Rob outside 100 Monkey's concert on Sunday (I don't know why I said Friday first, I DEFINITELY lost MY marbles LONG time ago :))
He looks like he is speaking to....himself?
Oh Robbie! He finally lost his marbles, didn't he? :)))
He looks like he is speaking to....himself?
Oh Robbie! He finally lost his marbles, didn't he? :)))

P.S.: I am getting emails saying this was on Saturday night :)) Details...details :) The source says 100 Monkeys, I take their word.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 282 of 282 Newer› Newest»None of you care about Rob! I do! I'm gonna take him home and cradle him where noone can harm him!
I'm not a dumbass, let me explain:
Talking to yourself is generally not normal so yes of course the photos concerned me. Those photos honestly did look like he was talking to himself.
The fact that no-one else cares and is making FUN of a possible serious situation is horrible.
Its terrible his fans don't seem to care about HIM, just his image.
They changed my opinion because I hate trashy photos. It just makes him another stupid celebrity, and Rob is much more than that.
Don't you see my point at all?
Paprazzi photos are for stupid celebrities like Paris Hilton, who LOVE the attention.
Rob is NOT that kind of celebrity, he's better than that and we should respect it. Thats all I'm saying.
Its really a shame no-one agrees.
I would rather a million silly interviews with photo-shoots than one papprazzi photo because papprazzi photos are obtained by totally invading someone's privacy.
I would love to get to know Rob and learn about his life but THIS is no the way.
Thats all I'm saying.
Popcorn anyone? This is a GREAT show. OH-except you kerr-bear-I don't share with ass clowns.
LOL, wow Gozde, your clever humour strikes again.
Darlin, you may have a P.HD but whitty you aint!
Just what in the holy fuck are you implying here? Like, you think he's crazy? HA! I think these pics are HILARIOUS! Clearly, he had one too many and was joking around.
Damn, you're going to give yourself a fucking heart attack!!
I seem to think I KNOW who Rob is. I am so delusional.
Oh, and kerr-bear, I am SURE Rob doesn't want to get to know you. You are effing NUTS. Like "meds and a padded cell" nuts.
Rob might have a serious situation, like maybe he is crazy? I need to examine him closely to make sure.
First of all, FUCK OFF lol
I said POSSIBLE serious situation.
We all know how intense Rob can be so honestly those photos were not a good sign.
Yes he was probably just randomly drunk and goofing, but isn't it possible the is a bad sign?
Look what happened to Heath Ledger eh?
Thats all I'm saying...
I keep saying "we all KNOW Rob ....." yet we don't really know him. I need to go back to my padded cell.
Earth to Kerr-Bear - "Its terrible his fans don't seem to care about HIM, just his image."
I share your opinion about seeing Rob look vulnerable (if that is what in fact it is.)
What I don't share your opinion about is that these pictures give anyone any insight into who or what Rob IS.
Because the only thing I KNOW about Rob is that I like to look at him and I think he is immensely talented.
What choices he makes in life are HIS mistakes, choices, whatever to make. I'm NOT laughing at a serious situation. I'm laughing at people thinking this PROOVES something ABOUT him. SEE I'm IN on the joke - these pictures don't proove he's lost his marbles, or he is fucking wiht the paparazzi or fucking KStew or fucking talking to himself, OR DRUNK OR HIGH OR ANYTHING - GET IT????
How am I nuts just because the photos concerned me?
Jeez, talk about exagerating.
I know for a fact i wasn't the only one concerned coz Gozde deleted other comments.
Perhaps I just remember that Rob's human and not a papprazzi puppet like Paris Hilton.
Does that make me crazy? Nope I think that makes me more normal than idiots who get a thrill from papprazzi photos.
I am wasted on Kerr Bear
KB - this is for you:
Whoa! Stop there missy! I didn't delete ANY comments other than your delusional crazy ones. YOU have the honor of having me delete some comments! You are THAT annoying and crazy. I haven't deleted anyone else's and we've had our share of crazies on this blog.
1. Learn to spell my name right if you are going to address me.
2. Don't you DARE tell me to "FUCK OFF" then add "LOL" after it. If you plan on isulting me, don't pretend it's a joke. Especially when the "F" word is involved.
Rob is a 22 almost 23 year old man. Uh, he's going to go out and have a good time. Just so thats clear. I'm sure he's smart enough(and if you were a REAL FAN you would know he is smart enough)not to go the way of Heath Ledger.
You need to get over yourself. Climb down from your soap box, and go away.
I do see your point (a little) but in my defence it DOES NOT look like Rob's messing around coz he usually just walks away from the papprazzi.
The poor guy was clearly out of his head drunk and the papprazzi took advantage.
It doesn't matter what "funny" comments Godze made in the post or if its supposed to be an inside joke for fans, it doesn't change the fact that its a PAPPRAZZI PHOTO
For chrissakes woman, LEARN TO SPELL PEEPS NAMES!!! Sheesh!
LMFAO @ "GoDze"...LOL
Kerr Bear - Gozde is NOT making fun of Rob.
Gozde is making fun of what people will say about Rob.
Then YOU said something negative about Rob based on the picture. So are YOU one of the people Goz was poking fun at.
Then YOU said something negative about Goz.
Ironic much?
See that just doesn't sit well around here.
Gozde---are you making a beeline to Tokyo again (wink, wink)'ve got my back lovely!
This post is getting better with every comment :P
Kerr_bear KNOWS what Rob usually does when he sees the paparazzi, she KNOWS that Rob doesn't like it, she KNOWS they are taking advantage of him.
Kerr_bear needs to KNOW how crazy she sounds but doesn't. It's all kinds of win :))
CHILL! You're the one who started insulting me remember?
Heath Ledger WAS smart and he was very emotionally intense, LIKE ROB and that what led to his tragic death.
Also, Heath was years older than Rob when he died and it didn't make a difference did it?
Over here!!!
Catch me!
Catch me!
Hahahaha! A Clue: you own me right now! :)))
Rob has made it clear he hates papprazzi, don't you pay attention?
He has hinted at it several times when being asked about how Twilight has changed his life etc...
For a fan of Rob's you don't pay much attention to his actual personality do you? He's ALWAYS been shy and nervous, even certain co-stars have said this.
It really doesn't matter if Gozde was making fun of what people like me would say, she still posted the photo's didn't she?
Two wrongs don't make a right.
Well, I see you finally spelled my name right.
Don't tell me to chill m-kay?
I am more than CHILL.
In fact, I am CHILLAXED.
You are just cracking me up with your ridiculous antics. Who are you anyway? The celebrity police??
Seriously, it's time you went away.
I know how Rob HAS ALWAYS BEEN. I've been following his every move and noting them. I have scrapbooks made of them. Wanna see?
"It really doesn't matter if Gozde was making fun of what people like me would say, she still posted the photo's didn't she?
Two wrongs don't make a right."
Did you just admit you were wrong and Goz was making fun of you???
Finally we AGREE!
KB---FYI, Heath Ledger didn't die due to ill-witted sycophants like yourself....he died due to an overdose of prescription drugs (read the toxicology report).
I agree that Gozde was TRYING to be sarcastic about the photos, yes.
But I never said I was wrong, I meant making fun of people who care about Rob's privacy is kinda wrong.
Making fun of people like me by trying to be sarcastic does not excuse posting the photos.
End of story.
EVERYONE knows that Heath had an overdose because he was unhappy and had issues.
This just shows that people don't give a shit about what some Celebs go through.
Its sad really..
Kerr-Bear.. RUN
Don't walk to nearest hospital. It's ok, this happens sometimes...
(though not to this epic extreme) Rob's angelic perfection pushed you over the deep end...
Tell the admitting nurse that you are delusional and in need of a muzzle and restraints to stop fookin' typing your drivel!
Take care of YOU!
kerr-bear: When you say "EVERYONE knows that Heath had an overdose because he was unhappy and had issues", you are just referring to YOURSELF right??
I mean, how in the HELL would you know what he was thinking or feeling? Hmm. You must be psycho.....WOOPS, I meant to say psychic. Sorry.
"EVERYONE knows that Heath had an overdose because he was unhappy and had issues."
Really... Really?
I didn't know.
I have to go now but on a final note (i shouldn't have to explain myself but I will anyway)
Caring about Rob's privacy and well-being is not a bad thing.
Fan photos are awsome because Rob knows about them but taking hidden photos behind someone's back is SICK. I would hate it if it was done to me, especially by a stranger.
Surely you guys see my point?
Anyways gotta go.
LMAO @ Suz and Melissa :) At the same time :P
KB---the medical truths speak volumes...overdose is an overdose. Are you implying that HL committed suicide? He had a child and a quality career....I doubt that he took drugs out to end his life.
Get over your fucking God bugs!!!!
Oh and kerr_bear, you say you have to go now. Can I ask a favor?
Suz (HEARTS) Melissa
(did you do that when you were little?)
Loving Goz..... Always
Melissa and Suz:
Eh no, its sort of common knowledge that Heath was an intense guy and he had splitting from Michelle and being separated from his daughter probably had had a big affect on him, among other tings.
And its common knowledge that he had serious trouble sleeping before he died.
Ok, kerr-bear. Have a nice fucking night you PSYCHO.
Please. Don't come back anytime soon.
I never said suicide. Stop putting words in my mouth.
As far as I know it was accidental, he had trouble sleeping and took too many pills.
But I guess no-one will ever know the EXACT truth.
kerr-bear, you are so full of shit it's not even funny. You act all holier than thou with this paparazzi and gossip shit-THEN you go and spill all this word vomit about Heath Ledger's death.
Get a fucking clue. Buy a vowel, SOMETHING.
Do you even understand how INSANE you sound??
Kerr-Bear - GOZ WAS MAKING FUN OF THE NEGATIVE THINGS PEOPLE WOULD SAY ABOUT THE PHOTO. NOT "people who care about Rob" which is what you are claiming now?? I thought you said your opinion of him changed?
I am making fun of you know because you can't seem to formulate an opinion. You keep changing around what you say in order to make Goz look bad. But it just makes you look schizophrenic.
Do you play air guitar?
Didn't you get bitch slapped once before for spewing your crap on this site? Yet you are back and you haven't learned your lesson. And why did you come back? If you don't like the way Goz and Dani present information? I've seen you posting here. You really are some kind of poser.
Where am I??
kerr-bear, you're in a padded cell, remember??
Oh and kerr_bear just so you know I'm going to delete every comment you make from now on. I don't care if you say "hi" it's deleted. This is a personal blog, not a fan site. We don't have "members" we don't charge people. I love Rob and run a site and you are the scum that is polluting it. Get the fuck out and never come back.
"But I guess no-one will ever know the EXACT truth."
So do you know or not?
clearly kerr bear you ARE a psycho. what kind of moron curses someone out, rants and raves, and then says- sorry I misspelled your name, I'm not good at typing tonite lol- riiiiiiiiiiiiight.
move on already.
My point is that papprazzi photos are bad and an invasion of privacy lol
Was my rant that hard to understand?
You were trying to defend Gozde posting the pictures because she was sarcastic about it, but thats not an excuse.
Yes, the photos concern me, but I'm still going to try be a fan of Rob's. I'm going to try and forget about them and not let idiots like Gozde ruin my perception of him.
kerr_bear called me an idiot, in her bizarro world it means I'm awesome right? And who still hangs around after being shooed? You have NO shame.
Thank you, GOZ!!!
KB I wouldn't go around calling people idiots when you can't fucking spell to save your life. Go back to elementary school tomorrow and pay attention during the spelling lesson, ok?
Girls, call me when the psycho's gone. I can't take this shit anymore. It's ruining my RobBuzz.
You mental midget you said it did ruin your image of Rob. That's how this semi-conversation started.
I'm defending Goz because I AGREE w/Goz. I got her joke.
You didn't because the joke is ON YOU.
Goz didn't take the fucking pictures you crack head. She posted them so people would know what is being put out there and what people will be saying about him and we can all sit back and LAUGH OUR ASSES OFF AT IT AND AT YOU!
Please Kerr Bear step away from the computer and let me back out so you can remember how to brush your tooth.
Posting the photos is PROMOTING the papprazzi anyway, it doesn't matter what Gozde wrote in the post.
She's not just "warning" the fans, she's just promoting the crappy photos!
What part of that can't you understand!!!!!
Again, FINAL POST (I PROMISE), Papprazzi photos are for idiot celebrities like Paris Hilton who CRAVE media attention, and we all know Rob aint like that. He's better than that. So lets get real and treat him like a person instead of a puppet okay?
That all i'm saying.
kerr-bear-how many times are you going to say "This is my last post" or "Bye, I'm leaving"???
Whatevs. Clearly you cannot get enough of yourself.
To quote Chandler Bing:
"Ding dong, the psycho's gone."
And all were happy in the land of Goz :)
she just can't shutup can she???
LMFAO at the hilarious post names...
kerr bears other personality!
ok seriously though. we love you Goz. and appreciate the shit out of you! and dani!
You know it takes an awful lot to piss me off, but Kerr-Bear, you just took that honor:
1) We (ie YOU) don't know what's happening in these pictures - maybe Rob is talking to someone off camera - he uses his hands a lot when he talks. THAT DOES NOT MAKE HIM a) suicidal b) drunk or c) in mental distress
2) Do you actually READ the blog? Goz is single-handedly helping further Rob's career by promoting the showing of Little Ashes and you keep criticizing her and saying she doesn't like/have concern for Rob.
3) There are many intrusive pics that Goz has elected NOT to post. These are not in that category. This is her blog. The pics are already posted on the Internet. It's not like she is stalking him. Please visit the Twilight Moms site for that illustrious honor.
4) Rob is fun, funny and intelligent. He has a great sense of humor. I suggest you get one. Rob would love this site and he would love Goz and her comments. She is intelligent and witty - something you obviously do not recognize.
5) If Rob or his management ever contacted Goz and asked her to remove the photos she would do so in a heartbeat. But they don't. Why is that do you think? They understand it is part of his job - yes a very rotten part - but a part nonetheless. I have rotten parts of my job too.
6)We get that you don't like paparazzi photos posted on this blog. You've made your opinion known on several occasions and Goz has answered you and said that she chooses to post the ones she doesn't find intrusive. That is Goz's choice.
It's time for you to accept it or move along. We're tired of your complaining.
she just can't shutup can she???
LMFAO at the hilarious post names...
kerr bears other personality!
ok seriously though. we love you Goz. and appreciate the shit out of you! and dani!
double post! oopsy! damn phone!
I love how I feel on your lips AJ.
Thank you for your mature reply instead of just calling me crazy like everyone else.
Clearly you understand what I was trying to say. Thank you.
I respect your points and understand what you mean, I ususally find Gozde's comments quite funny but I just find the papparazzi photos awful, especially knowing that Rob is a shy, nervous guy.
I really really don't think he would find them funny, but perhaps I'm wrong.
Again, thanks for your mature reply, you're the only person who was respectful of my points.
Can I just say...that I haven't laughed this hard in a while...
You guys are fucking HILARIOUS.
THIS is why I love my RKs...
THIS is why I love my Goz...
THIS is why I love ROBsessed...
My heart has swelled with so much puffiness...Thank you.
I'm just sorry I missed it.
Oh shit...maybe I didn't!
I'm speechless, and you know how often THAT happens...
Goz, you are pure win, love. xo
After reading through all of the comments posted I feel like I too have to say something.
First of all i totally agree with everything AJ had to say and I don't think I can put it any better!
I know that Goz is a huge fan of Rob's and would NEVER do anything to hurt him (emotionally or careerwise). I have been on this blog for the past 6 months and KNOW for a fact that there have been photos that Goz has chosen NOT to post because they are too intrusive etc yet I have seen them on other blogs/sites. Kerr-Bear I understand from your comments that you do not like the papz photos, well the site that Goz linked you to is one of the only ones that I know of that doesn't post them.
The reason I choose this blog over all the others out there is because of the way Goz and Dani respect Rob and his Career and give up to the minute news with their own brand of wit (and yes they are witty) and because of all the fabulous friends I've made through being here. I'm just sorry that you haven't been able to experience the same as me believe me it's your loss!
Oh and I "KNOW" Rob would love this blog and find it funny!!
{{group hug}} I love y'all :))
And am going to bed now, it's 3:30AM here. I'll say a prayer for kerr-bear to find her point and stay the hell way from me.
somebody has a bad case of textual diarrhea...
Sleep well, Goz. Puffy hearts for sweet dreams, bb!
Night Goz.
Night all I'm shattered. See you all tomorrow, same time, same place LOL
I fucking love each and every one of you. Always and forever...
Oh this is so damn funny. I love you so Gozde.
And on behalf of all good Heath loving Aussies piss off KB we take offense at your Heath comments.
OK. Here I am. Late, as almost always. Living in the southest part of the world has its counter things.
But there is a good one. The best I should say.
Yes, as Allie stated, it is Gozde´s blog.
It´s Gozde´s
Magic hands writing every news.
It´s Gozde´s
Sincere and honest love for Robert Pattinson taking her to promote his films, his music.
It´s Gozde´s
Discipline keeping the blog updated by the minute with pics, comments, mags articles, previews, interviews. Anything good about this carismatic man.
It´s Gozde´s
Perseverance to maintain her blog in spite the hurricanes of brainless people.
It´s Gozde´s
Loving endless wisdom bringing to all of us healthy fun along with witty post.
I am so sorry but face this and then go away:
I haven't laughed this hard in a...well, since the last Troll made an appearance. Yes, Kerr-bear, you are a Troll.
Please leave GOZ alone or I'll be forced to join the angry mob and help to kick your pathetic tail.
P.S.~LEARN TO SPELL. It is not your but you're.
P.S.S. ~That stuff about Heath is unforgiveable. Even you should know that Rob defended Heath to a loser comic here in LA who mocked Heath's passing. SHAME ON YOU.
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