Since INF Images seems to have it out for us I am not posting the video. You can watch it HERE on Radar Online :)) (INF (not Radar Online) seems to think we make money off of this site and can afford to pay them. They compared us to Perez Hilton for posting unlicensed pictures:) Yeah, my MTV movie awards invitation is due any minute now :)).
Thanks to Yvonne and everyone else for the tip :)
And thanks to Allyson for the youtube link :) Do give radar online hits though, they are always nice to us :)
they totally suck we all know you and dani work your butts off. have a great weekend,sunday will be the best
That's pretty silly considering that all the non-official fansite use unlicensed pics... I don't know what INF is by the way, but I "boooo" them.
And to repeat what I said this afternoon: Rob's slim waist line is really sexy. Tall slim guys are really best looking in my opinion *_* and that's why suits and tux look so sharp on him too I guess.
Screw INF or whatever they're called. :)
WTF :-0
Love the tag line BTW ;-) You tell em Goz!!!
Goz....and you'll be sitting next to Rob at the awards, right? Oh wait, that's right, you're his date! (I wish!)
Thanks for all you do, FOR FREE, I might add!
omg-what a joke!!!! ignore the hell out of them Goz, jeez if anyone does this purely for the love of Sir Pattz and the fans, its you!!!
Muah! I can't wait for sunday either! Eeeek!
I'm off to get some wine and relax. I never want to see another hospital for as long as I live. It started to resemble a prison. We've been "living" at the hospital for 29 days now and it's starting to wear me down. I am taking a day off from nursing my b-i-l and will go get my hair dyed, done 2morrow! Need to feel like a human again :))
Love y'all!
Oh and I started reading twilight again. (5th time:)) It really helps, Edward Cullen owns me :)
Gozde and Dani thank you and don't pay attention to idiots :)))))))
Just starting BD for the fourth time!!! WOO HOO!!
Goz, enjoy the wine and pampering, you deserve it :)
let Robward, sir Robert, Beautiful Bastard or Tie Guy ...whoever take you and makes you happy :)))))
Oooh, good thinking! I need so much FF to catch up on!
Loved the vid. It really makes you understand how UNROMANTIC it is to do the work of filming these scenes. It must be tough with so many people distracting you to be able to get into character. I loved how Rob looks so slim and lanky and kept pulling up his pants!
Thanks Gozde and Dani for all of your work!
and Gozde A&O are continued ... Chapter 23 :))))
do not mention his fugly pants ... they made me less happy :((((((
Chi girl, yeah, after the first take, Kristen just walks away from him....I was like....WHAAAAT?
This, my friends, is why SHE is a professional actress, and I am a professional stalker, I mean fan....
why aren't those windows refresh themselves :((((( like I can watch a football match by watching added comments without refreshing ... my keyboard will be dead quick :D
@ margot: luckily, we know that we won't even notice the ugly pants in theaters because we'll be too foccused on the person wearing them!
But who chose the clothing? I thought they had worked on the global style to make it better ;_;
Though if it's my only complain at the end of the movie, I promise to not complain at all!
Aaaaaand...I'm dead.
Just in time for the weekend. And right before the MTV Movie Awards kill me all the fugg over again.
Gozde and Dani, thank you for sponsoring another afternoon of FREE entertainment for our shameless lusting pleasure. If I could, I would give each of you 15 minutes in a closet with RPatz. Actually, make that 30. Err. Scratch that again....30 minutes AFTER my turn. I'm generous, not crazy ;)
I will officialy have no other option but download MTV show from some British torrent site, and I will
Godze...you're great.
that video is now everywhere anyway....so puhleaseeee
How much do they suck?! Anywhoo... great vid tho. Enjoy wine and Edward, Gozde!
Interesting, as soon as they call "cut", Kstew pushes away from him like he has some kind of disease!!! WHY KSTEW!! WHY!!!!
Yeah...they'd be pulling me off him....Chris Weitz to LovetheLips "I said cut, dammit!!"
Thanks, Godze!! Now this is way I love Robsessed!!! Enjoy your wine and try to relax as much as you can:))))
Gozde- that video is on YouTube, can you use that one instead or will they still give you a hard time?
Anna F/ Margot-- I seem to notice in NM Bella's clothes got better (no more fugly puffy man jackets) and Edward's clothes.. worse?
Love-- I would have stayed clinging to him tighter than a baby koala bear.
A/L.A. - "I would have stayed clinging to him tighter than a baby koala bear." You are hilarious!!!!!
I can't
hehehhe A/LA
they're in front of 1000's of people....LOL...she can't exactly cling to him like a baby koala...altho that is the funniest thing i've heard in a long time
A lot of girls that I know (and some that are not really fans of Twilight) were talking about gorgeous Rob's shirtless scenes at the University today...
Chicago girl, I loved him pulling up his pants too. But, sure, I would prefer if he pulled them off. He went commando, you know... the pubic hair is still in my mind... well, well...
actually I liked Edward's clothes in Twilight (apart from baseball outfit, we were lucky they didn't want to ruin that bouffant wit a baseball cap brrrr)
those pants are unbelievably fugggggly, the only good feature of them is that they are low.... and they would improve if travelled south ...
@ A in LA
"I would have stayed clinging to him tighter than a baby koala bear."
Well, the extras' clapping hands were a deffinite reminder that they were not alone... I'm not sure I could have done the same as you LOL
hmmm ... unless ...
conspiracy fugly trousers theory :
he went commando to avoid underpants getting to high...
KristenBella was to jump him / hug him / kiss him repeatedly over hour or more ... who knows what could be going in tighter pants ???
*hides under the desk*
I really need to finish my writing and get rid of my advisor... I want to read New Moon again... calmly, enjoying every passage...
Chicago - You are so right about this kind of thing being so unromantic...actors talk about it all the time...how clinical love scenes are while filming.
We really do have to give K and R a ton of credit for being able to stay in character with all the applauding and passing out (because of Rob). They really both seem so professional. K was probably walking away from R because she was thinking "If I can just keep moving through this scene, maybe I won't have to run across the square another 50 times."
Rob also looks funny when he has the blue shirt on like he's thinking, "Jesus...I DON'T want to hear people applauding my nakedness another time!"
Margot, you are following exactly my thoughts... I've been wondering about this for 2 days now...
Okay...I totally think Chris W. has a hotness factor...
Margot - Why are you hiding?
Probably Margot...LOL
and he watched that perfect ass walk away from him to reshoot a bunch ;)
Showme - I'll give you that one. K does have an excellent ass. :)
At least he is not holding her ass with his hands ~~ like he did in the Vanity F photo session...
ok, can I stop hiding ?
Showme - Shit...maybe all this time that I haven't been crushing on Rob...I've developed a crush on Kristen???????????? (eyebrow waggle)
F*** perez. anyway i saw it, oh my damnn, rob is one sexy man
actually I am too big girl (literally, unfortunatelly) to hide confortably under my very small desk
Why were you hidding? We are all in the same boat here...
KK .... but I do like Kristen very much *wiggle wiggle*
and srsly I thank her for helping Rob deliver (?) even better :D
I don't have a crush on K, but she has a good ass. I hope that Rob did not notice... * wishful thinking *...
he did - he referred to IT - "your robust butt"
we could win any contest on Rob hands down, and I'm afraid we are on the quick path to crate some collective Robsessed mind just like ants .....
Hello ladies :))
missed you all, 24hours without robsession is just more than what my heart could bear
Love that Gozde is having good spirits :)
Edward in New Moon is...
It hurts.
It must be really stressful to get ready to shoot while everybody is watching that way. I felt bad for him a bit...I mean I know it's his job but still: it's not an easy task at all.
Plus we can hear something clap and it just adds more to the anxiety.
I see i'm not the only one talking paralelly on more than 1 thread ... split personality ... it might be useful
It is on youtube for free
'Robust butt', uhg, Margot? ok...
"Hey, Rob, gorgeous lover, I HAVE a robust butt too. You know, I am brazilian! Brazilians can't help it! So, if that is what you'r looking for (among other 'things'), come, babe, come..."
I recall e-mailing said INF personel about posting their images which we link back to them of course and informing them that HELLO..WE DON'T CHARGE FOR THIS BLOG, WE DON'T MAKE ANY MONEY FROM THIS SITE, IT IS SIMPLY FOR FUN!
Rude times...but I had quite a laugh at that posting. Good times...GOZDE I LOVE THEE! YOU ARE THE BEST SITE PARTNER IN THE WORLD!
And yes we will of course be auctioning off our extra tickets to the MTV Movie awards because we like to HORD all our millions we make from this site.
haha margot, as I saw nobody showed up there I came here where all you guys have been hiding :)
Dani as I told Gozde - don't worry about idiots :)))))) and have a nice weekend !
@ Sophia I knew, I just knew you';d like it :)))))) I can almost hear you ...
d'ya know I am listening to Brazilian music at the moment ? as very often ....
Suz.... Edward ... IS.... what else is there?
Gotta go eat dinner. See you all later, maybe...:)
Yes indeed, those pants are fugly.
Y'all know I have a thing about clothes. Those wardrobe people were hurting the pretty.
Poor R&K. I bet Kristen was trying to rush. It's just really embarrasing and awkward to have people cheering like that.
he got lucky not be kicked on the valuables :D
Speaking of this scene, I sent my internetless friend a text with said shirtless picture inside and she nearly died. I know, I'm such a great friend ;p
Girl is naughty; she was just listing all the things she wanted to do to RobKnob.
Let's just say it started with bite...
Hi ladies...just popping in to ask everyone to vote for Twilight tonight and over the weekend
In my next career.. I want to be the one who gets to hold Rob's butt to keep him from falling back when Kristen throws herself at him.. I mean is there a better job? Well maybe the makeup person who got to "pale" all that fineness up... or the CGI dot girl... "no wait Rob.. just a coule more dots... oh shoot that one is in the wrong place.. let me lick it off...." Ahhh I'm a sick one I am...
I got to go too and eat a little something. I'll be back later. Love y'all!!!
as far as I know voting is closed
Kelly :D be carefull girl
Kelly, I definitely think Kristen has the best job here. Getting to throw yourself at Rob over and over and over again and then getting to kiss him. Yeah that's the job I want.
Mandy I look at it this way... Kristen has a boyfriend... she's not going anywhere withhim.. now the single CGI dot girl.. AVAILABLE : )
I'd much rather throw myself at him behind closed doors...
LOL, yeah Dani. The tickets will be up on ebay bid at your own risk since they are tickets to my couch, I have a flat screen and free popcorn :))
I love you too babe! And I love how positive our readers are :) You girls are always so much fun! After we eliminated the nasty anons this has become a love fest for Rob's hotness :))
Goz and Dani.
You girls Rock...
You do all of this for the love of Rob and we all love you for it. Keep it up.
Gozde.. Dani.. we follow your lead ladies.. and if you had room we'd probably all be there Sunday on the couch! For the hotness.. popcorm can be bring your own ; )
Kelly... That is true.Any job near Rob, especially one where you get to touch him would be good. I like the way you think.
I think this is going to be sooo much better than Twilight, I can't wait!
My theory on Edward's clothes: In the book he's been away from his family trying to track Victoria all this time, he hasn't been home at all. That means he probably isn't doing more than minimally taking care of his clothes (and Alice isn't around to buy him more) & he isn't worried about how he looks (brown shoes with gray pants?) or if things fit (maybe that's why his pants seem too big? they're implying he's wasting away without Bella?) anyway, that's my theory. The fugly pants are deliberately fugly for the character.
I am all for the job of putting the dots on Rob. I might get carried away and put dots all over him but hey, it's called being extra cautious. You never know how the CGI really works, he might need those extra dots :P
Mandy - Especially if the touching is behind closed doors... I think I could redefine sexual harassment in the work place were I to work on him : )
When I first found this blog, I lurked around reading everyone's comments for a couple of weeks then I started leaving messages anon. I'm actually really glad that you took it off. It made me actually have to come out of the Robsessed closet.
kay, it's 2:30AM here, off to bed for me :) nite nite...
atta girl Gozde! you dothe dots.. I'll check your work : )
I forgot to mention how much I love this blog and everyone on it now.
Nite Gozde.. sweet dot dreams
MandyW and all the ex-anons: thanks for coming out of lurkdom :)) I was afraid of scaring people of but isn't it better to be "out of the closet"?
Oh, & I forgot to say, I thought it was really interesting how immediately after Chris yells cut, someone is there to put a shirt on Rob. I wonder if someone from wardrobe does that, or if that is somebody's specific job. Putting a shirt on Rob. I would have to practice taking it off many times before I felt I was expert enough to put it on. :-)
Me too Mandy!!!
Good night Goz... Sleep well and have sweet Rob dreams.
I shall dream of removing those dots from him, one by one....
Oh lordy :))
mirror... ohhhh.. another career path for me to investigate ; )
"I am like Hamlet, with a million thoughts.." about love, admiration, appreciation and respect for you and Dani.
Thank you for feeding our souls.
I gotta go cook dinner girls... be back later!!
It is way better being "out of the closet". Don't worry about scaring me away.
withmirror: they probably had that person cover him up since it was distracting the whole crew :))
Suz, you know I heart you.
Okay, I am seriously signing off now.
Happy Rob dreams everyone!
Bye Kelly
Hello Suz... I just wanted to say I love your posts here they always make me smile.
Imwould def prefer removing those dotts sssslovllly (and it ';d better be thousands of them) and give me time and ... *choke*
I'll go and bring you one of my favs from YouTube again
Ok, I'm going to show my ignorance here-but what is that clicking sound in the video? Are they shooting at people that look like they are about to attack Rob? :)
All right I just watched the video, it was pretty interesting.(wish I could understand what they were saying) I loved the way you get to keep seeing Rob taking his shirt off and stepping into the sun.
Melanie, I think it was cameras. But I'm not entirely sure.
LOL on the tags. And did Rob blow off KStew that second time around. You see her going back but Rob turns his back on her. She left twirling her hair...I felt bad for her, but I got over it since she was the lucky bitch(I mean that in the nicest way) to throw herself at him and kiss him! LUCKY!
Thanks Gozde and Dani for this free site for all us poor ROBsessed fans!
Sweet Rob dreams, Gozde and anyone else going to bed right now. : )
Margot... Thanksn for those you tube clips. I really liked the last two.
Chicago girl, KK - I was thinking the exact same thing as I watched the video. The filming is so unsexy, unromantic and just technical. But then the editors come in and work their magic.
And I love how modest Rob is. Instead of strutting around, with his shirt off in between takes with a, "hey motherfuckers, i'm the next big thing!" kind of attitude, he was so shy. Loves it!
You know damned well he felt like he was going to vomit before each and every take and the only thing that got him through it was going into his happy place - his zone.
And finally, Gozde, Dani - thanks so much for all that you do, this site is amazing!
crazylady...i think he did blow her off the second time, but i think it was probably completely unintentional....he just turned around to put his shirt on and didn't see her
if he is soooo tense and nervous while filming such stuff ... and still is doing it and doing well , it means that he is very determined, very ambitious (as he said) and I think very brave
gotta go and put myself into horizontal mode ...
see ya tomorrow
g'night and have nice and naughty dreams Robsessed women all ver the globe
nite margot!
You rock girls :)
Why is november so f****** far away?
You guys..this is hilarious!!! :)))) I bet some of us would like to get Rob drunk..hahaha
Goz, I'm sorry you've been hassled. We are all here to support you and Dani and appreciate everything you do. Besides your captions are so darn funny, and your site the BEST!
Hi Gozde, have a nice weekend.
Love the labels :)
Hi Gozde, have a nice weekend.
Love the labels :)
Glad to see you back Goz.
Hi ladies...
I have been lurking here for a while... (age puts me into the 'mature' group but mind... uh, not so much). Anyway, back to Goz... I have to step out of the proverbial closet and thank you for all your work in creating and maintaining this blog. I am totally addicted, not only to Rob, of course, but also to this blog. Love the ladies in here and the comments just have me in stitches to the point where my kids think I'm nuts and my co-workers think I'm weird!
Oh, and as for Rob, I adore, adore, adore this man... boy... man...
Just sent my daughters out to get dinner so I could have some alone time with this site and you ladies. Goz, Dani I love what you've created here and know you're appreciated by so many of us with the same addiction. Love the captions, banners, posts. You all rock.
I can imagine how uncomfortable Rob must have been doing that scene, especially over and over:P I really look forward seeing this scene:)
WTF. none of us are doing this to make money- we all love Rob, we all love Twilight, can't we all just get along???????
Love, love, love your blog.
New EW outtake :)
Good evening, ladies!
I'm just loving all the scenes from Italy.
The man is beautiful to behold!
*drool and thud
Good evening ladies...
This week has been so full of Rob, I'm not sure if I'll ever be the same again.
goz you're an amazing woman and i appreciate what you and danni do. what would we do without you guys? i think we would walk around with an edward doll crying.
and inf can suck it! and they can figure out what "it" is. lolzers.
i can't wait until this movie comes out! i'm not a die hard twilight fan but i have read the series so seeing it come to life makes me go weeee!
rob shirtless makes global warming worse but it think we had peace on earth for about a week so far.
i go on this site everyday but never post but this...
i have to contribute my mmmm yum.
Welcome to our crazy world... Don't be shy,the more the merrier.
Hello ladies, how are you tonight?
Gozde, good to see you posting here, enjoying free time!!
Thanks for uploading the video here in the youtube version, it is much better!!
I´m sad.. I thought I would be watching the MTV MA on sunday but for LatinAmerica they wil air it on Thursday.. buuuu
And I still have to find at what channel in my cable is MYV... I haven´t seen it for long that I don´t know where is it..
Hey, welcome to Jelena and Ines!!
Hi Mech... I'm good tonight. Too bad about the Mtv awards. Where in Latin America are you?
hey mech....
can you not watch it live online at mtv.com?
i can't bare thinking you'll have to wait!
of course, you'll be able to see all the clips on youtube by sunday night! if nothing else!
Showme, I'm sure we will all be talking about the results on here too.
Mechevpao - You'll totally be able to see it on YouTube....no worries!!
i was just watching the "rob unclothing and kristen running" gif again, and i was just thinking....
i believe it's a damn good thing that we got to see rob shirtless before the movie. my reaction on weds was completely irrational. I yelped and nearly passed out, etc etc like all of you did here.
Can y'all imagine if it hadn't been until inside the movie theater that we all saw this for the first time? i seriously think they would have had absolute pandemonium on their hands.
they'll have that as it is, with us already having seen him unrobed.
Maybe Summit turned a blind eye to these getting out bc they knew we needed it for our health!
just random thought tonight...
Showme - I agree that Summit may be performing a public health service. After reading about all the crying, gasping, thudding, screaming and hearts stopping over the last few days...Summit obviously had to release these pics/videos in order to keep from getting sued out of existence!! :D
Hi everyone. Does anyone have good recommendations for FF? I have read a few - love The List - but am interested in good ones - not too far off the Edward/Bella character though. I find it is hard to read them with totally different lives. Obviously we all love the M/NC17 ones..
Ok, just to be clear, I think The List is a really good FF. It seemed like I worded that wrong.
hold on...i'll be back with several. let me get all the titles
And yes KK...all but YOU thudded on the floor...
have u watched the DVD commentary yet? LOL
OH yeah I know what you mean, I'm sure that if I had seen this for the first time on the big screen that I would be squealing like a school girl. Do you think there is enough time to desensitize myself before November?
Kathy- that is too funny, I was going to ask the same question tonight. I had never even heard of FF before coming to this blog, now though I'm hooked.
at Twilighted.net
1) Event Horizon: Edward's side of New Moon by AMusefan77
2) Equinox by semper thine eye
3) Metamorphosis by LivesAmongTheStars
4) Missing Dawn by KariAnn New
5) The Acclimation Diaries by booboo_kitty
6) Blood Lines by windchime
7) Perspective by ekimmuh
8) Confessions by Evilyoda
It took me forever to find these once I started reading fanfic bc I, too, don't like to deviate too much from canon. None of these do too much. many are from Edward's POV, which I love.
Missing Dawn, Acclimation Diaries and Perspective are all lemony :)
Happy Reading!
Mandy, there's only so much desensitizing you can do when talking about Rob ;)
but i can now look at the pictures without having palpatations, which is a good thing. i'm coming along LOL
Showme- I know Kathy asked but I just wanted to say thanks, I needed to find some good ones.
You ladies are all too good hearted. I don't think Summit let the shirtless Rob pics leak for health-minded motives.
Rob is a drug. We are addicts. They are giving us just a "taste" to keep us coming back....wanting the full hit in November.
Ohh thanks girl for trying to make me feel better about ir ;)
I will have to see it online or on youtube, but I was hoping to see it on tv on sunday like the rest.. becuase I harldy get to see anything relatied to Rob on tv, every thing has to be through the net.. not that I watch tv at all, since the free time I have I would spend it here hahaha
Oh MandW, I´m in Argentina (Buenos Aires)
I know its a lost cause but at least I won't be alone, I'm sure the entire female audience will be squealing right along with me. LOL
i need to clarify one thing...Blood Lines goes WAY off canon, but in a very good way...in fact, it's so good that it made me cry. major twist, but fantastic.
it's still Edward and Bella though. totally.
No problem Mandy! I love sharing fanfic i loved. i'm a pretty tough critic, so i hope you enjoy them as much as i have. all of them are ongoing...
And yes, i will probably still squeel like a teen, that's why i'm debating going and seeing it with teens on the first night so i don't feel so stupid LOL
DD- I never thought of it like that. You right Summit is nothing more then our pusher. But if your going to be addicted to something at least it's something as great as Rob.
LOL at DD's comment...
probably so...
MandyW- Oh, I am not complaining, girl. I am definately a Rob addict. Couldn't stop, even if I wanted to (which I don't).
I am quite certain that I will follow his career as long as he has one. But the credit goes to Rob only. I have never been interested in a movie star for more than the length of his latest movie...until Rob! now I am hooked, but good! lol
DD I think you are right, to my it was a very clever move by Summit to let so many cameras cought the filming of that scene, I mean we all read the books, even if the script things are a it change, there is now way they would scape key scenes and the shirtless scene was one of those.. how do you create a lot of buss at the internet and enteratinment media, they let pics of that filming go wild, and they knew it would since it it Robert Pattinson as Edward, taking his shirt off and the reunion of the two character K and R into their characterr but kissing for the cameras.. it was a very smart move.
I'm probably going to go see it opening night too.I'm sure I'll be the oldest one in the theater.
MandyW - I bet you won't be the oldest. Rob has a wide following. I went to see Twilight in my local theatre multiple times (more than I care to admit) and I actually met several very nice women that I still talk to. (ages from 22 - 60) So no worries. You are never too old to have good taste!
LOL Mandy...i used to think i'd be the oldest, but this place has changed my mind! I'm sure there will be like-minded robsessors with a few gray hairs ;)
Ok, i just went back and read part of Blood Lines, then went to the reviews to see if the author had responded to my last one (she did), but the reviews there are beyond belief. people literally freak out over this story.
i'm posting the direct link bc i want you to get reading mandy and kathy LOL
Showme - Actually, I'm going to take some of your ff recommendations, too, if ya don't mind. I've been looking for some new ones (yes, I read FF even though I don't THUD).
Mandy I´ll do that too, One good thing living here is that the premier will be november 19th, but when the movie is expected, mayor movie theaters play the film the night before, so I´ll probably get to see it on november 18th.. since they play it late at night there are no teens, only adults =)
Mandy - Just checked your age on your profile...don't worry, there will be plenty of women older than you in that theater. Promise. :)
I never saw Twilight until DVD( didn't know what it was until Feb.) but now is a fave. So thanks at least I won't be the oldest.
KK- thanks that makes me feel better.
Showme- Thanks for the link I'll check it out.
LOL KK....
I'm flattered you're taking my recs :)
If Robert can't make you go thud, maybe Edward can...start with Blood Lines. There's a chapter in there that is so good in developing Edward and Bella's relationship that it's not to be believed...
Mandy...i too didn't see twilight til the DVD. then i went back and read the books....i didn't get into Patz until i watched dvd commentary, then interviews, then getting microscopes out to view crotch shots...LOL...it progressed frighteningly quickly
wasn't til Feb for me either :)
you're not alone
Showme - I'm TOTALLY going to read Blood Lines now. Thanks:)
Off to bed ladies. Hope to see you on the blog tomorrow. Goodnight!
I actually read the books in Feb, thanks to a recommendation from a friend then I couldn't wait to see the movie but was out of the theaters and had to wait. After I saw it was all downhill in my addiction to ROB.
Night KK....yay! you'll have to tell me if you liked it!
Good night KK, talk to you later.
I'm actually amazed that his pants didn't come down farther - they really looked like they could absolutely not stay on...I know we were all waiting...and why couldn't they have given him tighter pants, mayb not jeans, but - something tight like the biker pic he has!
Okay I'm obviously not tech savy because I can't get the link for bloodlines to work. I'll just try to find it on there though. I still appreciate the recommendation.
mandy if you copy and paste it, it will work...
i tried it, and it worked for me...
but look under windchimes in the Authors link....should be there.
LOL Kathy...
if Rob Pattinson's pants had fallen down exposing all his glory, it would have literally killed him. he might have died right there on the spot.
Since i love him, i want him alive, so i have to say i'm glad his pants didn't fall down...
sigh, they say true love is putting someone else's needs before your own. i must REALLY REALLY love Rob
Bc i would do just about anything to see that boy's penis ROFLMAO
this is sam bradley song co-wrote by Rob while he was filming in Vancouver, acc to this report.
and sam also says it's a 'true story to someone'. holy cow...
Showme, LMAO who wouldn't.
When I went under the author I found it. I'll go read it.
Oh UGH! We love you Goz!
Time for me to take myself off to bed now. It's been a pleasure as usual ladies. Thanks again Showme, I'll read bloodlines tomorrow and let you know how I liked it.
night Mandy :)
have fun reading
just drooling all over myself
i cant wait til november...
so is the filming of NM over??
guys i love this site... i just cant call my day complete without being here just lurkin je
have nice dreams
greetings from mexico
@cullenluv i just luv your avatar pic... he looks sooo sexy
i love his hair... and all the rest
I was there in a red hood while they're shhoting these, just few meters from Rob, amazing time, amazing guy, too much crazyness and panic around him all the time,he wasnt able to have a normal time in Italy at all, but I'm wondering where he can now...
Fantastic start to my weekend!! And whats with him pulling his pants up? They are disgusting, you should be pullng them in the other direction silly boy!!
Cannot wait for this film!!
No stories from the set? So many extras and nothing at all worth sharing? Thats weird. You are the best company ever. I have just stepped out of my closet. I have a crash on him amd I am a proud 44year old mother of three.Sir Robert is faboulous, his greatness unending. Ihave never had so much fun in my life, all because of you. Thank you all big.
I just come back from Montepulciano and...
Oh my God, I can see my head on the video !!!
I was just in front of them !!!
What a shock !... Seeing Edward Cullen... It's surrealistic ! Rob was brilliant, what a performance, I'm so glad, I've seen my favourite scene of the saga !!!
I'm furious against the girl who shot it but anyway... THANXS !!!
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