Some folks posted the links at the comments section for this news. It's actually not new, we've reported this before. The movie's name changed from "Memoirs" to "Remember Me" and what once was a rumor seems to have legs now! So exciting!
According to ScreenDaily.com:
Summit Entertainment is presenting four new titles to buyers at Cannes this year including two new Summit productions - a romantic drama starring Twilight sensation Robert Pattinson and a generational love story set in Italy starring Amanda Seyfried.
Pattinson is starring in Remember Me which is shooting this summer in New York while the actor is between Twilight sequels New Moon, which wraps at the end of May, and Eclipse, which starts in August.
Allen Coulter, the award-winning TV director (The Sopranos, Damages) who made his feature debut with Hollywoodland in 2006, is directing the film and Nick Osborne and Trevor Engelson of Underground Films (License To Wed) are producing.
Summit co-chairman and CEO Patrick Wachsberger wouldn’t go into too much detail on the plot but described the film as this generation’s Love Story. (Gozde: Oh my poor little heart and the turmoil it will go through with Little Ashes, New Moon and now "Remember Me". Can't wait!) A female lead is in the process of being cast, while Rachel Getting Married writer Jenny Lumet has finished the latest draft of the screenplay.
Summit will handle domestic distribution on both the film and it will go through its international output partners including E1 in the UK, SND in France and Concorde/TMG in Germany.
New Moon directed by Chris Weitz is set to open in North America on Nov 20, while the third film, Eclipse, to be directed by David Slade, will open on June 30, 2010.
The first film in the series Twilight has now grossed over $380m worldwide. Meanwhile Summit’s Knowing starring Nicolas Cage has just crossed $100m worldwide.
Yay! A non-Edward role. I am so glad he is doing this. It will help cement his star power aside from twilight.
The movie sounds great, but I'm not so sure about the change of title. I liked 'Memoirs' better.
Either way - yay for Rob getting involved in (apparently) good quality projects!!!
Can't wait to see this talented man in as many diverse roles as possible.
Romantic "Love Story" of our generation just might actually kill me though.
Could watch him for hours walking down the street drinking coffee and talking on cell phone.
Oh wait, have already done that.
Cool that's great news!
I was hoping that he might start another project in-between Eclipse & BD.
Lets hope this works out for him. Sounds great!
Yehahh!! He will do something different this year! So good for him, for us fans, FOR ME!! He will be a busy boy this year. Gooood.
Ok, I hope the actress they choose is not too beautiful. And that this film is really good. He deserves it.
'Rob, lover, on-screen chemistry only, ok??? And do like James McAvoy does: no kiss with tongue, only open mouth, but NO TONGUE, ok? For us?'
Yay for Rob!! How exciting...for him and for US! More Rob is PURE WIN!!!
Man, Rob is going to be one tired actor....but we are going to be some happy fans!
He is being smart, striking while the iron is hot. I just hope he has people in his corner that will look out for his health and mental well being during all this craziness he is going through.
I don't want to see Rob on a True Hollywood Story one day.
Did they just say "romantic drama" and "love story"? Be still my beating heart!
we are all gonna lose our minds!
good morning gang~ :)
Tina~I'm w/ you!
Rob in a love story~ again! My heart can't take it.
rob is a workaholic! wow
busy busy year for rob, happy happy year for us!
any news when the movie will hit the theaters? end this year or 2010?
C - I'm kissing your avatar
Sophia - If the only way I'm going to get near that tongue is to see it on screen, than please, bring on the tongue.
Tina~ wait your turn!
Sophia~ why did you have to mention tongue (french) kissing. I'm all screwed for the day now!
Sophia Z.86!
Is that you Soph???
I'm so happy for Rob. Really happy!!!!!!
Oooooooo imagine big screen total hot Rob, no weird make-up, no eccentric mo, no dorky hair, we might go blind - or at least pass out.
OOps! i meant to say screwed "up"! LMAO!
I hope this is true, that he does get the part in this movie, it sounds GREAT!
Yes, Danni, it is me. I had to change my screen name, there was another Sophia in here... creepy!
Good morning, girls.
kristen stewart should play the female role.
they have THE BEST chemistry.
Hi sophia!
Nice to know. Now i know that you are you i will talk to you more!!!
To Anon @ 9:17
She will be busy then filming the movie The Runaways. She's starring as Joan Jett.
The runways and K11!!!
I'm liking the idea of Rob working with other talented actresses.
Ooooh I'm excited! My panties are in wad having to wait for all his goodness! lol
Sophia Z.86....and James McAvoy...I could watch him kiss all day. SO HOT!!!
how awesome for him to explore a new character. and how awesome for us to get to see him in another love story :) i do hope though that he takes some time off to rest up and regroup. no matter how young he is, he's gonna need some down time to just be rob.
Oh, dear Lord--filming in NYC? This summer? God, I've got to figure out a way to nonchalantly stalk the filming location(s). Never have I looked forward to a summer in NYC more than I do today!! Thanks for the great news!!
Olá, Danni, I wrote back to you, in you e-mail acc.
Yes, talented actresses, but, hopefully, uggly ones...
WOWIE, after Rob (Rob is super hot number 1), James McAvoy is the hottest.
Here we go again... is Crazy (another McAvoy's lustful fan)still in here?
Hi Soph~ still lingering...can't seem to remove myself from here, again.
Likin the James McAvoy but LOVIN the Rob!!!!!!
I would like ugly actresses too, but i doubt it. I hope they choose a older one with maturity to handle a character who had tragedy in her life, not a 18 years old girl. I just wrote you back in your e-mail acc too.
Hello Danni! There are OTHER Robsessors in here, bb! (hee hee)
Hi crazy!
how are you doll?
I didn't realized you're here.
I'm good! Robsessing each day keep the doctors away. You?
I would hope they choose a serious actress and not some bobble-head with big boobs.
I hope he has some say in the selection. That would be interesting.
Also, the director is fantastic.
Crazy - wish I could say the same. Have to go for MRI soon...
Thrilled for us, cautiously thrilled for Rob. Hope it's really a role he wants and not some manipulation by Summit. Also wish he could get a little down time - time to relax, play music, hang with his friends, snuggle Patty. Between New Moon, Eclipse, Remember Me and the even more exhausting hype machine, he'll be lucky if he can get a breath. If this is actually the kind of part he would have wanted no matter the circumstances, then it's a good thing with smart timing.
I really don't think they will need to do as much "hype" for NM as they did for Twilight. This thing is going to sell itself.
I'm good too!
I'm a little disoriented by news thought! He's going to play a character without no lipstick in his beautiful lips. I'm happily disoriented!!!
Crazy, really, Robsessing keeps the doctors away? So, I guess I won't need that flu-shot for coming our winter down here...
(peeks head in...)
Did someone mention my other lova?
Jimmy Mac?
And did some fool say NO TONGUE!?!??!
Pfffft... Puleeez
Real woman can handle tongue..!
; )
(I say "fool" without malice, just feeling my inner Mrs. T)
Tina, you said it all. NO BIG BOOBS, PLEEEAAAASE!
....a serious actress and not some bobble-head with big boobs.
I heart you Tina!!!
Sophia - I don't mind if she has big boobs as long as she can actually act.
Suz - Is it Art day??????
Suz, McAvoy said in an interview that he never kisses with tongue in movies... no french kissing. And, you know, me too, I could watch him kissing all days and nights. I love that kiss in the woods, in Becoming Jane... And the one (ones) in the library, in Atonement...
Here I go again. Where are my McAvoy's DVDs???
He needs to get away and chill a bit.
Come to Australia baby!!!!!!!
Come & see ya new karaoke pals Baz & Hugh.
And, by the way, Anne Hataway (is this right?) confirmed it. She said she loved the fact that he did not stick his tongue in her mouth. French kiss is for someone you love, you, at least, for someone you lust...
Rob is definately smart to take what he can now. Hopefully it's a good choice of movie because he needs to break away from Edward. He needs to showcase his talent in a non-Twilight movie.
Rob in NY? I could just scream!
Hi, girls!
Hey, Crazy~r u trying out for the female lead? Are u okay?
Just wanted to say "greetings", some people have to work! I want to stay so bad! lol
Tina~ hope it's all ok. seriously.
C - Yeah, just think I effed up knee doing lunges on wii fit.
Hi Elaine!
Good work for you. I'm in my work right now. I can use internet here (thank god)!!!!
See you all later. Will try not to think of Rob kissing while I drive.
Much more dangerous than driving with cell phone stuck to ear.
He's gona be a busy little bee. Even though I agree another project outside of the Twilight zone will be a good thing for him.
Sophia I agree with you on James McAvoy in Atonement. Pretty awful movie though. And it was a pity he was kissing Kiera Knightly. She needs lessons from Rob on how to succeed with sexy jaw and pout. Her attempt is an epic fail.
Diane~ he says he cares mostly about the script, so it should be good!
Danni~ why'd you have to go and say lips? (sighs)
Sophia~ i guess i know what I'll be doing today - Blockbuster here i come. But first order of business - drool over Rob pics and imagine his talented work in the upcoming flicks.
Hi Elaineieieiei~ I'm ok. seems i have a reputation for losing control! hee hee
and HEY! I AM working. Robsessing is on my itinerary.
Tina~ phew! so much for "fit".
Put your seat belt on....just in case
Hee hee
bye Tina~ good luck with that~
Sophia- McAvoy is married so he is probably just being respectful to his wife.
I'm so proud of RP for his emotional depth to be able to do a role like this. But I hope he doesn't get pigeon hole into the romantic lead. I want him to do action roles and be able to be the crazed killer with multiple personalities and do what ever his little heart desires... *SMOOCHES* RP.
I just had to say lips, and talking about lipstick.
I just can't wait to see rob playing a normal character. No witches, vampires, Dali (who had some strong issues), just a normal guy with tragedy in his life.
O.K., I 'm having a hard time this morning dealing with my Robsessedness.HAHA No, seriously I love the man and I don't even know him. I'm feeling very vulnerable today. WTF it's going to be a LONG day.
Shani~ i bet he'll look for different roles. His fans will want to see his talent any which way.
gotta head out ladies~
have a great day!
Bye Crazy!!!
I hear NY is B-U-tiful in the summer!! (wink, wink can sombody say set stalking)
Hannah, was Kiera in there? Girl, I didn't notice her...
I will concentrate on Rob kissing today. Forget McAvoy for awhile. My roommates are planning a night with Rob here, Twilight on tv, and all. Microwaved popcorns... And no BF ~ he is a professor, he will be at work. Gooooood...
Have a good day, you all. I have to do some work now. See you!
Danni, talk to you later. Beijos.
Let's hope it's not a PG movie but at least an MA (15+) so us Robsessors can see a little more swoon-worthy action from our hunk.
A film where he doesn't have to fight the urge to not eat the girl...GREAT! That way he can go all out (I HOPE!) I'm sure he'll be his good ol' charming self. *swooningallday*
Tina~When I finally got the avatar yesterday we kinda went crazy with them last night. ;) thanx for the help!
Emmes~when they mentioned NY I thought "I think I need to pay a visit to an old friend for maybe a month."
GREAT point Georgie!!!
Also, Rob has never shot a sex scene with a girl before. It's high time to pop his cinematographic cherry, I think.
Umm, Rob filming right next door in NY??? *Big Smile* Ya know, I think I'm long overdue for a trip to the Big Apple.
Central Park IS lovely that time of year. Will be SO nice to have him close for a change, the Canadian's have hogged him for QUITE long enough. :)
Come home to mama honey. I'll show you just what East Coast women are made of. ;)
Bye Sophia!
We will talk later!
I'm off ladies!
See you all later!!!
News like this is a good way to start my day.
Busy summer makes for a GREAT 2010!!! Yay!
Oh boy, I will be in NYC the end of July...ideasss
Ooops - I posted my last comment from my family blog. So I reposted w/my Robeye instead : )
It looks better here with his other parts
Hey ladies. Ahh more Rob. And more Rob in a new project. I have everything crossed for this to come through for him. No "scheduling conflicts" this time if it's something he really wants. I'm bracing for the collective groan once they announce the female lead. No pressure on her. And is it just me or is Summit kicking ass??
Quite honestly, I am excited for him to take part in another romance so that people will see that he can have amazing chemistry with EVERY girl who is in the room with him, not just KStew.
Well said Hansom. Boy would have chemistry with a lawn chair. Sadly, I probably pay to see that too.
I can't believe we're talking about James McAvoy on here. I'm going to swoon right out of my seat.
I swear I thought I saw tongue in the library scene in Atonement. Regardless, it was sooooo hot.
I'm never going to get the chance to get in Rob's pants, so I'd like to be a voyeur instead. So, YES to the tongue please.
I'll secretly wish for a bit of nudity as well...
It is good that he is taking another role as soon as possible, the rest of the Twilight cast are taking other projects too in between, if he doesn´t take anything, it would look for the busyness as if the only role he can play is Edward. I don´t expect this role at this new film to be magnificent, but I do hope he can depart from Edward to the market, it will assure him when the saga is over to get other things. You can´t take breaks when there is heat, or if you do it has to be with a big comeback, but those are hard to get because if the comeback doesn´t work out, the actor is done, so better for Rob to work, do little things in between to keep the opportunities flowing, he is so talented that I imagine him in some years getting a mayor award ;)
I wonder who is going to be the female lead, I hope someone like Kiera Knightly, Ellen Page.. is it too mucho to ask? hahaha
Afternoon ladies....
Alie...lawnchair... Iam in line with you...LOL
I am very excited to see Rob in a romantic story.... Agreed Hansom!!
This is great news...
Rachel Getting Married is one of my favourites movies
This one is going to be great, especially because it has Rob, of course!
you got me totally unprepared .... love story... kissing... Rob... Rob... agrhh... *smack!*
ok, now seriously : since the Little Ashes Movement is growing, getting more powerful and even go global proving we are almighty - why don't WE organize some casting for the lucky actress to play with Rob, and I mean, this should be some amateur one... somebody loving Rob like we do... just a little bit Robobsessed.....
OK - I mean let's chose one of us simply and start lobbing :))))
Hey T -
Mech - KK or EP would be great! Can we throw Natalie Portman in the mix? What about someone more unexpected - Scar Jo? We already know how Ryan Reynolds feels about Rob so we she wouldn't have to worry about him getting jealous - well maybe he be jealous of Scarlett...
Can Gozde act????
Just wanted to say a quick hello and check on the latest Rob news.
Yay!! So glad to see somthing differnt, love Twilight Saga, but I want to see all sides of Rob.LOL. Literally.
Be back later. Have a great day Robsessing ladies.
I think Gozde CAN everything/anything - the proof is this blog, the fact that we are here, the fact I'm obsessed with this site and writing posts (not only me), and last but not least : Gozde feeds us on superb picks, news and humour ... so she CAN be the one (natural choice)
I say we start a petition now and send it to summit!!!
plus ... Gozde would tell us how it was, wouldn't ya ??? :)))))
LMAO! I swear I am not paying Tina :)))
If I was ever cast with Rob I wouldn't know any of you bitches :PP ROBsessed? What is that? Never heard of it :))
Goz - we want video tape and extreme DETAILS
I want ... to get into a smell distance :))))
No worries :) Pictures, videos, smell samples will be available :P
ya know... one can believe her eyes, even ears but to get the whole picture ... ok, pinch me 'cause something wrong is with me
as to how obsessed a woman can be :
I teach and today I was supervising the exam : there were 3 people to sit along with the students, me, my workmate and a guy from some other school
and ... I'm filling in document's data - our names...
1. me
2. my workmate .... Isabella .....
3. I'm asking the guy about his name ... it was ... Edward :))))
seriously, I was grinning mad for 10 mins, especially after yeaterday's (first) reading of The Office
do you think I am fully capable of my duties ?
In those links there's more about "Memoirs/Remember me" (i guess it's a reliable source)
Danni, babe, are they really reliable? Says who? Who are they? Their "about us" part says:
"The information on this site is investigative in nature and, at times, admittedly speculative. Pattinson Anonymous thoroughly researches every rumor and provides evidence for opinions made as we make every attempt to provide the most accurate, up-to-date, and verifiable information. "
So it is just someone's OPINION. Nothing reliable :)
I just found these links. I don't know if they are reliable or not.
Sweetie, you said "I guess it's a reliable source" that's why I replied :)
Marg~ I am very obsessed, too. I can't work for wanting to run to this site and I am a teacher. I do have quite a bit of freedom though.
Where do I find the "Office?"
Girls, have u heard Adam Lambert's, "If I can't have u". What do u think for New Moon? just asking. Talk about chill bumps! Be sure to wait for the falsetto.
Sorry honey, my bad english doesn't help. I almost never can make people understand what i'm try to say.
Let me try again: It's seems a reliable source, but i don't know, and after you posted the site "about us" it doss't seems very reliable now, but what they posted there seems real, but i believe you and your english is WAY BETTER than mine!!!!
i guess you're going to understand me now!
Sorry for the misunderstood!!!
Danni : BJ :))
there is such an amazing number of teachers here, it strucked me on the first day and we've been discussing it earlier...
The Office http://www.fanfiction.net/s/4871509/1/The_Office
not that this is my favourite FF but I'm reading what ppl here mention ...
Wasn't BJ kisses? I was giving you kisses :)
and I need a little help ...
my comp couldn't stand my Robsessing and is being repaired so I'm missing some of my goodies ...
anybody knows the link to a film, I suppose YouTube stuff, (Rob of course) with Touch and Go "Let's go straight to number one" ... plz ?
Gozde, you scared me with that BJ you sent Danni...
Squee! I'm so glad that he has another project going on... more Rob to see and love.
I wonder who they're looking to cast. I hope it's a Natalie Portman type of actress. I love her and it's the only Rob pairing rumor that I've liked so far.
LOL anon @ 2:19. Yeah apparently that is the short for kisses in Portuguese :))
Thanks, Margot.
Sorry honey i didn't realize that you're talking to me in Prtuguese!!!
BJ here are the same as xoxo in US.
OMFEC~seriously this is all I needed, {throws hand up in the air in frustration} Rob in NYC. Sh*t is going to be CRAZY over here. What if I run into him? dudes, I'll totally invite him over for drinks...to mom's house, DH won't be too thrilled. i put a roofie in his Heine and call you all over. It'll be a jolly good time!!!!
(shame on you if you take me seriously.)
Oh, and I agree with the James lovers. That mofo is talented and 11 shades of hot!!!
Atonement, Penelope and Wanted, nuff said.
Poor boy is going to be exhausted.
I hope he doesn't overwork himself, we need him fit and healthy! <3
Gozde, I love this news. This made my day. My friends and I are definitely hitting all english pubs and grays papaya in the city. this is too exciting, Rob in NYC.
Brace yourselves girls, it a romance. Get the oxygen tanks ready. they are summiting this film to Cannes. Is that in January or February? So we'll have a movie between NM and Eclipse? Can someone explain the scheduling for these things?
Sorry for rambling, I'm just too excited.
So glad Rob is working between NM and Eclipse. I was hoping he wouldn't do more "mall" tours. He's so much better than that.
Don't look now but Ted and Lainey both have just broken the news that Rob is getting it on with a lawn chair. It's been picked up by bloggers around the world, so now even if he tries to deny it, everyone will just think he protests too much. Kristen was reportedly so upset that she had a one-night stand with a coffee table and that didn't turn out well at all. Tragic, just tragic.
lol at Diane's post about Ted and Lainey :)
Thank you all ladies. You are so funny. I am becoming a regular here.
Anyhow, back to the topic. I am super happy that Rob is hitting it while it's hot. It is a smart thing to do but I am concerned that it is another drama/love story. He may end up type cast. Though he seems to be in a good company with great director and an excellent writer for "Remember me" project (by the way I hate the name, "Memoirs" sounds much better). So maybe it will turn out all right for his career. What do you think?
Truly yours,
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