And he makes another "hot" list. Are we surprised?

We can’t decide what we like most: watching this heartthrob in his role as Edward Cullen in Twilight, or tracking his hot hookups in real life. This summer, he’s busy filming The Twilight Saga: New Moon, which is scheduled to come out next fall.
just in case Nikola moves to this new thread...
girl, please let me tell you here and now, that i RELATE to your pain....
as i am also verbose, i would never say anything about your posts. plus, they're freakin' awesome!
i said earlier today, i had an epiphany that i am very concerned that my little crush on rob has turned into full blown, certifiable obsession. bc the more i fed the beast (ie, watching interviews, listening over and over to dvd commentary, looking at cute utube videos), my obsession only grows.
i think i might have to take some time off. i'm not kidding. it's scary.
i'm a 34 year old woman who owns her own business, graduated from a prestigious university, lived abroad all over the place for years, worked in the PR world (dealing with celebs i might ad, theater ones, but celebs none the less), and this man has done something to me i can't even fully verbalize.
the combination of his personality, humility, grace, intelligence, wit, and, of course, lanky, langourous, sensuous beauty has left me befuddled and dumbfounded.
so there's my confession. don't feel alone. certainly not here...
This is a bunch of incredibly uninteresting (to be polite) men
are they f*** blind !!!! ZOO
Sho- and Nik- So many of us on this blog feel this way. You both did well at describing my feeling about Rob. I'm married and 37 so your definatly not alone.
Byt the way Hottest Man of the Summer!? How about Hottest Man Ever. I'm biased.
oh man...i love the top header with all that shirtless robward...that is just the most beautiful sight!
Ok, I don't usually think of Cosmo as being totally wrong...but all the "hot hookups"?
I am so glad to read all of your posts - I too am totally obsessed and having trouble getting work done. I am almost finished with my masters degree and having trouble concentrating on any of the work I need to do for it (along with my usual full-time job).
Agreed about the "hookups" thing, they should have written "the media reported hookups" or something along the line...
But well, while cosmo might not be 100% gossip, it's still a bit gossippy right?
(I don't read it, so I'm not sure)
Showme, you must be channeling me. That is how it is with me ... except I am 47 and have a son who is freaking a year and a day older than Rob. So I feel sorta sick even having the obsession.
You are most certainly not alone. I am well.... 40ish.
I have never felt this way about a Holly wood celeb before. Your description of him is beautiful.
@showme... I'm 40ish tooo... and I so wish I could go back in time... only if I could know then what I know now! Ha!
I thought this list of "summer's hottest" was sooooo lame! Honestly, i didn't know half of them... and they were all pretty homely is you ask me... or else the pics used were not the best.
Rob, Johnny... about the only ones worth spending any time over... the rest? I wouldn't cross the street... just a bunch of little boys!!!
er... except for you Rob! LOL!
Like I said a few days ago... this global obsession (evolving for some into very grounded admiration, ahem) would make a great psychological thesis topic... Jus Sayin!
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