VMan PicSpam

Old ones, new ones, mid quality, high quality, every single picture I have on VMan photoshoot are below :)) Enjoy!

Multiple sources including the latest from radaronline :)


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Anonymous said...

Too much manly hotness-ness.

tinababy1 said...


Love , love , love VMAN!!!

elainnie said...

For the love of all things holy!

These are sinful! Unleashed my inner lustmonkey! Sexxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy!

Be prepared for an overload of comments if we r still standing! uv really done it now!

Plop! Thud!

lostinphilly said...

OMFG! That man sure can make love to the camera!!!Each pic of him just gets sexier and sexier and smoldering and hot and ON FIRE... need I go on???.......

Emmes said...

OME, when it rains...it pours!

elainnie said...

typo-supposed to be sexxxxxxxxxyyyyy!
Crap who can type after those! My legs are in a VVVVVVVVVVV!

Can anyone tell I'm excited!

elainnie said...

Emmes, yes maam!
It's raining hotties and hunks!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I love the total smile where his eyes are all crinkly...so genuine!

Emmes said...

Elainnie...let´s burst out our own rendition of "it´s raining men, hallelujah"!!

Melanie said...

You are trying to kill me! All I can think of is that song Sex on Fire.

ROBoholic said...

LONDON miss you Robert... come back soon!

Leann said...

The only man alive who can make Buckwheat's hair style sexy.

Sophia Z.86 said...

I would love to put my "hands" on that hottie...

I like the way you play with the vampire teeth. Could you come here and bite me, Mr. Pattinson ~ eeerrr, Rob, lover?

elainnie said...

Emmes~Hell yes, lets.

Love all ur comments!

Lost~u said it best! He makes love to the effin camera!

Gozde is trying to kill us!

LaPush Baby said...

Holy. Crap.

Best spam post ever.

Sweet dreams tonight for all!!

Gozde, thanks for supplyin' the goods. You make my day, every day.

Tess said...

Love #3..

were you trying to erase the insanity of the other thread from my brain? if so, it's working..

Stacy said...

Good lord, that's a lot of hotness! Rob and Kellan together = YUM.

May said...

Oh wow...My 31st birthday looks better and better with every passing hour. Thank you, Goz. Perfection in all its glory - the Robman. :D

Anonymous said...

oh. my. dear. god.
#5 from the bottom.
you know...i never really saw the james dean thing before, even though a lot of people said that rob was channeling him in some of his other photos. i saw it in that one.

Pinky said...

Okay seriously...I had to come out of lurkdom for this.

I love this blog and hate it all in one. I don't even know how I got here all I know is that I can never leave, lol. It's physically impossible and really.. why would I even want to. A Rob-less life is totally overrated.

I thank you, Goz.

elainnie said...

Pinky~I understand ur pain! I can't live in a Robless world either!

Gozde is "never gonna stop" posting visual images of Rob!

These hurt my heart~
drop dead-gorgeous and can be compared to none!

Emmes said...

Tell me about it Pinky...today is my day off and I´ve literally hung out here ALL day! :O)

Emmes said...

for you elainnie...


elainnie said...

Emmes~it says that the pics have been taken off.

Are u injecting more pain? {hugs}
to fellow Robsessor!

tinababy1 said...

LOL @ Buckwheat hair

Emmes said...

Ohh, sorry! Give me your email and u can erase the comment in a second.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Emmes; today is my day off too and I spent the majority of my time here. LOL.

Emmes said...

BI...somehow knowing that makes me feel a little (scratch that) A LOT better, lol!

TwiHartRK said...

Robkat Pledge = Pick 3!

Hey party peeps! Tess I'm so happy to see your skittle lips.


Suz said...

oh for the love of christ!


just one day goz.. just one day to recover....

but noooooooooooooooooooooooo back with more mad sexy fucking outakes.

Fuck Me Into Next Week

oh.. and


Bootstrap Intern said...

Emmes; I'm glad I can make you feel better. :)

elainnie said...

Suz, hey chicka!

Is the eye candy blinding enuff?

Suz said...

Elainne -- blinding, killing, keeping alive.. all at once!

Holy Shizzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Man he is perfection.

Fucking Perfection.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I completely agree with you Suz. He is pure and utter perfection.

Unknown said...

Helloooooooooo ladies!

Aww I love these pics, especially of all of them together - boy band pose ftw!

lol nomnomnomnom~!


Suz said...

BI xxx

I don't know the exact moment it happened..but

all other men

cease to exist.

Emmes said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emmes said...

Hmmm...Ms. Suz , how to you propose we explain that to our husbands? HAHA!

Emmes said...

Elainnie...let´s try it again


elainnie said...

Suz~watcha gonna do?

I'm sittin hear munching on Sweetheart conversation hearts!
*bite me
*love me
*dazzle me
*soul mate
*secret lover
*forbidden love

DL said...


My heart... can't... take... all... this... hotness...

These are probably my favorite photos of Rob and the boys.

Once again...


Anonymous said...

How about this for total hotness...
Rob's Rod on Display.. http://www.atwilightkiss.com/atwilightkiss-diaries-rob-rod-on-display.html

crazy said...

OMG his eyes are burnin holes right through my poor heart!!! (swoons)

Hi ladies!

elainnie said...

EMMES!That is so F****** awesome! How did u do that? I looooooooooooooooooooooove ur avatar!!(that is what its called?)

Damn right~we want to do #@*~f# to him!

Never had an affair until now!

Suz said...

He is a work of art...

The MOANA Rob.

Emmes said...

LOL...like I said yesterday being a graphic designer is paying off in ways I never thought...I can manhandle Rob in Photoshop ALL day :)))

Crazy...I sent you an email, got it?

Suz said...

Emmes, my hubby is trying to perfect the Rob Mask.


elainnie said...

Anon~ it's over! panty change! OMG Rod porn!

Crazzzzy!!! How the hell r u?

Emmes said...


elainnie said...

Emmes~please send me directions

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Crazy! *waves* Long time no speak!! How are you liking all the Rob goodness we've been blessed with today?

Bootstrap Intern said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lynnes said...

Emmes~lmao @ link.

yeah, if he knew...well, MAYBE if he knew, he would have a huge big orgy with us and we'd all take turns yelling out the loving Robisms you've all made up. "Oh, Tie guy!" "Oh, RobArt" You never know...

Emmes said...

Well Lynnes, you think? (Googling his Manager Nick ASAP)

Lynnes said...


How about his publicist?

Emmes said...

Yeah, Stephanie , right?...calling her STAT (LOL)

elainnie said...

Girls, we need one for "BEANNIE"
OMG, he looks good in that thing!

Love, "oh, tie guy!"

Lynn~Rob orgy, I'm in or on or under~

RPnKSaddict said...

I'm lovin the beanie. Lovin the hair,lovin the eyes. Oh wait I love the whole package that is Rob.
I enjoy all you ladies here too. Your all so funny.
This site makes my life complete.

Emmes said...

Well, ma lovely ledees, I´m done...
will see you tomorrow, same time, same channel :)

elainnie said...

Night, Emmes! I'm gone too. Sweet Rob dreams!!!

Night, lovely ladies!

Suz said...

night emmes and elainnie..

Lynnes said...

Elainnie~dibbs to be on top!

Sweet Roblicious dreams, Emmes - thanx for sharing the pic

Bootstrap Intern said...

Good night Emmes

Melissa said...

GAH! Thats it! I'm switching back to my old avatar. I can't take it anymore. BRB.

Melissa said...

Color me happy, it's back! Oh how I love these pics....

Anonymous said...

"Burnin holes", Crazy? Interesting...

crazy said...

Esmememem~ I did! didn't you see my new avatar, bb?!

Luv you, luv ut!!!

crazy said...

Hi Anon! yep. burnin holes. just sayin ;)

Anonymous said...

hey all! anybody left around this joint?

crazy said...

I just saw Bootstrap! (waves back)

crazy said...

hey TS! see his eyes in these pics? uhhhhhhh. he's like Medusa, makes me freeze in my place when i look at his face.

Anonymous said...

c: of course i see his eyes... i can't look far beyond them. ever.

and what is that tat on your avatar? lol

Francis (right?) said...

Crazy is gone. It is slow in here tonight. No Robland...


crazy said...

TS~ my new BFF Emmes made that for me. She made a tattoo that has "crazy" on one side and "Rob" on the other side of the tattoo. Like Crazy+Rob. Niiiiice!

Francis said...

Crazy is back. did not see you "in here"...hum...

crazy said...

yeah sorry Francis. No RKs it seems. see ya~

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi TS! Are you still here?

crazy said...

oh you're stayin?

Francis said...

why do you keep changing your avatar???

Anonymous said...

ah hell no crazy! someone has taken my francis and run with it... should i take that as flattery?

emmes is a genius! that is super sexy.

crazy said...

Bootstrap - helloooooooo

and say Hi to Francis!!!

Anonymous said...

bi! i am still here :)

c: you leaving?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Francis! And yeah, Crazy you're still here. We're hardly ever here at the same anymore.

Francis (am I Francis?) said...

Hi to Francis!!!???

crazy said...

me? changed my avatar?

TS~ i'm here and chatting witha friend also. i can't multitask well.

Francis said...

Crazy is not coming to Robsess as she used to...

Francis said...

Id criselyssis in here...

Francis (reeeally upset now) said...

Can't get laid...

crazy said...

we're saying hello to YOU, Francis. don't wanna be rude.
so hows it hangin?

TS~ YOUR Francis joined us last night too. Say HI!

Anonymous said...

lol c... chatting with a friend? is it rob? be honest.

crazy said...

Francis - yeah, maybe not so much. You noticed? how sweet! miss me?

Anonymous said...

hi francis... nice name ;)

Francis (reeeeeeaaaaally upset again) said...

My id criselysissiylis will get worse now! I scared everyone out.

crazy said...

TS~ well i sure hope so. boy the things i'd do...........
but since he says he can't get laid, i'm thinking it's not him. :(

crazy said...

Francis - explain yourself! (all confused by that big word)

Francis said...

Ops, had a panic attack! Don't like to be left alone... Robland is creepy sometimes.

Anonymous said...

lol c... how true! rob wouldn't have such issues

Francis said...

Thanks 30!

Emmes and Crazy named me.

Anonymous said...

Hi Crazy ~
I think you need to stay awhile and talk to Francis :)

How are you Francis?

Rob said...

Good Evening Ladies...(and men)

crazy said...

uhhhhh no....
Francis ~ TS first introduced us to you, remember? and you don't answer any of my questions...

Rob in the house said...

I am him!! I don't want to ruin anyone's life. Spec. someone not famous. Eating a lot of room-service.

Anonymous said...

francis: do tell... what is robland exactly?

Francis (real Rob in the house) said...

Another Rob. Go away!!

crazy said...

Woah! An Anon and a Francis! really confused now. And Rob is here!!! (sticks promptly to her seat)

what am i gonna do???????????

Bootstrap Intern said...

Yes, Francis. I'm interested in knowing too.

Francis (real Rob in the house) said...

Anon. get a name.

crazy said...

Rob~ come on over to my house bb! i'll feed you really well ;)

crazy said...

whom said that?

Little Momma said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Not in a million years ;)

Francis said...

TS??? Really?

And what questions, darling?

Can I call you darling, Crazy? PLZZZ!

crazy said...

Are we getitng ready for an orgy or something LOL!!! it's crowded in here!

Little Momma said...

hello crazy and TS...and anyone else...

Bootstrap Intern said...

hmmmm... we have a Francis, an anon and Rob here... what fun!

crazy said...

Sure Francis~ does your Mommy mind?

Francis said...


Why not?

Girls, name him too!!

Lynnes said...

LM~what happened to our avatar? It was one of my top 2 faves.

Rob said...

What the....okay Francis...you need to decide who you are...I am Rob...this is bloody ridiculous.

crazy said...

Momma!!!! we seem to have 2 Francis' and maybe 2 Robs in here!


Anonymous said...

francis: yes really... what do you consider scary about robland exactly?

c: it's all good you know, right?

crazy said...

stop it.

Little Momma said...

oohhh sorry lemme get that back up there

Francis said...

Darling, I am moving to YOUR basement, remember??

crazy said...

TS! you betcha bb.

Little Momma said...

ok is that better

Rob in the house said...

No, wait a minute! I want to "move in" Crazy's basement... with Crazy, when Italian DH is at work and DD at school.

crazy said...

Momma~ wanna help name the new Francis?

Lynnes said...

LM~love the hand/finger porn on that one...sigh...

Anonymous said...

hi lm... how's it going?

francis: did you remember to buy mother's prunes at the grocery? you know how she gets... just trying to save you the headache.

Rob said...

So how are things tonight? I see you enjoy looking at me. Seems you find me a bit dishy...

Rob in the basement said...

That false "Rob" is the anon?? Could you get ANOTHER NAME???

crazy said...

Francis~ I'll consider letting you move into my basement if you give me some info bb!

Francis said...

It is creepy when you girls scare me. I can't get laid...

crazy said...

Sure you can compete with the dh??? huh???

Rob said...

Clear off Francis!!!

Rob in the basement said...

that Francis is a too "feminin"...

Rob out of the basement (and angry now) said...

Wait!! How many Robs are in here???

crazy said...

Why would we scare you Rob? You can't see how we are just being silly? we love you. you inspire our silliness. ;)

Tess said...

Hello!!!! going to read the threads

Anonymous said...

Nope. "Rob in the Basement" that other Rob is not me. I think I'm the only Anon right now. Sorry.

crazy said...

What the hell???? LMAO!!!!

Momma~ all hell broke loose when you came in here!

Rob said...

Crazy... I have been watching you. I am so brassed off with the fakers in here. What do you say we leg it???

Little Momma said...

Sorry I always mess up the blog!!!

Francis said...

What questions, darling?

TwiHartRK said...

What is going on in here. Rob's, anons, Francis, basements?

Hi Crazy, TS, OTHERS


crazy said...

TS~ i think you scared Francis away LOL!

and where did Bootstrap go?

Little Momma said...

How is everyone...I see that things are kinda mixed up with all the newcomers...

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Twihart!

crazy said...

brassed off? leg it? help me out. i only speak New Jersey. ;)

Hi Alie!

Bootstrap Intern said...

I mean TwiHeart -- sorry for messing up your name.

Tess said...

someone help me out here.. what is TS?

Rob in the house again said...

Anon. good idea: be anon. Too many Robs.

That other one... he is making a pass on Crazy. Okay, you want to move to her basement... She got mice in there, ya know?

Rob said...

Well see then...you know who the real Rob is now...

Anonymous said...

c: i don't think so...? just trying to come up with a suitable response to giving mother enemas

hi alie :)

TwiHartRK said...

HI BI - I didn't "see" you
s'okay - I answer to TwiHot too
; )

Are any of you the Rob's or are they really other people?

Rob's Peen said...

What the fook?

crazy said...

Our wishes came true!!!! There's enough Rob to go around!!! yippee!

crazy said...

HiTess~ TS is Thirtysomething. to me anyways..

Anonymous said...

hi tess :) i'm ts... for short to others or 30... whatever works

TwiHartRK said...

Tess - TS = Thirtysomething. Is she not here? Am I talking to made up people?

hee hee

Francis said...

I did not see any mice... I saw pants, she does a lot of laundry...

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy; I missed your comment earlier.. I am still here.

TwiHartRK said...

Playing my air guitar too...

TwiHartRK said...

WTF??? Rob's peen?

Not cool?!?!?

Little Momma said...

Nope not me...trust me...I am not a good faker...

hey TH and BI and Tess

Anonymous said...

alie: def not rob or any other anon... just 30 here

lol @ twihot

Lynn said...

Good gracious, I love the pics with Rob posing with a cigarette and the squinty eyes...he always reminds of a young Marlon Brando.

crazy said...

brb...dh needs me......

TwiHartRK said...

Lynn - you are brilliant sista.

So they really are the "others" on this thread. Creepy.

It's ok ladies. Any minute the smoke monster will take away the bad seed.

Anyone else watch LOST?

crazy said...

Rob who knows me TOOO well~ LMAO!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Twihot :)it's just me. no Rob here.

crazy said...

TS~ LOL@ enemas

Rob said...

So Crazy....what do you think? I'd like to ring you sometime...I really am trying to chat you up here...

Rob in the house said...

I have dandruff.

Tess said...

I don't know if this post is large enough for Rob's peen

Anonymous said...

Oooooh, Crazy ~
I'm the only Anon here and I'm signing off ... enjoy yourself! This is the real thing *snicker*

Talk to you soon ;)

Lynn said...

Alie---LOL The Monster can take me any old time....I will hang!

Rose said...

Hey Lynn♥ Hey Alie♥

Tess! ♥

TwiHartRK said...

None of us brought our split personalities or Rob's peen.

True dat Tess.

Lynn said...

Rose---my bullshit lovely! How are you?

Tess said...

why is it that all the Rob's leave when I come on?? I don't bite

Anonymous said...

sorry... i don't watch lost. i gave up television a few months ago, almost completely.

tess: good call!

Little Momma said...

Hey Rose...do you know me??? I have not introduced myself yet..have I???

Rob's Peen said...

thank you tess, a smart girl

Tess said...

It's ROSE!!! I've missed you..

crazy said...

Rob's peen is talking now?

I am out of it here.

Momma~ you confused too?

Hi BI~

Rose said...

I'm fanfuckingtastic Lynn...how are you??

TwiHartRK said...

Rose ♥

Rob in the house said...

Twi! Am I the smoke monster?

crazy said...

BYe AnonRK! hee hee.

TheDogsBollocks said...

Hello to the delish RK's and What's up to the NS's.

Rob in the house said...

Mice hate dandruff.

Rose said...

Tess~ I've missed you too!!!

Lynn said...

Tess---you know you will bite if provoked or offered Rob's neck...just make a promise to leave lots of marks!

Tess said...

I mean.. I might leave a trail of sprinkles... but I don't draw blood

Anonymous said...

hi lynn :)

hi rose :)

Rose said...

DB!!! ♥

TwiHartRK said...

RITH - Nope. But I'm pretty sure you are smokin something.

crazy said...

Rob~ i'd love to chat anytime. It's all fun and schmexy and all... `

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