Wow! Yesterday I missed the news of Lainey claiming Rob was with Nikki and today Ted C. claims Nikki Reed is pregnant with Rob's baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!
He says Rob's publicists are in a craze over the news and are trying to spread the news slowly by first introducing them as a loving couple.
Jaw...meet the floor....
You can read it here and believe me you want to hear the details! Just WOW!
Ha ha.. :D Reading all these 1st Aprils news about Rob, I thought to myself what kind of news would I spred.? Bingo! Nikki is pregrant!! :D
I'm just LOL :D
you're great! ;)
Danni, will die when she sees this.
Calm down, Danni, click in the story. She was just kidding.
Bom dia, Danni. São pouco mais de 7 horas, eu acordo sempre cedo, um "mal" hábito que tenho. Mas nem me lembrei que hoje é primeiro de abril... Tb quase morri de susto. E pensei: "que mulher de sorte" e "que azar ele deu". Foi só um susto.
Nikki Reed is the most annoying among the twilight cast. I don't know why rob hangs out with her....or could be dating her...... She should be recast!!!
it might actually be good that the "nude picture" showed up yesterday... it will disappear inbetween all those april's fool stuff maybe? At least we know not to trust anything said today.
Hi hi hi, this one is the best! I was expecting a joke and wondering when you're gonna post one.
This one made me laugh the most of all of them on twi sites. There's one when they said he was sacked from filming bla bla..but this is brilliant! xD
Sophia babe, I deleted your first because it was giving the "news" away very quickly :))
LOL!!! I'm trying hard to be angry at the mean joke (seriously Gozde, you almost killed me) ... but it's just too funny :))
Anna, good morning.
Rob would be "doing a lot" if he got THAT Nikki pregnant. You know, vampires can´t get pregnant.
Girls, this thread will get as much "attention" today as the one I saw below with Dali´s tucked stuff...
Hum, ok, sorry Gozde!
Btw, it's amazing how Rob is popping up in the April Fool's news - I've already read about him being sacked from New Moon and replaced by Michael Jackson, quitting acting to focus on music, and replacing Tobey Maguire for Spiderman 4. Rob is a busy boy today!!
is it true?..or its just that today its april fools day...
i hope its not..im not ready yet to know that he will become a father...
hehehe...but i do hope its not true..and i believe its not true...
Well, between quitting new moon, announcing that he was interrupting his carrier in 2010, secretely sleeping with Kristen and Nikki, and having impregnanted the Nikki now (though at least, it's from a very reliable source this time LOL), yes he seems busy.
As I was saying in the post I removed (after reading the other comments, I realised that it was not really a link to gossip, so I can click on it then), the journalists really seem to think a guy shooting a movie has a lot of spare time!
Next comes his homosexual relationship with Kellan? Or better Peter who will divorce from his wife maybe?
I hate April Fool's! I AM that gullible.
xD I burst out laughing even before I clicked the link. And then I burst out again at the picture.
I've been in a horrible mood and crying most the night. Thanks for giving me something to smile and laugh about. <3
My first thought was 'That would be one HOT baby!'
Ya fooled me Gozde. I will admit I had a pang of jealousy for the babymaking funtime they would have had.. :-/
Awh Cadiwyn - Hope you're okay :( Go back to the mangina post, that'll lift your spirits! ;) *hugs*
fuck me! that freaked me out for a moment. my heart just dropped to the floor.
Lucky, i read on otherwise i would have walked off thinking...nooo, just please no LOL...
and this was after some site said Rob was dropping out of New Moon. Whats with all the April Fools being about Rob!! all us gullible women eh .ahahahaha
Gozdess you are my life now!
Ok Goz, April fools! You got me. I almost crapped my pants. thanks.
Here's a pic to make us feel better:
Wow, nice one, Divinesally!!! Good to see a proper shot of Rob au naturel, after yesterday's disturbingly hot picture...
Just confirming that Rob can definitely rock the shirtless look, and make me drool all over the floor in the process. Not that there ever was any doubt.
ps: so, when exactly did Rob grow chest hair??
i agree with hanna one hot baby, and luck nikki,damn even without the the baby,i think she is getting her rob candy on the sly,if they are good for them both.
Danni is really going to have a brain aneurysm when she comes to the blog :))
Hi Gozde :))))) this has actually been the only April Fool Day's special I that made me forget about the current date and had to sit down my brain humming
now, on the second thoughts ... let's wait what well see ... it might be half true - I mean the cause = true, the effect = whatever
Gozde you're a nasty little Robsessor and you put our mental health or ever lives at risk :*
Well at least we know now that Rob can indeed deliver! I heard that Nikki will be delivering their love child at the "New Moon" premier. It'll be GREAT! I think I'm going to go knit some booties now.
*even ... can't even write properly (shaking)
Gozde, LMFAO! I came here to catch up on "my man" while drinking my morning coffee and I almost spilled the entire mug on my keyboard. :X I had a lump in the back of my throat and everything!
You definitely had me fooled. Good ONE! ;}
Good one, Gozde!
i think the date of this post should explain pretty much everything.
i think rob will be devastated when he reads that if he hadn't have died this morning in a plane crash, he would be becoming a daddy. unlucky i suppose.
I'm still shaking!!!!!!!
And i almost had a OCD!!!
And i'm so glad that is not true!!!!
Danni, breath, breath!!!
Oi Sophia, como vc tá?
Quase tive um troço agora!!
Estudou bastante ontem?
Rob; "WHAT?!"
That. Was. Not. Funny.
OK, yeah, it was really funny.
But still.
Must go find a brown paper bag to breathe into now.
LOL!!! nice one! I was thinking: ahh pregnant at 22! what a waste of time and life!
oi Sofia tudo bem?
Vc é brasileira tbm?
Aw, I'm so disappointed...they would have had a beautiful baby!!! lol
Beautiful baby or not, Rob don't even like kids!!!
WOW, that sooo got me! Great April Fool's...Thank God that's all this was!!
You have got to be freaken kidding me?!?
Who in the world is going to believe this crap????
wow anon, who pissed in your pancake batter this morning?
^it's April fools joke,chillax
Morning, Suz and Divine!
That's a good one. With all the April's fool Rob items, it's obvious who is popular and attracts hits on websites.
I still think that Rob and Nikki are friends with benefits.
Rob, Nikki, Kris and Mike have group sex! duh.
morning Ellie and ladies!
I freaked and googled the crap out of the story!! Thank goodness for April 1st... please dont jinx us into making this real!
that was wrong. just simply wrong. haha
omg! i love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You realize that some people are actually going to believe that and spread it around...? LOL I can't wait... I can't wait... LOL I love April Fools!!
HEY, Wanda??? Seja bem vinda! Another girl from Brasil? We are starting a "Brazilian League" around here. That is gooooood!!!
Danni, we better watch out on your portuguese comments from now on... No more (too much) dirty talk in portuguese, ok? What is OCD anyway? Are you feeling better now? I saw in Lainey that they are "supposedly" sleeping together. But I still don´t believe in this, until I see them together "hand in hand" in a vid... I really hope he has better taste than THAT. I kind of hurts my Robsession...
Sim, Danni, tenho estudado muito, pois passei tempo demais nesse blog e agora tenho que correr atrás do atraso. Estou tentando Robsessar apenas pela manhã...
By anonymous .."I heard that Nikki will be delivering their love child at the "New Moon" premier. It'll be GREAT! I think I'm going to go knit some booties now."... I can complete the news by telling you that the delivering will be live on the red carpet premior of "New Moon" Wuuuhuuu...
Hahahaaaaa... all of this "pregnant news" made me laugh a lot, thanks!!.. it is was needed.
Morning Ladies....Ellie, Suz...
everyone else!!
I can't believe I sorta fell for this! I am an idiot.
Gives me an idea though. Think I'm going to tell the dh I'm pregnant with Rob's baby.
Hello Ladies!
Suz~ LOL!
I can't believe I sorta fell for this! I am an idiot.
Gives me an idea though. Think I'm going to tell the dh I'm pregnant with Rob's baby.
Hello Ladies!
Suz~ LOL!
sorry - not enough coffee yet.
Ooooo, that was so wrong...I love it! I can't believe I fell for it. I think my heart actually stopped beating for a second.
I heard she is carrying twins XD
I'm not brazilian , I wish! I'm italian..but I lived there for a while
You gave me an almost heart attack... Good One goz.. Bwahahahaha
GAH! I wonder if she will name it Rennesme?? Ya think?
LMAO!! You're a dirty girl, Goz!!
But I love you for it!
Happy April Fools Day!!
I love the gif of Rob laughing...wonderful! :-)
Too funny! You had me there. I've been awake now for a little bit over an hour and have been "April Fooled" twice, both involving news about Robert Pattinson.
OH MY GOD. I remembered this morning that it was April Fools Day and you still got me.
I honestly was just about to go into a DEEP depression. HOLY CRAP I just about had a heart attack.
Plus, I seriously thought I was possibly clairvoyant, as I was just coming off my morning fantasy of finding out I was pregnant with Rob's baby and envisioning our lovely vacations together, the three of us. (And I don't even want kids) :)
That boy better better keep his raincoat on damn it, we don't need a little Robbie/Roberta walking around, unless it's one of ours of course. ;)
Have a lovely Wednesday all you April fools.
OCD é a mesma coisa que AVC!!!
Eu fiquei bem chateada com aquilo Nikki, pq eu queria q ele achasse uma garota bem legal que não fosse famosa nem interesseira, mas se for verdade vou ter q aguentar,neh
LOL I seriously fell for that. It took five minutes for my heart to properly restart! I hadn't even eaten breakfast yet and already got fooled. But then again I am seriously one of the most gullible people ever.
**breathes into bag** I.cannot.believe **breathes into bag** I.fell.for.that. **more bag breathing**
good morning everyone.
Gozde: i almost fell from my chair. ahaha Later i start laughing non stop. I forgot about april's fool.
Danni,obrigada pela dica de ontem no outro post. Valeu.
Oi Sophia e Wanda. Tudo bem com vcs?
Hi Crazy, how are you doing later this news??? ahaha
abrçs Nanah
I still feel like crying...I was not prepared for that one so early..
Sooooo glad it was a joke....it was my first today....totally caught off guard!
Good Morning from Texas everyone!
I forgot today was April Fools Day.
I was like OH HELL NOOOOOO! I was about to be sick,ughh. Goz you are so wrong for this but you got us.LOL
Oh dear God, please never let that happen for real....
Gozde, you are good!
I ALMOST believed the tiniest bit of your story, though I believe NOTHING any more these days....
I think the "his representations-thing" caught me...
Thank god it´s not true!!!!
Faith- Good Morning fellow Texan!
Shani - nice to know I am not the only one from Texas here! We recently moved to the Austin area...and I love it!
Gozde: That gif of him laughing just makes me want to jump him even more! LOL
eugh :S
Just saw all the US tabloid covers, not a thing about Rob and Nikki, whew, think we are in the clear ladies :)
However, Life and Style has a nice little article on Rob's jealousy and Kristens late nights with Taylor, oh my!
Hi, girls! Good day, everyone!
Let me see... Wanda, you are italian, but lived in Brasil. Where? I am from Rio de Janeiro, but I live in "interior de São Paulo" (don't know how to say that in english). And Nanah? Are you from Brasil?
Jeezz, Danni, AVC is serious stuff. Poor thing... OK, I still don't get that "friend with benefit" thing, and I don't like Nikki too, but I don't hate her. I would rather see Rob WITH ME, of course, FOR SURE, or with a nice british musician...
E eu sou uma gaúcha vivendo no Rio Grande do Sul!!!
Super interessante!!
Eu não odeio odeio a Nikki, só não acho ela boa pessoa.
and the gif is WONDERFUL
This is hilarious...my mouth dropped too. i just fooled my daughter on the phone while reading this and i never would have thought that you would have done this, too GOOD!!!!!!!
and it went right along with the gossip from yesterday of them hanging out together, YOU GOT ME!!
I think the simple fact that not one mag picked up Laineys story proves without a doubt shes full of it. Though I did have a heart attack this morning when I came here :)
In case anyone is wondering, mags go to print monday night/tuesday morning. Laineys story is said to have had happened on Sunday, plenty of time to publish
Hey, Crazy, got enough coffee already?
You know, bartenders can be hot! All the "stuff" they do with bottles and all. And, also, you can get drinks for free...
Danni, I know you are a "gaúcha", you told me, and also you say "guri" and "guria" sometimes... It is funny.
so gotta be an April fool
that was cruel.
Good one, Goz. I fell hook,line an sinker. Lol at some of the comments. Girls, Rob is a normal warm blooded 22 year old man, you can't expect him to be celibate. I'd rather he get some loving from someone he knows than someone he meets at a bar. Not saying he and Nikki are hooking up, but I seriously doubt he has not had sex since his last gf, which was over a year and 1/2 ago. It's a good stress reliever for him! Now if he did get a girl pregnant, I can only imagine his panic attack at hearing that news! Yikes.
aHHHH, um I don't even know what to say about this. just WOW. I'm pretty sure its just an April fools joke. and you can't believe everything you read!
I agree Tess, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with being celibate because I applaud people who can stay that way.but hes young and a man..and i'm guessing he has needs lol. and omg his paranoia will be so much worse if he got her pregnant!
All the Twilight sites are posting April Fool's stories too...they are all about Rob. They are too unbelievable!!! This is the best.
Veils~ LOL! re: better keep his raincoat on.
Anon~ I felt a little sick to my stomach, actually. The "news" killed my buzz temporarily, but I stared at naked Rob again and now I feel better!
Hey Soph~ the caffeine is running through the body now. I'm good to go. So you like my Translation from the other day?
bartender + free drinks = one satisfied Sophia (at least temporarily!)
Actually, its not Nikki, its me.. and I'm pregnant with his twins. I'm about 4 months along and we have decided to name our children Buckley Thomas Carlise Patrick and Renesemee Claire Vanessa Morrison. We are elated and happy to share the news..
Gallifrey~ congrats! Can I be your nanny, this way I can have sex with Rob while you are out of the house? Just let me know....
Lol ^
You know, before I saw this April Fools post, I had thought about the possibility of Nikki and Rob and pregnancy....talk about complications!
lmao @ crazy.. um NO! We are going to let Kellan baby sit...I have to already keep Nikki out his bed..lol
that was good!! you had me going there for a second.. brilliant, i tell yah brilliant.. happy april fools day to all of you guys..
You know I fucking LOVE you.
I fell for it...
I was like...
I forgot about April Fools Day...
Oh man.
I still can't catch my breath.
Gall~ LOL!
We can work with this...You and Kellan, me and Rob. Nikki can watch the nuisance babies!
Crazy- I didn't think about being the nanny, briliant.Hee Hee!!!
That reminds me of the whole Jude Law scandal. And didn't Nikki go out with Jude Law at some time after that mess?
merry fool day
Whew! Y'all had me going until I realized what today is.
Another fan from Austin says hi!
PS: I have contacted Alamo Drafthouse/Village to show Little Ashes. If anyone else could do the same, maybe that would help--I really need to put that photo into context!
Thanks! S
Tess- We all know he's having sex. We just don't want him having it with Nikki. Because a lot of us feel that he can do better and he has done better. Knowing a little bit about his past now. We just want the best for him. It's the "mother hen" in all of us wanting to protect him.
Heart stopped momentarily...
...but girls, t's just a matter of time before he gets SOMEONE pregnant. This cute April Fool's joke helps to take the inevitable sting out of it.
This is the best joke ever, love it.
this didnt upset me as much as dane cook's twitter about starring in the next twilight.
Goz- Damn woman you got me sooo good. Seriously, best April Fool's prank ever!!!
Oh my god, I was shaking, my hands and feet are dripping sweat, my eyes are welled up with tears...
I saw Rob's career going right down the tubes...
I keep a photo of the white tee shirt (GQ outtake shot) shot--Rob's eyes looking straight at me--right next to the computer after DH goes to his lab, and after reading that devastating news, I looked back at him and screamed, "HOW COULD YOU!?!?!"
I'm depressed!
Good one Gozde!
And fans thinks that it's a JOKE! Ha-ha-ha
GOZ, you made it look so real!
You bad, bad girl, GOZ! I don't loathe Nikki, but I don't like her either...
I'm starting to come back around...maybe I'll be able to laugh about it...in a few hours...maybe...
(and Sheilashoe...someone said he died in a plane crash...sick and NOT funny!)
OMG you really got me!!!!! I was live on my radio show and almost choked to death on the mike :))))))))) My mind wasn't ready to picture little charming Roblets quite yet...
ROFL, as if you would ever miss some news, Goz ;-)
Seriously, I will start believing in this kind of things, when they write that TomStu is pregnant and is going to merry Rob ;-)
Btw, if this will somehow get to some tv news etc. I will die laughing ;-)
that is a very cruel joke to play on someone who isn't quite awake yet. although i woke up immediately. good one, you got me thats for sure.
Hi SOPHIA. I'm from rio de janeiro too, but i live in a small city called Barra Mansa near Volta Redonda. And I'm really happy to have brazilians friends here 'cause you guys can help me a little with the conversation. ahaha sometimes i'm confused here, can't understand the whole thing. My English is very poor, but i love chatting in this blog. People here are very nice, inteligent, funny and all of you love Rpattz.
"Roblets"? THAT is funny!
Thanks, Gozde, for the Japan pics. I needed a new adorkable pic of Rob for an avatar change. You all can have your beautiful pics. I prefer him dorkalicious! ;)
Well, I can't say that I really have anything against Nikky (like taylor actually), but there is this something that I can't define... those 2 sort of annoy me at times during interviews for no objective reason. So no bashing from me, but not my favorite either.
I completely love Rachelle though, she really seems soo great! I would rather she takes care of Rob... she seems strong, fun and grounded! and the baby would be very cute too...
(yet another Austin fan!)
Scarlett: maybe try the Regal Arbor over in the Arboretum area, as well? They tend to show a lot of independent and art movies.
Goz: Bad Goz, no donut! :D
what if Rob and Nikki hear about this?
I'm sure they will.
Imagine the next time they see each other!!!
Sophia, Goz, Crazy!!
Are you there? I was on laineygossip.com (just to see if there'r more crap, and look what she posted:
Here’s my gift to you this April 1st. Hate Mail. It’s your favourite. In response to my exclusive report yesterday re: Robert Pattinson and Nikki Reed:
YOU ARE A LIAR!!!!!!!!! Rob would never be with Nikki because he wants to be with KRISTEN!!!! You probably like her because she’s dirty like you. Lol!!!! But WE deserve a better Rosalie. Why do you keep messing around? You know nothing you’re just a stupid gossip making up stories so if you don’t have anything nice to say, just stop saying it. We can go without all your Twilight news. We can get it somewhere else! From Rob’s Girl
Wannawannawanna- What radio station are you on? So that we can listen to you online.
Danni- I can tell you from looking at her site from time to time. She loves hate mail. Especially now from any fans of Twilight or Rob. She gets more hits that way. Really it's extremely funny to read the hate mail she shows. You have got to look back at other post. One fan said Lainey's husband looked like a "frog"...LOL!!! That comment came post Oscars.
AHAHA. this got me at first. good one. cause i actually was like YES! I ALWAYS WANTED THEM TO HOOK UP! hahahahah. woww.
I don´t like Nikki since I saw Thirteen
She seems very similiar to her character in that movie IMHO
Snob and bully
I wish he was dating Natalie Portman... she´s a true star and is older also, more mature
I think interior de SP means Sao Paulo´s countryside.
I spent Christmas in a city near Araçatuba last year :)
Vc sabe que o file aos 13 é baseado na vida da Nikki? Naquela época catherine hardwike estava namorando opai da Nikki. e ela ajudou catherine a co-escrever pq é sobre a vida dela mesmo, ela já se meteu com drogas, com um monte de coisa, e agora posa de boa amiga!!
Goz - You know I love you. But right now I hate you. You got me, us, everyone!! Good one!!
:D:D I've been fooled so many times to day I can't believe I even fell for this one, too :D:D
well, it was only for a second, and my mind was already building up it's own "this is just a gossip" -defense before I realized the whole thing.
Damn, April's 1st.
Enough, already! This one and the cologne one got me!
Ok... sure. WTV... I laughed alittle when i read this.
Then I thought... even if it was true... who cares! I love Nikki and Rob Together.... so freakin cute. and if there is a mini- rp on the way then more power to them... then my future kids will have another reed-pattinson to drool over.
@ crazy.. um NOOO! Hands off my baby daddy before i get ghetto on ur tushie lmao j/k
and thirteen was 'supposedly' autobiographical..
and um imho, nikki looks 30 not 20....
hahahahahhaha yea yea yea
Noooooooooo! That's untrue, can't be serious, Rob couldn't do this to me....if it's true he'll broke my heart!!!! But luckly is 1º april, hahaha so nobody will believe!
I don't have anything against Nikki Reed. But i don't believe in this speculations about her and Rob together. Lainey can't prove anything about it. No photos, no videos, no reliable sources.
But I think he deserves someone different than his colleagues. They live their lifes in a different way from us, huh?? Actually, Rob seems be down to earth.
Breathe, breathe. ahahaa
that was hysterical, I am at work, but could not stop laughing!!
good job.
you are SOOO cruel!
I totally fell for it; and I NEVER fall for April fools! I trusted you. HOW COULD YOU!? *SOB* Hahahaha
Good one though; good on you.
=) I love your site!
haha your evil!
That was not even funny and I didn't believe it for one second! HA!
Oh my God! That was not funny. I almost had a heart attack. Of all the people he could impregnate, Nikki Reed has got to be my lease favorite. I just can’t stand that girl. She seems like a media whore and a bit of a leech (she attaches herself to the latest “it” celebrity in hopes that their fame would rub off on her). She tried to do that with Lindsay Lohan (back when Lindsay was still relevant) and then there’s that whole mess with Ryan Phillipe. If she really was pregnant with Rob’s baby, you better believe she would be giving birth on the red carpet at the premiere of New Moon.
Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha! OMG, Gozde. This was BRILLIANT. Of course you owe me a new keyboard and monitor, but good on you!
Gallifrey; Why so selfish? Don't you think there's enough of this man to go around? ;)
Anon- Yeah your right it was Ryan P and not Jude Law. I know it was somebody with some scandal going on at that time. Yep buddy!!!
OME!!! A R U SERIOUS!!?!?!?!?!?!
OK, maybe Nikki's an alien sent here for the sole purpose of untucking Rob and fleeing the galaxy with the evidence. If that proves to be the case, I'll help you hunt her down like a dog, but in the meantime can we allow him the right to choose his own friends? He's made amazingly mature choices for a 22-year-old, so why assume you know better than he does when it comes to relationships?
The comments that Nikki's using him to further her career are particularly baffling since she was winning tremendous praise from critics when Rob was still a precious little zygote.
And who - aside from the two of them - really knows what their relationship is anyway? Don't we all have friends of the opposite sex that we hang out with when we're single?
Oh, no - he doesn't like kids, he doesn't believe in one true love. I repeat, HE'S 22-YEARS-OLD - what guy does at that age? I sincerely hope he does get hit with the big one (and no, we're not still talking about untucking); it couldn't happen to a nicer guy - but hopefully that's down the road, cause meeting that perfect person when you're too young can be massively inconvenient.
Diane made excellent points. Let's all listen to her.
Diane ~~ what particular performance was Nikki winning tremendous praise for from critics? If you're talking about the movie "Thirteen", that was all Evan Rachel Wood as documented by the critics themselves. Agree, we should leave Rob to choose his friends. But no need to embelish less than lustrous performances to justify the cause. I'm a movie fan and Nikki Reed needs a lot of improvement. Her film choices before Twilight were not particlularly discerning as well. All these have nothing to do with her friendship with anyone. But let's stick to facts please. Just saying...
hmm. i bet this is just a nasty rumour.
Gozde...you are the BOMB...I fell for it...thanks,...you , for the HEART ATTACK, took me all day to recover.
Our cutie needs to have LOTS AND LOTS of more Fun before that happens!!!!:))) You make me Smile ....
I work for KissFm in Romania, i guess you can only listen to me on internet live streaming :D Just finished a live interview and the band i was interviewing were literally rolling on the floor when they saw my ROB desktop/screensaver (cute Rob, naughty Rob, angel Rob and dirrrty Rob of course :)))
The world may laugh all they want, I am not ashamed of being robsessed :))))
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