On March 25th we reported Rob was signed on to star in"Memoirs" then last week it looked like the name changed to "Remember Me" and now the movie is added to Rob's IMDB page as "Memoirs" :) HERE is the imdb page for the movie. From my experience IMDB is as reliable as wikipedia in these things. Still here is the info. The movie is listed as being released in 2011.
Gozde, have you seen this?
(and no, I don't cheat on your blog! Some Anon posted it the other day :)
Gozde~ how am i supposed to leave the house in THIS condition after that pic??? Huh??!!
I'm going to pray this movie is cofirmed.
One of these days my family is going to come home and find me in a crumpled weeping ball on the floor in front of the computer if these pictures keep popping up on my screen.
Stunned speechless........
Jesus help me...
Get in line Hannah.
Truely though, I don't think any of us have a prayer of being saved.
Unless Tom Cruise takes him under his wing. Then I'm done.
Family in Montreal, Canada finds wife/mother on the floor of their home in the fetal position and in a mentally deranged state. The family just laughed it off and commented, "We're not surprised. This sort of thing has been happening alot lately".
More at 11:00.
I think it might become an epidemic Crazy... :-/
i don't even know where to begin...every part of this man is perfection.
mouth is very dry now :)
Gozde, you are evil!! you keep using this pics to anounce somithing, is the death of us!!
And we love it!!
Now I don´t know what the news was about I just got distracted salivating over the pic.
Marina -
Mouth = Dry
Panties = NOT
Uh - Marina? You're not MY Marina are you?
Shouldn't you be at school?
hee hee
Girls~ LOL
Isn't there a Star Trek episode where some planet is ruled by beautiful, sex-obsessed women?
That's where Earth is headed.
c - So long as all the men are Robclones we are Okey dokey
hee hee over "mouths" and "panties".
(oh, that just came out weird...)
Oh Girls I love you! :)
Tina - Mouth Bone Dry... ;)
Crazy - Ive been lving there all along! ;)
That was like smilie over load... *vomit*
How long do you think this obsession could realisticaly last?
Am I going to get a hunchback sitting here for years?
will my ass leave a permanent mark on the chair?
OMG you girls!!! my stomach aches from the laughing.
Tina~ your "ass" is not permanently fuxated already? ;)
oops - i mean fixated. sorry.
Tina, My right hand is now The Claw from holding the mouse all day!
Okay now THAT sounds weird...
Hannah - why are you vomiting??? LMAO!!!
Laughing is good for the soul.
Also, laughing is good for your facial muscles. Very good toning.
I think maybe it can also replace crunches if done enough, so the abs are going to look killer.
tina - i hope not :P cos this Marina is way over in KL, Malaysia LOL.
yes - mouth dry and mind getting very creative now
ROTFL!!!! ahahahhaha
Crazy - all the happy smilies.. I got a bit HSM with the happy there.. Bluegh.
T~ but I'm starting to look like Joan Rivers!!!
Hannah - From the mouse? Really honey? You can tell us you know.
C - Joan Rivers LMAOROTFL
What a freak!!!!!!!
marina - well I'm not picking you up after school if you are in Malaysia
hannah - i know i'm just picking on you now, but WTF is "bluegh"??
Blech? hahahah
SERIOUSLY?? Wow, I can't even form a cohesive thought at this point...Not with the massive amount of sex hair and eye brows staring back at me...GAH! Really, the Sex Drive pics are some of his BEST. Damn, he is AMAZING!.
Tina~ stop it!!! i gotta go!
Another Rob movie, hell yes! As for that picture...
And the ladies above me... you are so funny, sweet and I LOVE YOU! At least I know I'm not the only one drooling on my keyboard.
I too wonder how long this obsession will last. I don't think I have ever and I mean Eeevvvaaahhh had such a thing for someone one. And thats saying a lot because back in the day I was all about NKOTB.
Anyways what a beautiful Monday ;)
See you later Crazy one
Yeah Crazy, thats what I said! Maybe its my accent... ;)
LOL!!! tina, u rock!
enjoy lusting after that pic of rob, this marina is off to bed - 1am over here.
nite nite ladies, and off to bed with rob i go...yum
Geekette - me too bb! this obsession with this "man" (from another planet i'm sure) is effin ridiculous!
Thanks for "listening" ;)
Wow, and I thought my time difference was bad!
Good Night Marina :)
Seriously (whats that mean?) girls, i'm heading out. thanks for the Roblaughs. see y'all later, babies!
oops - bye Marina!!
nite Hannah :)
b4 i leave, just some food for thought.
when i look at that pic, rob just becomes timeless. there's no way i'm looking at a 22-year old. you know what i mean?
I never ever think of his age - cos absolutely no one, regardless of age, looks and is as mindblowing as him.
Laters Crazy!
I'm out too..
I was gona say RobHugs but Im gona shorten it even more to *Rugs*
Just cos I can ;)
you just had to post that picture!
For the love of all that's holy....(thud)love the sex drive..pic!
You all crack me up.I'm so glad your all a part of my happy place.
Grumbbles: I don't want to wait to 2011 for the movie. I want sooner than that.I'm Rob greedy.
tina & hannah-
as i read this i realize i am hunchbacked and my hand is in "the claw"...man there really is no hope.
i swear i see a pic of Rob everyday that i think is gonna be the death of me and then...there's a new one! shit...
i know ive seen this one before, but DAMMIT, the size of it made me nearly have to lick my screen...
Kristen, I know. I think this Rob lusting could be a chronic disease.
And when it comes to Rob (pics) its all about the size ;)
I love how his shirt is unbuttoned and giving us a peek at the hairy shagmat :)
I can't wait to see RP bring the drama and work through the pain. He has the emotional depth to bring his character to life on screen like no other.This new experience along with living in the vibrant city of New York will only allow him to grow and become the brilliant actor we feel that he already is.
I'm happy to know that the director for this movie was the same one from Hollywood Land. That was a really good movie. I wonder also is this the movie he may be doing a soundtrack for??? If not then that's great that someone else in the industry thought that RP was talented enough to do a soundtrack for their movie. Congrats RP my very sexy HOT BITCH...:P
Dear. God. Help. Me. I want to print that picture & rub it all over my body.
say no more ...
you've already done this for me...
I'm done.
First: What happened to the choice for being Anonymous? Please bring that back Gozde.
Second: That picture is so wow! I should never be here looking at this guy, but I can't help myself. I try to stay off of this site and can't. I love to look at pictures of this male (I make him sound like a thing or a toy, not good). There is just something about him that is incredible.
Third: I am so glad to see that he is doing another movie that will receive alot of attention in the States. He really could have just gone back to the UK after finishing the Twilight series and disappeared from American movies. I am also glad because I am not a twilight fan... I read part of the first book and thought it was a little sick so I gave it away. But I have thought he just looked so amazing. I can't wait to see Little Ashes.
Please bring back the choice of being Anonymous.
Does anyone know if this movie is based off a book? I heard it was a Nicholas Sparks novel, but don't know which one. He doesn't have a book named Remember Me or Memoirs. I would like to read the book, if there is one!
Okay the movie is called Remember Me and its a comedy. I think its a re-make of an older version. I got to see Robert film a scene in nyc this monday that just passed and he was so hot.
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