Onto business:
LAiMEy Gossip claims:
Amanda Seyfried will reportedly begin work soon on Remember Me costarring Robert Pattinson with whom she presented at the Oscars a couple months ago. Cute. They looked great together, even though he seemed like he wanted to die.
Gozde: *Takes a deep breath* Well, I am calling this rumor: WRONG. But since LAiMEy always gets her rumors from....(God knows where... little birds? Her tush? ) it is not surprising that she'd be wrong.
This rumor started when screendaily.com reported this:
Summit Entertainment is presenting four new titles to buyers at Cannes this year including two new Summit productions - a romantic drama starring Twilightsensation Robert Pattinson and a generational love story set in Italy starring Amanda Seyfried.
You can read the rest of the story HERE where it talks about the 2 DIFFERENT movies that Rob and Amanda will star in.
i am not a fan of Amanda... i read it somewhere else too but i chose not to believe it... please God let it be false gossip... i dont like that girl!
I have never seen her in anything, so I have no opinion, except to say UNF on the high beams pic!
is amanda hot or something
Goz - don't you every apologize for posting that picture. Thud!
Funny story, I was recently on vacation on St. John in the Virgin Islands. My daughter came running out of the bathroom screaming. Someone had left the Rob GQ in there!! So there is a picture of me, holding Rob, sitting on a beach in the Caribbean - too funny! He must of missed me stalking ... I mean, showing an interest ... in him.
LOL I read this earlier somewhere too..and I was like, sheesh the article where she who must not be named seems to take this rumor from is as Gozde said talking about SEPARATE movies yep, one with Rob and another with Amanda Seyfried. Seriously these gossip mongrels..I guess they don't read stuff carefully or CAN they read at all? LOL
They are starring in two DIFFERENT movies, not the same one. Atleast not for now.
.you are very strange rob, something is not right with you, you are too perfect......i hope i'll have the opportunity to speak to you to convince myself that you are not true, i need that.........and there are people who thing that lawyers do not have feelings.....damn, i really hate myself for being interesed of you.....
P.S. sorry for my english, i'm from Romania, i do not speak very well english but i try to improuve my acquaintances.......
Like Rhonda, I've never seen her in anything (other than the Oscars where the bow on her dress was invading Rob's personal space), so I don't have an opinion but I most definitely have an opinion on the mipple picture.
Between the hair, the glasses, the scruff, and the mipples it's just too much. And all he's doing is walking around doing nothing. Sexiness is effortless for him.
:::wants to give him a titty twister:::
LOL Hansom! Who can blame you? Between this and Kellan's shirt yesterday, I imagine it's been on everyone's mind.
Scruff, mipples and flannel in HQ.. its so damn hot Im doing my own little Dali dance!!
Laimey needs to fire that monkey that sits scratching its arse all day, making up gossip for her.
Although I don't think I would be able to stop with just a titty twister
mmm, picture is sexyy. FALSE GOSSIP, PLEASE!
OK, Laimey is officially retarded. That article talked about 2 different movies. As anxious as I am to know who his costar is, I'm not too crazy about a matchup with Amanda. I watch her on HBO's Big Love and I'm not that crazy about her. I would like to see someone like Ellen Page or Olivia Thirby or Kiera. I loved the after birth scene with Ellen in Juno, it was very moving.
Laimey = Epically Fails, again.
They are discussing more than one Summit film... azzz
P.S. Amanda played the daughter in Momma Mia..
surely you gals didn't miss that film!
I personally find her flat... no pizaaz..
I havent seen Mamma Mia. Ive always been too afraid that an all singing and dancing Pierce Brosnan would give me nightmares.. but I think she was in Mean Girls right?!
Thank you Goz for putting the truth out. Lainey always writes likes she knows EVERYTHING. And of course she will put anything about Rob just to get hits on her site even if its not true.
TWO seperate movies but Summit. They haven't even cast the female role for Remember Me yet, or at the time of that article.
Ohh,, all I know of Amanda that she presented with him at the Oscar, found her kind of annoying, because he was too cute being all embarrassed while presenting and she looked too confident in it hahaa.. I didn´t watched Mama Mia, so I´ve never seen anything with her, can´t judge her acting, but as I was reading the gossip I remembered the news were that she was leading another movie for Summit, and then I read at the post was added the news I was trying to remember.
I hope they will cast a fine actress, I expect someone to play an strong female lead, from what I´ve read, the movie needs to be very character driven in order to get to the shocking ending with a bang, so it needs two strong actors playing lovers, I hope they could get someone like Ellen Page or Kiera Knightly.
Laimy is a douche bag.
But she does what she does best - talk shit.
On a better note.
Rob's mipples = nom nom!
titty twister
miples, scruff and flannel i HQ
need a nappy .....to read anything here :))))))
Well from the older post we read here it said that they were still looking.Amanda was also in Mean Girls. If what Mech said is true Amanda wouldn't be right for this role regardless.I'm sure that since Rob is such a goldmine for Summit they will search like hell to find the new "IT GIRL" to bring in more profits. You got to have that hot coupling...$$$$$$$
Amanda does not have a strong enough screen presence to act alongside our Rob, She seems like a nice girl, but, He needs a much stronger actress to do him justice.
Don't really know anything about Amanda because I would rather die than sit through "Mama Mia" (sorry if you're a fan). All I care about is that Rob makes a new film!!:)
I also vote for Ellen Page - Canadians rock! :)
Leann I'm chasing you on another thread :0
wanna Black & White ? :D
Do you mean another Leanne??? Confused...
do we have Leann and Leanne ???
poor me. meeeh
I think it was Leann who wanted that FF, so sorry for bothering
his movie is being released on Valentines day and 'it's gonna be R' or so I've read somewhere, on imdb I think.
Yep, there is a Leann as well..
MARGOT - I want Black and White, too. Please email it to me.
I did, Tina :))) thx to another Robsessor
Margot - Thanks
so much!! Where are you???
Poland (Eu, east of Germany)
leaning to my bed as ther is 1:51 am, damn time zones :(
gotta go to sleep with Rob... ups... with pic of Rob under my eyelids
if you spot Leann or Anne (they wanted Black and White) tell them to email me plzz
nite nite
Sweet Rob Dreams Margot
Ohhh, that picture does something to me!! That man is a sexy succulent nipply hunk! Did I say that?
Night, Margot!
Two Tinas, two Leann(e)s...how did Rob get so lucky? ;)
Margot, it must have been Anne who wanted the fanfic link, because I have been resisting reading it. HOWEVER I have made a pact with the devil, er, KK so I will apparently be reading some soon. Just as soon as I get done re-watching Rob's Twilight commentary, 'cuz that shiz is funny. ;D
I did see Mamma Mia, because I happen to love Abba, YEAH I said it! I love all kinds of music. Anyway, this Amanda chick is very sweet and pretty, and would most definitely bore Rob senseless in far less than his usual 15 minutes. I can't really think of a young actress I desperately wanna see him in a movie with. Wonder why that is....
hi Leann, Margot sent it to me so if you want B&W I have it.
From the time their two names were mentioned in the same article, I wondered who would be the first so-called journalist to cry, "Close enough!" and start saying Rob and Amanda would be in the same film. Cracks me up that the first one up to the plate is none other than the much maligned Lainey. Apparently she's earned her reputation.
Girl, you need to get a new profession or a new source for your stories because you can't ever seem to get the details right!
Amanda Seyfried is NOT costarring with Robert Pattinson in Remember Me! No one has been cast opposite of Rob yet.
She’s starring in A Woman of No Importance...both movies are being made by Summit and that's the only way she and Rob are connected!
amanda is pretty. they could be great couple on this movie.
Umm, Jacy maybe you should READ the post? I said she is NOT starring with Rob and they are starring in 2 different movies. That's what happens when you just look at the pretty picture and not read the text :)
I changed the subject so people like you can get the message with 1 look.
I never seem to get the details right...right!Thanks for registering and coming out of anonhood.
you guys (seyfried haters) are all idiot. the news didnt says that the two will be a couple or what, it says that
"Summit Entertainment is presenting four new titles to buyers at Cannes this year including two new Summit productions - a romantic drama starring Twilightsensation Robert Pattinson and a generational love story set in Italy starring Amanda Seyfried.".
meaning they're not on the same film. geez, idiots.
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