We had a How To Be Nashville movement since we are all about "action" on this blog :) Rachel informs us that a new screening is added to Nashville Film Festival on April 21st! The tickets for the first screening were sold out within 10 minutes so go and grab your tix HERE before they are sold out again!
How to Be
Green Hills Cinema - Theater 15
Tuesday, Apr 21, 2009 3:30 PM
Ooh love the new Banner Goz!!
oooooh i want to see this movie so bad!!!!!!! im going to buy it! just gotta convince the rents
OMG!!! You have just made my millennium! I was so bummed when I saw they had sold out in Nashville. So, I just threw it out to the universe to make it happen if it was meant to be!
...and LO AND BEHOLD! I check your blog and miracles DO happen! Just got 2 tix...HOORAY! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH! I LOVE YOUR BLOG! xx
Yay! Soooo happy for you Michelle!
I went to the Nashville screening of How to Be last night! The movie was excellent! Rob was fantastic! Sam Bradley was there while we were all waiting in line to get in the theater. I only had my cell phone with me and the picture didn't turn out very good. The director and three actors stayed around for Q&A after the movie was over. A very good way to spend an evening!!!
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