E! News- Rob's Birthday Edition


Honey said...

I hope his birthday wish comes true, whatever it was.

RPnKSaddict said...

I can't wait to see Rob at the Cannes film fest. I hope there will be lots of pics and maybe some interviews. I don't feel as bad watching when it's work related and with his consent. Fingers crossed.Congrats on Remember Me, Rob! Love you!!

Thinking about you and praying for you and your family Gozde!

Your awesome Dani for holding the fort down for Gozde.Thanks!

Tenneil said...

Honey is that you...twice in the same night...well I guess its the next day ...*waves franctically*

Anonymous said...

hi honey :)

t... how are you girl? long time no see... i've been absent lately

Anonymous said...

so good to see him with his daddy and friends on his birthday... and he was looking mighty sexy as usual :)

Tenneil said...

Hey TS~ I am good... I hear you... just been here and there...Recovering from Robs bday...LOL...

Honey said...

Yes T that was me :). Goin to bed now. Flight leaves at 6 am. Ick.

Home sweet home, can't wait! I missed Mother's Day and my mom & I are close friends. I talked with her tonight & she misses her oldest (& best, lol, jk.)

Maybe we can chat sometime this wknd sweetie. Again, miss ya. :)


Bootstrap Intern said...

Ah.. he looks so good. I hope he had a great bday.

And a big HELLO to you ladies!

Tenneil said...

Hey H~ be safe...

sweet dreams...

BI~ hey girl... how are you...

Ts yes he does look good... always

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hey, ladies. Just thought I'd check in before I go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

bi! :) where you been hiding girl?

h... baby come back! any kind of fool can see that i was wrong.. and i just can't live without you... lol

Tenneil said...

Hey KK... evening.. how are you??

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - Pretty f*cking pissed off.

Anonymous said...

kk! hey girlie... howyoudoin? just read your email... yup the life of a soccer mom... haven't even gotten to enjoy our boy here! bummer.

Tenneil said...

TS you are the lyrical gangsta...

Bi you still around... where have you been hiding???

Tenneil said...

KK~ what up girl... why the panties in a bunch???

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Can I vent ladies if I promise not to spread any speculation?

Anonymous said...

uh oh... don't make me throw out gansta's paradise... lol

kk: what's a matta you???

Bootstrap Intern said...

Honey, come back!!

TS; I still come by here... all.of.the.time. just haven't been commenting... life is kinda getting in the way :)

T; Im doing great. How the heck are you??

wow... it really has been a long time since Ive got to play here.

Anonymous said...

do it to it kk

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi KK!!

Anonymous said...

fo rizzle bi... we've missed you so

i haven't really been here for the past week and i feel all disjointed

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay...here goes. I know this shit isn't supposed to bug me, but I'm already in a hella cranky mood today, so here goes.

I was zipping around the net looking at articles about our boy. I click on things so fast that I don't always notice where the link is to. Well...I ended up on Ted C.'s website, and as far as I'm concerned, he has just gone too f*cking far now.

Tenneil said...

BI~ yeah real life does get in the way... glad you came out...

TS ~ you going coolio on me now??

KK~ if you need to... go ahead

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Hi, Bootstrap!

Honey said...

TS, are you trying to lure me w the damn swiffer commercial jingle? Good one lol.

Hmm, is rob involved somehow?

Ladies, have fun. And again, good night.

Honey said...
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Tenneil said...

H~ you repeating yourself... LOL

Bootstrap Intern said...

Good night, Honey. Travel safe.

Anonymous said...

h: did it work? ... the swiffer jingle? i could go secret lovers if you want... lol

good seeing you girl! take care and enjoy time with momma :) have a safe trip!

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS; Not much Robsessing lately? What's pulling you away?

Anonymous said...

kk... care to elaborate? i'm curious (like benjamin button over here)

Tenneil said...

TS ~ secret lovers....LMAO...

Ted C is a f*ckin fire starter.. and he can kiss me a**

Anonymous said...

bi: i know... boo

geez louise... real life committments gotta get that shit under control and fast! lol

Bootstrap Intern said...

I can't believe I am going to ask this... but what did Ted C say... I really don't want to go to his site.

Tenneil said...

Girls how was Robs b-day for you all.... do you plan anything???

Tenneil said...

Priorities TS ... priorties...

Anonymous said...

t: just plenty of rob pics and some of his favorite music to fill my thoughts... :) all around fucking awesomeness

what did you do? cake?

Bootstrap Intern said...

I had a beer in honor of his birthday. Oh and course stared at his pictures all day long :)

Anonymous said...

kk: don't leave us with a cliffie like that... spill it

Tenneil said...

NO cake... read he didnt like sweets make him sick....sooo... listened to him singing to me while gettin a special in and out cheeseburger and peach snapple..

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...
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KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

And I don't mean to drudge up anything here. I just didn't have anyone else to complain to but the Robsessed crew.

Anonymous said...

aaahhh yes... rob singing to me always a good thing... can't wait to hear what he's composing for whatever project he's working on

bi: rob would be so proud... throwing back a cold one in his honor

Tenneil said...

Best robs voice??? WHAT!??!?!?!?!

iam engaged now....WHAT??!?!?!?!

Tenneil said...

KK~ I think Ted C needs a talking to... for the love of all holy.. I mean really...Shit like that hurts....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, damn, Tenneil...that's the first time I've really laughed today. I heart you big time :)

Anonymous said...

kk: vent away baby! don't want all that frustration pent up...! engagement btw... wow he is a fucking loser.

just remember these words when thinking of your robsessed friends: i've got you babe

okay that was cheesy... but surely you smiled at the thought of sonny & cher, right?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Oh KK, that pisses my off too. Im glad you felt you could vent to us.

TS; I felt a beer would be a good thing to do in his honor.

T; Good call re: no cake. And Rob singing is heaven.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...
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Anonymous said...

good call kk! don't lead anyone, even unintentionally, to his garbage...

bi: was it a heine?

Tenneil said...

KK~ very nice of you to try to stop the lies .... Hey bb I heart you too...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay...I feel a little lighter now. You guys are the only ones who understand this whole Rob phenomena.

Tenneil said...

I think we need to send Rob a case of heiny's after that shit hits the fan... geez

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Was he too cute at the restaurant, sticking around in the rain to make sure every fan there had contact with him????

Tenneil said...

KK~ Rob is a beautiful vortex... I love the man... nobody deserves what he indures.... he endures it with grace btw...

Anonymous said...

Hi, sorry this doesn't have anything to do with the original post, but I didn't know how else to post it. I mostly just lurk, but I read this post on another site and I'm having such a WTF??? moment, that I just had to ask if anybody else had heard about this. My brain is exploding from it.


Anonymous said...

seriously... what a generous guy he is... on HIS birthday no less

how could people not love him?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - Perhaps we should just administer his Heineken by IV???

Tenneil said...

TS~ ROb is the giver of all things good!!! LOL

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

withmirror - Link doesn't work.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I had an Anchor Steam.

I don't like Heineken, but don't tell Rob that.

Anonymous said...

oh god... please don't let it be a link to kstew speculation... please?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - I agree, but now I'm interested.

Anonymous said...

Whoops, the link isn't working, I'll try again


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Link still isn't working.

Tenneil said...

Not even going... I dont want my heart to break any more than it already has the last couple days... Tenn needs a hug from Rob...LOL

Anonymous said...

t: giver... hmmm is that right?

bi: never heard of it... but i won't tell rob... pinky swear

kk: interesting thought... beer by iv...?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Tenneil - Can't get there anyway.

Anonymous said...

with: you wanna just tell us what it is...? or do we want to know?

Tenneil said...

Rob and that damn hoodie... gah i love that hoodie.... Loved his bday look...LOL

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I checked out the blog and the most recent post is a pic of zygote Rob. Perhaps she hadn't seen this pic yet like the rest of us???

Anonymous said...

Hmm, no matter what I do, the entire link won't show up, so just add 42.html to the end of the link and see if that works. I'm going to see if I can copy the post here just in case.

A mature Twi-Mom and Facebook friend of mine, Jennifer, had the *fabulous* idea of transforming *Pocket* Edward into Vibrating Edward (note black battery pack). She brought him to the Twi-Con L.A. event.

Jennifer was one of five chicks to win lunch with Peter Facinelli. While the lunch date was a *private* affair, here's the overview of her "Vibrating Edward" experience:

As for Vibrating Pocket Edward, I was the first of my entourage of girlfriends to ask for autographs, and being the sales person that I am, I came in w/my great opener: "Will you sign my Vibrating Pocket Edward?" Edi Gathegi was quite speechless and made a big show of putting anti-bacterial on, at which point Kellan Lutz asked if he was putting on lube.

I was so nervous, I was probably blushing like Bella too. Edward was buzzing quite powerfully the entire time, and all the actors played around w/him and asked how we came up w/the idea. This was a rudimentary design, though, so I promised he would be more "user-friendly" by TwiCon SF.

I didn't show Edward off to Peter till the autograph session, and he looked at me like he was thinking "You seemed normal at lunch, and you show up w/a vibrating doll?" If anyone brings up this story to these guys, they'll remember for sure. We stopped the line cold during the autograph signing w/all the yells and whoops, even security came over to touch Edward.

Anonymous said...

i do like rob in the hoodie... makes his neck look scrumptious... well even more so than usual i mean

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Oh, thank God it's just a vibrating Edward story....I never thought I would ever say those words together in a sentence.

No need for your heart to be broken Tenneil! That is, unless it's broken by vibrating Edward! =)

Tenneil said...

Damn TS.. dont get me started on the neck... lips... eyes.. and the black jeans with his undies showing..

Anonymous said...

holy hell...

Tenneil said...

BI~ girl where you at???

Tenneil said...

I am speechless on that story... except for EWWWWW!!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Rob ROCKS in a hoodie.

Anonymous said...

t: seriously...? with the eyes... you're killing me here...!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay...I think I'm loosened up to go to sleep now that I have images of Rob in his hoodie and suit jacket filling up my head. Smiling, birthday Rob. He's gonna have such a GREAT year, and we get to witness.

Tenneil said...

BI~ he sosoooooo ROCKS the hoodie... and the sport coat...

TS~ the eyes are the window to your soul...what are his saying??

Anonymous said...

kk: you loosening up... makes me happy :)

yes... can't wait to see rob do great things this year!

you off to dreamland now?

Bootstrap Intern said...

KK; I was happily thinking to myself today, that we are going to get to see a lot of Rob over the next few years... and hopefully many more years after that.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I'll be off in a sec...seriously...I kinda can't wait for NM to wrap so Rob can get moved on to a new film set with new people. He's got to be really excited for a change! I'm really hoping that in a city as big as NY, he might find a little hole-in-the-wall to do an open mic night?????? I hope, I hope, cuz I know how much he loves doing them.

Anonymous said...

t: you dirrrrty girl... you know what those eyes are saying... just look at them

and they will one day be filled with love for some very lucky girl

Anonymous said...

oh kk! how awesome would that be for him!? just him & a guitar on stage bearing his soul through music... *sigh*

Bootstrap Intern said...

Im really looking forward to see him get away from the Twilight stuff and seeing him in other roles. BUT with that being said, I am looking forward to seeing more of Robward.

Tenneil said...

KK~ open mic night for Rob would be great... All sorts of thoughts went with that one... GAh the way he holds a microphone... those beautiful hands...grasping a mic... is it gettin hot in herrrre?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I think those are the things he misses the most by becoming so recognizable. It's the price of fame, but sometimes I wonder how high of a price he will be willing to pay as time goes on.

Anonymous said...

t... nelly? so take off all your clothes...

Tenneil said...

TS~ you not helping with the dirrrrty thoughts here.. thanks bb

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Bootstrap - Oh hell yes! I'm just as excited to see Rob in NM as everyone else is!

And with that, I'm signing off. You ladies have been awesome tonight. Sorry I got a little emo on ya. School year is winding down, and I'm just frazzled.

30 - Put down the soccer ball and email me, will ya?????? Hahaha...I know you're busy. Nice talkin' to you tonight.

Tenneil, Bootstrap and 30 - Sweet dreams!

Tenneil said...

Nite KK... its been fun... Sweet Robbieness to you!!!

Gemgirl65 said...

KK sweetie, get your undies unbunched. Even LaineyHo said nothing was going on at the party last night. I can't believe I'm even going to suggest it, but reading her version will actually calm you down! Ted's an idiot. Does anybody even read his stuff? He's such a drag queen.

I left and watched a li'l Twilight this evening, and then I come back to 3 new posts. Goz and Dani never sleep! And neither do I, anymore...

Tenneil said...

Hey its really quite in here tonight... crickets... what is up with that???

Anonymous said...

kk ;) always good to see you! we'll talk soon

now get to bed and dream about rob!

Tenneil said...

Leann~ hey girl... I havent slept in 6 months... and counting ....
its overrated slept that is..LOL

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Leann - Haven't quite left. Panties are now unbunched. Went a little emo tonight, but the gals here chased it away. Bummer that you're getting on while I'm going to sleep.

BTW - New thread up above from the highly reputable "Life and Style" magazine. If you don't want speculation...skip it.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

"Highly reputable" as in you can wipe your ass with it. :))))))))))))

Tenneil said...

Hey Ladies I hate to be a follower but bed is calling me...
TS~ nighty nite....good to see you!!

BI~ dont be a stranger... {hugs}

Leann... nighty night..

Rob love to you all!!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Good night KK and have sweet Rob dreams.

Anonymous said...

nitey nite t! sweet rob's hoodie dreams to you

Anonymous said...

hi leann btw!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Good night T... and I hope you have sweet Rob dreams too. Hell!! I hope we all have sweet Robs dreams tonight :)

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Leann!

Gemgirl65 said...

I stopped in earlier and it was a little quiet so I ogled Robward for a bit. Now I'm off to bed too. I suspect that a bunch of our Robsessed are all IMing each other on FB now instead of posting here, ever since Jewels opened up a can of whoop-ass that one night! LOL That's the only pure speculation I'm gonna engage in tonight!

I have lots of my own personal Robsten theories and speculations...I just don't post 'em here.

Tenneil baby! I MUST sleep! lol I spent our Birthday Boy's big day home sick with a migraine and I don't seem to be recovering very well. *sigh* I'll see you all tomorrow! *hugs*

Gemgirl65 said...

Dadgum...BI and TS...now I gotta say HI! Edward style, and then BYE! so I can get some shuteye! These friggin' time zones...

Anonymous said...

night leann :)

Bootstrap Intern said...

Good night Leann... it was nice to chat even if it was brief. Enjoy your sleep.

Anonymous said...

well bi... and then there were two... i'm gonna go read some more of a ff that miss kk suggested to me... three chappies in and still not sure what to think of it

talk soon i hope!

night! and night to you lurkers too ;)

peace. love. and rob xoxo

Bootstrap Intern said...

Nighty nite, TS. It was to catch up!! Im going to bed too with George and Grace.

Bootstrap Intern said...

*nice to catch up... is what I meant to say. Me is sleepy.

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