Gozde: I'm not even sure if this is a real interview 'cause it's plain WEIRD y'all :) (UPDATE: The writer of the interview said it IS a legit interview)
Bu still there you go, from totalfilm.com:
On A Date With Robert Pattinson
We share a romantic evening with the hottest young actor on Earth...
BY Chris Hicks
"He seems to be styled by Hugo Boss," wrote our Features Ed. Jonathan Dean in his review for the Twilight DVD. "He has immaculate Shockwaves hair. He has eyes that can change colour." And, capping it off, he added: "He’s fricking gorgeous after all."We can't disagree. So when the chance came up to take Rob out for a quiet romantic meal for two, we jumped at the chance like vampires leaping into a tree.
Hi there Rob. We’re so happy you invited us out. After all, you must have hordes of screaming girls following you around all the time, and you picked us. Do you even look at your fan sites?
I’m aware of them but it would be so easy to be obsessed with that stuff and then not do anything else – which I did do for a time!
The weird thing is that because you’re at the eye of the storm, you don’t notice what’s going on. But when there are eight-year-old girls standing there trembling and crying, that’s a very strange thing to be a part of.
[The waiter approaches. Buzz orders a bottle of blood red Rioja] Wine goes straight to our head, so don’t let us drink too much, will you? So, were you ever obsessed with anyone? (Gozde: I think wine might not be the only problem. Try putting the pipe down at least 2 hours before an interview)
I really liked Ian Wright when I was younger. I used to always try and get the double of his sticker for my sticker album.
Not quite what we meant. Never mind. Where has that waiter got to with the wine? Maybe you should have a word, go a bit Christian Bale on him?
Where has that waiter got to with the wine? Maybe you should have a word, go a bit Christian Bale on him? Yep, that’s just how I speak to people on set. I say to the craft service person, “Where the FUCK are the M&M’s?! You’re a fucking AMATEUR!”
You have an angry side? We like that. You have a sensitive side too – in your next movie, Little Ashes, you play a young Salvador Dali struggling with his feelings for playwright Lorca (Javier Beltrán).
In an ideal world, people would always be searching out those tiny art films but it’s nice that Twilight fans are looking forward to Little Ashes.
I wanted to do it to break down what I thought I could do, but Dali is incredibly self-conscious throughout the movie so I thought all the nude scenes and stuff worked with me being nervous anyway.
Nude scenes! Although, are you saying your first on-screen sex scene is with a bloke?
We both refused to shave before doing it...
This is a big turn-on... Wait, err... what?
...It’s very uncomfortable in terms of scratching each other with our stubble – it made me feel sorry for women!
Stubble. On your face. Riiiight... So can we talk about Twilight sequel New Moon?
Edward and Bella’s reunion in New Moon is good. It’s different from the book so I think people will be happy.(Gozde: If Bella doesn't run to the clock tower through the crowd and if Edward isn't under it shirtless I'm going to HUNT Melissa Rosenberg down and smack her senseless)
This movie will have a very different mood. In visual terms it’s going to be so different from Twilight. It’s also a lot scarier. Chris [Weitz, New Moon director] is very willing to go down that route.
So, are they going to tie you up in that harness again for the sequel?
Luckily, I just have to get beaten up in this one!
And then we could tend to you, stroke your hair and gaze into your eyes until you can walk again. Wait. Where are you going? Robert!! Where’s that wine?!? (Gozde: Again, pipe down...2 hours....)
Thanks to
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1135 of 1135 Newer› Newest»what's 123 tequila?
Licky- You got to ask RP about that shit. We don't know him like that...only in other ways.:P
We´ll do it (umm with rob) another time for ya...the picasso rob, robcasso was a sight to see
Dang! Just sifted through some more comments. Hannah's an effen champ!
Little Momma~that was a great creation (avatar)!
and way too much work to do again...holy mthr of gd
Hannah's the shit...was 5 am in Ireland when she signed off!
Yvonne~alright, fine. *wallowsinselfpityformissingthe action*
Yvonne on Ted's Awful Truth site. He was hating on RP back then and this girl out of the blue commented about her experience. It's #35 or something...is that bad that I remember the number???
lyn...I'm sorry ! We can try again! don't cry!
Shani, NO, it's good that you remember so you can inform silly girls like me who are not current!
I need to go find it right now!
Lynnes- We love you and we can do it again. Wait that sounded dirty or is my mind just dirty right now. LMAO
ok girls, it's getting quiet in here. Is everyone sleeping? I think I need to go dig up the dirt that Shani just gave me. Then I can pretend I was that girl and have sweet Robdreams....
yeah! we can do it again...heard that rob-lovah?
Did anyone get the happy trail piece of the Robuzzle?
tonight was loads of fun :)
You made my day :)
Shani~oh yeah, again and again. lmao
Lyn- Nope, you got it?
am off too (cause I do have a life...coughcrazycough....lmao!)
but you´ll be in my dreams girls...cheering me on while I seduce rob :)
Nighty Emmes and Yvonne! Sweet robalicious dreams.
Bye Yvonne and Em!! Talk later
night lyn, em, shani
Shani~get what? Sorry, brain fart.
Shani~I think we're the only two left. That's what I get for being on the west sIIIIIIde.
Hello, how are you doing? I can´t believe this thread is so long, what is going on?
Lynnes you want to stay and talk or leave???
Night Emmes and Yvonne!
Emmes look at my new avatar!!!
Thank you! Have I passed Emmes Tutorial 101?
I guess it would be hard to make RobArt w/o everyone. Especially w/o Crazy commanding us to finish. Maybe next time?
Lynnes I'm in Texas so I'm 2 hours later. And I thought you had the Happy Trail pic.
with flying colors!!! or flying rob clothes on the plam tree at isle esme!!!lainy
Lickety split! That woke my ass up!
Eleine, that avatar is magnificent
Elaine- You are a Goddess...
Now that we have a new piece of the puzzle we HAVE to do it again!
Mech and Lynn~ Thanks to Emmes!
She is the greatest techie ever!
Actually I think she is a graphic designer, not sure!
Click on my name to email me please. Pretty please w/ Rob on top?
lyn...it´s a date...I´ll bring the sexhair..lolz
That's the best piece of the masterpiece...shit...hot damn...and oh fuck.:P
Hi, Shani! All credit to Emmes!
Shani~srstly, it is.
Now all we need is the peen. yes, I brought the peen back up. so arrest me.
Yeah email me too and click on my name.
Emmes are u still here?
dammm..yes I can´t leave...too much rob in my system , gotta detox
poor emmes. we got here working on some serious OT.
I got so excited I misspelled everybody. Sorry!
Lynnes- Look down at the old post and there's the pic of him in the water for LA. and it looks like his peen is showing and it looks big too.
Yes, Emmes! Don't forget the sex hair!
iz ma plezur
no worriers...went to school for this shizz...photoshoping
Emmes, I'm glad u didn't leave!
I must do something for u.
Maybe a date w/ Rob, but I get to come!
Did I say "come?"
Shani~No way! There's a still? I did see the tucked full frontal.
Emmes yes you do deserve a date and mind blowing sex with RP.
Shani~Is it tagged LA or PEEN? lol hard!
Elainy...!!!! that´ll make up for the avatars and every single one of your sins!!!! Rob bless you!
Over 1000 hits. I'm so proud of u girls! Gozde will have a lot of reading!
Emmes~What time is it where u are? Costa Rica?
Shani...u had me at mind blowing..
anything would be mind blowing with rob (did I just say blowing, twice?)
Did Divine come back and talk about her HTB experience tonight?
Lynnes get out of here and look at the post down from this one.You will see the pic.
It´s only 11 pm...early for a friday
Shani, group date. Maybe he could be the next Bachelor.
Mind blowing sex! I could use some of that!
Shani~HOLY SHNIKES! That's him on the right, right?
Emmes~ would u survive "blowing" of any sorts w/ Rob?
It is 1:00 AM here.
Oh, Rob and that Robnetic pull!
This is truly a phenomenon!!
Yes, mind blowen sex. It's hand porn, lip porn, ear porn, happy trail porn, jaw porn all at once!!
Emmes~ sorry to ask but can you email me the full happy trail pic? again please w/ rob on top?
Lynnes- Yup and it looks big ass hell. So yeah screaming and crying...
Dang, guess it's true what they say about the hands...
Oh and it's 12:19 AM here now.
Lyn..email..the file is pretty bif, let´s see if it works..
10:20 for me.
emmes~you can click on my name. GRACIAS!
Lynnes- Hands and big ass feet...
All this peen, big ass hands and feet talk makes me want to make a quick trip to VanCity...
srsly...gotta go cuddle with the hubs!
Goz/Dani/Robcats if you read this tomorrow Thanks and God Loves You (scratch that) Rob Loves YOU!!
Just emailed you emmes, thanks!!!!!!! MUAH!
Emmes~ how sweet! Thanks for everything! Just don't accidentally call him Rob! Sleep well. Will u be here tomorrow night?
Shani~you still here?
Lyn- I know get on a plane or a train. Hell drive there all night.
Nighty night Emmes!
Shani~Maybe we can "accidentally" run into him? lol
Just wanna have a coffee and a stog w/ the guy. That would be enough. RIIIIIIIGHT!
Yeah just a little in the AM then bump into him in the PM.
Els...don´t think so, we usually go out on saturdays :(
yeah, bumpen into him all day. there's a master plan!
EM there is still Sunday. Everyday is a good day
GOT IT EMMES! you're my shero!
Lynnes you know what he like "just a little bump and grind" LOL
I'll probably be on early Sun.
We go out on Saturday also. I'll
probably be a little tipsy.
Don't Robsess and drive!
How you likey my avatar now?????
Shani~"he don't see nutten' wrong..."
Lynnes you are killing me...:P
Bumpin' and grindin'!
Love shero! What an educational site this is! I'm learnin' so much!
My favorite subject is "happy trails" and all kinds of "porn".
Lynnes, I can't see ur avatar!
I tried to include the peen as much as possible.
Elaine~you can't see it? It's HUGE! naw, j/k. I think it's because I cropped off of a small JPEG file. I will fix for tomorrow.
Lynnes~ "I can't read ur mind?"
I'll see it tomorrow! lol
Lynnes I forgot how to crop pics do tell how you do such magic...
Shani and Lynnes and anyone left~Good night and sweet Rob dreams!
"If not for the night we wouldn't be able to see the stars!"
Let me know when there is a peen review please.
Shani~I'm on a MAC right now which I HATE!!!! When I save the pics from this site to a file it's all screwy so I have to send to my IT friend to resize because it won't work otherwise (don't know how to resize jackcrap on a MAC). When she sends the file back then I can crop the picture simply by isolate the part of it I want.
On a PC I used Microsoft Image or Picture (Shit I forgot-not working anymore and that's where I did stuff).
Do you have a MAC or PC?
Did y'all just live me am I all alone???
Nighty Elaine! I have saved the LA still so maybe I will have something tomorrow...
Shani~ ur not alone u have Rob love! Bye now!
I have Compaq PC
Bye EL and yeah Rob love to keep me warm at night...LOL
Shani~when you get a picture or JPEG how is the file opened?
Uhh sorry I get lost
Shani, what was that about you mentioned to Yvonne?? yhe I always get cought in the naughty things hehehe
Ummm...let me think...It opens in my d drive thingy. I can't remember...
Shani~uh oh. me thinks we should wait for Emmes to answer questions. I'm technologically challenged for the most part. Especially when I can't walk through the steps with you on a PC. SORRY!
ok Shani, I think it's my curtain call. Laundry awaits and I have an early work out class tomorrow. UGH!
Okay I right click the pic then save image. It downloads then I right click the download to open it. the the image comes up and save it under data something. So then it's on my disk and I can just go to browse and pull up pic and click on it then save it as my image for profile.
Bye Lynnes smooches!!!
Mech help me if you can or we can do it tomorrow no biggie.
When the file is opened there's an icon to highlight the part of the pic you want. I can't remember what it is? I would copy that part of the pic and open a new file and save it.
Wait never mind Mech I'll just talk to you later it is late. Bye bb smooches.
Ohh I on´t know how to even get a profile, I´m really bad with technology hahahaha
ok. hope that helps. I most likely confused you, but I tried. =D
Okay Lynnes I'll try it tomorrow thanks bye bb RP LOVE.
Well nite nite Mech talk to you tomorrow. I'm out...
bye good night
Haha... Total fake... I agree he can sound dreamy at times bt he never sounds soo senseless!!
And WTF??? They cant change the reunion scene!! They just cant!!
I know the writer who did the TF interview. It's kosher. These are Rob's answers, she described him to me as 'pathologically unguarded'.
Anon: thanks for the info. I already updated this morning and noted it was kosher. As for "pathologically unguarded": That's why we love Rob :))
Cool. She said pathologically unguarded in a good way. Don't think you get that much in interviews.
:) Hope he stays unguarded :)
I really do not think this is legit.
It is a very strange interview. Why would he think that we would be happy with things being different from the book? I do not think he would even want to mention that!!
hey_ ask your writer friend what did he mean about changing the reunion? We need to know!
Just called the writer, She said they were talking about the reunion KISS being different from the book. bye.
Hey, I'm sure it's already been discussed but I just can't sift through 1100 coments!
Why do you guys think this interview is so weird? The only weird thing about it was the interviewers, which I won't comment on. All of Rob's answers seemed to be believable & made sense. Anyone disagree?
Urmm...that is really weird !?
this deserves a big WTFH !?
I'm confussed is this a joke or summart because it kinda awkward, and also
i dunno what to say about the M&M's coz that was a bit strange
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