
Hi guys,

Most of you know that I'm going through hell these days and I made a mistake 3 days ago. I hot linked to some pictures from Pattinson Life Livejournal. I was trying to make a quick post before heading back to the hospital. I wasn't thinking clearly and I crashed some people's accounts. I would like to apologize to kittyglam , brandnewluv and everyone that suffered from my idiocy. I would never have done it with a clear head and I am truly sorry. If I crashed your account I'd like to have the chance to pay for your bandwith and restore it.

Thank you for all the prayers and messages. You have no idea how much it means to me. We are having a surgery on Monday and with God's help we'll get through it :)


P.S.: I have redirected the contact us box to Dani's email since I can't check them anymore.


riddleinside said...

We love you Gozde. Don't worry I'm sure everybody here understands and just wish things get better soon, so we can have you back :)

Take care and may God be with you and your family.

keti said...

Goz, you and your family have been in my prayers : ) xo

Georgie said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you Gozde at this challenging time; hope everything goes really well on Monday!

Hannah said...


We love you
Stay positive


Cindeeloo said...

ROBsessing just isn't the same when i know your going through such a trying time. I truly hope things get better soon. Best wishes on Monday. We miss you.

Sleepy Hollow Craft Company said...

Gozde...I am thinking of you...you bring me so much joy every single day...and I can't ever thank you enough for organizing my most favorite site on the web. my robsession wouldn't be nearly as fun and my work day wouldn't go nearly as fast without this :) I am sending you and your family many well wishes and healthy and happy thoughts....

Anna said...

Gozde, I wish I could have gotten you one of those $20,000 RobKisses.

For various reasons, it was not possible, so you'll have to do with plain ol' me instead:


katykeene said...

Goodluck Gozde may Monday turn out well for you and your family. May all the prayers and well wishes help you through this obviously trying time.
Robsessed will survive until you return. Thanks to yours and Dani's hard work.
Did we all forget to tell you it is the best site on the net.

FakerParis said...

Love you babe. I'll be keeping you and your family in my thoughts hoping everything goes well. *hugs*

margot said...

Gozde I wish your b-i-l all the best, I hope you will all be well soon, believe me - there's lots, lots of ppl thinking of you every hour and keeping our fingers crossed to send you all good luck... it's a pity we cannot help any other way :((( I wish I could, this place means a lot to me and so do you and your family...

while you're away we are flying like kites in the sky but there is always the string attached leading here to ROBsessed and Gozde

GOOD LUCK, honey

kespax said...

Wishing you & family all the best and our prayers.
Hoping you all have the best of care.

Corinna Spencer said...

Chin up Goz, you have masses of support.
Thanks for everything-best wishes to you and your family.


SummerGirl said...

Love and prayers to you and your family

And thank you for this brill blog :)

Jala said...

My prayers and thoughts are with you, Gozde, that you may have the strength to deal with this situation.

May God be with you in this trying time.

Rhonda said...

Gozde, still praying for your family and hoping for the best possible outcome. God bless!

Display Name said...

I am praying for you and all your family along with sending you all my good energies! I hope everything goes ok. x

Kate said...

Goz, thinking of you babes
Love ya!

Cadiwyn said...

*huggles Goz* Hope everything goes well and smoothly on Monday. Lots of love to you and your family.

Paula said...

Hi Gozde, everyone understands you have a lot to deal with at the moment, so please don't worry.

Concentrate on you and yours. I am praying for you all.

Much love, Weave x

crazy said...

Goz~ All you should have to concern yourself with is your family. I'll pray for you all.

Tess said...

Gozde! You and your family are never far from my thoughts. I'm only thinking and hoping for the the best.

Love you.

Suz said...

Goz, please let us contribute to the bandwith repayment?

We are all in this together.

If you have a paypal acct, we can help.... (I think you can add a paypal button on the front page)

Let us help you, even in such a small way.

You & Dani provide a wonderful free service. Our devotion and appreciation is without measure.

We love you and hold you dearly in our thoughts and prayers.

Lots of love,


Rhenea5018 said...


All the best to you and your family. May the strength of your friends and the will of God guide you through this journey.

Babs said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, all the best to you all.

Anonymous said...

Goz: Sending lots of prayers and positive energy to you & your family. I pray that all goes well on Monday! Bless you and your BIL.

Much Love xoxo

LovetheLips said...

Gozde - I'm with Suz on the paypal thing...I'm on this site every day, several times a day and it's all because of you and Dani. Please let us help you out.

Wishing you and your family strength through this difficult time.

english muffin said...

Gozde, I hope everything works out ok for you and your family. You bring so much joy to all of us that visit your site. Take care. x

cathysue said...

i'm usually not one to spout scripture but this one always helps me...hope it does for you too...
"I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me."

Yvonne said...

Goz, please focus on you and your loved ones. Everyone here is thinking of you, and praying for you.

I agree with suz on the Pay Pal thing...

I'm sure everyone would love to contribute :)

Hang in there.

MandyW said...

Gozde, please don't give it another thought. Even though we all love you, we understand that family should be your main priority. Dani can help keep the blog up right now.

I definetly agree with the pay pal comment. This site is important to all of us, most of are here several times a day.

Prayers are being said for you around the world, by all of us, I'm sure.

Sexy said...

Very special thoughts and prayers going out to you and your family during this difficult time Goz. I will be sending healing prayers to BIL on Monday and lots of cyber hugs for you and yours!!! Hang in there and keep the faith. God bless you and your family :)

margot said...

PayPal Thing is a good thing... they accept money from all over the world I think ?

seriously, Gozde, when you have time go for it

larajean1 said...

I don't know what is going on with your family. I'll say a prayer for you. I love this blog and check it several times a day.

WildCat said...

I've been so out of things and clueless, so I didn't know anything was going on. Now that I know, I will be keeping you and yours in my thoughts, Gozde. xoxo

Unknown said...


look at that people. our rob is in danger. no wonder why his bodyguard touches him all the time. specially in those situations. its good that summit hired bodyguards for him.

DD said...

Goz - We are praying for you. I love this blog and come here eveyday. I am in on the PayPal thing - we are all in this together.

Lisa Serrano said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Hope all is better soon .

I agree with Suz Paypal account button a lot of free sites have it.

RPnKSaddict said...

We're missing you and praying for you and your family. We'll be here eagerly waiting your return.
Best wishes from around the world.

Loisada said...

Gozde, Let me second Suz's idea. You give SO much of yourself to this site, and we all selfishly take away so much from it. Let us pick up some of the slack on this. If you do incur charges from this misstep, please start a special PayPal account and let us contribute. Please babe....it's the very least we can do. Loving thoughts to your family.

CullenGal09 said...

Goz-hey girl! Don't even worry about it. I know everyone here understands, and no hard feelings are had. We all love you, and are with you at this dificult and trying time. We Robsessors have to stick together-we're united in our love for Rob, and for each other most of all. You are a sweetie, and hope all goes well with the surgery monday. Thoughts and prayers aplenty for you. Oh, and one last thing-just trivial for sure, but have to say it-your banner is so beautiful! What a lovely thing to see first thing today. You're an amazing person. We love you! MUAAAAAAHHH!

CullenGal09 said...

One last thing-Suz-your idea is terrific. Goz, you and Dani do provide a wonderful thing with this site, and I can safely say that you bring great joy every day to lots of Robsessors (like myself!) and you deserve something back. So, right on Suz-bring it! Goz, you are the nest. Dani, you're next, too, girl!

CullenGal09 said...

The best-oops! You are THE BEST, GOZ! ;)

Marj said...

GOZ, our prayers are with your family and of course you. peace

Marj said...

count me in for the bandwidth con. i have paypal.

Anonymous said...

All the best to you and your family Gozde.


Pasteleria Mu said...

There will be a candle at home for you and we remain with your family at heart. Technical problems happen but look small in comparison to what you're going through.
I also support the idea of paying for the bandwith problem.Robsessed is the only reason I turn on my lap top more than three times a day.Before finfing you guys sometimes I went trough days without even checking my e-mails.
I send you all my love and blessings.For you and your family.
Hang in there,girl.

Shani said...

Goz I<3 U and so does the big guy in the sky aka GOD. Keep positive and push down any negative thoughts. Keep reminding yourself of all the love that your family, friends, and all of us here have for you. Know that love conquers all.


Kat said...

Suz, what a great idea. Goz, if you're able to post a paypal account for us all to help out, please do.

We love you and we miss you and I know everyone is thinking of you and your family right now and sending good wishes and prayers.

Olive Juice

Melissa said...

Goz-please know you and your family are always in my thoughts and prayers. Chin up, bb. We all love and adore you. :P


Rominiwi said...

Just keep it up Goz!
We're all here with you.
Big hug.

Anonymous said...

I had posted once b4 when I read you were going thru hard times, but I just wanted to say that I am praying for you again. Stay positive...and best wishes on Monday.

Kathy#1 said...

I have been having a lot of problems with your site closing on me - on both my home and work computer. Is there something else I should be doing? Love your site Gozde - you do an amazing job.

On another note, is is just me or does Rob look like he's got a stick of gum in his mouth on the banner? Right were the bottom of the R comes out - something tells me you guys did that on purpose...hahaha!

Kathy#1 said...

whoops, meant to say "where" on my last note.

Sexy said...

You're right Kathy...it does look like a stick of gum...Bahaha!! Oh how I would love to be a stick of gum in his mouth :D

DirtyD said...

Goz- you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care of yourself.

Love ya bb :)

Little Red said...

Hope things truly become better. I love your blog and thank you for all your posts but it's not the same if you and your family are going through a horrible time. Sending positive thoughts and vibes from the UK. Best wishes for Monday.

Anonymous said...

Can I tell you all how much I love you ladies and this community.

Goz.. this speaks volumes about your and Dani's tireless efforts to keep us eyeball deep in robdeliciousness.

We are here for you. Just say the word, and it's done.


CullenGal09 said...

Suz-what up, girl. Couldn't have said (again) it better. Robsessors unite!!! ;)

CullenGal09 said...

I feel the love everytime on here, and it rocks. Rob fans are the best fans! Oh, and one last time-Goz, you are (along with Dani, natch!) are our lovely Rob new s and pic suppliers-couldn't do without your site. It is the best, and don't ever apologize for anything like that-"stuff" happens, computers are contrary, and sometimes these things just come up. don't even worry about it-it's gonna be ok. We got your back!

CullenGal09 said...

Bye the way ladies-if anybody's there-did you see the video from the auction? i may be a little behind, but i saw it this am, and it's awesome! Rob looks beyond handsome-so lovely all decked out in his tux. So dashing-thud. So gorgeous-thud, again. ;) He was a bit nervous I think, but so sweet, debonair, and SEXY!

CullenGal09 said...

Sorry-had to comment on that-hehe.

Kathy#1 said...

Sexy...yes, a stick of gum in my next life...hahahaha...

Kathy#1 said...

I want to add to everyones thoughts here and say that I think we all would be happy to help you and Dani with whatever you need or you think we could do.

CullenGal09 said...

Oh, and Dani, I saw that you were sick-my aplogies for not blogging this sooner, but, feel better soon, girl. You rock!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Kathy! Yep-that would be VERY happy gun indeed-hehe. It sure ly would have long-lasting flavor-uh huh-;)

CullenGal09 said...

Oh, my. Sorry! Gum, i meant...:p

CullenGal09 said...

Hey-does anyone know if Rob left Cannes last night or is leaving today? Has anyone heard? i thought he was supposed to go to Italy today, or be there today to prepare to finish shooting NM.

CullenGal09 said...

If and when any pics from Italy show up, I know they'll be awesome. Can't wait.

Lea Elm said...

Godze, we are all here for you! I wish you the best and hope everything will be okay soon.
Take care love!

Cindeeloo said...

CullenGal09...Yes, Rob has officially left Cannes and is now in Italy ( per C.B.A.) I also reluctantly went into Lainey's website and there is a really good article called " On the terrace Laura POV" apparantly someone on Lainey's team LOVES Rob!!!!!

I love how shy he gets when he's around beautiful women. Makes me love him ev

Cindeeloo said...

even more!!! ( i didn't get to finish)

Anonymous said...

Gozde, my prayers are with you and your family. Good luck, and God bless.

We miss you! Take good care!

CullenGal09 said...

Hi Ciny-thanks. What's Laineyho's website? Is it just Laneygossip.com?

CullenGal09 said...

Laineygossip.com, sorry! Cindy-appreciate it.

LovetheLips said...

Cindeeloo - Thanks so much for the heads up on that article...i dragged myself over to lainey-ho's site to read it.......Oh Laura does make Rob sound so delicious! What I wouldn't give to have been there too!

Lizalou said...

Ugh, so very sorry for this trying time, Gozde :(
Positive thoughts being sent your way. Thanks for all that you do.

Mrs. Robinsane said...

Best wishes for you and your family, Gozde!

Cindeeloo said...

LovetheLips....I know what you mean. I couldn't imagine sitting that close to him. I would be just stuck there frozen in time. What this man does to me i will never understand. I've accomplished nothing this past week.

Maryann said...

Gozde you got enough on your mind right now so I am sure that ppl will understand that mistake.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family now. Fingers crossed the surgery will go well on Monday.

TwiHartRK said...

Our prayers and thoughts are with you Goz!

We love you,

Lynnes said...

Take care Gozde!

God Bless

ps. Im all in on the paypal thing. It's the least I can do.

Anonymous said...

Gozde, I have been thinking about your BIL, you, and your family every day. I check your Twitter daily and think of you often, and hope that my good vibes somehow help to make things better for everyone.

Whatever you need us to help you with, just ask. It's the least we can do for someone who gives us so much.


Gemgirl65 said...

We'll all be with you in spirit next Monday...keep the faith and know many prayers are there to sustain you.

I'd be happy to give a donation for all the wonderful Robssessing you've allowed me to do, and the wonderful community I've had the pleasure to "meet" here. Just give us the word!

Tenneil said...

Goz~ your heart was in the right place... besides your heart is heavy now... Will be thinking of you and your family even more on Monday...Prayers to you all....


Mochachino said...

Gozde I am sending positive energy for you and your family during this difficult time.
Lots of love coming your way from everyone in this community you have built.

Stacy said...

Sorry things are rough for you right now Godze. I don't know the details, but I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.

showme said...

I hope SOO much that the health of your family improves....God bless!

Unknown said...

Goz, my heart aches for what you are going through. Know that you have lots of love and positive thoughts with you. Love you site on Rob because it's more mature. But family first!!!!!

hornycorn hag said...

Goz, sending you and your family all my positive thoughts and all my prayers. Stay strong babe! We love ya, and miss you around here, but family is always first!! Take care and yell if ya need anything! You know how to get me.


moviegirl said...

We can send some $ via payapl with our love and prayers. Don't worry about this. Keep doing what you need to and things will work out.

keely said...


my prayers and thoughts are with you and your family!!!!! I will keep my fingers crossed all monday *hugs*

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