UNTagged LAX Pictures :)

A big thanks to [info]miss_mcelroy from [info]pattinsonlife 'cause she rocks! :)


Anna said...

Yay for the un-obfuscated view of Rob's glorious tushy !!!

Sophia Z.86 said...

He is signing with his left hand! Multi-task hottie! I like the "butt pic".

Good morning, whoever comes here that early!

Tess said...

LittleB-Ha! I love it. He has glorious everything!

Morning all. It's early evening for me.

Anna said...

It's not early, it's lunchtime...
I'm tired of living in Europe! I'm always on my own Robsessing, nobody's around to play with me :((

Anna said...

wow Tess, I thought my time difference was bad! I'll shut up now :)

Hannah said...

Its nearly noon for me! :)

LB - Agreed, loving the untagged bum pic! nom nom nom

Tess said...

I'm here for you LB!! ;)

Anna said...

Aww, you guys rock :))
Thank god you're here, I swear, sometimes I feel like a robsessed nutcase, lurking around those deserted comment threads!

Georgie said...

You'd think walking through LAX in sunglasses would attract more attention --- everything about me invites you in...SURE DOES!!

It's 8.55 Tuesday night here down under;

Hannah said...

LB - I do too.. but also tend to be on at ridiculous hours foe me when its normal time for everyone else! lol!

G'Day Georgie!

Rhonda said...

I love these. Esp the one of him and the lady on the elevator. Did anyone solve the mystery of who she is? Surprised Lainey or Ted has not linked them romantically by now. He is adorable!

Hannah said...

Oh Yeah Rhonda they are totally dating! The body lanugage says it all! He likes older women right? LOL!

Anonymous said...

@Rhonda: LOL
That's my grans, actually

kespax said...

Hello - united nations of Robobsessed, in all of our different time zones. Mostly the Americans are all still in bed I guess, it's Aussie lazing in bed Rob time for me 9.19pm, & cold.

Check this nice utube - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awxfGds9hM8

Georgie said...

I hope so Hannah LOL; I'd carry his bags through the airport anyday...I'd even jump into it.

My name is Laura. said...

Gooooooood morning, Rob's bum!! -smiles tiredly- Thank you sooo much for this post! -goes to make some breakfast- ...Maybe I can look a little longer...

Georgie said...

Hi kespax, enjoying the clip: where's the scene at 1:25 from - prolific running of fingers through hair? I keep repeating that bit!

Georgie said...

I hope so Hannah LOL; I'd carry his bags through the airport anyday...I'd even jump into it.

Tenneil said...

One of my favorite words when it comes to Robbie photographs..

UNTAGGED.... thank you!!! untagged makes the blues go away...;))

Georgie said...

I hope so Hannah LOL; I'd carry his bags through the airport anyday...I'd even jump into it.

Georgie said...
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kespax said...

That's Haunted Airman Georgie, I want that dvd so bad, he looks like a work of art.

Anonymous said...

Rob is so classicaly handsome....so delicious! I pity the girl he finally hooks up with as she is going to be the MOST hated woman on earth!

dechick2009 said...

i heard he hooked up with nikki in vancouver

dechick2009 said...
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Suz said...
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Sam said...

i have a question- these pics are labeled 4-27- wouldn't they be 4-26? Didn't he go back to Vancouver sunday night, the 26th?

Laura said...


Maryann said...

Thanks for these UNTAGGED pics :-).

Shani said...

Okay I didn't notice it yesterday, but that lady is with him and is holding his bag and passport. I wonder is that his assistant or something.I also Noticed that she's an older women because you know that they don't want any more scandal than it already is....interesting.

lpwgrl said...

Good heavens! I need to travel more! I would carry his bags too! I would give my left arm to meet him, so friggin hot!!!

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