Are you an actor? Would you like to be a part of Rob's new movie "Remember me?" Well here is your chance!
From acting411.blogspot.com:
Summit Entertainment Robert Pattinson film "Remember Me" Casting
April 29, 2009
Summit Entertainment, the production company behind The Twilight Saga films, is currently in pre-production for a new project titled Remember Me, and Robert Pattinson will be starring in the film. Remember Me is shooting this summer in New York while the actor is between Twilight sequels New Moon, which wraps at the end of May, and Eclipse, which starts in August.
A female lead is in the process of being cast, while Rachel Getting Married writer Jenny Lumet and Will Fetters have finished the latest draft of the screenplay. Summit co-chairman and CEO Patrick Wachsberger described the film as this generation’s Love Story.
*** Please submit photos and resumes by mail only. No phone calls or personal drop-offs ***
See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for acting roles.
Principal Actor Casting:
Remember Me
Joanna Colbert
Colbert / Mento Casting
9720 Wilshire Blvd.
4th Floor Beverly Hills CA 90212
Extras Casting:
Production Companies:
Do NOT send photos and resumes to the production companies (they will most likely end up in the trash can), they do not cast the films. They hire casting directors who sort through the thousands of submissions.
Summit Entertainment
1630 Stewart St.
Ste. 120
Santa Monica, CA 90404
in association with
Underground Films
447 S. Highland Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90036
Erik Feig, Meredith Milton, Nick Osborne, Trevor Engelson
Allen Coulter
Adapted Screenplay:
Jenny Lumet
Filming Locations:
Robert Pattinson
Remember Me is the story of two lovers whose new found relationship is threatened as they struggle to deal with family tragedies.
Morning Gozde! Another anon free day, free of headaches.
God I hope they choose the right leading lady. She'll be one lucky chick. So excited to know he'll be here in NYC filming a love story that is NOT Twilight related. Hopefully we'll get some steamy ADULT scenes with a woman this time. YAY. wonder what accent he'll use.
I can't wait to see who they pick for this role. I would almost like to see a fresh face. I can't think of anyone who can play 19 that I would like to see in this part. I am sure that EVERY actress under 30 will be trying to get this part!
If only I could act...
I wish I was his leading lady! :)
And my physician, who may have to prescribe a truckload of Xanax to allow me to actually function during the audition.
**stares at Rob like a deer caught in the headlights, mouth gaping open, drool running down face, muttering something about 'jaw porn'**
Hollywood here I come. :)
VOL, you totally just made me spit my coffee out of my mouth, you are hilarious :)
I hope whomever is cast is not some diva and is someone knows how to laugh when the camera stops rolling.
Just wait until they start shooting that movie, all the rumors will start that he is dating his co-star.
Why have a read an article already that says his leading lady was already chosen? The girl from Mama Mia? Maybe I was up way too late and was delirious. I dunno.
amanda seyfried? i do like her but i think she's already in a film project at the moment.
i'm sure they're going down the indie list.
Kathie...:) It would be funny if I were kidding. Would make it kind of hard for Rob to get into character with me cemented to his body in every scene. Like literally WRAPPED around his body. In every scene.
If we were co-stars, I'd literally go out in public with a paper bag over my head to avert ANY publicity. That would work, right?
I expect we'll Remember this movie for a long time.
Divine~ wonder what accent he'll use LOL
Veils~ if you're hoping for a makeout on the bed type of audition, better keep the drooling at bay! LOL
I hope you're feeling all better, by the way. I can't imagine the horror of having migraines.
Was just reading that it's believed most migraines are caused in part by a magnesium deficiency, and many are helped by supplementation. (You probably already know this, though, sorry, it's the nutritionist in me) :)
Glad you're better!
Oh Veils! i'd like to say something about your being his leading lady and being a nutritionist, but gutter girl will refrain. ;)
crazy - as long as there is tongue involved, than I may only have to resort to a dirty martini to take the edge off.
A very dirty martini. hee hee.
Thanks a lot, Crazy! I was just about to get my day started and now you mentioned ideas of me making out with Rob!!!! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!
"rob as your nutritionist it's important you turn your head and cough."
ooooo this will be interesting to see who they cast, can't wait for this film. No young actress I can think of to fit this, maybe an unknown
And I just saw Boat That Rocked, great fun, great music. Tom is adorable; another hot young Brit guy also in the movie. Bill Nighy is wonderful as usual.
We had a great night, got my Twilight dvd, and a book about Rob and laughed all night whilst we shopped.
Crazy...You are SO bad :)
Well, Rob WILL need someone there to check his vitals...and other routine exams, of course.
Just doin' my job ladies.
kchambers...My sentiments EXACTLY. ;)
Veils~ sorry, but "misery" loves company!
LOL @ k~
Emmes~ gonna miss you, but your Robsession is sure to be in high gear by the time you return and that'll be "interesting" hee hee.
"Veils, we've been rehearsing this kissing scene for over an hour now, Luv."
"I know honey, just please shut up and open your mouth, I take my method work very seriously."
Gozde - this is all your fault for posting info that mentions Rob and an audition. ;)
Veils~ LMAO
maybe he'll say, "no, you open____________"
this is too early for this!!!!
Craze...I´ll probably self combust or loose my will power to dedicate all my time to hubby and son and run like a mad woman with the ipod to the first wi-fi spot.
If I don´t. Goz is gonna kick me out cause I´ll be back on cussing like a trucker and talking like a hooker.
(I´m sort of betting on the wi-fi , so see you soon!)
should i delete that?
Emmes~ ROTFL!!!!
come back soon!!!!
C - Never delete yourself
Morning all
Emmes - Have fun.
Tina~ hi! easy for you to say. You haven't "self-combusted" on the blog yet.
well, maybe some close to it.....
come. duh
C - But I've had fun watching you self-combust.
hee hee
Gozde, ugh, this may be my favorite post of yours yet...the fantasy of an audition, wow.
Ok, pulling myself away from this laptop now, I actually have a rehearsal with a scene partner later today and he's not exactly Rob material. Ugh. SO uninspiring.
Crazy, just saw your last post and you are truly an evil woman :) Trying to drag us down into your tortured longing...and it's working. I will now purge all Rob fantasies from my memory banks for the next 8 hours. I think i can, I think I can...
See you Catwomen back here - same Rob time, same Rob channel.
Tina~ Happy I entertain you.;) You egg me on big time!
talk about evil.......
Veils! LOL "tortured longing" - best description yet.
see ya later!!
There is swine flu in vancouver. wonder if edward will be wearing a mask in the movie.
Goz is the Grand Puba.
want me to delete that? i know it's early.
Mad Libs has always been my favorite game though........
Tina~ that would be a travesty of the highest magnitude!!
(cries at the prospect....)
Goz is the Queen of all Robdom
Have you been studying your dictionary?
Goz is the top dog (or head cheese?. IDK.)
head cheese? isn't that made from cow brains and tongue? eeuuw!
what am i saying here?
Eeeuw - much to early for that.
I can handle sex better than gross food
don't be bombastic ;).
uhh, yes
Hey, I get my BMH and Haunted Airman DVDs yesterday. Now I just have to figure out how to get the Region Code off them.
now you had to go and say those 2 words in the same sentence!
i've got to check out soon before i officially check out... ;)
did you get the software??
Not yet. I'l try this weekend. It's a 21 day trial and I still don't know if I'm going to wait till HTB gets released here
All this Rob madness is confusing
I want to see HTB more, in the worst way.
yeah, you did have me confused there. i thought it was me!
I think HTB will be released here after IFC thingy is finished. Maybe can watch it online now and then get Region 1 DVD later.
I'm sure someone will post it.
I'm reading Frenemies. It's not too dirty.
WTF is wrong with people.
It's tame AND it's only 9:30 am.
Maybe I need help. :/
i sure hope so. I watched the entirety of BMH on you tube.
should we check out and get non-Rob stuff done?
Rob will still be with us in spirit though.
jeez - that sounded like he was "gone", but you know what i mean...
Sure, see you later
That sounded like i was also kicking you off!
have a great day. i'm sure i'll see ya later~
Tina~you still here?
Morning Tina, C, Divine and fellow Robsessors!
Tina~I got Haunted Airman yesterday too. I gotta figure out the thingy we have to do to the blue ray or DVD players. Yeah, "thingy" is as specific I can get for what we hafta to do. I may be in trouble, but I wanted to watch the movie badly. Lemme know if you figure it out...
Morning Ladies!
Ahh.... I wake up in the morning and the first thing I do is go on this site and I find is audition to be Rob's leading lady.
"Where do I begin?"
Hmm.. hopefully the story won't make a copycat version of the original "Love Story". I hope Rob will like the script since he said that he'll only sign onto something if the script is good. Then again, Rob the Rebel can always spruce it up.
LMAO! :)) You guys are so funny :P
Damn it, why couldn't God give me the talent to be an actress????
But I'm sure they will pick someone really good and maybe not a newcomer in the end. The connection and chemistry will have to be there. I know it probably will be some really steamy sex scenes now that RP knows now we want that from him. Who ever the lucky girl is "you better hold on tight spider monkey". Because it's about to be a bumpy ride. She may end up falling for our RP and I hope so. I hope he can end up with a happy ending this time. Because right now he's in this bubble and the only women he gets to be around constantly are his co-stars. Dev Patel and Frida Pinto from Slum Dog got there's. Overall I just wish the best for him in every aspect of his life.
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