Making his way overseas, Robert Pattinson arrived at the Nice airport to attend the 62nd International Cannes Film Festival on Monday (May 18).
The hunky “Twilight” star was bombarded by fans and paparazzi upon landing, being helped through the terminal by airport staffers.
In related news, Rob recently chatted about his difficulties with the ladies due to his newfound stardom.
Pattinson revealed, “It’s very uncomfortable. If you try and chat people up, everyone’s like, ‘Oh, you probably go around sleeping with everybody.’”
He continued, “So it kind of has the converse effect of what you would have thought.” As for the continual rumors that he’s dating costar Kristen Stewart, Rob emphasized, “No! She has a boyfriend. I don’t know where that came from.”

Thanks to Coral and Melissa for the tips ;)
Mighty fine eagle!!!
he looks so tired
Now go get some rest, sweetie.
I wonder how it feels to be stalkered all the time...
Gosh it all looked a bit mad. I'd be terrified.
Glad he got there in one piece anyway !
the third pic looks as if he's thinking "oh shit"
This is going to be insane for him.
I hope they have some good security, I read that they were preparing for his arrival and expected to be a mad house.
Rob,Kristen and Taylor will be presenting New Moon movie footage at the MTV Awards. I know it's off topic but I got excited.
I get RSS feeds of some ent. sites and this was just posted:
Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner will present a clip from New Moon at the MTV Movie Awards
I just want to scream..
Geezus. Leave him alone.
Can't people see how tired and frustrated he is? Does anyone even bother to notice? Does anyone even fucking care how he feels?
RPaddict- jinx! do I owe you a coke? ;)
Ditto, Rose!
Sheesh. I feel bad for the guy. Sure, he's a celebrity blah blah blah...but for chrissakes, give the man some room to breathe! I would be terrified. Not sure how anyone could get used to that!
He looks so tired too...Aww, I hope he gets some rest. :-)
A/L.A. No because you posted links, I was to excited to think to do that. Hey great minds....
Aww he looks so tired. It all looks well mad, i'd be scareed ha!
poor, poor Rob... I hate flying, I couldn't imagine what it must be like to be him in an airport...
Is it just me or does it look like he's about to cry in that first pic..I know he isn't but man he looks freaked out atleast there.
And so crazy papz and rabid fans aside, HEL-LOH Mr. P, I am likey your newish grey t-shirt for all it;s clinging ways. cannot construct clear sentence ahora. also am resorting to spanglish.
I think people need to have respect for bounderies. There is a time and place for everything.The freaking airport is not the place to insist on an autograph or picture.
Rose and Melissa feel the same when I see pics of people just pushing in on him.
No wonder he thinks that some day someone will be at him with a gun or something.Gives me the shivers.
oh....he's clutching his hoodie... Probably finds comfort in that hoodie. Poor Rob.
I know, cligy t shirts and thick muscular thighs he's killing me today. I'm supossed to go visit fam from out of town and all I want to do is look at Robsessed and chat with you wonderful ladies.
Yuppiiieee! I love that grey t-shirt and the chest hair...
He looks tired, poor gorgeous... I so wish I could be there... in his hotel room... help unpack... help undress... a massage in bath... something else in bath...
Putz, a girl can dream!
He's barely stepped foot off the plane, I mean seriously!!!
Poor Rob :-(
Wow. These pictures make it abundantly clear that he's very much an international celebrity at this point. While that's exciting, I feel bad for Rob in this instance. That flight is exhausting, and I know the only thing I want to do after arriving in Europe is take a nap (although I usually try to resist), but it must have been so overwhelming to arrive at the airport and immediately be swarmed by people. Talk about a wake-up call. Poor baby. Hopefully he gets some R&R before the Cannes events.
why does gossipgirl bring up quotes from last year and make it out as if they're recent comments made by Rob? they took them from the recent Look magazine which in turn took a bunch of quotes from different interviews from last year and put them together in their article.
Monika doesn't like any thing that refutes her Robsten agenda ;)
I don`t know what is scarrier for him: being on a plane, or landing and running through this mad crowd. :/
no I just like when someone does their research and check the facts before posting something,referring to gg
and you check out your own post with Look magazine scans and see how many old quotes there are.
Poor baby! It must feel terrible having complete strangers screaming at you and touching you. I think it's ok to approach him if you ask him politely, but I'd never bother him while he's eating or scare him like that, even if it is the only chance in my life to approach him. I mean what's the point in meeting him if you piss him off?? If you love Rob respect him, even if it means doing it from a distance. I'm sure he's appreciate that.
augh! that just looks miserable! and poor guy can't even feel comfortable "chatting women up" for fear of getting a bad rap. Rob, you can feel me up anytime....CHAT me up, i meant chat me up! ;/ but seriously, a little part of wants him to go ahead and get a girlfriend so part of my obsession (and probably a little piece of me) will die. as long as I think she's good for him and won't walk all over him (natalie portman, kristen stewart), make him stupid by association (paris hilton) and actually has a lot to bring to the table aside from insanely good looks (insert any supermodel). see...i'm very open-minded about this! heh.
It's work all day long for Rob. Summit did not compensate him enough. They practically milk him till last drop. He's a person not a machine.
Stay healthy and sane , Rob!! Our thoughts and prayers with you
see just a bunch of old quotes
look like you will post anything that denies Robsten even if it's old.
seems this site doesn't do research first either.
I agree Rose..
There will be plenty of time for Paps and Stalkers and Auto Hounds..
It's Cannes for Fucks Sake!
Let him catch his breath, brush his teeth, shave, call his mum, etc.
Sheesh... poor baby.
I just wanna cuddle him as he chats me up! xoxo
I meant he'd appreciate that. sorry for the typo.
very goodddddddddddddd
haha! your title cracked me up! It looked so crazy there! I hope that he is able to enjoy himself a little at Cannes. :D
hand hand hand hand
in spain hour 20:04
Dear Rob,
I know that you're not supposed to debut your exquisite musculature until the big reveal scene in New Moon and you keep teasing us with these nicely fitted tees,, but it is true that some things are better left not worn. Your shirt is one of them (along with other things).
Will you please take your shirt off? "Before I go mad?"
Actually I don't care either way. I post stuff that comes directly FROM ROB'S MOUTH. I don't post "speculations". He did say these things.
You on the other hand choose to push what the gossip hounds say.
If Rob says something about Kristen I'll post it. If Ted says something about Rob and Kristen I won't. It's as clear as that.
no very good, but he is beautiful aun estando cansado.
he did say that but what I meant is that it's from last year,it's not what he said recently despite what gg, which have always been anti- R/K and pro-Nikki,want everyone to believe. it's obvious where they took it from, Look magazine.(didn't even credit,nice) those are recycled quotes,nothing more.
'the I'm a dick' comment,those about giggling spanish electricians, apartment in LA,pay-as-you-go phone(he has iPhone now non?),the smell of London, everything is old.(from around November) not relevant anymore. and gg took the quotes from this very 'interview'
Pic #6??
Sheesh, I still feel bad for him. Can't even get through a damn airport for chrissakes.
I agree with you Monica. Was tinking the same when i did read this on Gossip Girl.
It would be nice for people to give him some breathing room... however, I do enjoy seeing new pics of him.
poor BB
sometimes I'm afraid we are eating him alive .... I don't feel comfortable with my Robsession now
isn't the world going crazy :((((
"The Eagle Has Landed" is fucking hilarious! I love you Goz <3
So strange to see pics of him leaving Vancouver, then hours later arriving in Cannes...I'm very grateful for the internet :) However, I'm exhausted just thinking of poor Rob's schedule.
I'm not sure who said it, but I agree, he is definately an international star's become worldwide. wow, it's weird to see how it's been growing.
seriously, all that global rush is like an avalanche and makes normal life impossible ... I think last time when celebrity(-ies) couldn't have a bit of normal life was with the Beatles (it can be seen on old films that they had to stop playing concerts because girls were screaming so loudly that nobody could hear them, they couldn't step into a public place without the life threat) ... it's nuts - he is just spreading his wings, this eagle of ours :D
My heart goes out to him when I see him in these situations.
It's so invasive, so not right.
And really, as a fan, what satisfaction do you get from approaching him in such a situation knowing you're only adding to his misery.
If you love him, respect him.
Let the stalking begin....French girls,come out...come out...where ever you are...LOL
Wait, didn't Rob say the same thing last year about not being able to chat girls up and everybody thinking he wanted to sleep with them??? I'm sure he's not as lonely as he use to be. As many months ago since he made that comment.Kay!!LOL *wink*
And he also said the Kristen comment too.If he doesn't know by now, he will never ever Know. Oh and that reminds me of Ciara's song,"If that boy don't love you by nowwww, he will never ever never ever love you. He will never ever never ever love you, nooooo". I'm cracking myself up..Anywho...
Holy French Mayhem Batman!!!
Someone whisk him off to a Villa somewhere, quick!!!
That's nuts.
Shani - You are killing me softly with your song.
Will say this while ducking flying objects: I think things are waaaaay out of hand with Rob right now as far as the attention goes. He has done some great work, but "Twilight" is the film that brought many to him. I still don't think that film is enough to catapult him to the insane level of stardom he is at right now. I can't wait for things to die down (like they ever will) because his star is burning so brightly right now that more and more people are going to try to cut him down. I don't doubt he will survive it all just fine, but I still wouldn't be surprised if he decides being in the public eye is not going to be a lifetime career for him.
I'm thankful to be on a site where Rob is recognized for his body of work so far and for his unique personality. I also still believe that a portion of his fanbase will move on soon enough. Not soon enough for Rob, though.
I hope he's curled up right now in bed, clutching on to his "hoodie woobie," dreaming of walking down the street or through an airport where nobody gives a damn who he is.
So much for my mini-rant!!!
Y'all it's sad, but it's nothing new that he is going through at that airport. I mean that airport right now is ground zero for the major stars from around the world to go through. So of course there is going to big a huge amount of fanfare. It's the name of the game. You just have to go with the flow and remember why you are there. And RP knows how to handle it by now. Did he not go through HELL bootcamp last year with the mall tours, screaming girls, premieres around the world. This is not his first time at the rodeo,people. I know it's something you may never get use to,but at least it's familiar territory.So he is not that scared.LOL
ok this is off topic but the idea of Rob in a tux in Cannes made me think that in 10 odd years he'd be an amazing James Bond. What do you think?? Sexy and lethal LOL
And yeah...I said it...his "hoodie woobie." Personally, I'd be totally okay curling up with it at night...:)
wow ... THAT has never crosse my mind yet ... Bond. James Bond.
the looks - yes
the charm - yes
the action hero - ???
KK- I know, I wish I was that pillow.I need a nap. Hell, what am I saying there will be no sleeping going on.Tee hee...
About Twilight, it was the pretty, the sex hair, and the perfect fucking teeth just caught everybody off guard. You hardly see that shit in real life and then on top of it he has a this insane personality??? Wha...LOL
I know he did say he wanted to start his own production company so that he could do movies that wasn't all about profit. Until he gets the millions to afford that dream one day. He will be slaving away for the MAN(SUMMIT).
Shani you got a point, also I am sure Rob was warned before arriving at that arrival hall what was waiting for him. So he was probably prepared. Still I cannot imagine how hard it can be sometimes for a shy person to have THAT kind of attention directed at him. But maybe he's learning to cope and just not let it all drive him insane.
KK I love that quote of yours "clutching his hoodie woobie" Now I got this weird image of little Rob clutching this hoodie like a teddy first ever NON er..drooling/oogling/swooning image of him, just something to go "awee poor baby, how adorable" over LOL!
well James Bond has a lot of super tech stuff to help him. And in 10 years Rob could improve his athletic skills LOL
Maryann - We can all learn to tolerate just about anything. He's learned to tolerate...doesn't mean it's any easier. It's kind of like a long-distance don't ever get over missing the person, but you can get used to the feeling of missing the person. He's getting used to the insanity, but I bet part of him still cringes inwardly.
Babs- Somebody here talked about RP before becoming the next James Bond. The only thing is Danial Craig is sexy as hell and has the swagger to pull off JB for quite some time. Maybe somebody will make a character that RP could play that would be just as dangerous and suave. Someone that we could swoon and sigh over.
now I'm watching you with my own eyes
Again KK you said what I was trying to say lol. Yep he can tolerate it but it doesn't make it any easier. Totally agree!
I like Daniel Craig too, I think he makes an amazing JB. Is there any character played by Rob that we wouldn't swoon and sigh over?? LOL
crazy bb :))))) back and stay I hope ?
KK - You make some good points there. Fortunately Rob is very level-headed and seems to understand the insanity of the situation.
I really hope some of the hype dies down soon. Surely for many the infatuation will eventually wear off and his core fans who really appreciate him and the work he does will remain.
KK- His "hoodie woobie".To cute, I love the mental image. Really, I guess the airplane is cold and so maybe he just uses it to cover himself up with it. Why was he was still holding it at the French airport though???
Wait, wouldn't it be crazy if him holding that hoodie turns into this big thing that everybody speculates about. Picture this headline: Hoodie Woobie Gate 2009. Is Rob Pattinson In Love With His Hoodie.ROTFLMAO
Nice eyes, Margot.
Jalarag - And I expect that many of the long-timers are currently on Robsessed!!! :)
After rising so high, he really has nowhere to go but down a bit, and that's okay. That's normal. I hope he can ignore the haters who are going to be placing unrealistic expectations on him. He can always come to this site if he needs support!! :D
thx jalarag ))))
today I look not like me ... pollen is killing me, I'm going to have my yearly May sick leave, I look like puffy monster
Shani - "Hoodie Woobie Gate 2009. Is Rob Pattinson In Love With His Hoodie?" Now you've done it. Someone is going to place a large, shapeless black blob over his hoodie in these pics to cover this whole thing up!!! :))))))))We know the truth, BB!!
as somebody said (=genus or a toddler's mother) his hoodie is his safety blankie (wow, I'm learning so much of new English), regarding the hype no wonder hoodie is close to Robbie
hoodie + bodie guardie (sorry for this, I'm laughing too loudly) ... it will do
I think Rob's safety and personal comfort lacks only one more element ...
me, of course *winkwink*
Kk- Ted C will now ask if RP's "hoodie woobie" can compete with Kris. And there will be over a 1000 comments in favor of his hoodie.LOL
Gozde: don't know if Monika has an agenda but for professional integrity's sake I have to back up her point. It's shoddy journalism and misleading for sites like GG or CG to take quotes from many months ago and present them as brand-new. It's lying, period. No better than the gossip sites. I appreciate your stance of only publishing quotes that come directly from the horse's mouth. But quotes put into a false context are lies that can grossly misrepresent the people speaking... which really ticks me off. Seen it do too much harm in my business.
On a brighter note: RP looks haggard, but what a trooper he is. Summit better appreciate his devotion to this project and be careful about how they pimp him out this time around.
Shani - I can't even function right now as I am laughing so damn hard at your comment.
The problem is that the "Gossip Girls" site said he RECENTLY said those quotes. That's an outright lie. We've all seen enough of this regurgitated journalism and prefer to go with what Rob says in a video interview or an interview from a more well-known publication where 99% of it is new to everyone (although even these publications have agendas). I haven't seen any out-of-context, regurgitated quotes lately that would in any way be hurtful to Rob or his reputation.
I agree it is bad "journalism" but I doubt they call themselves journalists anyways. They are "celebrity gossip". It's what they do, they twist the truth.
Gozde - And they spread their agendas and trash so very well, don't they????
Losaida- Your right.
KK- I agree with you that nothing lately that's been said will hurt him. Because we his true fans know by heart every word he has said.LOL
And trust,there would be a backlash so big if some stupid publication twisted his words were it made him look bad. We stand up for our man. Robsessed 4 Life baby-baabbbyyy...
Well, I don't think has an agenda :) What would their agenda be?
Anyhoo, these seem so trivial to me right now. As I said, I don't care who Rob dates or doesn't date.
If he says it himself or there are pictures I'll post. Life is too short :)
Okay, let me roll out so that I can roll back in later. Bye KK, Goz(still praying for you bb,much love)Losaida,Margot and any lurkers.
Looking at those pics, I can almost hear people commenting in French accent: "Mon dieu, Ze Eagle has left ze building!"
I'm glad he's back in Europe, but poor thing is getting smothered by all those people. Geez! The "Eagle" shouldn't feel caged...
Goz- Surely you care about hoodie woobie???? He didn't do anything but keep Robbie warm and toasty.LOL
Shani - You don't know if that's true!! You only believe what you want to believe about hoodie-woobie! Sheesh! :D
I *heart* hoodie woobie!
OK time to sign off here too, night night everyone, sweet dreams or have a great afternoon/evening to those that applies to hehe. Timezones confuses me!
KK- I can't breath now that I'm laughing so hard.
Bye Maryann!!
@ Celtibera ... roftl - you've made me hear zis tou
KK- Thanks for the "hoodie woobie" comment. It's gonna be used for a long time. It's priceless....
Devil's Advocate:
- can you really hate paparazzi for hounding him if everyone enjoys the fruits of their labor?
- what's the difference between celeb. gossip sites posting old quotes to create a new truth and a veteran gossip columnist posting hearsay?
- who doesn't have an agenda with these sites?
yeah ... time zones f*** hate it (((( it's 10:47 pm here
Celtibera- Translate what you said in french. We want to know the joke too.
Margot- Translate your bit as well.
A/LA- Someones a smart bb.
A/L.A. I love when others play devil's advocate. It keeps us thinkin'!!!!! You're always thinkin' about things A/L.A., aren't you??? :) Me, too.
@ Shani - it wasn't French, I was saying "My God, the Eagle has left the building" but with a French accent. ;)
Time for me to head home for the day. I'll be lurking and posting later. Hope you fabulous babes have a good afternoon!!!!
Cel- Oh. okay!! Excuse the non bilingual American. LOL
"you've made hear me this too"
I CAN hear it
Bye KK, let me get back to doing my work. Enough Robbie and hoodie woobie for me right now. Talk to you later.
Nah, I'm just guilt-ridden. I think the same things everyone does here in regards to "stalker" fans and papz, and then I think I'm an ass because I want to hear the latest scoop and to see pictures of him all the time (hello, I'm Robsessed), and that desire feeds into the chain of supply and demand. So, I am essentially part of the cause of him being hounded. If I really had an issue, I'd never go online to seek this shizz out, and if everyone else followed suit, he'd have a lot more peace in his private life but also maybe less opportunities as other sought-after actors.
Am I making sense? I have the worst sinus headache, so I'm not really sure.
@ Shani - No prob! ;)RP is making me want to speak French... It's probably not the best idea lol
A/L.A. - Ya make perfect sense to me! Sorry about your sinus headache! Gotta go!
@ A/LA - I feel your pain. It's a major guilty pleasure.
@ A/LA
chill out bb. sometimes this mood strikes me too. then I think that I read only what's posted here, don't visit and feed vultures and don't watch stalking pictures if they make ME feel a stalker.. enough is enough. so we might feel protective about Rob :) and we are helpful (LA movement) but I don't think we are harmful
sorry for your headache ;(((
I've got the same + puffy face from pollen... yeah - May, the most beautiful month of the year, verrrry rrromantic, really
Yeah, you're right, Margot. :)
Dear paparazzi,
I kind of hate you, but thankyouverymuch for pictures of AirGuitar Rob. Those are the best discovery since cheese.
Okay, I'm off to STFU and inhale some pollen outside. Thanks ladies.
The gossipers' agendas? Plugging any angle possible on his love life. While we ladies seem to prefer looking at our fantasy lover from any angle possible (in addition to admiring his great artistic talents, of course. ;) But have to fess up: just realized I've been misreading that as hoodie "woodie" from the start.... Guess RB just sends my mind spinning that way!
Way to post an old interview. Celeb people took an interview from Look Magazine he did in January 09 LOL. He hasn't mentioned anything to do with Kristen in ages. Just like that old interview of Nikki supposedly going to Italy. All of it is being regurgitated and people believe it.
Why are we so protective of him?
I will see objects flaying to me for saying this, but I read your comments and they made me sad, they made me feel guilty for watching pics of him like this, but the truth is that we are all still on this topic watching this pics and commenting on this, if we are so sorry for him, we wouldn’t be watching this kind of pics and that’s it.
He is a grown up man, that may not have fully expected this craziness around (more probably initially he may had expected with Twilight to bust up his career in the US to enter a little into the market there) but I think he is pretty mature and very intelligent to carry himself through this.
This level of media exposure happens once in the life for any celebrity if they are lucky, it what aloud them to be commercially relievable, get interesting projects and when hypes goes down, if they were smart about the work they selected they will have a consistent carrier, like Johnny Depp and Leonardo DiCaprio did.
Of course he looks tire, he is only human..
Of course I expect fans and paps to respect him, at least his personal space…
Of course we desire gossip sites like Ted C, LaimeyHo and Perez Hilton to crash down of the web and never come back for the sake of any celebrity…
All we can expect is what we are able to achieve, like stop gossiping about who ever he may be having sex with, because one thing is making jokes, having fun, other thing is taking it too seriously and dissecting each of his words spoken by him or not.
Just my opinion ;)
I do hope he can get some rest from a very long flight and work load. I do think something is developing with him and KS. I do think he looks gorgeous.
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