Lainey says:
Robert Pattinson slipped away from Vancouver this weekend for a quick break to LA. Returned back on Sunday night to continue working on New Moon. A few bedroom dream sequences are happening early this week. Then an interesting shoot later on. More details in the coming days.
(Gozde: And then she inserts her speculations here which are sourced by her tushy
Back to Rob - soon as he arrived back in Vancouver, he hooked up with Ashley Greene and Rachelle Lefevre at a pub for a few drinks to unwind. (Gozde: the pictures in the below post are from the pub with Ashley)
Poor Robbie looks tired :(
Does Brooke even know she is standing next to the most beautiful man in the world! I am so jealous!
oh poor rob .. i forgot he had work .. guess i shouldnt tire him out so much ;) haha
Are you ready Anons?
Let the Ashley, Rachelle, Rob three-some speculation begin!!!
Tina - no, no, you don't get it. He is with Brooke. It's so obvious, can't you see how he's ignoring her in the pics? It MUST mean they're together.
Thanks for posting these!
LMAO Tina, that's prolly true!
if I HAD to choose who to believe Ted or her,I'd choose her. she at least provides evidence to back up her arguments(not always though)and has been right on quite a few occasions. for all I know,she might just be spewing bullshit too,but it's quite possible Rob and Nikki are at least screwing each other. good for them I say.
Brooke Sheilds is totally oblivious. She has no idea what is going on...LOL
Anyhooo...yeah, so back to Rob...uh, he looks amazing as per usual...and I love the Robward hair...
I wouldn't be surprised about Rob and Nikki at all, but I don't know why it's such a hot topic. Who cares who he's screwing, really? It just amazes me the amount of time that's put into speculating from snapshots.
well, for once, I believe Lainey may actually be r-r-r-r-right(omg did I really say that word?)Unless she waited to post this until AFTER the blog with the Sunday night fan pics posted! Anyways, Rob does look exhausted! Poor baby, he needs some rest and TLC, any volunteers? Yeah,that was a stupid question!!!
The Robward hair is the best hair ... and it always looks darker,less red (IMO) when he's off set just being himself. I wish he'd wear his hair like that ALWAYS, lol!
Geez, spell much?
wonder if brooke got his autograph? lol
hope he had a little down time to chill with friends. he always looks amazing in my eyes. period.
Mmm hello scrummy pants.
omgosh! am I the only one who sees the hand porn in every pic?
Yeah, as someone on L&L said, passport hand porn, lmao!
His hands ... mmm ... don't get me started!
So Nikki is in LA and Rob goes to LA (where his management is...not that he has any reason to be there like taking meetings for future projects, etc.)so....what? And Nikki wasn't seen during the weekend? The R/N just keeps getting more and more plausible doesn't it? If geographic location is what we are relying on, Rob and Nikki must have been busy screwing everyone in Cali this weekend. Leave them all be. Why people are so fixated on matching Rob to someone is beyond me.
Beyond that....nice to see he got away. Hope he gets back to London soon to see his fam, friends and dog.
KK, you go girl!!
ICA KK:) And it's nice that he got away, and I hope he some downtime in his schedule before Remember Me to get back to London... I have no idea what his NM shooting schedule is, but you would think he would have some time in there. Who knows tho!
kk :) you are my hero... lmao @ busy screwing everyone in cali!
SIGH ... if he's doing that, why can't I be in California?
I disabled the anonymous comments. Have a really bad migraine today. Can't handle it :(
I want Rob back in London so badly! That's where he's happiest, for one thing. But also... sooo close... (although I'm praying I never actually bump into him. I would either pass out or make a fool of myself. Possibly both.)
Quick travel to LA! Interesting!
My speculation goes to the way that I could had been busyness related: closing dials for next movie or giving some interviews to promote Little Ashes, but who knows.. it is good to see pics of him anyway. Funny to see Brooke taking the same airplane, she must be all happy thinking the cameras are there o catch pics of her hahaha
Thanks for bringing the pics here Gozde, I really hate to get into that other gossip site to get to see them.
Sorry to hear about your migraine Gozde! Feel better soon!
sorry goz... hope you get to feeling better. thanks for everything you do!
sucks that had to happen... stupid anons ruining it for others.
Firts of.. u guys are sooo funny!!
The pics are great.. as great as pap pics can be. :P
he is not screwing brooke shields. he could be screwing nikki, maybie it was nikkis hand in the grocery store
royal: you're not serious, right?
FINALLY!! Thank you, Goz! :-)
Hope your headache goes away soon. :P
royal: I was being sarcastic. As I'm sure (?) you know.
LB - When imagine meeting Rob I am real cool about it. "Hey, how are you?"
I'm reality, probably react like Fem-bot in Austin Powers.
Thank Goz for that!
Hope you feel better soon babes {{HUGS}}
No speculation here, I simply adore him from afar. He is sooo beautiful! I just keep repeating myself~just so beautiful!
Gozde~hope u feel better soon!
Goz - Good move. You don't need any extra crap today with your headache. You've dealt with enough anon crap for the last couple of weeks. People can still say what they want to say today - they will just have to identify themselves...If you stand behind it, people, reveal yourselves!
God...I sound a little dramatic today...wait...I'm always dramatic. Damn. Well as long as I'm going to hell...Leave Rob alone! Free him from the speculation! Born free...as free as the wind blows...as free as the...don't worry folks, I'm just going to sit here and be very quiet now...:)
I'm in Cali and Rob is not screwing me (only DH is). :(((((
P.S. Saw Brooke a few years ago when she was doing a play on Broadway. Love her!
Hmm...I wonder if
Brooke = RobCat???
He has his paparazzi/game face on...he always looks so much different in fan pics, so chill!
I'm loving the HAIR!!!
Honestly, it does have to do with location sometimes. We have seen photo after photo and videos of the clingy mess that has been going on for over a year now. Yes guys and girls can be friends, but they also can be more at times and we know this. RP has never brought up or denied anything about her(fame whore)during all this gossip. He finally has denied and rightly so being with Kristen. I just saw the pics and Kristen is still with her boyfriend and was extremely happy to see him. I just hope that his choice to keep playing with fire doesn't get him burned. It only takes one drunken night to slip up without a condom and she has her claws in him for the next 18 years. I'm not in denial anymore and it's my personal choice to wake the hell up...others don't want to believe it and that's their personal choice...
The logic behind my "awaken state" as of NOW is that he's a man and when you have a girl that is putting her shit in his face 24/7 how can he not resist.Plus he said it himself that he's been lonely at times. He thinks(????) he can trust her, she's pretty,they have a number of things in common, and she's available...Why the hell not. No hurt...no harm...right???
KK-Applause,Applause.You summed up nicely.
I bet those hands are good at so much more than porn, to bad I have to settle for that.
Feel better Goz! Have a great anon-free day!
Goz- Feel better soon and I put my thoughts out before I saw you had a headache...sorry.
He probably went to LA to do something related to Memoirs/Remember me!
I'm really hoping that righ now Ted C. is digging a hole to hide his head in it!!!!
I˙m just happy to see him out and about. And hopefully, he will get some rest soon. *sighs*
KK~I missed the memo on RP screwing everyone in Cali. I want in on that action...lolz
Feel better soon Goz!
if Brooke Shields is like Demi Moore, you never know! XD
Shani - You know I respect your point of view because it is always balanced. Your points in your post are well-taken. At least you stand behind what you believe and always do. I don't know if Rob and Nikki are together and don't really care, but all I was trying to say is that I'm not going to base it on the fact they were both in the same city. Rob has a million reasons to be in LA. Maybe Nikki is one of them. Regardless, keep speaking your truth! We don't always have to agree on this blog, but we should always feel comfortable expressing what we think. :)
Look at that Jaw! Look at those fingers! uhhhhhhhh. sorry if I interrupted. what were we sayin???(dazed)
Shani Shani bo bani
banana fana fo fana
what are we gonna do with you bb???
Hey, Robgirls!
Crazy~"you were gone"
Have I talked about how beautiful he is!
KK- You know I love you and it's not really what you said. I'm just REALLY thinking back over all the pics and video and I smell a rat. We know some things about Nikki that is not good or well don't look good. We see her all up under Rob. And it just screams that they are fucking. He already said he doesn't want a relationship in this environment so why not still have his cake...
Everybody has called her out as a famewhore for past friendships to the leads in her movies,she puts herself out there to talk to the paps, she's photographed at places and that time with Rob.And she had a relationship with Ryan P. while he was still married to Reese. The girl is just overall shady. I'm just afraid that Rob got sucked into something that he can't get out of. I don't want to see he's whole world shatter around him behind fooling around with that heifer. So that's my reasons for caring...
LOL. Brooke probably thinks she is the one being photographed, whilst it is actually Robert.
I love when u ladies use twilight quotes in casual convo...
Crazy- I'm good... that situation was just worrying me. I had to speak my piece and get it off my chest. Trust if I knew him personally I would be saying the same thing and more to him. So since I don't know him I can only speak my truth here. Okay I'm over it now back to my sexy HOT BITCH RP...
Sorry about the deleted posts - I totally misread the crap about you-know-who and then I accidentally posted my ignorant comment twice.
Anywho... Brooke looks good for her age, don't she?
Rob was in LA doing some press for the Spanish release of Little Ashes. Jeez, I'm surprised people still believe lainey at all, she also said he hooked up with paris hilton. she talks out of her ass.
"...must have been busy screwing everyone in Cali this weekend."
I'm in cali, does that mean I'm next ;)
Oh, my, is he with Brooke now? She is very pretty... and he likes older women...
Ah, ok, she was just in the same flight... Uff!
Good morning all. All I can say is...if he ain't gettin' or givin' any, what a damn waste!
why is he suddenly carrying two bags?? was that the old lady's in the first set of pictures?
Poor Rob, he does not have to be sooooo nice all the time. People can take advantage of him. He is a superstar for heaven's sake!!!
he's such a hot 14 year old!
KK I read your earlier comment and was picturing you under a sheet with a flashlight on your face telling the world to "LEAVE ROB ALONE".. Cracks me up thinking about it.
Shani.. should we listen to gossip?? even if it is about someone other then Rob. (Nikki)
You know fellow fans.. if Rob likes this girl it is none of our business. We should give him credit,for being smart enough, NOT to be taken in by anyone who is not genuine.
He is old enough to make decisions based on liking/loving/lust, and if it fails, to own his mistakes and learn from them.
If it succeeds then good for him.
How sad for him if he has to sneak around because Summit and his management tell him that his fans will not accept him in a relationship. That he will lose fans if they think he is no longer available. Do you think this is possible?
I know most of you really agree with what I am saying but there does seem to be this element of ownership involved by some fans.
Sorry everyone I never seem to be able to just write a few words when I post. (getting off my soapbox now)
I personally think that Rob wouldn't give a rat's ass what anyone told him to do, or not to do.
He wouldn't do the "media training" and when they tried to make him wear the Invisilign (bullshit) braces, he refused...
This guy is ginna do what he wants, when he wants and if someone doesn't like it, tough shit. He has also said that if he never acted again, he wouldn't care.
*gonna (oops)
Exactly, Yvonne, and that is one of major reasons why I, for one, luv him so damn much. There`s no BS about him and I hope he will stay true to himself throughout his career. His hotness is a cherry on top. ;D
Yvonne we're in Rob at LAX
Pretty sure Rob screwed the elderly escalator lady (codeword: EEL), the lady with the pink shirt below him on the escalator, the security guard at the top of the escalator and the escalator itself. All while making his way out of the airport and having his picture taken.
And I heard he's since moved in with the EEL (b/c he likes cougars), she's having his half-human, half-vampire Lochness monster which they will name Clareelabeth (after his mom and the EEL's mom). Don't blame me - that's just what I heard.
BTW - Love Rob's jeans/genes.
Brooke's supposed to nice isn't she? She did tell Tom cruise to get stuffed so I like her.
Anyway, attractive woman, but she was heartbreakingly beautiful as a teen, perhaps she has been employed to help Rob deal with the gobsmacked fainting stuff around him - how to deal with dazzling beauty guide!?!?
And look how now they can only allow older women anywhere near him, the kind that can't run too fast or hold on to tight if he needs to bolt.
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