Too close for comfort or am I just jealous? I think both :)
Hillary cut out the too close for comfort girl out from this picture :) (No offense to her, I am just a jealous bitch. Kudos to her for taking her chance :))
Source:Random Acts of Rob and check them out if you are a Sam Bradley fan, they have pictures and video of Sam's appearance in Toronto.[via RobPattzNews]
i love that dude in the first pic. he is intently staring at rob.. looking for clues on how to get chicks HALF as hot as he does..
sorry dude in hat... rob's just got a 'thang' no one else can get
Wow, looking at all the pics from that evening, that one gal (in the black tanktop with long hair) was ALL OVER Rob. As much as I like the guy, I can't imagine feeling that it would be okay to have my arms all around his neck, clinging to him like a lover! He must be a really nice guy to have patiently endured it and been sweet about it.
anon...I thought the SAME thing! That girl was ALL OVER him! Yuck...she's got some nerve...and yeah, he has the patience of a saint to put up with that...I really can't believe how she was hanging on him. I hate when somebody does that to me, even if I know the person ...
I remember when I was in high school and college and my best friends were all guys. I wore their flannel shirts, t-shirts and sweatshirts all the time. I even wore their boxers sometimes (clean ones only!!). Don't know if it's Rob's beanie (I teach students their age and almost all of them have beanies - gals and's really big right now)but if it is, I'm not surprised that they're sharing if they're friends :)
That too close for comfort gal is taking advantage of Rob's gentlemanly manners, who's too polite to remove her clinging arm. Thank you for cropping her out. She's making me cringe.
Couldn't Kristen have her own oversized gray t-shirt? I mean, it's just an indescript gray t-shirt. Lots of girls wear them oversized so they can tie them or belt them. From what I've seen of Kristen's laid back seems like she'd like oversized shirts.
and if he did hide, it would only make him more mysterious and the papz would make it even worse for him. He should be out having fun, unfortunately, there will always be girls like Miss No Class who hang on him. At least we know he wouldn't actually choose someone like that :)
I kind of like Kristen's style. She's so not into clothes like a lot of other actresses her age. She strikes me as someone who looks in her closet in the morning, thinks "Yeah...that'd be super comfy" and puts it on.
Gozde, Did you see that Little Ashes Promotional Blitz has featured Robsessed this AM? They've posted more info about our Little Ashes Movement and a complete list of the theaters with contact info.
KK I like Kristen's style too...very unpretentious, unlike so many her age. She doesn't try to be someone she's not...that will take her far in life. The more I see of her, the more I like her. She's very mature for her age...way more mature than I was at 19!
haha letterstorob and gozde! yes, Rob's dazzling doesn't seem to be unidirectional, whoever is within eyesight-radius is hit and dazzled and/or stuck wondering what is happening to the dazzled ones around rob
Just stopped in before class to see what was new on Robsessed. Gozde and Dani never disappoint!
I'll be lurking on and off today. Have a great day/afternoon/evening wherever you all are, and if it's late enough to have a drink...have one (or three) for me!
C, I know, today is supposed to be my day for doing housework, grocery shopping, etc. Yet, here I am, haven't done a thing so far and it's 10:45...I really should go :/
Why does he have to be so effing beautiful?? GAH! My heart hurts just thinking about it. likey. AND srsly, how do these peeps get so damn lucky?? He needs to tool around my town for a bit...LOL
i just read on another website that they want to make breaking dawn. here is the link, we should all fight to get them to make breaking dawn
Crazy is back! Forget the house, bills, kids, and come on a magic carpet Robride w/ us! "Since I'm going to hell!" Do I have an extreme case of this obsession?
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i love that dude in the first pic. he is intently staring at rob.. looking for clues on how to get chicks HALF as hot as he does..
sorry dude in hat... rob's just got a 'thang' no one else can get
Isn't it the truth?! Whatever IT is, it can't be replicated, it's a God given gift that he posesses...aren't we lucky?! :)
Hahaha :) So true, he is pretty much drooling with his mouth open :P
In the first picture, is Nikki with a blue beanie!!!!
To close, to cLose, TO CLOSE!!!!
Wow, looking at all the pics from that evening, that one gal (in the black tanktop with long hair) was ALL OVER Rob. As much as I like the guy, I can't imagine feeling that it would be okay to have my arms all around his neck, clinging to him like a lover! He must be a really nice guy to have patiently endured it and been sweet about it.
Is that Rob's beanie she's wearing?
anon...I thought the SAME thing! That girl was ALL OVER him! Yuck...she's got some nerve...and yeah, he has the patience of a saint to put up with that...I really can't believe how she was hanging on him. I hate when somebody does that to me, even if I know the person ...
Wow, I'm really surprised that Rob looks like he doesn't mind being mauled by that girl...*sigh* I'm just jealous!
I remember when I was in high school and college and my best friends were all guys. I wore their flannel shirts, t-shirts and sweatshirts all the time. I even wore their boxers sometimes (clean ones only!!). Don't know if it's Rob's beanie (I teach students their age and almost all of them have beanies - gals and's really big right now)but if it is, I'm not surprised that they're sharing if they're friends :)
I really hope not!
Is it not enoughf have his old BMV???
And look like kristen is wearing his grey tee. They are playing with us.
That too close for comfort gal is taking advantage of Rob's gentlemanly manners, who's too polite to remove her clinging arm. Thank you for cropping her out. She's making me cringe.
Couldn't Kristen have her own oversized gray t-shirt? I mean, it's just an indescript gray t-shirt. Lots of girls wear them oversized so they can tie them or belt them. From what I've seen of Kristen's laid back seems like she'd like oversized shirts.
I agree anon!
To much. i know that is hard be near Rob, but lord keep your pants, have some class!!!
Yeah, hugs and shoulder squeezes and shaking hands seems pretty okay, but putting Rob in a headlock? Not so much.
I saw that grey pocket T Kristen was def. looks like a guys shirt...must be messing w/us!
Can you imagine wearing his t-shirt....sigh
i bet they went together to this concert to deny the catfight rumor!
And to mess with our heads a little more
hahaha that MUST be it!! You figured it out!!!
It's good to see that at least Rob is getting out....that he's not in hiding....
Yeah, i rather see him with the "can't keep my pants fan". He is to beautiful, hot, amazing to keep hiding.
and if he did hide, it would only make him more mysterious and the papz would make it even worse for him. He should be out having fun, unfortunately, there will always be girls like Miss No Class who hang on him. At least we know he wouldn't actually choose someone like that :)
I love that Kristen looks like she just rolled out of bed in these pictures.
Agreed Yvonne!
I bet Miss No Class grabbed Rob ass!!!
Just kiding!!!
I kind of like Kristen's style. She's so not into clothes like a lot of other actresses her age. She strikes me as someone who looks in her closet in the morning, thinks "Yeah...that'd be super comfy" and puts it on.
Did you see that Little Ashes Promotional Blitz has featured Robsessed this AM? They've posted more info about our Little Ashes Movement and a complete list of the theaters with contact info.
Way to go, girl! I'm calling again today.
aawwww, such a shy genuine smile with the fans.
Eeuw. That girl was all over him and he just tolerated it. Disgusting. Poor Rob.
Good mornin' Crazy! How's it going this lovely day?
Goz! woah! see what Anon said!! yippee!
I like Kristen's style too...very unpretentious, unlike so many her age. She doesn't try to be someone she's not...that will take her far in life. The more I see of her, the more I like her. She's very mature for her age...way more mature than I was at 19!
Hi KK! boring laundry/bills day. Thank God for this site!
crazy...I keep jumping back and forth and missing you! Sit still!!! :)))
mmmmmmmmmm the yummy black vest. I love how it hugs his BODY.
Tina! didn't see you there~
And i see Danni's at it again! ;)
Yvonne - At 19, I was a complete mess!
haha letterstorob and gozde!
yes, Rob's dazzling doesn't seem to be unidirectional, whoever is within eyesight-radius is hit and dazzled and/or stuck wondering what is happening to the dazzled ones around rob
Y~ i'll stay here. I'm stuck to my seat anyway ;)
Crazy, good morning!
*clinks her wine glass*
Cheers to us!
Cheers to Robsessed!
Hi Crazy!
How are you???
How was weekend??
KK, LMAO, me too...a complete mess :)
Crazy...stuck to your seat, OhREALLY?!
Hey Anon! starting already? hee hee. HT
erin, I love the way you put that, it's so true. I love the pictures of the people around him, the way they look at him, even the guys...
Just stopped in before class to see what was new on Robsessed. Gozde and Dani never disappoint!
I'll be lurking on and off today. Have a great day/afternoon/evening wherever you all are, and if it's late enough to have a drink...have one (or three) for me!
Hi Danni! busy weekend, but still found time to Robsess. DH caught me "doing it" after i told him i was going to do the dishes. oops!
how r u?
y~ yup. can i use that as an excuse why i got nothing done?
I wish! Gotta go to work. Ugh! You have lots of fun ... talk to you later ;)
Later Anon!
'bye KK...have a great day!
C, I know, today is supposed to be my day for doing housework, grocery shopping, etc. Yet, here I am, haven't done a thing so far and it's 10:45...I really should go :/
Y~ me too. should we go together?
we can support each other in our addiction, ya know?
oops ` later KK!
C, then we would REALLY get NOTHING done!! But I'm sure it would be way more fun than what I have planned for today! :)
Goz, u are in the news!
Y & D~I definitely think they are messing w/ us. I can't seem to pull myself away so it is working!
KK~Also, love Kristen's style! Doesn't seem haughty at all! But can she stay that way?
Y~ LOL! yeah, getting a plane ticket to Fla was not on the original agenda.
anon...I hope so, she seems like a smart girl
c, but it WOULD be fun, wouldn't it??!!
Y~ Of course! but can Fla handle the two of us together?
p.s. we Fla "fla di da". random.
" we call"
Why does he have to be so effing beautiful?? GAH! My heart hurts just thinking about it. likey. AND srsly, how do these peeps get so damn lucky?? He needs to tool around my town for a bit...LOL
c, prolly not.
LOL fla di da. You crack me up :))
mel, you said "tool" ;)
A big, hard, tool...
Y~ we're not helping our problem getting off here, are we?
I said "getting off" ;)
sorry, too much for the AM ?
who said tool? giggidy!
we could go like this for days...not good. I don't know what it is , I can't stop...
melissa did...I dunno, I thought it was funny....
Y~ prolly. but i'm "bad" too. Rob, I'm "bad". just sayin.
bad is good though. Right? I mean bad can be really good...
it is funny. we need to get off.
On a count of three: one, two, buckle my shoe......
Uh,yeah...thats not the kind of "tool" I was talking about. I meant like wander around, take a gander, have know, all that jazz.
melissa, thanks for clarifying, can't help myself, been hangin' out w/ crazy too long, my mind went straight to the gutter.... :)
melissa~ jizz? oh. my mistake, jazz. hee hee!
ok, 1,2,3...
bye girl, see you later!
Not so bad here really. as long as we've got a laptop and Twizzlers, we're good.
mel...there you go! Jizz, jazz, whatEVER!
i just read on another website that they want to make breaking dawn. here is the link,
we should all fight to get them to make breaking dawn
and.........we're off!
later ladies!!
bye girls, have a great day :)
Did I hear someone say "tool"?
oh jeez! I can't leave as soon as Tina gets on!
hrmm.. he's so skinny right now. Look at those hips. He can't be more than 150lbs and he's over 6'
He needs some deep dish pizza...
later girls!
You there crazy?
Later chicas
you're giving me whiplash!
Tina the tease. "TTT" ;)
Are you here or are you leaving?
Did you get rid of the family this week?
Crazy~ "I'm afraid your going to disappear!"
"Do you matriculate a lot?"
On my name spelling, promise your "never going to stop!!"
I think she's finally gone Elaiynnie
C~Sorry about the grammar errors.
That is NOT "the way it is supposed to be!"
Hi, Tina! I have to get some work done!!! Have fun ladies!
guys! you making me crazy!!! LOL!
I'l be here sporadically. need to get stuff done!
EElainieieieiieieieie~ Jesus!
there is just toooooo many hands all over Robert on these pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
E~I agree! I want to grope Rob. Is that bad?
Crazy is back! Forget the house, bills, kids, and come on a magic carpet Robride w/ us! "Since I'm going to hell!"
Do I have an extreme case of this obsession?
Elaiaiaianniei~ Yvonne is gonna kill me!
But i decided to use the laptop while i pay bills and deal with the effin insurance companies.
Wanna talk Robsession??????
C~Obviously, u haven't seen the new pic posted or u would be there for some hand porn!
Yes, I want to talk Robsession!
I'll have to bebop in and out.
Did I say in and out?
Ellainieiei~ I'm headed there now!
not helping my focus here....
he seems like he's learning to cope with stardom better these days...
I mean there's all sorts of hands on him in these pics and he seems quite at ease.
so gorgeous!!!
I am pea green with envy!
But woah... clingy much? Cling Gurl took way too many liberties..
At Robsessed, we help the Needy, not the Greedy!
; )~
thanks for cutting out that chick i really wanted that pic ROB ALONE,love the vest
That chick was clung to him like a wet noodle...but she did have big boobies. We know what RP likes BOOBS and BOOZE...LMAO
he is hugging nikki
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