Weird Robert Pattinson Interview

Gozde: I'm not even sure if this is a real interview 'cause it's plain WEIRD y'all :) (UPDATE: The writer of the interview said it IS a legit interview)

Bu still there you go, from

On A Date With Robert Pattinson

We share a romantic evening with the hottest young actor on Earth...

BY Chris Hicks

"He seems to be styled by Hugo Boss," wrote our Features Ed. Jonathan Dean in his review for the Twilight DVD. "He has immaculate Shockwaves hair. He has eyes that can change colour." And, capping it off, he added: "He’s fricking gorgeous after all."

We can't disagree. So when the chance came up to take Rob out for a quiet romantic meal for two, we jumped at the chance like vampires leaping into a tree.

Hi there Rob. We’re so happy you invited us out. After all, you must have hordes of screaming girls following you around all the time, and you picked us. Do you even look at your fan sites?

I’m aware of them but it would be so easy to be obsessed with that stuff and then not do anything else – which I did do for a time!

The weird thing is that because you’re at the eye of the storm, you don’t notice what’s going on. But when there are eight-year-old girls standing there trembling and crying, that’s a very strange thing to be a part of.

[The waiter approaches. Buzz orders a bottle of blood red Rioja] Wine goes straight to our head, so don’t let us drink too much, will you? So, were you ever obsessed with anyone? (Gozde: I think wine might not be the only problem. Try putting the pipe down at least 2 hours before an interview)

I really liked Ian Wright when I was younger. I used to always try and get the double of his sticker for my sticker album.

Not quite what we meant. Never mind. Where has that waiter got to with the wine? Maybe you should have a word, go a bit Christian Bale on him?

Where has that waiter got to with the wine? Maybe you should have a word, go a bit Christian Bale on him? Yep, that’s just how I speak to people on set. I say to the craft service person, “Where the FUCK are the M&M’s?! You’re a fucking AMATEUR!”

You have an angry side? We like that. You have a sensitive side too – in your next movie, Little Ashes, you play a young Salvador Dali struggling with his feelings for playwright Lorca (Javier Beltrán).

In an ideal world, people would always be searching out those tiny art films but it’s nice that Twilight fans are looking forward to Little Ashes.

I wanted to do it to break down what I thought I could do, but Dali is incredibly self-conscious throughout the movie so I thought all the nude scenes and stuff worked with me being nervous anyway.

Nude scenes! Although, are you saying your first on-screen sex scene is with a bloke?

We both refused to shave before doing it...

This is a big turn-on... Wait, err... what?

...It’s very uncomfortable in terms of scratching each other with our stubble – it made me feel sorry for women!

Stubble. On your face. Riiiight... So can we talk about Twilight sequel New Moon?

Edward and Bella’s reunion in New Moon is good. It’s different from the book so I think people will be happy.(Gozde: If Bella doesn't run to the clock tower through the crowd and if Edward isn't under it shirtless I'm going to HUNT Melissa Rosenberg down and smack her senseless)

This movie will have a very different mood. In visual terms it’s going to be so different from Twilight. It’s also a lot scarier. Chris [Weitz, New Moon director] is very willing to go down that route.

So, are they going to tie you up in that harness again for the sequel?

Luckily, I just have to get beaten up in this one!

And then we could tend to you, stroke your hair and gaze into your eyes until you can walk again. Wait. Where are you going? Robert!! Where’s that wine?!? (Gozde: Again, pipe down...2 hours....)

Thanks to [info]amby049 in [info]pattinsonlife


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~MindyMc said...

Goz, you're right on as always: Weird "interview". WTF?

Christy said...

Haha - put the pipe down - funny stuff.

Daneh said...

that was very strange... plus " in New Moon the Reunion in the movie is different from the book"....


Mechevpao said...

This stuf requires a big..
What is this? is this an interview? a fanfic? a joke?
I´m trying to figure that out

Suz said...

sniff sniff

I call bullshit!

Emmes said...

This screams for a:

Divinesally said...

Crack is wack, dude. Put the pipe down and step away slowly. Nobody wil get hurt. Follow Goz's helpful hints. ;)

Is this real? My goodness.

And can I say a big WTF? Daneh, WHAT?! HOW DIFFERENT??? This scares me, Weitz better not f**k that scene up! Or there will be legions of fans coming after his ass!

We wouldn't mind Rob's stubble scratching the crap out of us. teehee. {{wink}}

Jess said...

I definitely agree on the terms that if the reuniting scene in Italy is not how its supposed to be especially with Rob shirtless, I will help form a mob :)

Maryann said...

LOL Gozde at your comment about putting the pipe

I dunno, I think this interview is meant to be as a joke or something with made up answers from Rob? It is funny but also kinda WTF??

Tenneil said...

Agreed Suz....bad smell in the air...

Goz~ put the pipe down... LOL
I think the pipe and the wine...bad mix...LOL Oh and I will be hunting with you if there is no shirtless rob... and a running bella....

Chicago girl now in LA said...

First off, I'd like to read the complete transcript of the interview!

My initial instinct is that it does sound like Rob, but the $%#@%$# reporter had very little space to work with for a lengthy story and doesn't know how to write or edit worth a damn...JMHO! (I'm a journalist BTW)

Hannah said...

Divinesally - I would welcome the scratching of the stubble. I would welcome it lovingly with bare cheeks!

Agi said...

Gozde, you crack me up!


(Gozde: If Bella doesn't run to the clock tower through the crowd and if Edward isn't under it shirtless I'm going to HUNT Melissa Rosenberg down and smack her senseless)

Rhon said...


Suz said...

Ten ~ my mortalest beloved of them all!

Miss you today!


crazy said...

Goz~ you are Hilarious! ROTFL

Isn't Rob so cute how he openly discusses man on man scruff and stuff?

HR Scruff and Stuff.

Rhonda said...

That sounds so bizarre. Like a dream almost. Was Abraham Lincoln at the next table playing checkers with a badger? I'll have some of what the interviewer was somkin'.

Suz said...






You know this guy is mad sexy when this is gunna get us going.......

crazy said...


Suz said...



@ Badgers.....

Divinesally said...

Hannah, i agree both pair awaiting anxiously. hehe

agi, can I come too? I'll hold that biotch down for you! I think everyone has that scene in their head, and the way it was written is the way it should be done on screen. dang it. Slow mo, maybe? I don't know guys, but I think he might not be shirtless. Maybe open shirt, like the sparkly reveal in Twilight.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I'm not surprised by anything Rob says anymore. He's a bit of an odd duck. Mmmmmmm....that's what makes him so different and delicious.

Abe Lincoln and the badger? Those were freakin' HILARIOUS commercials!

Hannah said...

The scruff is a facial badger!

Scruff 'n' stuff... mmm like surf 'n' turf?? I'll have 2 orders of it in that case please!!

Divinesally said...

Rhonda I like the way you think girl. He was totally shmokin that good shite.

crazy said...

I'm bringing binoculars to the theatre. Just sayin....

random thought #3

Tenneil said...

Suz~ Mortal beloved.... missed you too ....{hug}

LOL scruff on scruff....


Hannah said...

Crazy I thinking DVD action. Binoculars in one hand, remote control in the other with my finger on Pause..

Suz said...

Scratch n Scruff?

Scruff n Sniff?

Scruff n Scruff

it all works..


Suz said...

Ten ~ Mortal one....

I will find you after the show tonight! (should be home around midnight)

"no bed?"

"I don't sleep"


"No, Not at all"

Anonymous said...

I actually wouldn't mind some minor changes to the reunion,I mean Edward just standing there like a whiny sissy,sticking his arms out and ready to sparkle(urgh sparkly vampires,still can't get over that),lame-o, at least have him fully naked or something lol

Divinesally said...

Crazy I'll have my mini pair in my pocket. =) I also have a magnifying glass, I'll probably be able to see his brain through his nasal passages.

Ok, this interview has me a lil nutzo....I'll be off then. tata, ladies, and a big TGIF to all of you!

Tenneil said...

Suz~ where else would I be...or go??

crazy said...

Hannah~ oh yeah! giggidy! and Twizzlers to bite down on~ ;)

YO a nice person said...

Anon~I guess if they do change it up, I hope they make it better, more intense. They should cry.

Suz said...

Ten ~ you are my WHOLE life now...


crazy said...

Divine aka Pupida~ LOL!!!! u r nutz.

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
crazy said...

Yo Momma~ i agree completely! ;) ;)

Hannah said...

Crazy start with a light nibble then work up to the bite ;) hehe

Anonymous said...

someone has already posted a comment on the website of "total film":

"3: sydneyc says
Is this a legitimate interview? I'm sorry but it's very bizarre. Check what people are saying here:"

i'm curious about the answer...

Suz said...

"Edward just standing there like a whiny sissy,sticking his arms out and ready to sparkle(urgh sparkly vampires,still can't get over that),lame-o"


(neck roll, kicking off shoes....)

fighting words fo rizzle...

Anon, It's on!

Tenneil said...

Suz~ if I could dream it would be about you....

crazy said...

Hannah is not helping my trying to keep it together here!!! (yells to the crowd) ;)

~KY~ said...


*in the words of rob* BIZARRE...

Yo a hoebag said...

SUZ, LMAO!!!! oh hell no!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Suz - You go girl!

Actually, the interviewer comments and questions are bizzare, but I don't find Rob's answers too crazy. Who knows??????

Hannah said...

Anon @5:02 - I think its gona be intense!
Crazy if Im going down, you're coming down with me! ;)

Suz said...

Glad my giz-irls got my back!


(jump in if I need assistance... as if)

crazy said...

Hannah - oh that's just downright dangerous talk!! stop it! ;)

Yo a biznitch! said...

Tenneil~ no shame in your game, huh?

Tenneil said...

Anon~ seriously .... WTF... you are not welcome here...please go away....sho fly dont bother me.

Suz said...

Did Hannah say...




KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Suz - I'm pretty much going to stay in my lawnchair with my Heine and watch while Anon gets an ass-whuppin'!

Hannah said...

LOL Crazy! Fine... we can talk it in turns to go down.... the gutter ;)

Tenneil said...

Yo Momma~ what???

Hannah said...


Suz said...

Ten ~ I leave you for 2 mins...

and the anons descend...

YO a nice person said...

you said if you could dream it would be bout Suz, and you are not ashamed of it.

Gosh, nevermind. lol

Tenneil said...

KK~ I'll bring the heine, if you'll bring the chairs....

WooHOO!! go Suz

VeilsofLight said...



Tenneil said...

Yo Momma~ its all good... we have a nice game of quotes going on here... thats it...

Suz said...

Ten ~ That's IT????

Well, that changes things...

Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Yo Momma=total MILF said...

Well then, take care of my heart, I've left it with you. peace out.

crazy said...

hannah~ phew! (wipes sweat from brow before heading down the happy trail to Robsessingland. ;)

crazy said...

Crazy hearts Pupida

Tenneil said...

Suz~ shhhh it was our secret damnit...

Suz said...

Yo mama, thanks for playing..

Cuddles and RobSnogs..

I am away until later.. seeing my fave singer tonight at the World Cafe Live!

Ten ~ I will do whatever it takes to make you safe again. (wink)

Tenneil said...

Suz~ dont move.... I wanted to try something....

Chicago girl now in LA said...

KK~Re: Rob's answers. That's why I tend to think it is him, but the interviewer is a moron. Why couldn't I do the interview?!?!?

Divinesally said...

Pupida hearts BB Cakes, don't make me have to show you how much! ok now I really gotts to go. mom is gonna kick my pale-assed ass.

Shani said...

What the hell...what the fuck...what the shit is this???? This is utter nonsense and made up by some fool trying to get some hits or money off their mag. They know how Rob talks in his interviews and they just put together this worthless interview...

Hell, we know more shit and could put together an interview better than this...Hire our asses if you want to FAKE some shit...TRUST it will be the BEST selling shit around...

Wait I'm laughing at myself now... how many times did I just say shit...LMAO

Divinesally said...

oh and, be safe, ya'll

Chicago girl now in LA said...

SUZ~Who are you seeing play?

crazy said...

Pupida aka Divine~ enjoy the movie!

Divinesally said...

thanks BBC!I'll try not to jizz all over myself in the theater. BYE again for the umpteen time.

RPnKSaddict said...

Go Suz is Art's No. 1 groupie!
No changing things. Grrrrr.

Lynnes said...

Shani~4, but who's counting. FTS! lol

Lynnes said...

Divine~don't let the screamen fangirls ruin the movie for you by their non-stop talking and giggling! Oh wait, maybe that was me (at least the giggling). Enjoy!

crazy said...

P~ stop it with the jizz and all that jazz! LOL

Hannah said...

Shani your comment was the shit!

elaine said...

Div, have fun and quit lying, u will jizz! Give details later!

Hi, everyone! I need some Rob love~can't stay away from u any longer.

Goz, looks like a great Rob day!

Divinesally said...

thanks lynnes lol, I'll try not to rough any of them biotches up. I can't believe I'm still here, damn Robnetic is definitely gonna throw me down a flight of stairs.

crazy said...

Lynnes~ I counted 5 hee hee

Jizzy Jazz said...

lol Loca and Elainnie. I know, I know I'm bringing an extra pair of draws, you guys, no worries. ;)

crazy said...

Eleieneiieee~ we don't want details of Divine's jizz!!! LMAO

Lynnes said...

Crazy~SHIT! back to kindergarden...maybe I shouldn't help the kids with the homework anymore...

crazy said...

Jizzy Jazz~ you're not going to make it there!!! Go!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ladies... :) hope everyone is well this fine fucking friday evening!

i don't know about the whack job that's asking these questions, but rob's answers don't seem that weird to me... he has quite a dry sense of humor... and i actually laughed reading this

crazy said...

Lynnes ~ LOL and all that shit!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

30 - Agreed. Did you get my hideously long email? :)

Jizz all over Art said...

ok BYEEEEEE ***waves entusiastically to the lovely Robsessors***

crazy said...

Jizz all over.... yikes!!

yeah, right......o.k. ;) scat!

crazy said...

hi ts!!! Nice language! hee hee. I agree. sounds like Rob to me.

Anonymous said...

kk! the novella? yes, i did ;) i am still trying to type a snappy response... i'm glad you're feeling better btw.

Hannah said...

There's a lot of shit and jizz going on.. lol!

Yvonne said...

Hi y'all! TGIF!

Anonymous said...

crazy: what's up? you don't like my language...? that's just me ya know?

crazy said...

maybe we should talk about shots and Jazz? uhhhhhh.....think Rob's into either? (tries to change the subject) ;)

elaine said...

I'm thinking about the Rob scruff!

C~Details on both! lol

U darlings have been up to some serious Robsessing! Seriously, I can't stay away! WTF I have tried for 2 days!!! Goz and Rob have some hypnotic spell over me!

Yvonne said...

well, we've got Shani's sideburns, crazy's lips, if LM was here we'd have Robcrotch, girls, we almost have a whole Rob just in avatars!!

crazy said...

Holy Crap Jizz!!! LOL! Your Robsession will force you to miss a movie with ROB in it?? ahahahahahahahha

Hannah said...

But Crazy Jazz just leads me to think of blowing.... in to a brass instrument..
There is no hope for my mind tonight!

Anonymous said...

hi yvonne :)

elaine... i'm with you on the scruff thoughts...ummm yeah

crazy said...

Yvonne aka Licky Girl!!! yippee!

TS didn't see my hee hee (hee hees)
(winks loudly if that is possible))

Yvonne~ LOL! A Rob avatar puzzle of sorts.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Yvonne - Don't forget my tounge! I made it bigger so you'd notice!

crazy said...

Hannah! (crazy holds hand over her ears and sings lalalalalalla)


TS~ I wub you ya know!

Yvonne said...

yay, we got some toungue too!!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, now I've just changed my avatar to my fav Rob pic EVER. Gonna keep this for a while.

Anonymous said...

can't stay girls... on my way out the door (i'm @ work...hehe)! i'll be back later for some friday night fun!

hope to see you all later!

Hannah said...

KK -

crazy said...

KK~ yowza!

Yvonne said...

that's a fine looking did you enlarge it so big?

Yvonne said...

bye TS :)

crazy said...

Y has Dark Kingdom Rob, alla scruffy and jawporn and all!

elaine said...

Girls, r u ready? Take a look at my avatar!! I almost had a unicorn when I saw it. My name is blue now!

I'm a newbie, but starting to get the hang of it thanks to the lovely techno whiz, Emmes!!

Yvonne said...

crazy, how ya been?

Hannah said...

Crazy sorry I'll be good now promise! ;)

crazy said...

Later TS!!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Just cropped it. Okay if you're lovin' it, I'll bring it back for a bit longer.

Yvonne said...

mullet Rob

elaine said...

Bye TS! See u later!

Yvonne said...

kk, thank you <3

crazy said...

Ellainmiekiemds~ what does it say? looks like Hebrew.

elaine said...

KK~ur avatar is a killer! Oh, I can only imagine!! What would we give for that!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Ummmm....yeah....never could handle the mullet. Not even on Rob. You should've seen the one I had when I was younger, complete with blonde and maroon bangs. Gag.

crazy said...

Licky Girl~ i'm good, but WAY too much time spent on Robsessing today. The family is not around. You?

Hannah~ i sure do love it though. ;)

Hannah said...

Yvonne Dark Kingdom Rob is scrufftastic! nom nom nom

elaine said...

Crazy~ you know what it says! I have put it on everything! A girl can dream, huh! About the older women thing!

crazy said...

KK look! Rob is licking his lips!

crazy said...

Eleienieiepdq~ oh i got it now! excuuuuuuse meeeeeeee. ;)

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Elaine - It's no dream sweetie :)

Yvonne said...

crazy, doin' good...

Yvonne said...

scrufftastic, yummy

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Crazy - I do like those lips from the ginormous Rob pic yesterday. Good God that is one big pic. Now that I've seen the pores on his nose and his eyebrows in extreme relief, I kind of feel closer to him. LOL.

Yvonne said...

" feel closer to him"...ha ha ha So true

elaine said...

KK~What pic? I'm a bit behind!

When I taste that tongue a kind of frenzy begins and it is almost impossible to stop! Sorry, daydreaming out loud.

Hannah said...

KK - Rob rocks the wayward eyebrows

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Elaine - Let's see if I can find the link.

crazy said...

KK~ It was almost too much for me to handle, seeing his face that large and close. I feel closer too, closer to losing my mind once and for all!

Elaienieiendnbsnbanb~ we need to get you that pic Emmes gave us last night...anyone have it handy? oh wait - i do! brb

Anonymous said...

What's so weird about it?

Yvonne said...

what link, what pic? I'm behind too!

Anonymous said...

I wouldn't mind if his stubble scratched my inner thighs

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Here's the link to big Rob:

I mean, be prepared people to see Rob closer than you ever thought possible.

Hannah said...

KK - Thank you for linkage
Sweet Jesus... Rob IS big! ;)

Hannah said...

I need a bigger screen.
A MUCH bigger screen.

crazy said...

I've got to go make dinner(order Chinese) now. See you all later~


KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I think Rob would freak if he saw this as self-critical as he is. He's got beautiful skin and should be proud of it. Why can't I have skin like this????

Gozde said...

Holy fuck! That is ultra ultra ultra high quality! Wow, I don't think I've look at ANYONE that closely before. Eerie!

Hannah said...

Crazy - Yummy :) Enjoy!

KK he really does! Shit I'd hate to see my skin magnified like this!
Those lips...

Yvonne said...

bye crazy...
I just did the same...ordered's Friday :)) c u later!

Gozde said...

Any questions about his eye color are answered :)

Yvonne said...

That is one ginormous, it's like you're looking right into his eyes...

elaine said...

Yea, Crazy just leave us after that pic!

KK~I'm speechless! His skin looks so soft and that stubble! Holy Shit! Two days was not enough detox for me! I have fallen off the wagon again.

elaine said...

KK~ur mission is to get the lower part if u know what I mean! I can see the headlines now.

Lynnes said...

Dayum! I'm gone for 20 minutes and there's an onslaught of new avatars!!

Yvonne~where the hell was that pic taken? Who the hell was he portraying??????

KK~There are no words...for your avatar. That one rocks HUGE! Please don't change that!

Lynnes said...

Elaine~how do you get the text on the pics? I think I got the cropping down, but the text may be too techy for Ms. UNtechy.

Lynnes said...

Here's another piece of Rob we did last night...

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

To give credit where credit is due...Emmes posted this link last night for y'alls enjoyment.

Yvonne said...

what picture, the BIG one?

I'm not sure....

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

The big Rob link.

Gozde said...

It's on the front page now, that baby shouldn't go to waste :))

I'm going to bed, it 1:30AM here.

Good night ladies :))

Lynnes said...

Yes, Emmes rules!

Lynnes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hannah said...

This is the best place for sharing Rob love!
Night Gozde ;)

Lynnes said...

Yvonne~the mullet one.

tinababy1 said...

??????? Interview. WTF. Totally confuses.

Giant Rob pic - I actually fell into his mouth!!!!

elaine said...

Lynnes~Robsessor and techno whiz Emmes sent it to me! She photoshopped the text. I didn't have the software.

I owe her big time! She is da bomb! She's down w/ the pics!

Lynnes said...

Sorry, misspelled GOZDE previously, night!

That's what I get for trying to make grilled cheese sandwiches and type.

elaine said...

Night, Gozde!! Have lovely Rob dreams!!

Yvonne said...

lyn, I keep changing my avatar today ( can't pick just one!)
The mullet is from The Dark Kingdom (aka The Ring of the Nibelungs)...cute, huh?

Lynnes said...

Elaine~yes, she's our resident tech lady.
EMMES=Tech support

Hannah said...

Tina - LOL and what a truly beautiful mouth it is to fall in to ;)

elaine said...

Hannah, I agree. There is no place like Gozde and Dani's place!

Hope to see all later for some serious Robsessing! Got to spend a little time w/ the DH!

Yvonne said...

night Goz xo

Lynnes said...

Yvonne~yes, that's right. I have seen it before. It just looked wierd because I couldn't see the rest of the costume. It is cute, but I hope he doesn't have to rock that again.

Yvonne said...

"Gozde and Dani's Place"....they should open a pub!

Yvonne said...

lyn...LOL...for sure, poor MulletRob should never be revisited...

elaine said...

Yvonne~they should! What fun? Then Rob would hang out w/ us!!

tinababy1 said...

Hannah - Is he seriously NOT wearing lipstick in that shot?

Why do I have to slather the stuff on just so that I don't look like the undead???

Hannah said...

Im feeling the pressure to change my avatar now!
Yvonne I agree.. far too many scrummy pics to choose just one!!

Yvonne said...

of course he would, cuz it would be the coolest place in town and, WE would all be there :))

Yvonne said...

hannah...I keep going back to my picures, cropping, editing, changing the avatar. It's a sickness...

elaine said...

U Robchickas are so hard to leave! Bye now!

Yvonne said...

bye elaine....c u later xo

Mechevpao said...

wow that pic is so HHQ..
He has perfect skin!

tinababy1 said...

I want to change mine but I lurve finger boy.

Hannah said...

Bye Elaine!
Yvonne - "Gozde and Dani's Place"....they should open a pub!
The International house of fun... with Ron.. and beer! love it ;)

Lynnes said...

OOOO! Yvonne~love the pec action. yum! Now we have the eye, lips, tounge ear, chin, hands-did I miss a part?

Hannah said...

Tina I know.. I cant bring myself to replace my Jawporn Rob. My fave pic of him.ever.

tinababy1 said...

Lynnes!!! You got one.


Lynnes said...

Tina~please keep the hand porn avatar alive. ;P

Yvonne said...

lyn, yeah, I kind of like the pec picture, and up close there is nipple action, too. hee hee.

tinababy1 said...

Oh that JAW. It is a work of art.

Could cut glass.

Yvonne said...

lyn, u missed one part. Good luck finding a picture of THAT!

Hannah said...

Pffft Hannah who's Ron?! That was a sad little finger malfunction :-/

Lynnes said...

Tina~YES! and I've been going crazy (no pun intended) since (last night there was a lot going on w/ BIG Rob pic)!!! I have all kinds ready to change too. This is super addicting! I have you and Divine to thanks! You di-virginaized me for blogging.

tinababy1 said...


tinababy1 said...

L- Happy to be of service.

Don't think I've ever done that to anyone before
(wink, wink)

Yvonne said...

that's ok...someone called him "Patterson" happens, right?

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