Sneak Peak From ET!

ET will air its New Moon segment with Rob on April 23rd. Here is a sneak peak with Rob, HOT Rob, beautiful Rob :)) Watch it below:

Thanks to Kate and Nikki for the tip :)

Screencap source from [info]smirky_turkey


marina mia said...

oh good god....he looks so scrummy here. That smile just makes my day. It makes me happy :)

this site makes me happy too..hugs to gozde and dani

Ash7586 said...

Yay. I'm so excited!!!

Anna said...

A new interview!!! Yeessss!!! My prayers have been heard!!! It's been so long...

Daneh said...

HELL YES! he looked so yummy! i am very excited now!

marina mia said...

you know this is going to make our obsession even worse! up to date info ...sigh, new delicious rob

MojoPin said...

He looks great, I can't wait to see. And his arms look more muscular, I don't know if I'm seeing things. I hope he's been working out for that Volterra scene haha.

Anna said...

Good point about the arms Tea! Oh my...

Maryann said...

He looks HOT, and yep he definetly has buffed up some! I can't wait!!

Rhonda said...

that last screencap is like the best thing I have seen all week. He is simply wonderful! Thanks Goz!

erin said...


*Deep breaths* he looks goooood

I predict a nosedive in productivity in the workplace next week (at least at my desk!), if not earlier in anticipation

Hoping for lotsa rob, less Taylor filler, haha

CJ said...

FINALLY! I was wondering when they were going to show this! Yes!!!

Anna said...

whoo-oo, yes interview can't wait!!!!!

Alba said...

Oh Gosh, why did i see it lol now i´m even more obsessed, that must not be good for my health xD can't wait to see the movie!!

Indy said...

217 days YAY

Anonymous said...

hmmmm, there is a little sadness in his eyes :-( although he is smiling.

What's wrong my dear Robert???
I hope he is just tired.

Opal said...

Love Rob's smiley expression. Thanks for the screen caps Gozde. My friend and I thought he had waxed his chest cos we couldn't see the chest hair in the vid we looked at...I however think I can see some in this Youtube video. Ok was just an excuse to salivate over his chest and means we will be on the look out just in case he does lol

Oh and I saw my very first stand up cut out of 'EDWARD' today in OZ shopping centre...I actually had to stop a fit of giggles..still smiling. (And no I'm not buying one! I would however would love a huge art photo of rob in the white mesh top..................)

Unknown said...

He's HOT!!!! And defenitelly buffed up.
Hot Robward!!!

lovindashow said...

THANK you, ladies! I get so excited for a new interview!!!! It's been so damned long.

I hope this movie lives up to my expectations.

elsa said...

He really does not dress up or get dolled-up for interviews. He's just who he is. Take me as I am kind-of-a-thing.

I take you Robert, love!

Babs said...

Cute and charming as ever :) I do hope someone will post the interview on youtube, I can'tmiss it!

anna F said...

A new interview!!! it's been so long, GREAT! I'm sure that they will really get many viewers thanks to this. I'll have to wait for it to pop up on the internet anyway... But I know that as soon as it's the case, the Robsessed ladies will let us know!

...wowie! said...

He's smiling but it doesn't look like the ones we used to see before all the constant hoopla. I feel bad for him.

He still looks good but I feel bad. It looks to me like he's starting to look more like 32 instead of 22. Or maybe I'm just hoping bc I'm 32. lol

crazy said...

I'm definitely feeling more excited about this movie. Just still hoping for as much Rob as possible.

and, Rob's smile lights up the world.

good morning everyone!

Melanie said...

Yes, his smile makes me melt completely. I don't even hear what he is saying--I have to go back and replay.

Anonymous said...

damn he looks good! ...that fucking smile. 'nuff said.

morning ladies :)

anna F said...

Well, wowie, I too loved the giggling carefree Rob, he seems a bit more reserved during this very short teaser. But he was more serious sometimes too, depending on the interviewer (like the variety interview for example).

I'm sure that there is a lot more pressure in this movie than during twilight... It needs to live up to its hype not only ticket-sales-wise but quality-wise hopefully.
It's not as if the global quality depends upon him, the director, productors and script writers (and so on) are the ones making the most important choices... But promotion is mainly done by the actors, so they have to promote something they only have "a partial responsability onto" (not sure that was very well phrased, sorry). I would be stressed out. And add to that the current gossip...

He seems to handle himself quite well, then again, we'll see a lot more when the interview is aired.

crazy said...

TS~ i'm stalking you LOL!

meg said...

I just screamed like a 12 year old girl. I love that Rob brings out the little girl in me. I would love to bring out some things in him:) OOOOOOOHHHHHHH you didn't, but I did.

Anonymous said...

c: stalk away sister...i'm pretty easy to

meg said...

mornings to all

kitty said...

That last screen cap is gonna be a fave of mine-it's BEAUTIFUL!!!!

elanie? said...

Hi, Goz and all! He is soooo fine!
Luv him, luv him! Something new thanks to u.

Can't stay away from this site~as addicting as Rob!

Hi, Crazy!

elanie said...

Holy Hotness! Did u see Jacob running down that beach!! I'm having a hot flash!

He is only a baby, but that scene is going to be fab! theaters can hold us!

crazy said...

Ellaynie!!! Gonna be a fixture around here like me? LOL

good morning!

TS~ no. you are difficult to find lately. Kinda like my focus with all this Robsessing.

tinababy1 said...

Morning girls,

New Rob!!! I'm so excited I forgot my password

hee hee

Hi Crazy - Is your mom all moved in?

crazy said...

Hi Tina!

yep. Mom moved in. I'm pooped.

I'm so "excited" too, but the dh is home and he is killing my buzz. :/

tinababy1 said...

send him out to do some errands, gardening, groceries, something

crazy said...

yeah, anything!!! go fix the economy, how 'bout?

Anonymous said...

c: you staying here? i need a little robsessing to make my day complete. so catch me up...what have i missed lately?

Emmes said...

The fangirl in me just went CRAZEEEE!!!!!
omg, omg, omg!!!

crazy said...

TS~ condense all the blog silliness? just figure we all wanna have sex with Rob. That's a safe bet LOL!

Anonymous said...

okay...i'm moving up to the mullet rob thread... t is there too... meet me?

crazy said...

Emmes - you talking to me? (says looking at a mirror, channeling Deniro)

TS~ i can stay here a bit. DH is home, like i said somethere this am, killing my Rob buzz. I'll be called away any minute :(

crazy said...

OK, Tina, Emmes, whomever, move up!

ellaynie said...

Did u hear Rob say that New Moon will live up to the hype?
Can we take anymore?

Luv my new name! Did I get it right?

ellaynie said...

Somebody discuss jacob jumping off the porch! Wow!

Melissa said...

WAIT!!!!!!! Hold the phone. Did I just see Bay-bay running sans shirt?? Hmm..............

yeah, so I like NOT being in jail, so I'm not gonna say anything.

Oh, but Rob looks HOT as per usual.

SummerGirl said...

CANNOT wait to see this -- thanks )

kristen said...

Holy shiz... that last screenshot is *THUD*

Smiling, laughing Rob is just beautiful - his whole face lights up. Can't wait to see the ET sneak peak :)

Divinesally said...

Good afternoon ladies. =)

I'm glad we were graciously given this lil sneak peak. I'm so friggin excited!! They still have to finish shooting, editing, and do a million other things to be close to done. Then take a break so actors can go shoot other films. Then, go back shoot Eclipse...then I guess hopefully it'll be November. And we'll have our New Moon. Oy I'm so impatient. =/

The "sadness" in his eyes could be that he's sleepy. that happens to me and a lot of people all the time. And I'm usually a happy person. I don't feel that sorry for him. His life is great. Al though privacy and sanity are sacrificed.

That Taycob looks like he's doing a fine job. He's one burly mofo. Can't say he's hot without going on a sic, self-induced guilt trip. So I won't. ;)

LEE NYC said...

When I see his pictures, very un-lady like thoughts run through my know how they say a man thinks about sex every 3 mintues, it's something like that, but just with him.

Anonymous said...


I feel like I'm the only one who hyped..come one people, DANCE!!!! :D :D

And do they mean today? Today is Thursday. Oh please please let it be today. :D

Martina said...

I can`t wait! :D :D

RPnKSaddict said...

Hello, fellow wonderful Robsessors!

Alas, I wish it were today but unfortunatly we have to wait a week.
The biceps, I knew I hadn't been seeing things, which means his thighs are going to be just as yummy.
I'm jumping up and down in my chair like Bella on the plain to Italy ,I'm soooo excited.

At least we get a small snipit to watch until then.
And yes lttle wolf looks incredible.

anna F said...

OK, some muscles look good... but please, not too much!!! No need for another Taylor or Kellan.

I love his tall lean figure... *__*

Anonymous said...

Rob looks so manly in these screen caps...he will not look like 17 for long..ow well...they can do that with makeup and they did with Brad at Benjamin Button..but damn, he's become very manly...I likey!!

May said...

Christ...That man should be illegal globally. *le sigh* Oh and it shows on my birthday! *squees*

Happy birthday to me,
happy birthday to me,
happy birthday dear...ME :),
Happy birthday to me!!!

Ms. Bonderson said...

He looks delicious...and it's lunchtime here... LOL Can't wait to see it! :)

Angie said...

He said like 2 words.. lol NOT FAIR! I love how she asks where does this leave them off... lol UM we all read the books, we know how it should end!

Angie said...

Still glad we got something after all this time :)

*sighs* oh rob.

Anonymous said...

hell ya. thank God!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

I see very little product in his hair and almost some lightening at the temples in one shot??!

Rob is starting to really look like his man self. I can get a good clue of how Rob will look in 10 years...yummy, yummy.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Yes, Wowie, I agree, he looks 32 so no you are not imagining that...

Totally agree Anon.--he does not look 17 by any stretch!

Anonymous said...

I feel sad for Robert because EVERYONE would not leave him be.
He has needs (i.e s@x being a very healthy young lad) and the poor thing now has to be sooo cautious with any type of relationship because there is always danger in that someone spilling anything about him.
He became a bird in a cage now. I hope the sadness in his eyes will be gone soon.... I can't help but feel so much for him. When you are in love with someone, you can't bear them see suffering!!!

Anonymous said...

For one thing, I hope they don't send Robert out there for so much mall signing anymore. That was way toooooo much. They should have at least two there so he won't shoulder all the weight! He did not even get paid that much for all those hard promo work he did!

Anonymous said...

I don't understand some of the comments. "Sadness in his eyes", "he looks 32". How are you getting sadness in his eyes from screenshots and a blink and you miss him clip? I don't think he looks 3232" The man has no lines on his face. He looks a bit more mature. He's 22, almost 23 He not made up as Edward, he's scruffy Rob. Looks good to me and his arms definitely look like he's working out

Anonymous said...

Yeah anon 12:33, since this seems to be one of his most recent interview and photos of Rob, I am glad to see him healthy and not "skinny" as some gossip columns been putting out there.
Was dying to see a most recent photo to see he is doing well.

Carley xx said...

HA! Unlike most of you, I can comment on Taycob's beach running... But I don't think I will, coz I have no words, really... Whatever about Rob joking in the DVD commentary about looking haggard and ageing six years... He looks friggin' amazing.... Wow... I might watch that again (this being the third time)... Thanks, girls! Hugs to Gozde and Dani! Oooh, and someone has to post in on youtube or I might die.

elsa said...

Yeah I am in agreement with anna, not too much muscle plezzzzzz. Muscles are soo cliche nowadays --- Robert Pattinson just made healthy-toned not muscly the new sexy. I get grossed out with all these men with too much packed muscles.
I love Robert's body just the way it is. A little sinewed muscle and a lot of gorgeousness!!!

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