2 NEW Little Ashes Clips

The Sun.co.uk has 2 exclusive Little Ashes Videos.

It is so beautiful....

And the infamous "tuck" :)

If these clips don't make you call your local theater and request Little Ashes I don't know what will. I am so jealous. I have no way of seeing it until the DVD comes out :(


Kathy#1 said...

That first clip - I would like to think of Rob like that as Edward in the ocean at the beg of Breaking Dawn. Yum..

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

Goz are you trying to kill us with two clips and a new banner!!

Gozde said...

I am making you exercise your heart muscles Kate :) It's for your health :PP

tinababy1 said...

Gozde!!! That new banner!!!

AND nudity?????

Officially dead.......

Silmarienn said...

wow :D these are great and i love the new banner

España said...

Guy de Maupassant BEL AMI


¿Y quién besa mejor, Javier o Kirsten [Stewart, su amada en Crepúsculo]?

R. P. Definitivamente, Javier [risas].
EP3. Pongamos que hoy empezaras ocho semanas de vacaciones, ¿qué harías?

R. P. ¡Quiero viajar! Por eso trato de buscarme curros en países diferentes. Creo que a principios del año que viene trabajaré en París durante tres meses.

EP3. ¿Para qué proyecto?

R. P. Ay, a ver si voy a ser un bocazas otra vez… A tomar por saco. Es una adaptación de Bel-Ami, de Guy de Maupassant. Ahora que te lo he dicho, ya puedo ir contándolo por ahí. Además, estoy harto de que me digan: “Bah, sólo haces las pelis de Crepúsculo, no eres más que una estrella fugaz”. ¡Me niego! [Risas].

Sophia Z.86 said...
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Sophia Z.86 said...

Did he wax for that scene in front of the mirror? Couldn't see... Jeez, I need new glasses!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

España, thanks! So, Javier is a better kisser than Kristen?? WOW!!

And, 'Rob, lover, if you really want to travel to different countries, what about Brazil ~ I am from Rio de Janeiro, remember? Ipanema beach is the most beautiful one, and my folks have an apartment there... hum?? Are you in?'

phosphorus said...


Let me guess.

Who kisses better, Javier or Kristen?
Rob: Javier, definetely. (laughs)

Then he said something about working in Paris for three months. The film will be an adaption of Guy de Maupassant's "Bel Ami".

Suz said...

Clips.. amazing...

RomeROB Banner

Total Fuckin Win!

oh and..


Hannah said...

God, I love his movie.
It's so beautifully painful.
I'm just a sucker for that shit!

Thank you Gozde ;)

Loisada said...

Exactly Phosphorous. Looks like the interview took place back in January. Here's the link to full article.


Loisada said...

Oops, that got cut off. Full link:


phosphorus said...

Loisada, unfortunately the second got cut, too. At least I can't see the whole of it. Well, I don't speak a word of Spanish anyway.

España said...

Bel - Ami nos cuenta la historia de Georges Duroy, un soldado del ejército francés en Argelia que llega a París sin blanca y sin ganas de trabajar lo más mínimo. Bel - Ami (así será apodado por sus sucesivas amantes) no ha sido agraciado con el don de la inteligencia ni la cultura, pero es atractivo físicamente, con lo que, naturalmente, cautiva la atención de todas las mujeres que se le ponen por delante.

Con estos mimbres no es de extrañar que Bel - Ami decida, instigado por un antiguo amigo suyo, ser periodista. Lamentablemente no sabe escribir, ni trabaja nunca en nada, ni hace nada de provecho, ni se molesta en cultivar su mente y su espíritu para, algún día, elaborar un artículo interesante. Puede resultar sorprendente que Bel - Ami no se encaminase desde un principio hacia el funcionariado, pero tal y como nos es descrita su vida en la novela parece que con el periodismo se ganaba más y se trabajaba menos.

Para ello Bel - Ami sólo tiene que comportarse como un auténtico periodista: dedicarse a buscar contactos que trabajen por él, consigan concertarle comidas y cenas conspirativas con personajes importantes y le permitan llevar un ritmo de vida mucho más desenfrenado que el que su condición de periodista podría hacernos sospechar. La novedad estriba en que los individuos que le permiten ascender socialmente no son empresarios de la construcción deseosos de tapar algún problemilla inmobiliario, ni políticos en desesperada búsqueda de carisma, sino las mujeres de los mismos. Las mujeres, las sucesivas y simultáneas amantes y esposas de Bel - Ami, serán las encargadas de asegurar que nuestro héroe llegue algún día al objetivo último de todo profesional de la información que se precie: lucrarse (nosotros también).

España said...

BORJA BAS 01/05/2009

Vota Resultado 31 votos
Antes de que media humanidad le ofreciera sus venas, Robert Pattinson retozó en los brazos de Lorca. No es una fantasía gay, sino Sin límites, la cinta donde el chupasangres de Crepúsculo encarna a un joven Dalí. Com-probamos cuánto le ha cambiado la fama.

El bigotillo no engaña: tras esta joven encarnación de Dalí se esconde uno de los especímenes más deseados del cine actual. Un año antes de encarnar al vampiro romántico de la millonaria Crepúsculo, Robert Pattinson, de 22, andaba entregado al estilo de vida mediterráneo en Barcelona. La excusa, el rodaje de Sin límites, una recreación del amor imposible vivido entre el pintor y Federico García Lorca que nos lo muestra, por ejemplo, retozando en pelotas junto a su amigo y amante a la luz de la Luna en las aguas de Cadaqués. Le pillamos recién aterrizado en Vancouver para rodar Luna nueva, la segunda parte de la saga concebida por Stephenie Meyer.

La noticia en otros webs
webs en español
en otros idiomas
“Soy un bocazas. Pero tengo la esperanza de que, si sigo contradiciéndome todo el tiempo, nada de lo que diga será ya noticia”
EP3. ¿Qué te atrajo de Sin límites?

Robert Pattinson. Que es una tragedia excepcional. Dudo que pueda alcanzar de nuevo tales cotas de tragedia en mi carrera [risas]. Yo no tenía ni idea de quiénes eran Dalí, Lorca y Buñuel hasta esta peli. Y cuanto más averiguaba sobre ellos, más me obsesionaba. Sobre todo, con los escritos de Dalí. Mucha gente no lo sabe, pero era un escritor increíble. Encontré que tenía muchas cosas en común con él.

EP3. ¿Por ejemplo?

R. P. Tenía una enorme conciencia de sí mismo y de cómo le veía la gente. Y trabajó para manipular eso. Es algo que yo hice a lo largo de mi infancia y adolescencia.

EP3. Dalí resultó ser también un vampiro. ¿Qué han visto en ti los directores de casting para colgarte ese sambenito?

R. P. Es extraño. Durante un ensayo de este rodaje, Marina Gatell [que interpreta a Magdalena, la inseparable amiga de Lorca] me dijo: “¿Sabes? Tú eres un vampiro”. Me resultó de lo más extraño. Y ahora que lo recuerdo, más [risas].

EP3. ¿Y qué piensas ahora de que tus primeras escenas de sexo en el cine fueran con otro chico?

R. P. Lo peor es que no son nada románticas, son supertraumáticas. Más que excitación, sientes pena por ambos [risas]. Fue todo de lo más incómodo, no sólo porque en la primera que rodamos Javier [Beltrán, que interpreta a Lorca] y yo nos hubiéramos conocido el día antes. Sino porque las filmamos con cero intimidad, rodeados por técnicos que hablaban español, un idioma que no entendía, y que andaban de risitas a nuestra costa.

EP3. ¿Y quién besa mejor, Javier o Kirsten [Stewart, su amada en Crepúsculo]?

R. P. Definitivamente, Javier [risas].

EP3. Has dicho que a raíz del éxito de Crepúsculo te resulta difícil llevar una vida normal. ¿A qué dedicas tu tiempo libre?

R. P. De alguna forma, el trabajo se ha convertido en mi mejor refugio. Aunque suene ridículo, en cuanto tengo un rato me pongo a leer guiones. Me siento algo frustrado por no haber ido a la universidad, así que trato desesperadamente de autoeducarme. He traído conmigo a Vancouver como 100 libros, los tengo todos desperdigados por la habitación del hotel.

EP3. Me temo que te va a resultar muy complicado desvincularte del vampiro Edward. ¿Cómo sería el rol perfecto que te ayude a hacerlo?

R. P. Tío, si te enteras de alguno, me lo cuentas [risas]. Cualquier cosa que no tenga nada que ver con la sangre, espero.

EP3. He leído que un narcisismo masoquista te impulsa a leer todo lo que se publica sobre ti. ¿Cada cuanto googleas tu nombre?

R. P. Oh, eso lo has visto en la entrevista que me hicieron para la portada del GQ americano de abril, ¿verdad? Tío, era broma. Me sonaba a loser [perdedor] total y me hacía gracia decirlo.

EP3. A estas alturas, ya deberías saber que todo lo que dices es noticiable.

R. P. Ya, pero me resulta rarísimo. Y puede ser muy molesto, porque me paso el día pidiendo disculpas por chorradas que digo sin pensar. Tengo la esperanza de que, si sigo contradiciéndome todo el tiempo, nada de lo que diga será ya noticia [risas]. Soy un bocazas, lo sé…

EP3. ¿Hay algo que hayas leído sobre ti que te haya molestado en particular?

R. P. Ehm… Hace un par de días, mi madre me mandó un email preocupadísima porque, al parecer, me habían golpeado con un poste en la cara en el rodaje de Luna nueva y había perdido el conocimiento… Y eso que [en el momento de esta entrevista] no he rodado ni una secuencia todavía, ¡ni siquiera he pisado el set!

EP3. Pues lo último que me ha llegado a mí es que alguien en el set ha dicho que, literalmente, apestas, que hueles mal.

R. P. [Se parte]. ¡Sí, yo también lo he leído! Lo gracioso es que estas cosas siempre vienen de “fuentes anónimas”. ¡Pero si acabo de llegar a Vancouver! Debo de oler fatal, porque el plató está a 25 kilómetros de mi hotel y ni siquiera he salido de la habitación.

EP3. También has dicho que pasas de tener novia en un ambiente de fama tan viciado. ¿Has encontrado a alguien que te haya hecho cambiar de idea?

R. P. Oh, no [risas]. Recuerdo, cuando estaba rodando Harry Potter y la Orden del Fénix, donde apenas tengo un papelito, que todo el mundo comentaba sobre mi novia de entonces. Es muy estresante para ellas. Tienes que volverte muy reservado al respecto.

EP3. Con Camilla Belle [la actriz protagonista de 10.000 A. C.] viviste una auténtica persecución por parte de los medios…

R. P. Ya, pero con ella era diferente. Tan sólo era una amiga. Nos daba la risa. La cuestión es: si no es tu novia, no importa; pero si lo es, se convierte en una pesadilla, todo el mundo quiere saber qué haces.

EP3. ¿Has tenido ya alguna acosadora?

R. P. No te lo vas a creer, pero la última vez que me he sentido acosado fue mientras rodaba Sin límites, en Barcelona. Una chica me esperaba en la puerta de casa cada día. Lo cierto es que ella era muy agradable, completamente normal, pero resultaba todo bastante extraño… No sé qué habrá sido de ella. ¡O puede que sólo viviera allí y fuera una rayadura mía! [Risas].

EP3. Pongamos que hoy empezaras ocho semanas de vacaciones, ¿qué harías?

R. P. ¡Quiero viajar! Por eso trato de buscarme curros en países diferentes. Creo que a principios del año que viene trabajaré en París durante tres meses.

EP3. ¿Para qué proyecto?

R. P. Ay, a ver si voy a ser un bocazas otra vez… A tomar por saco. Es una adaptación de Bel-Ami, de Guy de Maupassant. Ahora que te lo he dicho, ya puedo ir contándolo por ahí. Además, estoy harto de que me digan: “Bah, sólo haces las pelis de Crepúsculo, no eres más que una estrella fugaz”. ¡Me niego! [Risas].

EP3. A ver si así te ganas de verdad que te sienten en segunda fila en los Oscar, como ya pasó este año…

R. P. Oh, tío, qué vergüenza. Nunca me había sentido tan indigno de nada en mi vida. ¿Qué hacía yo ahí cuando sólo había hecho una película que jamás estaría nominada a los premios de la Academia?

Sin límites se estrena el 8 de mayo.

Ellie said...

Wow. That water scene is just beautiful.

As is Rob.

Thank you, Goz.

Loisada said...

Yeah for some reason it's not working. But there's an interesting exchange in the article. Journalist asks RP what drew him to Little Ashes.

He says "....... I realized I had a lot in common with him..... Dali had great self-awareness and was very aware of how people saw him. And he worked hard to manipulate that. That's something I did throughout my childhood and teen years.

phosphorus said...

@ Loisada: If you use HTML tags, it won't be a problem. It's easy:

(a href="http://nameoftheurl.xy")Interview in Spanish(/a)

You only have to use < and > instead of ( and )

Loisada said...

Thanks Phos. I'm tech challenged. I just cut and paste the link from the tool bar. This should scroll as 1 line no spaces.


Gozde said...

Hey guys, Espena, thanks 4 the article!

Can someone translate that? I tried google translate but it came out weird.

I have guests, I can't stay long but I'd really appreciate it :))

email: robsessedpattinson@gmail.com


meg said...

The sec video. OMG what was he doing with his left hand.

Holding is privates!


Diane said...

Loisada - you're right, very interesting quote, given Rob's apparent UNawareness of how others see him. So was he telling the truth when he said he CAN lie - he's just very good at it? And does it really matter? He just gets more intriguing with everything he says, everything he does, every expression on his changeable face... How can anyone not be bewitched by him?

Martina said...

Kathy, don`t start my imagination! XD XD

cathysue said...

the water dropping from his fingertips is almost magical.

elaine said...

Gozde~the banner is beautiful!
The video of Rob in the blue shimmering moonlit water. Priceless!
I guess I'll travel 3 hours to see LA in Nashville! Anything for him and he doesn't even know I exist. Sigh........

WinWin said...

Godze, did I get to tell you "I heart you" today? I do. Love the new banner. Can you repost those or send me to the right post? I need to add to my private stash of photos. Please???

I'm so excited about the movie. Did they edit it in the movie? I thought we saw more in the still? Anyway, it's still a big win. He is so talented.

Shani said...

The director said the water scene comes from Dali's memory.And what a beautifully erotic memory it is...

I have to bow down though to RP for doing this movie. Because to be so young and to take on such a complex role like that takes major balls...no pun intended...you would have to strip down every wall that you have built up. And Bare your soul and body to the world. Well I guess that is the nature of the beast being an actor. But this role takes you into such madness that I'm sure RP still has some residual scars to his psyche.

Wow, did I just get a little deep or what??? I guess today I'm being a little philosophical...

Meltem said...

I tried another online translator and it's something like this...

. ¡Quiero viajar! Por eso trato de buscarme curros en países diferentes. Creo que a principios del año que viene trabajaré en París durante tres meses.

I want to travel! Therefore I try to seek me flashy in different countries. I believe that at the beginning of next year I will work in Paris during three months.

Ay, a ver si voy a ser un bocazas otra vez… A tomar por saco. Es una adaptación de Bel-Ami, de Guy de Maupassant. Ahora que te lo he dicho, ya puedo ir contándolo por ahí. Además, estoy harto de que me digan: “Bah, sólo haces las pelis de Crepúsculo, no eres más que una estrella fugaz”. ¡Me niego! [Risas].

Oh, to see if I am going to be a blabbermouth again… TO take for bag. Is an adaptation of Bel-Ami, of Guy of Maupassant. Now that I have said it you, already I can go counting it over there. Besides, I am fed up with that they tell me: "Bah, only you do the pelis of Twilight, are not more than a shooting star". I deny me! [laughters].

Loisada said...

@Diane... I thought so too. Looking at any of his photo shoots u can see RP works very hard to project specific images (just look at all the teasing in the new banner!).

As to his interviews? He clearly loves to spin tales and exaggerate things. Does he tip into tall tales territory? Well... he's an actor by trade, isn't he. And acting is one big glorious mix of truth and lies... in the name of art!

Truth, lie, image, whatever... I don't really care. I see him as a work of art crafted for our pleasure!

WinWin said...

Shani, too deep, naah! Don't forget you mentioned "balls" in the same breathe.

How are you guys? I haven't really been on to chat. My DH, all of a sudden needs the computer everynight.

Suz said...

it makes ya feel durty...

feels wrong..

Suz {hearts] feeling wrong!

Loisada said...

Shani, you're spot on. It's like Paul Morrison said:

"Dali's sexuality was so complicated, complex and mysterious, I think even to himself, and his fear of sexuality, and if you're playing that role, that kind of rubs off on you, so I think sex and pain were so closely entwined with Dali that to play those scenes is also hard, and the triangle sex scene is an unbelievably difficult scene. One of those scenes in everybody's life when you're doing something and you know it's really really wrong, it really, it goes against the grain, but you're doing it, so playing that scene is hard, it's always hard."

It leaves a scar but also leaves you a new and deeper person. Let's just hope RP keeps on delving and lets us witness the process!

@Suz... like he says, it's really really wrong, but you're doing it anyway!

Silmarienn said...

they're kissing in this video :D

girls you must watch it


eternaltwilight said...

i don't know anyone who wants to see LA with me but these clips make me want to go and enjoy his robness all by myself!

i'm glad you ladies like the rome banner. i had a flashback when goz posted a few of those photos from rome. don't you just love his mop of hair, sigh!

tinababy1 said...

Meg - Did you not know about "the tuck"?

meg said...

Tina, do know about the tucking. Just with I could SEE exactly what he was doing down there.


meg said...

Instead of having to imagine it.

:( life's not fair...........

Mechevpao said...

Wow that was a great interview, thanks for posting it, I would have loved if it were in English, I mean Spanish is my mother language, but I’m sure some things Rob said got lost into translation when the news paper published it.. every interview we read about this guy, makes him more intriguing, for a celebrity that is so much under the spotlight is amazing to see what he does to the persona that we get, that we think he is, in these days that the lives of celebrities are out there like open books to be read, is magnificent and refreshing to find someone that aside all the gossip crap that surrounds him, he just rubs it off by laughing at it and keep them feeding them with things that to a point they will get so ridiculous that it will be impossible to believe anymore.

I just realized, personally I think he is hot, sexy!! but he is not the typical male I´ll be attracted to physically speaking, but his intelligence and talent (visible by just watching a clip.. unbelievable!) is what makes him more and more sexy and attractive to me.

Thanks a lot for posting those LA clips, Gozde.. I really want to watch that film!!!
The moonlight romantic scene is one of the most tasteful filmed scenes I´ve ever seen.

smallcharmed said...

alright here you go i translated it

The vampire SURREALISM

Before the human environment offering his veins, Robert Pattinson romp in the arms of Lorca. Gay is not a fantasy, but without limits, where the tape chupasangres Crepúsculo embodiment of a young Dali. Com-tested how fame has changed him.

The bigotillo no fools: following this young incarnation of Dali lies one of the most desirable specimens of cinema today. One year prior to embody the vampire romance Twilight of the millionaire, Robert Pattinson, 22, he surrendered to the Mediterranean lifestyle in Barcelona. The excuse the shooting of No limits, a recreation of the impossible love between the painter lived and Federico García Lorca shows him that, for example, balls in romping with his friend and lover in the light of the moon in the waters of Cadaqués . He caught just landed in Vancouver to film new moon, the second part of the saga created by Stephenie Meyer.

EP3. What attracted you to no limits?

Robert Pattinson. That is a unique tragedy. I doubt you can reach new heights of such tragedy in my career [laughs]. I had no idea who they were Dalí, Lorca and Buñuel to this movie. And the more they find out, my obsession. Especially with the writings of Dalí. Many people do not know, but it was an incredible writer. I found I had many things in common with him.

EP3. What?

RP had an enormous self-awareness and how people saw him. And he worked to manipulate it. It's something that I did throughout my childhood and adolescence.

EP3. Dalí was also a vampire. What have you seen in the casting directors for colgarte that sambenito?

RP Strange. During a test of this shooting, Marina Gatell [who plays Magdalena, the inseparable friend of Lorca] told me: "You know? You're a vampire. " I was very strange. And now that I remember more [laughs].

EP3. And now what you think of that movie sex scenes in movies were with another guy?

RP What is worse is nothing romantic, are supertraumáticas. Rather than excitement, I feel sorry for both [laughs]. It was all very uncomfortable, not only because the first shooting Javier [Beltran, who plays Lorca] and I had known the day before. But because the film with zero privacy, surrounded by technicians who speak Spanish, a language not understood, and went to the coast of giggles.

EP3. Who kisses better, or Kirsten Javier [Stewart, in his beloved Twilight]?

RP definitely Javier [laughs].

EP3. You said that following the successful Crepúsculo you find it difficult to lead a normal life. Why spend your free time?

RP Somehow, the work has become my best shelter. Although it sounds ridiculous, as I have a while I get to read scripts. I feel somewhat frustrated at not having gone to college, so I'm trying desperately to autoeducarme. I brought with me to Vancouver as 100 books, I have scattered all the hotel room.

EP3. I fear that you will be very complicated desvincularte of the vampire Edward. What would be the perfect role to help you do it?

RP Uncle, if you find any accounts I [laughs]. Anything that has nothing to do with blood, I hope.

EP3. I've read that a masochistic narcissism impels you to read everything published about you. How often does google your name?

RP Oh, we've seen in the interview I did for the cover of GQ American April, right? Uncle was a joke. I sounded like a loser [loser] total and made me say grace.

EP3. At this point, you should already know that everything you say is news.

RP already, but to me it is extremely rare. And it can be very annoying, because I spent the day apologizing jet without thinking I say. I hope that if I am contradicting all the time, nothing will be read and release [laughs]. I am a big mouth, I know ...

EP3. Is there anything you've read about you than you have bothered in particular?

RP ehm ... A couple of days, my mother sent me an email preocupadísima because apparently I had been beaten with a pole in the face in the shooting of New moon and had lost consciousness ... And that [at the time of this interview] I have not shot or even a sequence, even ¡I stepped on the set!

EP3. Well, the last thing I have come to me is that someone has said in September that literally stink, it smells bad.

RP [It is]. Yes, I too have read! The funny thing is that these things always come from "unnamed sources". But if I get to Vancouver! I have to smell awful, because the set is 25 kilometers from my hotel and I have not even left the room.

EP3. You have also said that raisins have a girlfriend in an atmosphere of fame so flawed. Have you found someone who has made you change your mind?

RP Oh, no [laughs]. I remember when he was filming Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, which just got a piece of paper that everyone commented on my girlfriend then. It is very stressful for them. You have to get serious reservations in this regard.

EP3. With Camilla Belle [the actress from 10,000 BC] lived a veritable persecution by the media ...

RP Yeah, but it was different. Was just a friend. Gave us laughter. The question is: if your girlfriend does not matter, but if it is it becomes a nightmare, the entire world know what you want.

EP3. Have you already had some harassment?

RP not you going to believe, but the last time I've been harassed while he was shooting without limits, in Barcelona. A girl was waiting for me at the door every day. The truth is that she was very nice, perfectly normal, but it was all very strange ... I do not know what will become of her. Or you might just live out there and a scratch mine! [Laughter].

EP3. Let us now begin eight weeks of vacation, what would you do?

RP I want to travel! So seeking gigs in different countries. I think early next year will work in Paris for three months.

EP3. What Project?

RP Oh, to see if I will be a big mouth again ... A take off. Is an adaptation of Bel-Ami, in Guy de Maupassant. Now that you've said, I can be counted there. I am also tired of me say: "Bah, just do the movie of Twilight, you're more than a shooting star." I refuse! [Laughter].

EP3. Let's see if you feel you really feel in the second row at the Oscars, as happened this year ...

RP Oh, man, what a shame. I had never felt so unworthy of anything in my life. What was there when I had only ever be a movie nominated for the Academy Awards?

No limits premieres May 8.

the google translator worked for me :P

Gozde said...

So smallcharmed, is this your translation or google's?

Gozde said...

Cause it sounds weird :)

Divinesally said...

Yeah baby, tuck it like you mean it! 1 more week, just one more week!

WinWin~how are you bb?! I'm so excited!!!!!!

EternalTwilight~don't worry, I only purchased one ticket, planning to go alone b/c no one I know is a Robsessor or a Dali fan. And especially not a fan of man on man action. But luckily WINWIN aka Winnie has tickets for the same time slot and date. So we'll be meeting there. But I wouldn't be ashamed of going alone, if need be.

smallcharmed said...

sorry hehe i mentioned in the post its google translation ...said it just worked for me ... i dont know spanish :P

same here i thought some of the translation sounded a bit weird but still its something

Divinesally said...

Hi Gozde! {{waves}} Love your posts and banner today. I'm having heart palpitations. ;) I need a new inhaler and it's all your fault! XOXO

WinWin said...

Thanks for the translation. Google translations always make me giggle. They also make my head hurt, but I think I got the jist of it. lol.

WinWin said...

DS, hi! are you still here? Check your email and call me next week. k? Love ya.

Mechevpao said...

If you give me a couple of hours I can translate it to a more understandable narrative :)

Shani said...

WinWin- I know...HEHE...

Loisada- Thanks!!

Smallcharmed- Thanks for the Google translation. I get the gist of what he is saying and he's right that Javier kisses better. We saw that for ourselves. Kristen doesn't even move here lips hardly. While RP is smacking those yummy lips on the side of her neck and on her forehead.

Divinesally said...

hey Winwin~yeah I'm still here how are you darling? I will call you soon! just 1 more week! YAY!

I'm going to step out for a couple hours. But I'll be back later on.

Sophia Z.86 said...


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