The Twilight star, 22, says he doesn't quite understand his heartthrob status – or the fuss about his signature tousled do. "I don't get it. It's funny, you look the same for years and no one ever mentions it. Then suddenly it's a big deal."
You can see some of the others on the list on People.com.
Thanks to Robert Pattinson Online for the cover :)
BRAVOOOOO :))))))))))))))))))
And the great thing about Rob is that when he was told about this, he probably looked in the nearest mirror and screamed "WHAT??????"
Without a doubt!!!
LOL KK I can SO imagine him saying that lol.
Most of us aren't surprised he ended up there, and then you got Rob who doesn't get it lol. Too cute.
Maryann - Once you have an idea in your head of yourself, you still see it no matter if everyone sees something different. It's kind of like the fat kid who drops all the weight but still sees the fat kid in the mirror (my friend lost all his weight in 11th grade but never forgot the image of himself being fat). Rob doesn't get it, and that's why we love him.
Rob, lover, come on, you were always beautiful, but you do not look the same now as in some years ago (see the zig's pics?). You are getting hotter as we speak...'
Sophia - It is true that Rob's face has gone through some changes in the last few years. His features have matured and he seems to have grown into them better. I expect he'll continue to become better looking as he ages.
It is already that bad, imagine in the coming years...
Sophia - I'm actually a pretty fickle person, so I assume my robsession will quiet down at some point like so many other obsessions I've had. As for the rest of you...Good luck!! :) That being said, I could be in it for the long haul as well. There IS just something about Rob...
shocking!!! rob? one of the most beautiful people???
no shit. ; )
So humble, modest, and down-to-earth...that's our Rob!!!(Oh, and still gorgeous and beautiful)!!!
KK, girl, I am waiting for my Robsession to quiet down too, to tell the truth. The one I have for McAvoy is just a normal one by now ~ tought it never got that bad...
Ok, some trust in the future. And a hot BF to hook up with helps...
hmmm ... don't throw stones at me but if he smokes so much, drinks often (beer?) going to sleep late, feeds on fast food - all of it he admitted - it might go the wrong way :((
he looks great 'cause he is soooo young
*fingers crossed for not to be right*
I've been waiting for months for by robsession to die down--I think that it has increased instead. I cannot think of a thing that I dislike about him. He is so endearing.
Margot - Yeah, but how many of us did these things to excess when we were young? I smoked, drank, ate like shit and never slept (hell, I still do all of these things...well, I EAT healthier). People always guess my age to be 8-10 years younger than I am. Good genes help, that's true, but when I saw Rob's folks on Ellen...they looked pretty good. We'll have to see. For now, we can enjoy how beautiful he is at 22 :)))))
Melanie - I see lots of imperfections in the way Rob looks and acts. That's the major problem for me. I'm attracted to imperfection...always have been. His imperfections make him sooo endearing to me!
Yeah Rpb, you beautiful :)
Rob....you have been beautiful since the day you were born. I mean that....
@ KK : thx for sharing memories :))) as to Rob it made me feel safer, too
and, yes he has lots of imperfections but they amazingly added together are ... flawless
his nose is crooked, his right eye is smaller, his legs aren't long (contrary to what you write very often), his head is a bit big .. and that's all, and that doesn't mean anything else but we wouldn't change anything in him
*went to stare at the photos*
"Rob Pattinson Makes 100 Most Beautiful People List."
Also, breaking news just in: "The Earth is Round."
And later tonight, a shocking expose about the Pope being Catholic. More at 11:00.
on the other hand, what Zac-Ken-Plastic-Toy-Boy is doing in the same cathegory ? with MEN ?
Duh is right. I think the imperfections are what make him so sexy, and unique. I love the whole package..(now now I didn't mean it that way..lol), and his beautiful soul completes his beautiful looks.
RP you need to get your eyes checked and your memory unblocked. Because you have not being looking the same for years. We have all seen the pics and videos and about to view the movies. Honey, you didn't become fine until Comic Con, Sex Drive premiere,hell all of OCTOBER-December right when you did GQ. The Oscars were good and as of now you are still looking yummy enough, but your hair needs to grow a little longer and be fluffy. That's the sex hair we know and love...
*SMOOCHES my half way there HOT BITCH*...LOL
GRINNING ROB! I'm so pleased that they picked one of my favorite outtakes of Rob for the cover, grinning so big that his eyes aren't the focus...LOVE.
Margot~For most beautiful people it is the unique combination of traits that "gets" us hooked, don't you think??
About inseam: (I used to sell men's clothes)...Rob DOES have long legs for a man...I'm guessing a healthy 33" inseam. The nature of men is that they have long bodies/short legs. Women generally are the opposite: long legs/short bodies. For example, I'm 5'4" and have a 31" inseam and my DH is 5'8" with a 29" inseam. At 6'1", Rob does have long legs for a guy. See "Bad Mother's Handbook" on Youtube.
About eyes: most people do have one eye smaller than the other...one half of the face shows more expression (smiling, for example), while the other eye often looks to be staring more. There's all kinds of books written about this.
Rob is about the strongest obsession I've had, too, but I think I have it set now at a daily level...somewhat manageable. I purposely don't do FF, which helps. I have his autograph...that helps, too. DH has accepted it, which helps. I'm satisfied that he is single (which is really sick) so that is calming. Looking forward to LA, which mitigates any desperate feelings. Not sure how I'll feel after seeing it---will I need to sneak and see it again? Guess, I'm just coping. Have accepted that it is part of me, which is pretty good.
rob is the STRONGEST obsession by far that i have ever had! and it aint gettin any freakin better! what do i do???????
calm down hon, you're not alone, there is quite a lot of us ... and we all have to cope that :)))
Kristen~I think we all just have to find a place within to contain it!
Hello all!
KK, Margot and Kristen~I agree with all your comments.
I just don't want to keep repeating what already has been said. ;)
Can I also say how gorgeous Christina Applegate is, wow.
Divine aka Boska (in my language)
I'd add "It's BIZZZAAH?!"
This is no surprise. I agree with what you all said about what makes Rob beautiful and it's not just his good looks. And IMO he is obviously good looking - but his charisma, talent, personality, charm, whatever you want to label it - he has something intangible, that is equally alluring.
HI DS - ChrisA is looking lovely and one of my personal heros ATM.
I agree TwiHot, lol. I'm so happy she battled her breast cancer. She looks happy and as beautiful as ever. She's also quite funny. Love her!
margot~ Boska means Divine? what is your language? =)
dare I say, it only gets worse ladies...every moment I spend robsessing, just fanning the fire when I should be putting out the flames...but we all know it can't be helped the addiction known as Rob.
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