Nikki is trying to solve the "rocket science" problem to get free beer, Kristen's bro is helping and Rob is cheering them on:

She couldn't solve it, turns to ask Kristen what 3 times 5 is.
Kristen is thinking: "Is she for real? We should've stopped her at 5 beers"
The big guy next to Kristen is VERY interested or is trying to multiply 3x5.
Kristen's bro is over it.
And Rob is just bored :)

To the dumbass anons who will say "are you speculating on a picture?". Yeah, I am. It's my job and you are a dumbass.
I'll tell you what isn't rocket science. its past 4 am and I am going to be worthless tom.
(tomorrow, not tomstu).
Hi Goz! I mean, night. :)
LOL! Gozde, your speculations are by far the most entertaining, Hilarious!
Love the site! Love your work!
Goz~ you are cracking me up over here! ahahahahah
hahaha, i love these talking pictures...very smart Gozde :)
So funny :) I love this talking pictures
LMAO Gozde, I see you got your gmail account working then?
Love your "speculating" LOL I do that all the time with pics. "Talking pics" are hilarious hehe.
Gozde. Did you ever sleep at all?
Love your sense of humor :)
here is a pic i've never seen before:
rob and 3 drunk ladies lol
Ha ha Carla, even so drunk that they seem totally nonchalant about the presence of the irresistable Rob.
It's your job? Hardly. You're simply a hypocrite.
LOL Gozde looks like your prediction came true just now...
LOL, yeah they are lurking ALL the time and leaving comments like that :) It must be so sad to be negative ALL the time.
Honey, I thought you were talking to TomStu, thanks for the clarification :)
I did sleep a little bit and yes my gmail is back! Yay!
And Carla, I have posted that picture in October I think. Poor drunk girls :P
@gozde: i wasn't robsessed back in october, so everything from that time is new to me hehe
Great speculation!
I wonder why some people bother to come here if they don't like it...
I also loved another of your montage/speculation which I kept as a favorite: http://www.robsessedpattinson.com/2009/02/robert-pattinson-with-striking-brunette.html
On a more serious note.
Dear anon, when I say speculate on the pictures I mean speculations like "OMG Rob is standing next to Nikki, they must be shagging" or "OMG, Kristen's shirt is too big it must be Rob's" or "OMR, Angarano is having lunch with Nikki, they are so doing it!". I am sorry you can't even comprehend that's what I mean when I complain about speculations.
LMAO Anna :) My infamous Bromance post, I had so much fun writing that!
Goz: The sense-of-humour-impaired will surely have a problem with your "speculations", but the rest of us are glad for a good laugh.
Thanks jalarag :)
LMAO, Goz!!!!!!!!!!!
These are HILARIOUS!
My personal faves are the one w/ the big guy who's "interested" (HAHA!) and when Rob is "cheering them on"!
Thank you for posting! My first laugh of the day! :)
LOL u guys are too funny !
Got to say lovee this place..
Sarcasam is always a good thing.
Hey Gozde. I don't know if you read my early comment on another post but I have exciting news for me. I was one of the lucky 250 people to get a signed poster of How To Be by Rob. I'm trying to scan it and then I'll post the link and send it to you. :)
Mornin’ Lovelies,
At least there is still some humor left in the world; life is much too short to take ourselves that seriously, yes? Thanks for the morning humor, Goz. :)
Just saw HTB screening on Thursday night if you’ll indulge me a few honest observations:
1)The director and co-stars were incredibly gracious, clever and witty. The poor guys looked and sounded exhausted both before and after the film, can’t be easy to be bouncing around cities. They joked before the Q & A that they had been at a nearby pub during the film and hoped they were in decent enough shape to answer questions. :)
2)My only major disappointment with the film was one actor whom I felt gave such a lackluster performance, that working so hard to suspend my disbelief made it difficult to enjoy these scenes. I found myself wishing that they had cast another actor from TBMH who would have been brilliant. Not this person’s fault they were miscast, but detracted from an otherwise lovely film. The direction, dialogue, and storyline were immensely entertaining.
3)Rob is truly a gift to watch on screen. My favorite moments with him are not when he drifts toward character acting and these sort of exaggerated facial expressions (which are adorable of course, but sometimes contrived and unnecessary) but rather in his quieter, unforced moments when he allows his immense range of emotional depth to immerge, and lay himself bare (so to speak). His eyes alone can break your heart. The sadness and joy he is able to convey and draw you into is truly beautiful…the man has star power because he has that rare, elusive ‘it’ factor – indescribable and devastatingly powerful. And perhaps more so in this film than any will be going forward, because he was still so beautifully unaware of what a gift he is to all of us.
Bravo, Rob, I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us next.
Eeeek! Ash! That is so exciting!!!! Yay! (I'm jealous! :)))
Veils, thanks for the review. I still haven't seen the movie but preordered it on Amazon.Can't wait! Oliver and the cast are so gracious to be making an appearance at all the screenings....
Goz, You're welcome, I was trying to keep my comments as general as possible for those who haven't seen it yet. Trying to decribe Rob in a film is like trying to describe why the sunset is beautiful, you don't even know where to begin. I'll be buying it as well because it's literally the kind of film you can watch 20 times and find something new and surprising every time.
Can't wait to hear what you think if it!!
hehe "Rob cheers them on"
lovin it!
Great review Veils!!
I saw thatlast night Ash congrats !! So excited for you!!
Love the pics Goz LMAO and welcome back to gmail!
Sorry the quality is so crap but my scanner isn't working and I wanted to show you guys. As soon as I get better quality I'll send it to you again.
I'm not sure if you can embed them from those sites. If not you can find them here.
Again sorry for the crappy quality.
I also have the pleasure of watching "How To Be" on Thursday night. The director and actors was gracious and extremely witty. I felt so proud when I found out that it was sold out.
For the movie itself. It was spotty and a litte disjointed at times. Some scenes don't connect with the other. I don't fault it because it low budget afterall. The director did the best he can. Everybody was performance was great in it.
I felt like I was watching a home video of Rob. Which I don't mind at all. Love the quiet moments when his face show his emotions. You could feel his pain and your heart just break for him.
Thankgoodness there was only one Rob question that was asked.
Oh the director also said in the dvd extra there was a scene where he got all of them drunk and he just kept on filming them. We only saw a small scene in the movie but it was hilarious seeing Rob just laughing and tripping (director said thats all Rob. LOL). I can't wait to see the whole entire scene!
I just fell in love Rob all over again....*sigh*
This reminds me of a great pub in Maida Vale (West London) that has a booth near the back with all four walls made out of blackboard, and they give you chalk so you can spend the evening drawing and writing on the walls. It's really cool and very interesting to read what others have written. It also provides excellent pulling opportunities....
Those are funny. Rob´s expressions always make me smile... It is a good way to start my sunday and end my weekend.
BTW, I like Kristen with these glasses.
@ ANON 5:55, who are you?
Because, you know, I have the strange feeling that you are someone that already has a screen name in here, someone "normal" and nice when with the screen name on, someone we talk to all the time.
I think you do this anon. thing just to tease us, to "spice" things (and annoy Gozde); I don´t know why, maybe you just have a huge amount of time to spare. Come on, get a part time job! Do something useful.
the first pic made me think:
nikki-what is this strange device?
rob-oh shit she's doing william shatner again...
kstew-just look away dude..look away...
Nikki looks really irritated - must be her poor math skills LOL!
BTW anon @ 5:55 - if SophiaZ's right the admins on this blog can tell which url is posting so it's not so secret who you are.
Sophia - I wouldn't assume it's anyone "normal" or with a screen name. That's giving this a**hole too much credit. We don't need to be suspicious of each other.
Thanks, Goz it's great to wake up in the morning and laugh! Bet Ted C. is trying to multiply 3x5 on his 12 fingers, so he can scoop you before Nikki figures it out.
Thanks.. Good laugh..
R/K will now rest in peace as Mike is now in van city..
Hope the rumor will now stop..
I'm feeling a little sick...ughhh.
It's just wrong on so many levels.:(((((
Let me think about RP's Happy Trail,lips,eyes,jaw,hands, last but not least sex hair...Help me Lord right now...:))))
Have to agree with Sophia. I think the ANON is indeed a 'regular' who comments here frequently under an account... decided to go Anonymous so that they can attack and say things they don't have the nerve to under their known name.
They are too familiar with the goings on here to be a random Anon.
Just a thought.
And Goz... I love your speculations!
i confess. i am anon. i just want rob to get loves of oral pleasure. is that so wrong? he's 22! he should be swimming in hoes in all area codes.
ok i lied. i am not anon. whew! i feel better getting that out.
When I saw the 2nd picture, I immediately thought: "Chemist - he is so cool and awesome!!!" I still can`t believe why Rob wasn`t the first thing that caught my attention. God, what is wrong with me??
Godze~Good thing you have a great sense of humor. Too bad not everyone does...
Rose - I hope not but I'll take a cue from your play book an ignore them just the same.
Hey all. I have to say .... and thought this would be an ok place....... people who stalk celebrities .... man that is serious work. Just got back from a trip to Van this weekend. B4 U say anything it was planned a long time ago, to get away from "here" (damn winter) and catch up with an old friend. OMG how does anyone get a pic of them???? There are sooo many people on the street and so many places to go. I had to be satisfied with standing on the same street corner as Rob like 5 days later. How do people do it. Paps I can see, tips and all but people "bumping" into them .... seems too lucky. I GUESS someone has to
Good speculation Goz, fits well :)
haha this is so funny!
I think that Kristen looks great and Rob is hilarious with his expressions. Love them.
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