Gozde: I'm not even sure if this is a real interview 'cause it's plain WEIRD y'all :) (UPDATE: The writer of the interview said it IS a legit interview)
Bu still there you go, from totalfilm.com:
On A Date With Robert Pattinson
We share a romantic evening with the hottest young actor on Earth...
BY Chris Hicks
"He seems to be styled by Hugo Boss," wrote our Features Ed. Jonathan Dean in his review for the Twilight DVD. "He has immaculate Shockwaves hair. He has eyes that can change colour." And, capping it off, he added: "He’s fricking gorgeous after all."We can't disagree. So when the chance came up to take Rob out for a quiet romantic meal for two, we jumped at the chance like vampires leaping into a tree.
Hi there Rob. We’re so happy you invited us out. After all, you must have hordes of screaming girls following you around all the time, and you picked us. Do you even look at your fan sites?
I’m aware of them but it would be so easy to be obsessed with that stuff and then not do anything else – which I did do for a time!
The weird thing is that because you’re at the eye of the storm, you don’t notice what’s going on. But when there are eight-year-old girls standing there trembling and crying, that’s a very strange thing to be a part of.
[The waiter approaches. Buzz orders a bottle of blood red Rioja] Wine goes straight to our head, so don’t let us drink too much, will you? So, were you ever obsessed with anyone? (Gozde: I think wine might not be the only problem. Try putting the pipe down at least 2 hours before an interview)
I really liked Ian Wright when I was younger. I used to always try and get the double of his sticker for my sticker album.
Not quite what we meant. Never mind. Where has that waiter got to with the wine? Maybe you should have a word, go a bit Christian Bale on him?
Where has that waiter got to with the wine? Maybe you should have a word, go a bit Christian Bale on him? Yep, that’s just how I speak to people on set. I say to the craft service person, “Where the FUCK are the M&M’s?! You’re a fucking AMATEUR!”
You have an angry side? We like that. You have a sensitive side too – in your next movie, Little Ashes, you play a young Salvador Dali struggling with his feelings for playwright Lorca (Javier Beltrán).
In an ideal world, people would always be searching out those tiny art films but it’s nice that Twilight fans are looking forward to Little Ashes.
I wanted to do it to break down what I thought I could do, but Dali is incredibly self-conscious throughout the movie so I thought all the nude scenes and stuff worked with me being nervous anyway.
Nude scenes! Although, are you saying your first on-screen sex scene is with a bloke?
We both refused to shave before doing it...
This is a big turn-on... Wait, err... what?
...It’s very uncomfortable in terms of scratching each other with our stubble – it made me feel sorry for women!
Stubble. On your face. Riiiight... So can we talk about Twilight sequel New Moon?
Edward and Bella’s reunion in New Moon is good. It’s different from the book so I think people will be happy.(Gozde: If Bella doesn't run to the clock tower through the crowd and if Edward isn't under it shirtless I'm going to HUNT Melissa Rosenberg down and smack her senseless)
This movie will have a very different mood. In visual terms it’s going to be so different from Twilight. It’s also a lot scarier. Chris [Weitz, New Moon director] is very willing to go down that route.
So, are they going to tie you up in that harness again for the sequel?
Luckily, I just have to get beaten up in this one!
And then we could tend to you, stroke your hair and gaze into your eyes until you can walk again. Wait. Where are you going? Robert!! Where’s that wine?!? (Gozde: Again, pipe down...2 hours....)
Thanks to
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 1135 Newer› Newest»Yvonne~I think the closest we're gonna get to rob's peen pic is someone's avatar where it's just him holding on the the belt (close up). I think Crazy had it before the lovely lips avatar.
Whoa-trying to type way too fast....
lyn, yup, I think you are correct. oh well, a girl can dream....
TIna~oh, I believe you. I would not put that pass anyone in here. Our convos DON'T leave anything to the imagination.
well, I gotta go, reality calls. Hopefully I'll see you all later :)
Lynnes - Are you going Peenpire on us???
That's usually mine and Crazy's job, hee hee
Bye Yvonne
One of the InStyle pics I call 'the mars bar' pic.. Im sure you know it.. mmmm.. I hope it ISNT a mars bar in his pocket! ;)
Tina~would love to go PEENPIRE, but I would not do it the justice Crazy would. She numero uno. *bowsdown*
Gotta stop ignoring my kids now. Hopefully be back later for more enlightening discussions.
do not send such BIG ROBs without the warning !!!!!!!!!!!!
I wanted to apply a body conditioner (just came out the bath) while of course peepping you, and it came so unexpectedly and hit me between the eyes and I spilt lots of the damn thing all over my desk (some ove DH's laptop, dear oh dear).... ayyyy..... f*** "freudish" isn't it ?
And ... it happened here (blog) for the second time in 2 weeks ... oh boy...
do they hunt him with some sniper-paparazzi equipment to have such a big photo ???
I would like to get that close, within the smell distance :)))
Girls we have to hide this photo from Rob - he'd freak out, definetely, wouldn't he ?
I'm margot, and I'm Robobsessed RobCat
Bye Yvonne! Ugh I hate reality when it makes me away from Robsessing
Margot - I FELL into his MOUTH!!!
Margot - "and it came so unexpectedly and hit me between the eyes"
I thought you were going to say legs :-/
Excuse my mind this evening.. Big Rob has destroyed it..
@ Hannah ...
baby - of course between legs, but right after between the eyes
plus I'm on my DH's laptop which doesn't make things easier :)))))))
I removed the picture, some people found it TOO MUCH. And yeah, Rob would be very self conscious to see it...
Gah, his lips look amazing in the picture though!!!
Gozde - luckily I have saved link for personal use ;)
Those lips... i know...
Too much Rob to handle. Bestill my heart.
Margot - DELETE HISTORY!! lol!!
Take MY avatar babies!
me? peenpire? neva!
can you post comments under the Gozde's post with the BIG photo ? I can't get in ... wtf?
Lynnes - that was Lil'Momma's avatar bb!
aaa, ok
C - ? I seem to remember a comment about olive oil???
Margot - she took it off. To many hot flashes
yeah, I found out ... this is actually good ... *hiding copy of BIG Rob into small pendrive*
Gozde~ did you see my avatar? It's my favorite of all time!
Tina and Lynnes ~ that was the OLD crazy. ;)
I love old Crazy. She's fun.
Crazy did you take the vow? A new you?
Tina~ OLD crazy usually returns when HOT DAMN pics of Rob are posted. Stay tuned!!!
C - How much hotter than falling into his f**kin mouth???
The NEW crazy makes the OLD crazy stay in her room. She gets out frequently though ;)
JEEZ! You had to go and say those 2 words together??!!! I'm done for! LOL!!
Tina~falling on top of his fucken peen would be hotter, I think. Could be just me though...
HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
I'll be over to break Old Crazy out. Give me 9 hours.
Lynnes~ make mad libs instead...
Fallin on top---------------------------------------------I think. good enough? LOL!
x-rated mad libs. sounds like fun
Tina~ is that a threat, or a promise?!
Is there a 12 step program for peenpires?! We need a manual to refer to in these kind of situations!!
ugh oh, Hannah's back!
Hannah - I think we are all in dire need of a 12 step program.
Hi, I'm Tina. I'm a Robaholic, peenpire.
I don't wanna take a 12 step program! lmao hard.
Hannah~ some of us Robsessors need a 12 step program, fo sho! ;)
Why can't I get Giant pic into a file????
I was standing right next you Crazy..
Hi, I'm Lynnes, and I a Robaholic, Robsessed, Robanatic, peenpire...
How dull would life be without this magnificent work of Art to drool over?
o.k. I'm crazy and I am a Robaholic.
that said...12 step program my ass!
TIna~I dunno know but resident techy Emmes may be able to help. She's in the first post.
You have to WANT to change...
I'm not ready to give up the Robcrack.
and yes, Crazy, I said Rob & crack
H~ uhhhhh, i suck at this..........................
Or maybe Fight Club rules..?
The first rule is never talk about the peen
The second rule is NEVER talk about the peen
C - rubbing my body with
Tina~ LMAO those aren't the 2words i had in mind!
Third rule - Always think about the peen...
Hannah~are you peen patrol? You may have to arrest me.
C - Give me another one
t~ olive oil?
t~ but don't think with it.
Crazy~No, you were thinking "Robpeen." You know THAT Crazy wants to get out now...
The other night I was in bed (with dh) and I was thinking about Div posting -"Are we taliking about dipping c**k in olive oil?" and I started to laugh so hard I was sure dh was going to wake up and throw me out.
You guys will not be happy until i lose it here!!!!
Old Crazy is trying to pick the lock on her bedroom door.
I'm on my was Crazy. Typing as I drive. Only 8-1/2 more hours.
Tina~ oh brother. too many letters.....too many letters! aw hell!
Oh shit.
Where's the peenpire? Lynnes??
It's 1:45 am here and I'm going to bed *eyes closed so that not to drop the picture ... eyes, lips,hands, neck, this thumb between the teeth...*
new pants
goodnight sleeptight (when it's your turn)
Lynnes - Peen patrol! pffft Never! Unleash the peen!
T~ meet me at Divine's in NYC. we'll crash her HTB gig!
Bad plan! Like divine is going to help my cause here. shit.
See ya Margot
Sweet Rob Dreams
Sweet Rob Dreams, margot baby!
Can't believe Suz is there tonight. When are you going?
Dear Rob,
the gals are not talking about _____. They are just being silly. (looks around nervously)
your wang
Tina~SOrry, sending more pics to my gal pal to resize so I can make more avatars.
Did you know that Gozde put up the ET clips for tonight up already? BTW, there are anons stirring up R/K drama so don't go there if you don't want to get irritated.
oh yeah and PEEN PEEN PEEN
Think I'll go spend some time with dh. Might be back later 9:30 - 10ish
That's right re: Suz! I'm waiting for the UK DVD on order, and to summon up the courage to tell the DH i need a new player or a software upgrade.
dh = "what????!!!"
What is the problem with these Anons???
They know we don't want to hear that shit.
So I go out for several hours and come back to an "interview" where Rob talks about having a sticker album.
I don't think so. Even if he was "Claudia".
ummmmmmmmm, Rob, i think wang is maybe Chinese for eyes, or something!
Hanna~Yes, let the peen be unleashed. Can't wait for LA on 5/8!! WOOT! That will probably be the first movie I sit in front for.
I ordered BMH and Haunted Airman to try the ANY DVD software on. I'm sure HTB will come out here as soon as this stupid IFC thing is done.
Not sure if I can wait though.
Crazy~In the words of Austin Powers, "RIIIIIIIIGHT."
bye Tina~ later bb!
gonna go check out the dumb Anon action...coming?
Crazy - LOL! In that case Rob has lovely Wang(s).. no wait that cant be right..
Lynnes - going on 5/8? where?
Lynnes - I hate the waiting!
C~Berkely and SF. I live on the West SIIIIDE.
H~I'm sorry. I really feel greedy going to see HTB twice.
Why don't you and the _____ get a frickin room or something??!!!
hey peeps?
Lynnes - Lucky gal ;) If I had the opportunity I would too.
Crazy - Im shutting up now :-/
H~ LOL!!!
L~ oohhhh, thanks!!! (winks)
Hi esmee emememsmmememsmnhbbdB !!
we don't want H to shut up!!!
Hannah~ where do you live?
Emmes~just sent a crapload of picks for my friend to resize so I can have me some avatar fun.
did i chase Hannah away? :(
*ungags herself*
Crazy - Im Irish to be sure to be sure
I don´t think I´m over the whole GigantorRob biznaz from last night!
C~no, she's at my house to arrest me for committing "lewd acts with a peen."
Emmes - It made a spectacular reapperance tonight. Thank you!
Emmes~Goz had it up earlier but took it down. Too much Rob for some, I guess. Those wacky ppl.
Lynnes - LOL! Anything you say or do to the peen will be held against you in a court of law.
Pffft.. no it wont.
H~ cool! Then, uhhh, top 'o the mornin?
(I'm Irish descent)
yeah , we talked some stuff about him being self conscious if he saw it on twitter....It´ll just be our personal stash of robporn!
Hannah~Phew! thank god! I would be sentenced to death!
Emmes - it's a good idea. my od if there was ginormo pic of my sorry face out there............world peace would be near.
Crazy - I think me ansectors were actually potatoes ;)
Look! Lynnes and crazy made a Rob face!!! lookie!
Lynnes - you and me both ;)
Lyn...nice avatars are for sharing (said like a preschool teacher)!
Look at the message Arthur Sturridge, Tom´s bro just tweeted Goz after she told him
@A_Sturridge Drunk Tweet Alert! Step away from the keyboard and put the whiskey down :)
@ROBsessedBlog no n o on o no. you'er wrong put me on your bloafg more often sugarr
Crazy~I know! Now Shani needs to get in here w/ the ear.
H~ LMAO!! puhtaaaaahtoesss.
Mine were leprechauns. doy.
I can't believe Shani has his ear. i made fun of her earlier. ear porn?
Crazy~your comments always have to be directly under mine from now on.
Lynnes - ok. good luck with that!
brb ladies. dh "needs" me.... ;)
so goz answers
@A_Sturridge send me some drunk pictures and I'll put 'em up :)
Love the eye, mouth combo girls!
oooooo...gottac check that out. now I'm gonna have to search for my twitter password...
It' peen I see...:P
Shani~what happened to the ear? We're trying to form like voltron except a Robtron. DOH!
Emmes, thanx for sharing coz sharing is caring.
Dang it, the pic was to small to show it. RP don't worry I not talking about actual size.Tee Hee
Lynnes- I can hear you now...
Its like a Rob jigsaw :)
I do love the sideburns Shani
So how do we line this up girls??
Shani~The eye sees all. You missed all the peen talk earlier. I'm sure it will "come up" again. (wink)
H~ oh yeah! the sideburns are what makes it HOT! earandsideburnsporn.
Crazy~Like I always say, "I'm on top..."
we need a nose in between u gals..jaja
we need a nose in between u gals..jaja
I dunno if I like the sculpted brow better or the bushy brow.
Should the sexhair be included ya think??
Emmes~I thought you were gonna try out the schnoz.
I kind of caught some of the peen talk...
Okay how do we put him back together?
Lynnes - He has the makings of a unibrow when sculpted.. the first time I have ever found a unibrow cute I think!
we need sex hair!!! yes!
Hannah- How do I love thee...avatar...let me count your sex hair waves...LOL
martian Rob
sorry Lynny..drinking and typing...is hard
^^ I ment UNsculpted
typitious.. its a cronic disease I have :-/
where do we put the effin ear??
who said hard?
Hannah~I dunno if this sexy hair is gonna work...
h~ unsculpted for sure. i like em with some hair on em...
Crazy- It's Lynne,me, then you okay.
Crazy - Im also a fan of an all round bushy face ;)
Lynmes ` lmao! looks like a bad toupee
here's one
here's 2
H~ whoa!!! lol!
Lynnes- Nah, to small need bigger hair.
Lynne - Pahaha! I know its his forehead but it kinda looks like he's balding! nooooo!
hey not bad!!!!
Damn it! That was so close guys!
Hannah- LMAO
instructions please
Hannah said bushy!
Whoa, looks like I'm gonna have to put the whiskey down.
Lynnes - I said bushy and balding within 2 minutes... cant make up my mind!
ok, here we go again...
no Hannah has to put the whiskey down too!
directions please
It's needs to be Lynnes, me,Emmes, then crazy I think.
ok, now emmes, shani then crazy
I have sex hair too
ok, whoops trying again,
OK lets go slow.
go shani then emmes then crazy
i'm after emmes?
fuck the hair
Oh no
This is hilarious!
ROTFL LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lo
Oh bollocks sorry did I ruin that one?!
help robty, dumpty nack together again!
can we just do this fargin thing please??? ahahahhahahahahhahahe
Me right
I´m gonna pee my only pair of oanties...the rest are in the wash...haha
Lets wait until we see the right part then add.
how dopey are we? ahahhahahhaha
lol lol lol
I think the eye fucks it up. shani should be on top of emmes
Im afraid to comment and get my fat ass avatar in the way!
oh. my. God.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah me then Emmes
just tell me when to go
we can't tell you! we'd get in the way!! lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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