New "OLD" Picture

Rob and Marcus Foster....awww they're so young n cute.


Chicago girl now in LA said...

Thanks, Goz, I've never seen this one!

Rob looks so yummy...

Gozde said...

Thanks Dani babe :))

Anonymous said...

Awww... cute!
wise of rob to move. or the flower
would've blocked his face.

tinababy1 said...

no blocking of Rob-face please.

Sophia Z.86 said...

Never saw that one either. The jaw-line, oh, man! Always beautiful. Damn hot man!

Take that flower away, please.

Emmes said...

whohw...hand porn!

Awesome find Dani :)

Melanie said...

Both hand porn and jaw porn. Double Whammy.

elainnie said...

Hand over the heart~I just died!

Laura said...

How are these pictures even found!?

May said...

*blinks innocently* old was Rob in this pic? Um, just asking...for purely informational reason, you know...XD

Anonymous said...

haha i will never get over the phrase "hand porn." i don't know any of you guys, but i love you ahaha. so great.

Emmes said...

David Slade officially confirmed as director of Eclipse!

Nanah said...

Hey everybody

So younger in this pic, but handsome as usual. His life was so different in that time, huh? Now he's a celeb and everyone stalks him whatever he goes. I wonder if he'd prefer his normal life again. Fame can be the most difficult thing to deal with.

Anonymous said...

He is so good lookin! I have NO idea how he couldn't get a girlfriend. I would have totally went out with him!

Jewels64 said...

Why do I have the overwhelming urge to party with Rob and his friends?

They look like they really enjoy each other's company and have pure unadulterated fun!

Rob! I'll hoist a pint with you and your buds any day Mate!!

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks Dani! Looks like fun. His face (and hands) loved the camera back then too.

Ellie said...

I would love to party with this group, too...*sigh.

Man, Rob looks so young here...
Cedward lives!

Suz said...

the mother fucking hand of life!

Melissa said...


Shani said...

I saw this pic before.This was back in the day when Rob was a kid and his not a kid anymore and now he's wishing that he was still free to be himself and hang out with friends again...Damn now I feel a bit sad...snif snif...:(

Well he does have Sam...*POUT*

Anonymous said...

nice to see rob hasn't changed much in the last few years... other than getting massively hotter with age.

mouth slightly open, scruff in place, hand holding the glass ever so gently, same buds... same beautiful face

Lynn said...

I know this sounds lame but I just envy that ruddy, pink cheeked look that Rob has in that photo. I am the opposite, I tan in almost any light.

I wonder if I lived in the UK, if I could ever achieve that look.....

Sam said...

oMG OMG OMG! I got to meet sam and bobby long tonite! they were awesome! I sent Sam a myspace message a day or tow ago saying welcome to nashville- and can't wait to see the show.. my name is also sam.. so wheni got to meet him i sais, "I'm sam too" and he looked at me and looked at my hair- cause it is a bit different from the photo on my space and he says, " i know who you are!" i said yup.. so we got lots of pics... then when i met bobby long i told him great show- cause it was! It really was a good show with him and sam and the opening band The KIn - whowere two HOT FUCKERS from Australia.. daaayyum.. any way my friend is taking our pic and she said, "Smile Bitch!" and bobby said in that hot accent, "Did she just say smile bitch?" i said, "yeah, but she's a whore so its all good!" Since i had my hand on his waist i could feel him laughing and trying not to crack up in the pix!! It was awesome!! we got drunk and had a fabulous time! I am in Nashville- they played 3rd and Lindsley... great time- so whoever wants pics.. let me know!! I am posting them on my facebook too.. WOOHOO!!! OHHHH and my drunk ass knocked over a display ON TOP on the dude's head who sings in The Kin- ( the opening band) and he was soo nice- i said, "well, hell- we gotta get a picture now!" he and his brother were super nice too!

kespax said...

Oh I want to be a carefree drunk young thing again:)

Speaking of cute young things Cauis twitters and he's hilarious -
"Sitting in universal office. In a big chair. I feel like Dr No or Dr Evil. Sun is shining but my body is tired from yesterday. X"

lovindashow said...


Have I expressed my love for Marcus Foster clearly enough?? I've been listening non-stop. It's getting out of control. Love the chance to see them young together.


Cullen Hiney Tingles said...

Thanks Dani! Rob is hot as always!

Anonymous said...

guys another poll

SugarM said...

Lesamara, that's a cool story! I would love to see one of Bobbys shows.

Anonymous said...

Great story lesamara :)

Thanks for sharing :)

Sam said...

i don't know how i to post pix on here- so if you wanna go to my facebook and askask for a friend request and tell me you are from the rob site, i'd be happy to share.... i already got'em up!

Anonymous said...

Just a question here, This photo was taken from one the Fb acct of one of those in the photo. Did you get permission to post this?

Gozde said...

Anon: Dani posted the picture so I can't really answer but the fact is that neither Dani nor I stalk people's facebook pages. I would never steal from someone's personal account. I was sent other personal pictures of Rob/his family but I didn't post them.

This picture has been floating around the internet for a LONG time, I don't know where it came from but I can assure you Dani didn't take it from someone's private account.

If any of the persons in the picture would like me to remove it tell them to email me at and I will gladly take it off. We wouldn't want to invade anyone's privacy.

Plus, it's not a really "private" picture.

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