Rob had been @ Bella's House all night. Drove in at around 5:30 pm. Filming breakup scene. Just before 5am, the SUV that transports him pulled out.. slowed down and Rob rolled down his window. First thing he said is "What are you all doing here" "Don't you have school tomorrow"?
He was on his iPhone when he first drove up, smiling as he saw fans waiting for him. There was only about 10 girls by the entrance to the set.
Then one fan asked him to sign her copy of NM, Rob said "yeah".. and as he was doing that he stopped and said "oh, I am signing over somebody's name" (Stephenie Meyer's) But then he finished.
He then said thanks to fans for being out there, he was very giggly and shy as usual. As he left I said good luck. He said Thank you!
Gozde: It's not US that went to the set and took the pictures, the story and all belong to RobPattzNews :)
So cute!!!
Thanks :)
he looks soo good :)
I'm always thinking it's so weird that we have constant streams of tours/tourists walking around NASA all day taking pictures... confusing me constantly with someone who got lost from the tour...
I can't even imagine how weird it must be to be him...
Man I am on a commenting spree lately, I lurk on this blog all the time... must be feeling quite chatty these days :)
His face looks freshly scrubbed and sleepy.
Great chance to snag lovely new avatar!
Couldn't resist.
He's so cute and adorable, friendly and shy and courteous, and just SO ROB!!!!!! Love him to death!!!!!
'Don't you have school tomorrow?':)
That was sooo cute.
Aah that's sweet!!!!
Love seeing new pics!
boy... if someone looking like THAT broke up with me, I'd lie down in the forest and die, too...
school over rob??? pfffffffft...
not that im in school so it doesnt matter, just sayin...
he's gorgeous, as usual...
he is adorable :)
LMAO littlebear!
Oh my baby Rob...sweet as usual.Thanx for the new pix, this must be the 4th time today i come on this blog looking for new info and everytime there something new!you're great girls!
So cute!
I would tell him "whenever the weather is nice, I don`t go to school. This is my camping and hiking." :) :)
He looks so good. His skin is magnificent.
Thanks for posting.
Thanks for the pic and your story. That's what I love about Rob's fans, they always share their stories and pics.
I just love him and his personality, so nice, shy, and ROB!!!
Made my day!
Littlebear, you are a gem. Thanks for making me smile and chuckle. I need it today.
Be still my heart. He's such a sweetheart!!!
I just love him.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph...he is ridiculously hot. He's so hot I just took EVERYONE's name in vain and am going straight to hell for my wicked, wicked thoughts.
That is all.
Good GOD he's hot! Robward is definitely his best look, out of many. I love this still without all the makeup, lol!
Anyone else surprised by all the night shoots? I guess the break up was after school, but I wonder if they're trying to shoot at night to keep the fans at bay...
You girls are amazing fans. I am so proud of you for going after what you love. You're going to have amazing stories (and the pics and videos to prove them...lol) to tell your kids someday about meeting your favorite celebrities. Thank you so much for always bringing us the latest on the twilight saga, really appreciate it. Keep up the great work!
LittleBear made me roftl
true, baby, true
are these from this morning or yesterday morning?
WOW.... he looks yummalious!!
Things like this are what make us like him so much!!!
(LMAO Little Bear!!! Leann 2!!!)
He's so warm and genuine. Can he get any hotter?
Little Bear...
I would never recover from that loss...
aaahh he looks so good!!! :0p
He looked so pretty and precious. He looked like he could be going to school himself.I'm glad that he is looking more his age and not some run down older version of himself. He must be getting a lot more beauty sleep because he does look well rested.
god he looks beautiful. how to keep any semblance of intelligence around a man like that?
'mind over matter' as Edward would say :)
Aww he's so awsome to take the time for his fans, b t w, check out the rob pattinson daily site, there's lot's of new pic's of him as a toddler, (i hope he's not to mortified LOL!) (i wld be!!!)
But he is a 'cutie' and we love him
The guy is so sweet looking, and looks like he is so nice.
The pics are great. Thanks to whoever shared them.
It's so strange that people ask him to sign books someone else wrote. Doesn't make sense.
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