From the mouth of the Holy Stephenie Meyer (I love her, so sue me!):
I am not being sued. No one has contacted me or my publisher to inform either of us that I'm being sued. I never had a roommate named Heidi. There is no professor in the BYU English department named Dr. Peter Benton (though there is a character on ER by that name). And most of all, I began writing Twilight exactly the way I've told people in countless interviews and events for the past six years: I had a cool dream, I wrote it down, writing it down was really fun, so I kept writing until I had a whole book.
The sad thing about this silly situation is that so many legitimate news outlets reported it without doing any research at all to determine if there was any truth to the story. And at least two of these facts are really, really easy to confirm. Particularly, the one about the BYU professor. A simple on-line search can give you that information. Also, a quick call to my publisher would have cleared up the whole lawsuit story. (Kudos to the fansites who did their due diligence and debunked this rumor days ago.) (Gozde: Oh Steph, you are so sweet, don't mention it!:))
I guess the moral of the story is that—big surprise—you can't believe everything you read on the internet. Seems like it's April Fool's Day every day on-line. So no worries, the filming of New Moon continues uninterrupted. And, to end this on a bright note, the filming of New Moon continues to be awesome. It's all so beautiful! Chris Weitz is brilliant. Kristen, Rob, and Taylor are beyond words. I have gotten choked up more than once on set due to their amazing performances. I can't wait to see it all put together!
And what better time to recycle the moviefone interviews :)
Thanks to Greenie for the tip :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 696 Newer› Newest»Oh MoviePhone Rob how I love thee...Goz I´m on TEAM SM too(SM with Rob...lol)!
SM is a Goddess. That`s all I say.
On a funny Rob note...cats die. *LMAO*
This warms my heart. Is it November yet?
Aah I love SM.
I think I better start buying hte tissues for November. I'm so gonna need them!
Has anyone figured out what movie/role Kristen is talking about, for her favorite role/coolest thing to have happen? I've always wondered - I would have thought being Joan Jett in The Runaways but I didn't know if that was ever a book...
Briefly in Boxers?????
Are you Effing kidding me???
I am officially dead!!!
I was wondering when we were going to hear from Steph about NM filming!
I'm so glad she's getting choked up! I'm sure we're all going to be so tense when we know what happens when Edward leads Bella into the trees near her house....
I'm gonna freaking lose it...
He was talking to ME in these pics in the new banner!! Girls, I am lucky!!
Damn hot man!
Thanks for posting this, Goz. SM is an amazing person IMO. I cannot wait until November!
Jules~I agree-my heart will be racing when Robward leads Bella in to the trees...GAH...I get chills just thinking about it.
I have tears in my eyes just thinking about how sad it will be :(
I love his dry sense of humor in this one with Kristen and Steph.
Rob, lover, please, only briefly in your boxers when with me... Need help with this??
The best part of this interview is when SMeyer and KStew say "Thank you, Rob" at the end, and Rob says "It's alright, no problem." The accent...unf!
Yeah! SM is moved to tears
Must be doing it right!
I know I am going to be a blubbering idiot...
It's going to be amazing sitting in that theater!
Roll on November...
I think the movie that Kristen is referring to is The Runaways (she'll be playing a young Joan Jett).
I like Stephenie Meyer, too. I'm sure I'll be sobbing at "New Moon," too. The book really had me blubbering and I had to desperately flip forward until I found Edward again and read to the end. THEN, I went back and read the Jacob part...
I got chills reading what SM said about New Moon...I can not wait to see it. I'm sure it will be brilliant :)
Suz~r u going to sit? just checking! lol
I agree, this movie is going to be unbelievable! I don't think I can wait until November! I'm trying to figure out how to see it over and over and over w/o looking like a movie stalker!
Love u CH for finding our Rob.
Love u SM for creating Edward.
Love u Goz for this Rob blog.
Love u fellow Robsessors for sharing the obsession
Lurve you too elainnie!
This movie is going to be so good... its scaring me. Because I know I am going to feel Bella's pain... and Edward's anguish.
I'm so glad we are getting the movie sooner this time. I think we get it a week after the US instead of having to wait a month like with "Twilight". Not only did the wait nearly kill me but it was SO near christmas (19th Dec) that I was only able to get t o the cinema once to see it :-(
I am proud of myself. I didn't skip forward when reading NM. I cried and suffered with Bella w/o a hope of ever seeing Edward again and was grateful to Jacob for being her personal sun. When Bella heard his voice for the first time I jumped in my sit and thought that Edward found a way to be there but stay invisible to Bella. Yeah, I know I have a vivid imagination.
On topic: love this interview. Those interviews made me fall in love with Rob!
Here is a decent fan made vid..
if THIS makes me cry... Elainne.. I am going to loose it fo sho.
Don't cry Robkats!
Kate - I'm so glad you aren't going to have to wait bb. Wait - all the Robkats need to get together for the opening in the US! How great would that be?
Can't wait till November.
Will pass time here.
When Bella first heard his voice in NM I thought that his connection with her was so strong and that she had this power that she could connect with him! How's that for an imagination LOL
I thought that too Kate! I WANTED that to be true.
Well I'm already meeting up with Kat in England Alie why not in the US too ! ;-)
And will we have to wait till 2010 for Eclipse??
My fingers will be all worn out from all the typing!!
Ya Tina I think It's June 2010 for Eclipse. Smeone correct me if I'm wrong!
Really Alie ??? Great minds!
At least it will be June and not November.
I think Robsessors seeing it together is a GREAT idea.
How about renting a theater in the middle of the country and start booking flights?
I think in the very least a buddy system is going to be necessary! In case of fainting spells, swoons, hysterics...etc.
I got so excited every time she did something dangerous and heard his voice.
It's going to be crazy in the theatre.
Saweet avatar.
Defibrillators, oxygen masks, blood pressure monitors...
Put 'em on, put 'em on, put 'em on me
Put your hands on me
- S. O'Connor
Tina and Suz - your avatars are equally lovely. I want to change mine to air guitar rob...
Tina, we needed all that shizz for the past two days....
We are going need a lot more for the Break up and
The Reveal/Reconciliation in Italy!
Just wish I could get it bigger.
So many fine images to choose from.
Twi + Air Guitar Rob = Bliss
I love my avatar sooooo much.
pucker up.
typical woman.. always wanting something
Don't think I can even let mayself think about the reveal.
Feel heartbeat start to race.
Would be great to all see it together. Without the tweens screeching "He's so Hot!!!"
Only mature ladies allowed to screech.
Love the pucker.
Should have called dibsies
ha ha ha
Hey, was out walking dog today and saw a man with a huge smile plastered on his face.
Said his name was Mr. Suz
Go figure.
Tina it would be so cool if we could all see it together.
Those shiny blue shoes are HIDEOUS!! Jeezz...
Right I'm off to bed it's late here and I'm wilting. To much Rob goodness today and I'm knackered from it all LOL
Night night, see you all tomorrow.
ha ha ha Tina
He is a happy camper.. today
he made dinner !
Kate..nighty night,.. sweet sweaty sexy RobDreams.
Nite Kate Sweet Rob Dreams
Twi - you still there or are you changing the avatar?
Forgot how much I liked this interview. So funny his expression when he says "Thanks alot"to KS about dropping her being one of the funniest experiences on set.
He said that he had to have a massage therapist work on him that day.
Wish that would've been me.
Suz - finally reading A&O
Love tie guy but need to loosen him up
New Moon for Robsessors !! That´s an awesome idea...I´m already convincing my hubs to let me go to Miami in November, so a coonecting flight to the heartland won´t be such a strech right?
Tina.. wait.. he gets loose!
Suz - Great, now I'm loose.
Emmes, it would be FUN!
our own Premier!
I'll get Rob on board !
Do we want Kristen or Taylor...?
i am really expecting new moon to be better than twilight and it sounds like it, can't wait for november.
it's really fun seeing the interviews how they talk about edward and bella.
Suz~great video~love that song! ur trying to kill me.
Super idea seeing it together. How fun!
The breakup, the cliff diving, and our Edward going to die! The reconcilation~
I know I can't take it. I'll just count on u guys to fill me in.
Wish we could watch it w/ Rob so he could LAY HIS HANDS ON US! (I know this is as distant as the stars above, but a girl can dream)
Tina, I think we are are pretty loose today!
Em- Miami?, you want to come to Canada in November, it's bleak, grey, dark, cold, rainy...
shall I go on to entice you?
Oh, Suz~my dream came true! ur getting Rob! >333 u!
Heavens what will we wear?
Speaking of loose, where the hell is Crazy?
Elainne we will send Rob to give you
Oh Gawd.. that just back-fired
Tina, you will be stateside!
Well ...I think ALL the male cast members SHOULD be there...I´m thinking Rib won´t mind sharing us and we all got some vamp/wolf crushes on the side!
Crazy is gonna loose her nut when she sees what has transpired today....
Now Suz - if you are going to get him there I guess you will be #1, Goz #2, and I know how you love your Ten, but I'm your song ho right? I get #4??
Suz~ are u okay?
I'll share Rob, not!
Ten is my New Moon Partner.
LOL! If I could get Rob.. I just might turn him right over to Goz..
She can never be dethroned!
But you are deffo my song ho.
love ya squillions...
Tina~ all u Robkats can have him first, but when he has an anxiety attack and runs out of our premiere. He is mine because I thought of it first!!!!lmao
I'm taking him home for a cool shower and a cold one!
Tina Luv...right now...I would give a hand and a leg to BE IN CANADA (can somebody say road trip to set-stalk?)
Goz goes first
Em - I'm here but I'm still thousands of miles away.
Aww Goz is a stand up woman...I´m sure she´ll let us have a crack at him!
Emmes, you don't have to ask twice?
Let's go!
Where is Crazy? Does she have another life?
See u chickas later tonight, I hope.
no stalking.. I will admit, after the out-takes.. I looked into flights to BC.. then I had a friend slap me really hard !
I'm okay now.
Tina :( I figured as much!! That makes it worse though...soo close and yet soo far?!
Esmme - Excruciatingly painful.
see ya elainnie <3
Bye Elaiyinnei
bye for now elainnne
Lay You Hands On Me
(just sayin')
Was fun today.
Are you off too Suz?
I (supposed to be ) working.. so at the computer.. but keep refreshing page
Not much accomplished this afternoon....
Ha - Hey Tina - yep I updated my pic. Looks like I missed more fun in here? I actually wanted to try this one. What do you think?
You have it all
hair, jaw and Hand porn!
P E R F E C T I O N ! ! !
I had DD at the dentist.
Hey her school band was just in Philadelphia this last w/end for a competition.
She didn't join this year.
Next year - Boston.
Twi - great!! scruff, hand, smoldering eyes, grrrr
Ohhh wonder where in Philly....
Not sure, National Heritage Competition. DD says near Liberty Bell.
ahhhh that old bell thingie.
I think I remember where that is..
(wink) Maybe the Constitution Center
It looks very Robward in honor of New Moon and Stephenie's tears of joy. What's up with DD Tina?
Music teacher bought t-shirt "I went to Philly for the Crack"
Ha ha ha ha Tina
(hey, that's not funny!)
Funny how when I said "crack", I didn't think "drug", I thought of Robert's behind.
Twi... Rob looks so good for New Moon..
Puts Twilight Edward to shame... (and I LOVE Twilight Edward)
Chris W. has got it!
Rob is our crack.
Hell Yes! Suz. I'm choked up.
LOL @ what "CRACK" Tina was thinking of.
I know Twi - maybe all those remarks about plucking and bouffant hair and lipstick paid off.
But I loved Twilight Edward too.
Especially, the restaurant, the kiss, the cafeteria, in bio...
Twi, I want to hold you hand while watching New Moon..
Bio = Angel Robward. The cafeteria ENTRANCE GAH! Yes, Robward was definitely the best part of the movie. NOT the shiteous makeup. All the cast looks better. KStew is looks so pretty and Bella like. And the contacts are better - not so cross-eyed.
Hopefully they do a good job on Carlisle. He was the freakiest. His=m and Rosalie.
Maybe it's the blonde thing.
Is there an e in blonde in english?
Kstew looks gorgeous for new moon.
Everyone looks so much better...
And believe me.. I wasn't putting down Robward... He made the film for me, and I'd never say (out loud) how many times I saw it alone in theater...
but New Moon Robward..is just infinitely better...
Awww Suz - Right now I can think of only one person I would want to hold me more and that's saying A LOT! No one tops Rob tho...You understand. SHIZZ my attention is too divided. Off to finish making dinner. Maybe I'll "see" you later? If not, sweet Robward dreams to you both!
both spellings are correct Canuck!
I understand Twi.. xxx
Enjoy your dinner..
See ya Twi
Suz - just got to dry-hump scene in tie guys house....oh my
Go Flyers, Habs suck big-time
I know..just wait...
I am all caught up and dying for update!
And depending on what kinda day it is here... things can get "heightened"
You have a great Tie Guy Reference
Suz, a fan of the DH~
DH - A fan of Tie Guy (wink)
I'm going to fly for a bit.. see you later?
DH did not mean Dear husband
Suz, are you still here. Just got home. did you see my email? anyway gotta go check homework. be back later.
You ladies and ROb are the sunshine in my life. Shit day at work. Systems were down couldn't get anything done. had internet once in a while. you guys made me smile.
Hi to everyone here. hugs all around.
See ya Suz
Win! I did.. thank you.
Glad it arrived. Enjoy Toby
will pop in again later.
Enjoy Tie Guy, sweet Tina!
Win.. see you later, enjoy all the Rob goodies today has bought.
Gozde, i have a question. actually 2.
about the bravo awards, is it an award show? as much as I want to see red carpet rob hotness, i think the categories are real dumb and a waste of his time.
second, mtv movie awards on 5/31. wonder if they will make it if they are in italy filming?
anyone have any thoughts? or are you guys all fired up already from rob porn? hehe (winks)
later suz. *smack*
Hi ladies....ROB needs some votes here
I agree Suz...Rob looks SO much better for New Moon! Kristen, too. Not so crazy about Jackson's new hair, ugh.
GIRLS! like Anon said, Rob needs our votes above ^^^^. He's losing a Hottie contest to Joe Jonas!!!!
JeeZ! I'm trying to catch up on all these comments, but i can barely focus after the GQ outtakes. I had to take a sabbatical after eyeballing those. I think you all know what i mean ;)
God I just wanna - Crazy! - Stop!)
Craaazzzzyyyyy - where you been??
OMG (cries from joy)
I missed everything!!!!
We thought you didn't love us anymore!!!!!
I had to go out this afternoon, but as soon as i came back I SAW THEM! The GQ OUTTAKES!! uhhhhh!
With my history of not being able to control my lust, i stayed from the blog on purpose, figuring i wouldn't be able to blog again until i calmed down. Maybe a week or so.
I'm being brave now!
Welcome back. I was out too, earlier.
How do you like the FINGERS??
T~ you really wanna know? ;)
i'm afraid to lose it here!
OMG yeah i know.... those fingers in the air guitar pics...... wowza!
He can strum me anytime! ;)
Lose it? I'm reading about Happy Bunnies on A&O.
Wow, should have read this BEFORE Easter.
and who called me "loose"? hee hee!
Hiii, Crazy, Tina, and all! I can't stay off of this damn blog!
Craz~Yea, though u walk through the valley of Rob fear no losing control cause we are w/ u!!!!!
They are sooo long and bendy..
Tie Guy? is that a new chapter?
This is where we ca
Thank you Jesus for Gozde.
all say 10 Hail Robbie.n all be loose.
Hi Ellaineieiieieie!
Tina~ so what's so great about "bendy" ? pray tell ;)
WTF happened to my post?
No, I'm on chapter 7. Right after spectacular BJ
We can all be loose.
10 Hail Robbies
OMG it is a delicious one! just wait until the table/chair scene.
so how was the blog after the GQ outtakes??? i wanna go read them later.........
Can't wait. Can't read fast enough.
I'm not loose. I just lose it ;)
Brain is a little fried from Tie Guy and Finger Porn.
No so much R/K, R/N crap today. I think the bad Anons have got the hint.
There's one scene I "refer" to often (winks)
Right, tight is better than loose, (wink)
Thank Gozde! The true Robsession prevails!
The table, chair scene?
Craz~ table/chair scene?
Tie guy? What am I missing?
Been waiting all day to share my new FB bumper sticker:
Did u know that Rob doesn't stand his collars up? They get an erection from touching his skin!
If u have heard before disregard.
Just trying to loosen u up more!
Tina~ ahahhaa. giggidy ;)
wait, what do you mean???? ;)
yep. just wait....man alive!
I can't believe all the Rob voting I'm done lately. What has he done to me??? I go around voting for him against teenagers. Oh no, Nick Jo kid is winning. Girls go vote!!! I'm gone mad!!!
Yeah, I think she gave enough people a hard time yesterday. I have a sneaking suspicion that Anon is really that Ted C guy. He keeps telling people to go check out his page.
No Way.
Ellaineiei! OMG hilarious!!!! was wondering why the collar was up so often.
E - Love that bumper sticker. Can you send it to me?
Hi crazy (blows a kiss)
Hi Tina and elainnie.
what table and chair scene? is that a lemony ff?
I'm youtubing tonight. need to hear Rob's sexy voice talk to me. Will share what I find. Be right back.
Tina~ jesus! the family is here next to me talking to me again!!!! i can't Robfocus! My mojo is being folded and put away!! wahhhhhhhh :(
Ahhh, Rob's voice.
You know what I love. You know that crazy noise he makes at the back of his throat when is is finishing his laugh.
Makes me crazy (no pun intended)
Hi Winwin!!
T and E~
sure hope i am remembering the right FF here....yep. pretty sure. That chapter is all dog-eared!
C - the DD is in her room on fb and dh is downstairs, probably feeling neglected or happy to be left alone
oh yeah!
and i love the loud exhale he makes before he laughs!
I wanna breathe in that air...
When they feel neglected, they linger. either that or they just want to piss me off.
Tony Soprano is on my "favorites" now.
i just want to inhale all of him.
We are trying to figure out how to get all the Robsessors to the same theatre in Nov. for the opening of NM. We probably need to support each other or we won't survive the experience.
T`I'll sent it to u as soon as I figure out how. lol I'm going to get it now.
w/ u girls I need a speed reading class!
Sent some stunning pics to my sister today, Sex Drive, and vman.
She doesn't get it.
Think she needs to see some video.
How can anybody still breathe normal after Sex Drive photos??????
Can not be real sisters.
Girls! can we really do that??? please, somehow??
she didn't get Sex drive and v man??? huh? get her to the doctor, she needs help! no offense!!
My BFF doens't get it either. i think she's frigid. seriously.
i can't look at a pic without my panties blowing right off my ass!!!!
i know. She would seriously think I needed commited if she found out about this place.
Funny, it's better that dh knows than my sister.
Don't know how dh would feel about me going to some US city to see a movie though.
Got lots of time till November to "encourage" him.
i thought your sis was going to be on tinight/ waas that u?
girls you are too funny. I melt when I see the sexdrive prem photos.
great idea about seeing new moon together. I already have a bunch of friends and coworkers lined up to see it together. I think NM is going to surpass twilight in box office. think of all the newly insane females and are ron fans now. Twilight was mostly teen and now rob has this new leion of sophisticated ladies watching out gfor him.
I hope they will hand out oxygen mask for those of us whoo will be hyperventilating.
I'm meeting Kelly in NYC (for the first time) to see LA on 5/9. my dh is not "comfortable" with that! screw him!!!!
yeah, getitng on a plane would be something else entirely. i just have to pretend i'm going to a How to be a Great Wife seminar.
Winwin~ and the seats better be laminated. ;)
where's Tenneil?
Suz is brinning the defib. paddles for me.
Oh my poor heart...
Robward 30 feet tall
So lucky. La is not coming out till May 22nd here, and even then, not sure which theatres yet.
LOL laminated seats
good idea! and we need pillows or something to muffle the sounds coming out of us, or something to bite on! maybe our PEs?
Tina, here it is. There are 114 of them about Edward only!http://apps.new.facebook.com/bumpersticker/stickers/list/1
luv to be ur friend!
and you know...Momma's dh told her to fly out here to come see LA with us!! DH of the Year!!!
she had a schedule conflict though :(
HA! Crazy I see you talking about me!
EEllaineiie! Cool - where will i put one! I know. we can use them to cover our squeal noises while watching new Moom.
laminated seats, lmao. yummy , 30 foot tall edward. I would love edward 3d on imax. just reach out and touch!!!
Right clicking on all the goodness out today....I think I need to buy more memory for my laptop....
Thanks EEllainnie
I was doing my Robvador dance and you came!!!!
Good idea IMAX and 3D!!!! Please get me that!
C - The PE doesn't go in your MOUTH Dear...
Crazy~ I'm still picturing ur panties blowing off.
Where are the sex drive pics? I don't think I'm ready to run w/ u big dogs?
Am I invited?
How to Be a better wife seminar! lmao u crack(Robs) me up!
Esmemememmeme! nice avatar bb!
ESMEE - LOVE the avatar!!!
who says it doesn't??? ;)
it's a multifiunctional PE. cost extra.
HI Rob Lovahs!!
E - just google Rob and Sex Drive, but be warned.
Panties will burst into flames!!!!
Ellaine ...uhhh...you don't wanna picture me without my panties LOL!
Crazy....take him to the cleaners! ;)
El - always invited.
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