cold meds!

...wowie! said...

The pic of "Bella and Edward". Hot dayum! Can't wait for the movie!!!

Anonymous said...

uh, Leann, typo. I'm sure you meant thrust.

Diane said...

Dang, foiled again! Nobody expects SMBG (or was that the Spanish Inquisition?). If you must whisk him away, don't forget his hoodiewoobie *sniff* so he doesn't catch cold, and his Teddy Bear Leash so he doesn't get lost and his shiteous Nikes that give him the superpower to clear out an airport security line with one whiff, and... and... I can't go on.

Diane said...

Tee-hee: stake/steak, trust/thrust.

Anonymous said...

Yvonne is lost. Someone light a signal fire.

Gemgirl65 said...

Got a call...back later, save some thrusts for me! are all mine! Back off, beeeyotcches!

Yvonne said...

LMFAO @ LA....I'm here!

Diane said...

But on the bright side, Leann has just been appointed Poet Laureate of Robland without the help of OTC drugs.

Anonymous said...

(said in Vincent Price-esque voice)Thanks for bringing those lips into our den of iniquity, Yvonne. They are most welcome here.

Yvonne said...

Leann, how did I not know you were such a poet?

LA, my, my , you are clever with the links to Iggy and her daughter! How the hell did u know that?

Anonymous said...



Yvonne said...

It's a den of something...sin, lust,impure thoughts, crazed women...

Anonymous said...

(that is a reference to HeatVision and Jack, btw)

Yvonne said...

LA, you truly are one frightening little monster!

Diane said...

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Yvonne said...

.....and I dont know what HeatVison and Jack is....?

Anonymous said...

(I have the entire episode, BTW, because my friend worked on the show.)

Sandra said...

LMAO Leann i will help you hog tie them all, but can i throw other books instead of my twilight books? Must see half Naked Rob....must see half Naked Rob

Diane said...

Brought back the Precious Pucker, Yvonne, so my lips could meet your lips. That is not at all what I meant.

Anonymous said...

oooooh, lots of pucker porn here tonight!

Yvonne said...

Diane! LOL

Yvonne said...

It will be "lip" avatars this evening in honor of Rob's $40,000 kiss!

Diane said...

Nobody can bring the Pucker Porn like our Robbie.

Yvonne said...

hand porn, mole porn (SUZ), jaw porn....

Diane said...

It's a pornacopia of Robiliciousness.

Yvonne said...

Pornapalooza , Robapalooza :)

Anonymous said...

and don't forget PornSeussian Poetry

Diane said...

Testify, sister!

Anonymous said...

PopSugar is doing a Caption It... how did I not recognize this was Sharon Stone?

Diane said...

Uh, cause she's had work done and done really badly?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Hey if you kinds scroll up and down this page, the avatars make a mini-animation of Rob pouting. We made a Pout Porno!

Gemgirl65 said...

Are you srsly gonna make me change my avi? And why are we looking at Sharon Stone, unless she is for some heinous reason attached to Rob's lips??

Diane said...

Move along, Sharon. Nothing to see here.

Yvonne said...

Sharon Stone? Good lord woman, what have you done to yourself?(and BTW, don't make that face anymore, just sayin')

Anonymous said...

Dude, I recognize Carine Roitfeld and not Sharon Stone. that's kraazeee.

Yvonne said...

pout porn ;)

Yvonne said...

hey Leann, at least Crazy's not here forcing us into another FrankenRob!

Anonymous said...

Diane, was that your anon comment? LOL

Yvonne said...

And I love your avi..."the Eagle has landed" that would be SPREAD EAGLE

Diane said...

A/LA You're accusing me of leaving such a snarky comment? I'm outraged, I'm insulted, and you're very, very good.

Anonymous said...

I LOLZd for like, ever.

Diane said...

The mini-animation is even better with Leann's avatar. Pucker, pucker, kick, pucker . . .

Anonymous said...

It's the choreography for our MiniRob Can-Can Revue

Yvonne said...

uh oh, I feel The Hokey Pokey coming on...

Diane said...

OOo-la-la, how very French!

Diane said...

Yvonne, what a good idea for the next Frankenrob - hokey-pokey style. We could put his left hand in, etc. We've got a perfect one for his head somewhere - the one where he's inexplicably head-butting Kristen's tummy.

Gemgirl65 said...

Gah, had another phone call! And now I must shower because I cannot breathe at all. Not even a little. If I didn't have a mouth, I'd be dead.

No, not another FrankenRob! lol

Yvonne, you wanna see spread-eagle Rob up close? I'm the crack pusher with this one. It's just so...suggestive.

Mechevpao said...

Hello how are you?
I was talking by my self in the other thread hehee
What is the topic tonight?

Gemgirl65 said...

Oops, Yvonne's email is hidden. Guess you'll have to go check out Suz's blog! Or Getty Images.

Wait, here it is.|1&axs=0|87879642%2c87879636%2c87879632%2c87877653%2c87877628%2c87876731%2c87876525%2c87876506%2c87876295%2c87876262%2c87876168%2c87875492%2c87875283%2c87875233%2c87875216%2c87875199%2c87874738%2c87874720%2c87874690%2c87874654%2c87874653%2c87874478%2c87874176%2c87874155%2c87874152%2c87874091%2c87874066%2c87873777%2c87873687%2c87873683%2c87873489%2c87873483%2c87873432%2c87872221%2c87871914%2c87871891%2c87871886%2c87871880%2c87871871%2c87871767%2c87871738%2c87871699%2c87871663%2c87871658%2c87871632%2c87871600%2c87871595%2c87871557%2c87871550%2c87891144%2c87891136%2c87884725%2c87879354%2c87869105%2c87852451%2c87850844%2c87846874%2c87846870%2c87846849%2c87846382|60

WTF dude!

Anonymous said...

Mech, le topique is Rob's pout (and porn)

Yvonne said...

on noooo, i left for a minute, trying to get the kids to bed! lemme go see what I missed...

Anonymous said...

new contribution ->

Mechevpao said...

OMG... Rob's pout??
legs failing just thinking about that...
Any scientific conclusion about it?

Yvonne said...

Leann, copy and paste that whole thing?

Anonymous said...

It's pornorific! (scientific term)

Yvonne said...

nice one LA, tongue porn.

Gemgirl65 said...

Well, here's the whole Getty page...then you can click on the pic.

LA! Trying to kill us with the avis, I see.

WinWin said...

hi girls, what's the topic. I see the word SHIRTLESS. AAGH!!! Dare I enter.....

WinWin said...

leann, your avatar is killing me softly....smooch to you!

Mechevpao said...

I was reading some posts above..
A, I couldn´t recognize that was sharon stone neither...
Too much surgery.. maybe¨?

Anonymous said...

I lurrrrve it when he sticks out his tongue.

Yvonne said...

Leann, thank you darlin', those are beautiful pictures. I am probably the only one, but as stunning as Rob looks in a tux, I still prefer dirty Rob. Old clothes, scruff, smelling of cigs (at least that's what he smells like in my head...) mmmm...the kind of guy you could grab a beer with and just sit and talk. I hate dressing up.

Gemgirl65 said...

Shirtless...yes WinWin, we're still anticipating Shirtless Robward next week! And enjoying some lip porn. Although I can't stop with the spread-eagle porn, or how about a little finger/hair porn?

Yvonne said...

win, yup, shirtless Rob in Italy next week....Leann thinks we need to make sure we get our hands on some pics taken with crazy telescopic lenses...

Yvonne said...

Leann, looks like we were typing at the same time :) LOL

Gemgirl65 said...

I like Dirty Rob, too, Yvonne. In more ways than one. I mean, my fave Rob is RomeRob from last year...downright animalistic, he's so unwashed and hairy. *dies quietly considering it*

And yet I still die at the sight of Robward, all pale and elegant, like a gorgeous Greek statue. I mean, seriously, the first time NM Edward pics were posted on Lainey's site in March, I nearly had heart failure. I will never stop being amazed at how Rob literally transforms into Edward. It's almost eerie. And damn, that Edward is beautiful.

LovetheLips said...

Hello ladies! Took me 10 minutes to get thru the thread....the dirty Dr. Seuss just keeps getting better!

Must say, my favourite Robhit so far this week is an interview with him on the beach. Robsessed has a cut version, but Suz's blog has the longer one....OMG, I don't know how many times I've watched that today...he even makes the word "stupid" sound sexy coming out of his oh-so-lovely mouth....

Anonymous said...

No way, Yvonne, I much prefer scruffy rocker Rob than Mr. Tux. I'm not that into Robward, either (though he looks better in NM from what I have seen).

Anonymous said...

Mech-- maybe so! But what do I know. She looks good, but.. different.

Yvonne said...

Leann, I could not agree more. Each character has a quality that I adore. I am totally in love with Daniel (BMH) and Edward, well...'nuff said. But RomeRob is my absolute FAVORITE too. Perfection. Epitome of perfection. Someone here said it looked like he got shagged in the limo on the way...oh man...yup, too die for. I just think that tiny bit of chest hair sticking out, and the scruff has such a "fuck it" attitude. I need to stop right there.

Anonymous said...

ParisRob! ParisRob!

Mechevpao said...

I have to agree, I prefer scruffy Rob.. the suits look fantastic on him, but all the scruffiness make him really sexy

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA, I think NM Edward is leaps and bounds better than Twi-Edward. Less-sculpted eyebrows, for one thing! He looks...softer, somehow. Less harsh. Although I know Rob wants Ed to be scarier and darker, so I'll reserve judgment until I see the performance.

Lovethelips, my fave part of this whole week is the interview, too! If he were that ungodly gorgeous and an ass, I wouldn't care a fig about him. It's all the warmth and humility and silliness and candor that keeps me hooked on Rob. That interview was almost a, "whew, the Rob we know and love is still intact!" I don't think he'll ever fully be changed by fame. His BS detector is set too high, thank God.

Mechevpao said...

Ohhh Yvonne, you mentioned RobRome and shag on the limo.... grrrr yesssss by the way he looked, it could been a possibility hahaha

Gemgirl65 said...

Gotta go for a back in a few!

LovetheLips said...

Leann - My SIL were just talking about that's not just his looks - he's so endearing...I feel the same way - if he came off as an arrogant ass, full of himself or just an overall jerk, his looks couldn't hold me. Yup, the beach interview is now my all time fave...he's so relaxed, humble and of course spectacularly beautiful!!!

LovetheLips said...

I have to say I do prefer RomeRob the best as far as overall look.....zo zexy

Anonymous said...

He's so self-deprecating, which is endearing, but at the same time, makes me wonder if he has really low self esteem (probably residual from his teen years?).

I just wanna give him a hug. (etc. etc. etc.)

Yvonne said...

where can i find the beach interview? C'mon, I know there's a Robcrack dealer out there somewhere!

Yvonne said...

yeah, I get the same feeling, like a little low sef esteem / cofidence. Makes you wonder how he can perform the way he does?

LovetheLips said...

Yvonne - Go to
then scroll down to the post titled "Why We Love Him Soooo"

Yvonne said...

Mech, sorry to mention Rome, limo, shag....oops. I know, it's like opening Pandora's Box...can't.breathe.

LovetheLips said...

He definitely has grown into his look. When you see behind the scenes stuff from his Cedric Diggory days, he was kind of geeky...definitely not in an adorkable way....Now that he's ahem...manly...he's delicious!

Yvonne said...

Love, thank you for the crack!

Yvonne said...

I don't know why I haven't been to Suz's blog before....huh! I guess I don't take enough advantage of all the perks of being surrounded by such witty and clever women. Any one else with a blog ouot there?

Mechevpao said...

ET video of the event today

Anonymous said...

LovetheLips-- yes!! I have definitely thought he grew into his looks. When I saw him as Cedric, I thought, "this is he guy they cast for the hottest dude in school?" I pictured someone less gangly, I guess.

But his face did change even from Twilight. His features became stronger and he's just so incredibly handsome now.

Lots of votes for RomeRob, but Paris Rob will always be tops because that photocall is where I got hit hard by this attraction.

Robnetic pull very strong to A/L.A. in Paris. Very.

Mechevpao said...

Ohh and his facial features will grow till his 25 years old, the bone structure will be defined by that age, so he still has 2 years to grow...

Did you see the video on ET page?? he is so nervous while every body is talking hahaha... so cute

LovetheLips said...

I remember googling images of Rob last fall, once I'd seen the Twilight trailer. I was with my SIL and the first pic we saw (I don't even remember which one it was now) I thought "This guy only looks good as Edward...he looks like he's homeless and has been out on a 3 day bender!!" But then...the Robnetic pull began...the interviews, the "moving, talking Rob" is what got me hooked. Now I see those pics of him looking like he's been on a bender and all i think is "OMG - I want to f*** that!!!"

Anonymous said...

Mechevpao, thanks for posting that link!!! I am dying for him, he looks like he wants a hole to open in the floor below him and swallow him up. Awwwwwwww!!!!!

crazy said...

Y~ hey i heard that!!

Yvonne said...

OH NO!!! AHHHH! SO busted!
How the hell did you do that crazy? I <3 you!

LovetheLips said...

Mech - just watched the video...he is such a sweetie pie...and Sharon got two kisses for free!!

Mechevpao said...

He is too cute in that video.. he said to star the auction with $5... awww sweatheart you don´t know how much you are worth... not even close to $40000.. he is priceless!!!
He moved through the stage so nervous!!

Anonymous said...

leann: I left you a comment on another thread that I found the untagged spread eagle rob! shall I email you?

Yvonne said...

mech, thnx for the et vid, poor bb is so embarassed...

Yvonne said...

sharon stone looks better in anime, still photos, not so much. But a good cause...good for her.

Yvonne said...

Anyone watch E! News at night...I noticed that they are calling him Robbie Pattz every night. I could scream, it's so stupid. And when they report anything on him, it drives me crazy. It's like they really have no clue about him...they sound so ignorant.

crazy said...

hey Yvonne! I heard that! ;)

crazy said...

oops repeating myself again...hi girls
y~ so it wasn't "good for you?" ha ha

Yvonne said...

crazy, anything Rob realted is good for me! How u been bb? I've missed u!

Yvonne said...

RELATED....I can't spell, too much Rob

crazy said...

I'm great Y! i've missed you too...i was just checking out the auction for Rob's kiss. poor guy soooo uncomfortable!!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting the impression here and there from bits I've seen @ Cannes that a lot of people regard him as merely the latest Squee and nothing more than that, and it's bumming me out. I really want him to be able to have a fair chance with some of the directors in Cannes. I hope they are open to his work. Reporters are definitely just out for a stupid headline.

crazy said...

ALA ~ what makes you say that they feel that way about him at Cannes?

crazy said...

well at least Harvey Weinstein wants him, although not sure if it's because of his btalent or just popularity...probably the latter :/

Anonymous said...

holy Sh*t!
the kiss!
i can't wait 'til nov damn it!

Yvonne said...

I really think that they are taking him serious in Cannes....I don't see Efron there!

Mechevpao said...

Really A? I don´t know how busyness people are treating him, it seems he had success in the deals he went to treat there, many reports confirmed his next projects and announced how many people were eager to buy New Moon and Remember me in a midst of a festival that was holding back because of bad economy all around ... and the coverage on him had been crazy

Anonymous said...

• Le Gran Journal:
- asking mostly about his fame
- dark haired dude imying other vampire movie was better than Twilight to his face
- lame hostess asking for a kiss with stupid plastic fangs

• Every reporter focusing on the screaming/his fame and his work as an afterthought

• Using him to auction off a kiss - but other actors auction off stuff?

Anonymous said...

crazy bb :) missed you tonssss!!!

hi yvonne and a/la :)

crazy said...

i think if they didn't take him seriously, he wouldn't have received an invitation. he was "invited", correct? Cannes is a pretty serious event, no?

Y~ do you have FB?

crazy said...

TS!!!!! I'm here! and at the same time as you!!! Miracles do happen, bb!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Mech, but weren't the confirmed movies deals that were made before Cannes?

I'm just wondering, because of the things I listed are the things I have seen, and it was bothering me. If I hear that because of Cannes some respectable directors want to work with him, then good!!

Anonymous said...

geez girls i promised myself i would take a blog break tonight... not so much apparently?

Yvonne said...

crazy,yes I have a FB...want me to e-mail you?

Yvonne said...

or you e-mail me....whichever?

Yvonne said...

Hi TS! Yeah, I've been on a little break as well...but the Robnetic pull finally got me :)

crazy said...

ALA ~ i heard Le Gran was not a show with really "serious" discussion. Sure didn't seem it to me.
Also, the reporters will always focus on what's the most obvious at the moment...look at Brangelina for's always about their being a pair...boring. And i suppose "desired" items were needed to raise money, and let's face it, a kiss from Rob was a no-brainer.

Anonymous said...

uh have fb too? my break was all of 3

Yvonne said...

LA, that's just your protective nature coming out. Happens to me all the time when I think someone is fucking with Rob. I was sick when I saw that video from the airport. I wanted to kill all of those papz.

Anonymous said...

Good question, crazy- do you need to be "invited" to Cannes or does your movie studio send you because you're the face that gets the most attention? I dunno how it works, but, then again, Paris Hilton and Phoebe Price were @ Cannes. ???

And please do not think that i am in some way trying to say that that's all Rob is good for-- no way. But from the videos I've been watching this week, it seems like people are reacting to him because of the hype. I want to be proven otherwise, for sure.

crazy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yvonne said...

Yeah, I'm on FB, but I must admit I'm not very good at it. It confuses me. And I personally don't care when people are washing thier hair or putting their kids down for a nap. Seems like theres a lot of comments like that on FB. It's much more fun here. BUT, it is a cool way to share photos, etc.

crazy said...

ask TS how much time i spend on FB...oy vey! interferes with my Robsessing!!


Yvonne said...

crazy, I will!

Anonymous said...

Yvonne- my protective nature sprouted claws. ;) And they're aimed @ the media.

Okay, I'm done for the night. I need to chill out. (clearly). I think that auction video got under my skin.

G'nite, lovely ladies, have fun tonight!

Mechevpao said...

Interesting points A..
Ohh well what we saw in Le grand journal I expected.. that show is pretty bad..
I don´t know why he auctioned a kiss, and I´m not sure if other actors there auctioned their own stuff, the only one I heard autioned something from himself was Bill Clinton; the point is too reace money for a good cause, so I think he wasn´t wrong audictioning whatever.

Anonymous said...

well... we def shouldn't be friends on fb yvonne... my current comment goes something like this:

woke up at 5:57am...washed off to school...went to work...cooked dinner...

just kidding girl ;)

and crazy is the fb mastah!

crazy said...

ALA ~ i am sure they are reacting because of the hype. That's the way Hollywood works, but we know there is way more behind the hype. Some folks out there may just not realize it yet...

good point about Paris H. maybe no invites are needed :/

crazy said...

Good night ALA! hope to "see" you again!! :)

Anonymous said...

night a/la! :)

crazy said...

I promise not to post when i am taking a leak, ok?

Gemgirl65 said...

A/LA, I think you're partly right about Rob not being taken seriously on some level. However, I think that's okay at this point. He has yet to really prove himself, and he has to earn the respect of the Hollywood "elite." I'm certain there's a jaded attitude toward the type of hype that surrounds Rob, even as the bigwigs realize that that very hype makes Rob a possible moneymaker for them. I think there is serious interest in him as a box office draw, but he will have to earn serious interest for being known as a great actor, and that will just take time and more movie roles.

Right now, this is good exposure for Rob and a great chance to make the right kinds of contacts for good distribution of his current projects, as well as future jobs. I'm sure he knew he'd have to put up with a lot of glad-handing and even some downright condescension. Knowing how Rob picks on himself, he's probably pleasantly surprised when someone else actually sees him as worthwhile. (One of the reasons I heart him so!!!)

Mech, thank for the link...LOVE watching embarrassed Rob unable to even look in the audience while people were bidding to kiss him. I would have died too. Died to kiss him, that is!

crazy said...

TS~ mastah?? LOL! Have you seen my FB recently? no pics, no nothing! i gotta do some work there...let's see...Robsess or fi my FB.......duh. ;)
p.s. i luv ya

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