Director Oliver Irving shared about hiring Rob for the role, saying, “Rob was thinking of giving up acting but wanted to try out an indie film where he could get into a character.”
Log onto to win an autographed poster from the movie plus a t-shirt and pair of sneakers worn by Robert in the film!

Thanks to RobPattzNews for the link :)
Oh how I "heart" Art
He makes me want to smile and cry at the same time.
Looking at these pictures, I feel like a kid in a toy store. :D
Harmonica Horn
Suz {hearts} Art
Awww...I wanna see this so bad! Looks like just the type of quirky, odd film I love. Maybe I should get digital cable again so I can get IFC.
What's this about winning Rob's stinky shoes? I hate feet...would I want to own Rob's used Converse? (of course I would...eewww...wouldn't I?...maybe...eeewwww....)
Rob's worn tennies: thumbs up or down? what do you think? (And can we get the pants instead?)
Not so sure about wining his sneakers..sorry just not my thing lol.
But I am with you Leann. I SO wanna see this movie!
I'm with Leann too, Can I trade for the pants?
yea, not sure about winning the clothes.. that would probably send me over the "sessing" edge..
(imagines herself trying ON said shoes...)
Imagines wearing shirt till it falls into shreds or other people rip it off me to burn
Suz, LOL, I'd probably try them on too! Hey, I've gone bowling and lived...what could be growing in Rob's shoes that aren't in bowling rental shoes? Don't answer that....
If I won the pants or shirt, I'd have to try those on too, and probably I wouldn't be able to get any of 'em over my curves...that would be depressing! Or maybe I'd just settle for his clothes as a pillow case...mmmm, yummy.
Oh, I love the mirror pep-talk scene. After hearing it on the CD, it's so nice to see it played out. Rob's so cute in it.
mmmm, Rob's intense look as he studies the paper is seriously sexy... I wanna be that pen!!
Heck, yea I want to win them. Sell them on eBay if nothing else.
Although, I probably couldn't make myself!
LOL Leann about the bowling shoes. It's true. Rob may not have the best hygeine but it can't be any worse then some people I've come across at bowling alleys. They do have that "magic spray" though.
I would want Rob's shoes if they were the black nikes. I love those with all my heart. Seriously.
You're right Ellie, Rob is nothing but cute in that scene!
My feet are tiny and I already have 3 pairs of converse snickers, but I would still kill for those that Rob wore. :D
OKAY... hold up here... First picture with him holding the basketball... HIS HANDS.. that ball looks like a toy... they're beautiful... and hugh... OMG!!
*fans self* phew.... okay breathe..
Hi, emily!
Hi Ellie!
Do you think Rob might give himself pep talks like that in real life? I can totally picture him doing it before the premiere or something like that.
"Don't freak out, don't freak out, don't wet your pants, don't wet your pants....You can do this!"
Hey Ellie~ *Waves*
That scene in front of the mirror is the sweetest, most earnest thing I've seen in forever.
Can't wait to see what this boy will produce for us moving forward.
Emily, LMAO! I can totally picture that too.
This film ruled! The newspaper scene and basketball a matter of fact every damn scene in the movie had me cracking up.
I wonder if there is any Rob DNA in them shoes...hmmmm....
Oh emily, yes. He's even said it in one of his interviews, how he doesn't get all the fan freakish stuff, and before he has to appear or be somewhere withthe public, he just stand in front of the mirror kind of freaking out, and stares, and stares, and stares (kind of trying to fathom out his allure that he doesn't see bless him, and all he sees is flaws - like his commentary in Twilight), then he says he just gives up and thinks nothing I can do about it and walks away and sort of takes a deep breath and gets on with it. Adorable darling doesn't see hot sex god, he sees Daniel/Art dork.
Thank the lord for indie film directors giving him some good parts so he is there for us to love, they must have been just offering him gorgeous guy stands around roles.
I have been wondering lately whether his Mum checks out sites like this, and what she thinks of all this Rob adoration and lusting. She seemed to be doing her homework when he was cast as Edward, and if you were his mum how could you not check all the websites out.
Thank you Mrs pattinson for your glorious gift to the world.:)
ooooo the sweetest movie ever. I cant wait to see it.BTW this reminds me of the real Rob...
Sooo, am I the only one who entered???
If I won I would flog the shoes and buy tickets to Italy.
I'm in love with his hands too. But his hands aren't that big, he has very long elegant fingers, check out the hand part, not that big, slender wrist.
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