Rob outside 100 Monkey's concert on Sunday (I don't know why I said Friday first, I DEFINITELY lost MY marbles LONG time ago :))
He looks like he is speaking to....himself?
Oh Robbie! He finally lost his marbles, didn't he? :)))
He looks like he is speaking to....himself?
Oh Robbie! He finally lost his marbles, didn't he? :)))

P.S.: I am getting emails saying this was on Saturday night :)) Details...details :) The source says 100 Monkeys, I take their word.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 282 Newer› Newest»I am sure he is speaking to someone, across the street? or someone in the car???
Aaaah drunky Rob, how I love thee!
He's drunk. I talk to myself all the time when I'm drunk. And i haven't lost my marbles. Not all of them yet anyway. lol
Is he air guitaring in the last one? LOL
love the banner!!
noooooooo, there is an explanation to everything. there is someone there, on the street!
:) Loving him even more now.
My sarcasm is's LOST! :)
why is he alone?? waiting for K & N outside??
Anon: 4:18:
He is totally air guitaring. ROFL That's awesome.
looks as if he is talking to the lamp-post.. oh I still love him though even if he has lost his marbles.. =) it will just make it more fun.
I don't think the exec would love these pictures.
Goz he's talking to us can't you hear him??????
No babes your sarcasm is not lost ;-) LOL
Yeah, the sarcasm doesn't come through at all.
Looks like he has an idea for a song, last picture looks like air guitar. He is so adorable.
I want to believe that he has a bluetooth headset on!!
I agree that he is air guitaring!
Goz~love this and the banner and Rob!!
Please don't say that he is drunk, he hates that!! If he is I would take advantage of his impairment!
His fingers are amazing! OMG~imagine what he could do w/ them. I want to lick(suck) them, each and every one!
These might be the most hilarious pics of Rob to date. So cute and funny. Really would like to know what he was doing?
Honestly, I can't explain my own obsession with RPatz. I've never had a crush on a celebrity, I'm 36 years old, and I can't stop reading blogs about him. It's crazy! He just seems so genuine and sincere that it melts my heart!
Please Gozde, being sarcastic isn't gonna help with all the speculations and gossips. If someone with intentions of making him look bad in public eye was to see this headline, they would probably use it.
Poor baby!
He's air guitaring to a lamp-post!!!!
LMAO Gozde you crack me up!
Heh, he plays air guitar lol..or looks like he did..awe..drunken Rob = funny Rob lol.
He is a musician right well maybe at this time he has just comes up with a new song to write
Aww, I want to take him home with me and take care of him. Funny pics though!
Anon~don't feel bad. I have never been starstruck ever! This is the first celeb crush also. I'm older than you and know better. He is like Adonis~women followed him everywhere! Rob P is the sexiest man on earth. Sexy and devilish at the same time! We are all Robsmacked!
He doesn't look drunk. If you watch How To Be, his face gets flushed when he's been drinking. (I can very much relate) His complexion is normal in these pics. He's either talking to someone or he's contemplating something.
100 monkeys concert was on sunday, not on friday, i guess it was
*is speechless and in awe* Oh Rob, lost puppy extraordinare.. :)
Okay, an amateuristic reconstruction of the pics (which could be the most nonfunny reconstruction in the history of the world XD):
#1: Team Monkeys, team monkeys, come in...*the invisible radio in Rob`s hand is still mistically silent*#2: Ow, fucking vampire bit me! Stupid monkeys...just when you need them, noone answers. *Rob mutters to himself*#3: Oh crap. *the venom starts to work itself out in Rob`s body and his beautiful hands start to cramp up*#4: *Rob imagines how cool would be to play his beloved guitar one more time before he becomes a vamp*
*May hides deep in the corner before all the fruits and vegetables start flying her way*
Poor Rob...mybe is acting a new scene of New Moon!
he looks like me when i'm having a moment.
It looks like he is playing air guitar.
He's jammin'! Looks like he's got the air guitar going and jammin' to a song in his head. I sing to myself...........good for Rob! I hope it's an awesome new tune!!!!
Air guitar for sure! These are the best pictures of him to date! No posing. Honest. Just being himself.
I think he is talking.. muttering...
Must find that Suz.. she is intoxicating.. must write a song about the wonders of Suz....
There mystery solved!
Goz, your sarcasm owns me.
Anons suck azzz
By the way, enjoying the hand porn in these pics. I've never seen more beautiful hands in my life.
Hmm...He´s saying:
"I really need to get that bus-full of Robsessors ASAP...If they were here I´d be so covered in ladies the papz would never be able to get a descent shot!
*Gets iphone out of those skinny, tight,bodyhugging (ok focus emmes) jeans...)
-Nick "Hows that Robsessor Bus plan coming along?"
have you seen this?
i think he's trying to avoid the paprazzi thats taking pictures of him.. so he's saying things like "god can these people get away from me?" ::stumbles to the left, stumbles to the right. puts left hand up in defeat::
Yep, he's def playing air guitar! Oh how I want to be that air guitar and feel those fingers!
Mel~ agree, I keep going back to those hands. Never have I seen anything like them! The best finger porn yet!
Pic #3: I mean SERIOUSLY??? The fingers??? Kill.Me.Now. Makes my mouth water.
Pic #4: Those lips. Those mother-effing lips. Sweet Christmas Baby Jesus. I am DONE.
Anyhoo..IDK who he is talking to but these pics are otherwise pretty effing funny. Oh, and he looks HOT as per usual.
Me likey. just killed me lol. Lay Your Hands On Me..ah..yes please do Rob lol
Suz~ur killing me! The simple thought of that is driving me absolutely crazy! Rob laying his lovely hands on me! Holy shit! Go ahead and kill me now!
me likey. he's awesome when he's drunk. and his gigantic hands aren't helping. UNF.
These pictures OWN me! I LOVE them more than GQ :))
Anons: relax! Seriously :))
Bless his heart...Everyone talks to themselves every once in awhile. I know I do. There must be someone else there, just not in the pic.
Sorry ladies, but I've been dead since yesterday!
We are beautiful walking corpses !
Dontstepintothelight--Thanks! I had not seen that video. Nice!
Ref : DontStepOnTheLight - by looking the picture (youtube) I wonder why kristen didnt fell for him at all
sorry I wrote ur name wrong*into*
Goz i love your sense of humor. People are just too serious all the time, that's why they dont get it.
Love the pics, and i think that it was Sunday not Friday too, to go along with all of the other sites and pics. According to the other sites he went with Rachelle, i am surprised they did not make a big deal about him going with her.
Crap... he's obviously talking to someone standing in front of him. You can see his gaze. Probably the papparazzi taking these pictures were screaming at him again, asking their stupid (scandal-) questions etc. And he was just answering them and gesturing. - Think he looks as if he just wanted to be left alone (and asked them to).
love this one
Gracias Gozde :)) U rock!!!
Here´s an idea all ROB edition, Rob writes the articles, Rob does the photoshoots, Rob poses for the ads (mmm...Rob Gucci ads),Rob sells them at the news stand get it right!
Goz~non an anon, so very relaxed! If Suz would quit saying that! These pics hurt me. He looks so absolutely scrumptious in every way!
Definitely singing to himself/air guitar.
air guitar, ROTFL
Nice fingers, bb!
Goz~crap, these pics have got me misspelling words! not an anon
Anons calm don't it's only a bit of fun. Geez! don't take things so seriously!
I love these pics they are pure............Rob!
Anon, Gozde's wonderful wit and sarcastic remarks are the trademark of HER blog. We love her for it.
As for the speculations and gossip, in case you haven't noticed, it seems that there are many here daily that are guilty of that. Whether she leaves any remark or not has nothing to do with that. Some people just don't understand the difference between being Robsessed and being Obsessively Rude Gossip-mongers.
I hope that Goz never changes her ways, she is the breath of fresh air of all blogs out there. Her dedication and care shows in every post. Unlike those who flourish names about merely to add hits to their site.
since everybody's talking about his hands and saying things like "hand porn" and such... maybe he needs to make something like that. just a bunch of clips or pictures with his hands at his belt buckle and tucked between his knees.
i'd sooo purchase that sh-t.
Goz~ and using poor grammar~
Suz...that video was the most inspiring shizz I´ve ever seen in my life! *WIPES TEAR*
I'm okay with Rob talking to himself. Even I talk to myself. Sober. It just makes us even more perfect for each other. Crazies living together. Sounds great!
it is taking all of my brain function to write this. i'm done for the day. first the GQ outtakes and now these. yup i'm officially done...
air guitar......
oh my.....
quite saying what elainne??
emmes, you making fun of old Suz?
"Baby there's nothing in this world that could ever do
What a touch of your hand can do"
Ohh Emmes, {Hugs}
So glad you liked it.
Suz (hearts) Emmes
Goz, gotta love you. I love Rob more, you crack me up.Don't ever stop the sarcasm it the best.
Hey all you late 30somethings, I'm right there with you.I feel better now that I know I'm not the only one out there with a crush on a much younger man.LOL. Just keepin it real.
mmmm the hands.I can't believe he doesn't like his hands. They're usually at the top of the list of things I love about Rob.
It is a long list.
It's ok to speculate insultingly as long as you call it sarcasm.
Haah, he's so doing air guitar in the last pic lol. How awesome! It's okay if he was talking to himself. I talk to myself all the time.
Suz~you will be responsible for the death of a Robsessed blogger! Do u want that on ur hands? lol
By the way, love that video. Our beautiful Rob smiling! Sighhhhhh
I love Gozde's sense of humor, too.But those people tend to use everything against Rob and I'm really scared that he would really 'lose his marbles' in the end. But you are right, I act 'overprotective' I guess:) Also no matter what there will be speculations and gossips...
The Unrequited one.
It is called thinking out loud.
Elainne {huggs}
He brings out the devil in me...
Suz <-----nawty and sawwcy
Anon, so you think it's ok to come to someone's blog and complain and attack them about their posts without having the BALLS to show your name and own up to your snide remarks?
Hi ladies,
Love the eye candy today Gozde! You rock!!! He is just too hot and too cute. Whatever he is doing.
Hey, anon @ 5:10 with NO sense of humor, here is a site you might want to pollute instead of here:
They never use sarcasm and never post paparazzi pictures. They are always extremely upto date with Rob news.
This is MY little blog and I/Dani write whatever comes to our minds :))
The rest of you (and hornycornbag :P) you know I love you :))
Win! did you get a parcel, yet?
These pics are from the Met on Saturday night, not 100 Monkeys on Sunday.
I love these pictures. The first three look like he can't remember where he parked his car. In the last one he's given up and just remembered an awesome song he heard on the radio.
Rob, you rock. And you do too, Goz!
the unrequited one:
He is definitely talking to himself, and then singing.
I feel so sorry for him. Every move he makes in public is watched. I could not live like that. I am not going to come and blog here anymore. I have to quite this site.
I luv the pics though.
cool to see Rob a bit relaxed and air guitaring lol and im sad to report i have had a conversation with myself on a night out damn absinthe! lol xxx cheers for the photos gozde you rock mwah x
Suz~ ;->
{{hugs back}}
ANON! He is clearly jamming with his invisible friends...
I'm with what Melissa said @ 4:46 PM re pics #3 & 4
Ok, anon @ 5:18-buh-bye.
Goz--I enjoy this blog immensely! I love the humor/sarcasm. Evidently some that shall not be named just don't get it--it's their loss.
Haha, Melanie, love that you changed your avatar ASAP :P
Gozde~ You need to get paid because ur so much cheaper than therapy which I would need if not for this blog. (as far as some of the anons go~every party has to have a pooper! (laughing)
Rob is my sweet, mesmerizing escape from reality.(on my mug!)
Changing the subject~ don't crucify me, but any ideas for our birthday boy Rob! just askin' Is it a secret?
I beginning to think that Rob is why I have Adobe Photoshop on my computer.
emily: lmao... "dude, where's my car?"
air guitar on the this man
Poor guy cannot even have a moment to himself without everyone trying to guess what he is doing.
If he is talking to himself it
just makes him more adorable to me
Oh no! Has anybody read that book he was was saying was one of his fave...Ticket to ride by Dennis Potter? Maybe he's turned into that main character john who became cuckoo.
Oh no! Has anybody read that book he was was saying was one of his fave...Ticket to ride by Dennis Potter? Maybe he's turned into that main character john who became cuckoo.
oh and the last one kinda also looks godfather-ish to me... "i'm gonna give him an offa he can't refuse"
I think he's composing. He was inspired by the concert and decided to work it out on his air guitar!
Uhh the jaw porn, it slays me.
He's a fucking legend.
LOL TS! Oh, those pouty lips are heaven.
He is pure win. Not to mention those ripped jeans he's got on. Mmmmm....
These are awesome!
Danni, baby, do you ever get a hint? I am losing my marbles every time you link to Lainey from here!
i kind of have to agree about the ripped jeans. i love his hands, but i have a thing for the one knee hanging out too. like, it's all hairy and manly...
i can't step away from the computer. i'm having an aneurysm!!
he's like get the hell away from me! and let me find my way....poor guy.
I heard there were some people in here with no sense of humor. Say it isn't so?? Goz - we LOVE your sarcasm. We love Rob. We know you love Rob. Never stopping doing what you do for us. I'd be lost without you. You're right, if people don't like it they should to elsewhere. That way I don't have to look through all the stupid posts to find good ones ;).
I deleted it
Yes, thanks :))
well i must correct myself. in the gq photos it's busting through the hole. i love that picture. always.
yeah. oh my god.
you're welcome babe
God knows I sing AND talk to myself all of the time. Poor guy just has documentation of it. Love you Rob and Gozde!
{{hug it out}} :) Lainey's source = her ass
Those fingers will be the death of me
Suz, yes got the goods. I keep missing you on the blogs. I sent you an email. Please check it when you get a chance. Something about rosy cheeks and tight ass jeans that makes me love Daniel Gale. Tonight I'll spending the night with Toby Jugg. Love ya!!!oxoxox
Hope you see this!!!
I don't believe in her sources either, but it does make more sense than Ted C. crap
Damn...Rob is just too fucking adorable for words. I mean, that man couldn`t make a wrong move in my book, even if he tried. *g*
DontStepIntoTheLight, you have to start blinking at some point, though. He will still be here waiting for you. We all will keep watching him for you. ;D
i love his fingers..... he has lovely hands!!!
defo drunkened on these pics..... im sure we would have a good night out!!
hmmm.. how to set that up?!
Win, I am so jealous. I want some Toby.
I don't care what he's doin or if he's talkin to himself or someone else...i just...THANK YOU GOZ for postin these pics!!! yum!!!
muah back at ya! =)
Hanson ransom, you want the goods. I'll email you tonight and we'll talk. happy to share some Rob love. Let me know!!!
Are you all speculating on a picture???
Anon @ 5:18 - he is definitely talking to himself?!!?!? Are you serious? When is he by himself and not aware he is being watched?
In the third picture he's counting the number of fans pestering him that night but ten fingers aren't enough.
wow, I knew he was weird but this is over the top
girls, blow up the pics and it is obvious he playing air guitar. I want this in a life -size poster. He could sell a zillion copies! OMG
elainne~"u didn't answer my question"
Goz~"you don't answer any of mine"
don't answer any of my questions
Rob is just playing along with the music that he can hear outside of the bar...and who gives a flying flip if he's been drinking?
He's 22 years old! Quit freaking out. When he ends up in a video on a hotel room floor trying to scarf and In and Out burger while Nikki films him and begs him not to drink anymore...then I'll worry.
I'm standing behind my girl Goz...she's the bomb!!!
Goz~delete the last line. lol I have a Robbuzz!
Jules~Don't hassle the HOFF...BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!
Goz~Ur da bomb. Don't let anyone tell you any different! I puffy heart you BIG TIME! :-)
looks like hes playing air guitar in that last one
He is not crazy...he was just trying to figure out the directions to my house...Rob was thinking out loud," Lets see do I turn left up at the next block or go straight then make a right on Happy Trail Ave...
I told him to hurry up...I was getting cold waiting for him with nothing on but a wink and a smile...:P
Oh, and Dani~you're effing awesome too. You and Goz feed my Robsession on a daily basis and I thank you both for it! XOXO
Yeah! So happy. Enjoy my darling.
Goz? You know you own my incredibly puffy heart.
BIG thanks to both you and Dani for all the hard work you do to make this the BEST blog online.
Olive Juice... always and forever.
Jewels- You did not bring that up(Hoff)...your mind is to good.You are cracking me up...LMAO
I hope he isn't wondering the streets of Vancouver drunk and talking to himself. I thought he was supposed to have his 'protectors' or whatever...
He looks like he's looking for his car or something...I just think he's the type of person that is funny without knowing it. Example A: Those pictures.
OMFG - The finger porn in pic 3.
I just went all "tingly"
I can hardly look at the pics. Can't take my eyes off the new banner. It has to be one of the best. And that's really saying a lot since they're all out of this world.
He is totally jamming on those pictures. Probably got inspired by the concert and a few beers :)
Or maybe he is thinking out loud wtf was wrong with all those mad gooey fans who were all over him inside the club. Also, trying to calculate on his fingers how many real loonies were there.
Love this blog. It's got heart, soul and humor.
Rob is just adorable. Who stands on the street singing and airguitaring? Rob, that's who! :)
Thank you for all your hard work Gozde. And your snark ;)
Awww, I love me some drunky Rob. Especially when he's making funny gestures with his hands :)
Goz- You and Dani rule our lives with the love and attention that you bring to this blog. Without y'all we have no home to rest our weary Robsessed minds,hearts,and souls upon. Again I say I appreciate all that y'all do for us each day.I love you both and stay rested because we need y'all healthy and y'all minds strong. Were in a Robsessed war that will last his lifetime...or ours because we are older...damn it... Well they do say women last longer...Wait, Rob will live for all eternity and never grow old because he's magical...LMAO :P
Goz and Dani you know how much I <3 you both and Robsessed!
Love Goz and Dani. (Don't think I ever met Dani.
Looks like he's playing the guitar in the last one. I could stare at these pictures all day!
LMAO!!! directions to ur house! that was good...
Hey, what´s up with a lot of anon, posting offensive?
Maybe because had been caught offending with all the speculation???
Can´t take sarcasm? .. Mmmm??
I don´t know what he is doing but I enjoy the cuteness and the dorkiness of Rob in this pics.
Those damn jeans! I keep waiting patiently for those holes to get bigger so we can see some skin, or to deteriorate off of him..that would be nice!
Had to stop in for my Rob fit!!
Does he have any idea he can never be replaced!!!
His such a............... someone help me out here I've become speechless.............................................................................................................................................................. freaking HOT!!¤t=robgif.gif
Rob (in these pics):
"You're not a nobody. You're a SOMEbody. You're one of the greatest songwriters that ever lived!" proceeds to play air guitar.
And Win, yes email me! I love me some Rob/Toby.
I'm with Jewels on this one: he's rockin' out to the music. I do this myself. LOVE.
Kristen- Thanks!!! My brain was working this time.:)))
I don't know what he's doing but he sure looks adorable doing it!!!!
and HOT, with those lips..mmmmmmm!
Ooooooooo, poor baby is missing his open mike and music.
When I get glutted with these adonis images I have to go check a utube clip of him moving and speaking and dorking about again to remind me he's actually human.
Oh hell those hands. How he has melted me and turned me into such a mess of obsess.What the hell has happened to me???
Without the secret therapy here on this classy blog I might just go nuts
You guys really have lost your marbles. ROB IS PLAYING AIR GUITAR! Geez...
Ladies ROB needs your votes here, he is losing to the Jona's brother dude
Oh he makes my heart melt. Just when I think I can get over this craziness, these types of pictures come out and make me melt allover again.
Aww he's air guitaring.....drunk and air guitar...hes a normal 20 something year old...bless!!lol
This is State of the Art Adorableness. Every day he seems to top himself in that department, while simultaneously being the hottest guy to ever set foot on the planet. How is this even possible?
Is it just me, or does he have REALLY NICE HANDS?
Rob is perfection!
Goz,love the banner,yes we call that air guitar,go rob with those hands,yes.
Anonymous said...
Honestly, I can't explain my own obsession with RPatz. I've never had a crush on a celebrity, I'm 36 years old, and I can't stop reading blogs about him. It's crazy! He just seems so genuine and sincere that it melts my heart!
April 21, 2009 4:29 PM
Oh my God- That is exactly me too. Since I read the books and saw the movie all I want to do is just read and see anything having to do with Rob. It's crazy, I'm too old for this!!!
first pic: I thought I left the cab here
second: no no maybe not....
third: HERE IT IS:) vwala!
fourth: celebrating with the air guitar
TwilightFixation :
You totally nailed it!! LOL
Maybe he's started talking to himself since the BO rumors didn't keep enough people away :)
Win, I posted my email on my profile. Just realized it wasn't up there.
Do you have these strange conflicting emotions about the gorgeous darling?
Such as - I want to rip your clothes off; but then I also feel quite maternal and like I want to protect him, and I worry about him being all vulnerable by himself and some loony might hurt him???
He's reenacting a conversation he had in the club.
LOL! conflicting indeed! but the majority of the time the I wanna rip his clothes off side wins out...
awwwwwww!!! I miss the nike shoes
Yummy the dvd is finally out here in Oz today, I so badly want them to make a dvd of RP just playing piano for at least 30mins preferably more. I don't give a crap what he plays the miserly 3mins on the extras just isn't enough.
How do you start a campaign for more piano?
Ah...the button flies, the beautiful hands and the awesome drunk air guitar. Love him.
I lost my marbles the moment I saw him walk in to the Fork HS cafetaria... pheeww :)) Anonymous at 10:22PM, ME TOO!! If that's stalking, then I'm guilty as hell, albeit it's cyberstalking. I'm sure we'd act as dignified mature adults if we ever happened to meet him in the flesh, but hey we can drool over all these lovely images and snippets of info kindly supplied for our enjoyment and support by Gozde and Dani (that we can blow up to full screen size....THUD).
OMG I love these pictures sooooo MUCH!
DO u know how many time me and my frends have rocked out to music... with imaginary instruments!!! Okay we were tanked but still... I love that he`s doing the air guitar!!!
I think in the last one he's playing the... guitar? I think i'm right. hehehe
I know you love Rob and are trying to be funny, but these pics of Rob are just not disgusting.
How could you promote this shit?
I don't care what you think of me, (e.g. I have no sense of humour) but pictures like this are sooo distasteful and trashy and make Rob look really bad. I'm a huge fan of Rob's and I like seeing fan photos but these paprazzi photos are awful and fans should never see them. I respect Rob as an actor and as an artistic person but seeing him like this dramatically changes my opinion of him. Now I can't help but think "Oh God, he's so weird!"
Thanks for yet again changing my opinion of Rob!
How old are you anyway Godze?
if you had ANY respect for Rob a a person you would not trash his name like this.
Don't "life and style" trash Rob enough?
Rob doesn't need his own fans trashing his image!
End of story!!
If you really cared about Rob as a person you would respect his privacy and stop promoting trashy, insulting photos which damage his name.
Sometimes your funny but when you post stuff like this it makes you seem like a stupid 12 year girl who only cares that Rob is hot and clearly don't care that he's a human being too!
In other words, a Twi-tard!
I really like Rob. He really seems like such a nice person. Im I the only person worried about all the pics of him with blurred eyes? I hope hes not drinking to deal with all the stress stardom brings. So many stars have ruined their lives this way! I hope those close to him will look out for him! I want him around for years to come!
sorry I meant they ARE disgusting, lol typo
Kerr-Bear : We've been over this. You said you wouldn't come to my site any more. I am counting on you to keep your word. I am sick of your "rantings" about how my posts are not good for Rob. Go and build your shrine for him.
Go to
They have all the news and no paparazzi pictures. That sounds like the place you want to be in! They are a very good site. Check them out.
Seriously woman! If you can't take sarcasm you have no place visiting my blog.
I obviously don't think Rob is crazy. I adore him, I think he is smart, talented and gorgeous. I run a site about him because I ADORE him, I don't need your fucking lectures!
I'm 31 years old, I have a Ph.D. in biochemistry. Heard enough? No? Just GO AWAY!
kerr-bear~SERIOUSLY??? Why are you even visiting this blog? Take your trash talking some where else. No one here gives a shit what you have to say. Honestly, these pics of Rob are effing HILARIOUS. Take it with a grain of salt.
AND, how can you let these pics change your opinion of him? WHAT IS YOUR OPINION OF HIM ANYWAY???
To me, it looks like he was out having fun. End of story. I am more than sure he understands what comes with him being a celebrity. OBVIOUSLY his picture is going to be taken every where he goes. Get the hell over it.
As far as you trashing Goz, that is where I draw the fucking line. You have NO IDEA what a great person she is. She does have RESPECT for Rob, I can 100% assure you. Have you not been paying attention? OBVIOUSLY. Sheesh. You know, I thought we were rid of you, but you seem to have found your way back. This is a place for peeps to have fun, admire Rob for the awesome talent he is...NOT FOR YOUR FUCKING BULLSHIT.
Quite frankly, I'm not even sure you are an adult. Any logical adult would realize the FUCKERY coming out of your mouth is ridiculous!
okay so just a guess since none of us really KNOW what's goin on in these pics...
but anon 6:11
when paps r constantly snappin shots of him or anyone, u can't expect they're all gonna come out with a perfectly posed face, I mean people do have to blink...
and kerr bear
I hope ur joking? one knows what's goin on in these pics. but you've decided he's a weirdo becuz of a couple of pics?
Rob with his air guitar is my new screensaver. I love me some drunk Rob- maybe he is drunk enough to hang out with a slightly older twilighter....
I should make it clear that I have NOTHING against Robert Pattinson UK, they are a very good and up to date Rob site, one of the oldest. And I respect their decision to not post paparazzi pictures. I was just telling this bitch that there ARE sites like that out there and she can go have her Rob fix on those sites!
Kerr-bear, congratulations, you made me really mad and it's not an easy task to achieve!
excellently stated Goz. go girl! I seriously thought she was joking! what a psycho!
I don't know why I'm holding a conversation with someone that can't even read my name right.
And I'm not. Ignore is in full effect. Bye now...
Sweets, get over yourself and move on! This blog is for admiring Rob from afar and having a little fun.
I have known Gozde from the beginning of Robsessed (6 months...woo-hoo!)and I can assure you that she is incredibly intelligent (she's got a PHd, I bet you don't!), beautiful, bilingual and writes some of the best sarcastic snark ever.
This is her and Dani's blog and they should be allowed to promote in any way they please!
And, in some alternate universe, I am sure that Rob loves it and laughs his ass off ever time!
Kerr-Bear - OMGSTFU
You are going to let these pictures change your opinion of Rob?? You really need to grow up.
I would rather see these pictures presented here in a SARCASTIC WAY that MAKES fun of the negative things that people (like you) will say about them. It doesn't change my opinion of Rob - YOU DOLT
I don't know him!!! He is a gorgeous, talented actor. I hope he is ok. I hope he can continue to laugh AT HIMSELF, AT THE ATTENTION HE GETS, AT DUMB ASSES LIKE YOU who's opinion changes depending on how the wind blows.
I'm agreeing with Mel - WHAT A SURPRISE?!?!?!?!
Just because the photos of Rob talking to himself concerned me that makes me a dumb-ass?
Did you ever think that I might actually be the only one here who cares about Rob and his well-being.
The media drove Lindsey and Britney crazy, Heath Ledger died of a drugs over-dose for God only knows what reason. Sometimes I just think all this media attention is not good for Rob, i want him to be happy and healthy, thats all.
That doesn't make me a dumb-ass
sorry i meant Twiheart
not twi-heard.
man i'm not good at tpying tonight lol
I'm an Irish girl pretending to be British. I'm so sad.
What makes you a dumb ass is you just said that these photos are changing your opinion of him.
Why are you looking at photos of him if you think all media attention is bad.
Let me say this so you can hear me:
I AM a dumb ass.
I think I lost my marbles. Have you seen them? I need them to finish the shrine I'm building for Rob.
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