From Pepole.com:
Caught in the Act
Robert Pattinson, mingling in the VIP room at a party following the Juno Awards (the Canadian Grammys) at Vancouver's Velvet Room inside the Opus Hotel. The Twilight star arrived after the Universal Music bash was in full swing, then grabbed a martini and some food – much to the delight of many of the waitresses working the soiree. According to a source, several servers giddily greeted the actor, who was "gracious and really enjoying himself."
And one of the ROBsessed readers have another account of the night at Richard's on Richards in downtown Vancouver (the one where Adaline met Rob). According to her the party was an invite only party and most of the people at the event were professionals and that's why there will probably be no pictures form the night.
She says she got to hang out with Rob, Sam, Sam's manager and a couple of other friends.
"Luckily he was not bothered too much by fans due to the nature of the party, but he was still all smiles and totally willing to chat with whomever decided to approach him. He was not taking pictures with anyone though because then he would have had to take pictures with everyone that came up and he was clearly just there to hang out and enjoy the music happening. I didn't personally see any "warm embrace" but there were a few girls that looked like "Adaline" that approached him at different points in the night.
Anyway, Rob and Sam were just such nice guys and Rob is totally just a normal 22-year old guy that likes good music, hanging out with his friends and getting his drink on. Oh yeah, and no, he doesn't smell, hahaha. To be honest he is a little dorky in his mannerisms which is endearing.
For the record, I'm not a Twilight fan, but I've seen his interviews and he seemed like a fun guy to chill with which is why I decided to approach him and also Sam is a great local musician which I am always all about supporting."(Gozde: If I ever bump into Rob I am SO denying any connection to this site,Twilight,Little Ashes. I'll even change my name! :))
No pictures sorry. I was sent a picture earlier today but it is seriously stalkerrific so I am not posting it :)
Also, last night some people were giving Rob's hotel's name in the comments section, whether he stays there or not I won't say but How giving out his location makes ANY sense to you is beyond me. If you know it (and I do, not by choice, I was sent the info) keep it to yourself! So NOT cool people, so NOT cool...(the monster judges you!) .
Bump into him? Go for it. His hotel? Don't go for it :)) (Unless he asks you to go for it, then I want details :P Just kidding!(or not))
No pictures sorry. I was sent a picture earlier today but it is seriously stalkerrific so I am not posting it :)
Also, last night some people were giving Rob's hotel's name in the comments section, whether he stays there or not I won't say but How giving out his location makes ANY sense to you is beyond me. If you know it (and I do, not by choice, I was sent the info) keep it to yourself! So NOT cool people, so NOT cool...(the monster judges you!) .
Bump into him? Go for it. His hotel? Don't go for it :)) (Unless he asks you to go for it, then I want details :P Just kidding!(or not))
That's funny. **Not a Rob Fan**, but you went though all our comments about his hotel...lol Anyways...thanks for the Rob Story...and thanks for putting on robsessed...a fan page dedicated to the actor... and u would only find if you were looking for ROBERT PATTINSON sites.
Those comments were mine anon, not hers :) And as much as it gave me a monster headache to go all through the comments, I did.
Did she say he was with anyone else at the party like Kristen, her boyfriend or Nikki?
Aaaah that's so good to hear... He's alive, well, and still dorkalicious! Hallelujah!
Nope, just Sam and his manager :)
And LMAO @ LittleBear, Hallelujah indeed :PP
Hey Guys!!!
Glad to hear...I semi-agree with the hotel stuff... I mean in a way I want to know... but don't want the wrong people knowing... catch 22? lol
I know I wouldn't pull a CSI and go stalking his hotel but I may pass in front of it twice...lol I worry that the real crazy stalkers would do worse...
I feel so guilty...but I really want to see the stalkerish pic. lol GOZ pretty please? =)
LOL Little Bear! Goz - your comments make it even more fun to read. Thanks for sharing and keeping the pics on the DL.
Aw, the person writing this played it cool "not a Twilight fan" but just wanted to chill with Rob
Sure ; )
May be true but it was only a matter of time - he hooks us with his "dorkalicous" ways!
Thanks Gozde,
You really are a sweet heart!
Goz~ Right. It seems SOME of us fans are forgetting we care about him and want him to be happy wherever he is.(or maybe you really don't care about him?)
Anyway, to that end we must respect and try to protect his privacy. In stalking him and interrupting his life just because you want something from him (selfishly), he loses the normalcy we have heard him and his friends express that he wants.
Don't take advantage of the fact that he is too kind to reject his picture being taken. Let's leave him alone. Just be happy you got to be near him and if you want something more, maybe wave at him (stupidly). You will still have a cool story to tell your friends, knowing that you didn't put Rob through the nervousness Sam told us about in that interview. Now that's a cool story.
Crazy - I've been in a situation like this at a restaurant and I saw someone who is a celebrity and didn't want to interrupt their meal. I've never regretted it. I wouldn't want to regret not getting an autograph but I might regret making him uncomfortable by interrupting a private moment even more. I think it does depend on the situation - if it's a party where people are mingling that's different. Sam also said he is appreciative and gracious of his fans.
Goz, on the other hand has a responsibility to approach him. Goz if the opportunity ever presents itself it's your duty to chat him up!!
I live in an area where we frequently see celebrities in public places. I have never hounded one for a picture or an autograph.
I would only approach Rob in a setting where it was obvious he wanted to mingle and chit-chat. I would never approach him in a restaurant or on the street if he looked like he was trying to go incognito.
Look, I love HDR (Hot Dirty Rob) as much as the next person. BUT! If we are truly his fans, let's give him the space we all know he wants. He is neurotic to the bone and stalkers and over-zealous fangirls don't help. Would I love to know where exactly in the world he is? Hell yeah! But, that's not what is best for Rob. Would I love a picture with him if I saw him? Hell yeah, again! But I think it would just be better to wave from a distance and give a nice smile. Give the man a break or one day, he will run for the hills and that will be that.
Gozde: Thank you for not posting intrusive info on Rob and I could live without seeing any "stalker" type pics. They just make me sad for him.
You so make my day so much better, with no Nikki, kristen and ner boring boyfriend!!!! And the most important thing, he was with real friends!!!
Hey Twiheart! and Anon~ I agree with you guys. A public setting, where I see him being approached and he doesn't seem to mind, would be different.
I'm so happy he appreciated his fans. It mmakes me love him all the more. We just have to remember that he shouldn't have to show his appreciation 24/7, by giving what the fans want of him at that moment.
I agree ~ All bets are off when it comes to Goz. I sure hope she will meet him some day. She deserves it the most.
I should mention the person I saw at the restaurant I went to my college and I've crushed on them for YEARS and still refrained. OK, maybe my DH held me back a little.
Anon - I hope that Rob truly isn't THAT nervous, cuz it goes with the territory I'm afraid.
Awww, thanks ladies :) If I bump into him I will take one for the team, lol :P Even if it ends in me getting arrested I am sure y'all will bail me out :))
Oh what am I talking about? If I meet him I have NO idea what Twilight is. I'll call him Ron. "What was is Ron again?" "Oooh, Rob! I'm sorry!" :))
Wow Twiheart! Good restraint.
Anyway........isn't Rob the sexiest man on the planet???. Let's discuss. ;)
Ugghh! All this information is driving me crazy. I have gone from oh he'd make a good Edward, to oh he's pretty funny and smart, to Oh My God! I love him..I need him, in a few short months (well 12). I'm going to be in Vancouver this weekend (with my husband who thinks I'm mental because of my robsession) and I really don't want to spend my time obsessively looking for him. Now people are giving details about his whereabouts...this is just feeding the disease and I'm sure there are crazier people than me reading this sight, who will stalk him (I mean fulltime...not just harmlessly over the weekend like me)
Yeah Goz - play it cool. I've resigned myself to admiring and drooling from afar but I haven't given up hope that you will marry him someday :)
Anon~ Thank God he doesn't seem to be alone when he's out. There's ssafety in numbers.
Goz, you are funny, what's your name againg, Rob who???
Well i wonder how this is all going to work out for him if where he is staying at is leaked out, he's going to have to find another place, poor rob. I know that he is incredibly gorgeous and i honestly dont know how i would react if i met him BUT i really wish the stalkers would leave him be, especially finding out where he is staying at.
Goz~Another thing~
I don't want Rob to think that we at Robsessing are responsible for giving out info about where he is staying, etc.
I think this site has a great reputation, thanks to Goz and us loving Robsessors. Let's not screw that up.
Glad you are not giving out the hotel, going there would be stalking? Although, I'm not above it! lol Just reading about him makes me swoon!
Pleeeeeez show the pic!!!!!
Goz- Thanks for not showing the stalker photo. I came back last night myself and was shocked to read were Rob might be staying. People forget how truly DANGEROUS that information being leaked is. Those who were telling and describing was putting his life in danger. Because you never know who can come upon this information and have ill intentions on doing something. Then if Rob were to get hurt know that it would be all your fault. And would you want to have that on your conscious? Put yourself in Rob's shoes(those shiteous Nikes)and have some compassion for him. THE END....
Oh Goz, your comments are the best!!
Hotel...go for it. I'd want details! lol
I think the Kristen, boyfriend and Nikki was a different day? Like the parties were on Saturday and he hung out w/ Kristen and company on Sunday. I don't know what to believe anymore, my head is spinning!
Wil~ I'll make it easy for you. Don't believe anything~ :)
crazy~ that's what I'll do! Pics or it didn't happen.lol
Wil~ pretty much. the only thing is that pics only show a fraction of a moment in time. Hard to tell what's truly going on in them. Unless of couse Rob is sucking some girls face! ;)
On a serious note, not posting the hotel is respectful to Rob, although some other site probably will. I read where one of the DWS celebs had a stalker that got on the show? Creepy! It was the gymnast and she is still scared to death!!! Thanks for protecting our Rob!
Good for you for protecting our Rob. You are a class act, Gozde!
When Gerard Butler was filming a movie up there a couple of years ago he stayed at XXXXX and the whole crew stayed there. It was all over the imdb boards and Gerry's fansites. People did go wandering at the hotel to find him and some of his fans are crazy. This sounds exactly like that.
Gozde - I love your comments - so true! :) You always seem to say what I'm thinking...
Okay, since everyone's sharing, here's my celeb encounters... Years ago at Disneyland I was in line behind Joe Montana (very popular football player at the time). I didn't do anything... People asked all the time "Did you say hi?" I didn't because he was out with his family on HIS time. Not my place to interrupt.
Another times I've been around LA or at sporting events where celebs were and I just walked by them and smiled. Only once did a friend and I send a celeb a drink - that was interesting! LOL
I figure if someone is out on their own time - not at an event or a signing - leave them alone. I just try to imagine if I were in their shoes: How would I feel? What would I want?
i just want to reiterate what anon @1:28 posted, this site is truly a class act! Goz and Danni, you do such a wonderful job! i will be sure to order through this site to support it anyway i can.
i, like anon @ 12:42, started out kind of slow, but in 2 short months have become a rabid robsessor. it's so embarassing, considering that i'm 40! but i love this site and love all the positive comments. you ladies are the best fans!
moon & i have a pact to never speak of or post on LTR/LTT again if we meet rob.
a PACT.. that's committment.
he will NEVER know about our robsession (well, unless he can tell by our Twilight t-shirts)...
Oh shit you're right I forgot the Robward tattoo on my ring finger! That might give me away huh? Shit!
I will share mine too:
A few years ago I crossed paths with Colin Farrell downtown. Being the chicken that I am, I just kept on walking. However, I honestly don't think Colin would have minded if someone approached him at the time. I wouldn't even have noticed him at all if he hadn't been making eye contact with everyone passing him on the street. I think he was trying to see if anyone actually noticed him. His eyes were wide and bug-eyed even. :x
I think it all depends on what the star is doing, body language, does he/she look like they want to be bothered?,..etc.
Going back to the original topic:
I definitely agree with the majority!
I can totally understand a chance encounter since it is fate, but posting his exact hotel online is just plain wrong (not to mention possibly dangerous), imo. You never know what kind of crazy nut may be browsing the website. It's TOP-SECRET information best kept to yourself, for Rob's safety. ;}
some things should definately not be posted, and that's one of the many reasons I love this site. No pap/stalker pictures...We can Robsess all we want , but not throw him to the wolves.
Goz, u r hilarious "Ron?" ....great idea, actually :)
Gozde, can you tell anything, in general, about the stalkerrific picture you received? Was it that one in the elevator?(SO creepy - Don't anyone corner Rob like that or you are really scum.)
Well, I actually DO post pap pictures :) I just reserve judgment on what to post, lol.
Nope not in an elevator, from a far in a bar. It's not that bad. I just didn't think it was good enough to post.
I think the really bad thing here is that your not susposed to give out info about persons staying in hotels or other info about where you are working and that is exactly what that girl was doing last night so that was a major NO NO on her part!!! If they were to find out what she did or what she was still doing..she should kiss her job bye bye!!!
Gozde, can you please post the picture up, then take it down lol i really want to see him =)
LOL Briana! That would totally defeat the purpose no? I am sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned it. You can't see him that well anyways :)
Anon~The DTWS stalker did NOT get on the show...they caught him outside and he is in jail.
it's all about the situation. At a private party, Rob shouldn't have to take photos. On the street, in a casual situation, I'm sure Rob would totally take photos. We've just even seen some recent ones!
Gozde once again your commentary is cracking me up and hey about changing your name and not associating yourself with these websites especially ROBsessed! That hurts! But I understand, too! LOL
I like the monster that is watching, he is so sexy there...those eyes get me every time!
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