Oops Mag - 10th to 23th of April issue
Robert Pattinson – He can’t help opening his mouth
We don’t change a winning strategy. Since his vampire role in the Twilight saga which opened him the doors to success (and those of the girls’ bedrooms), Robert Pattinson keeps his famous fetish look: eyebrow frowned, baleful eye and mouth slightly opened. The worst is that, even like this, he manages to make us drool.
Legends of the photos (L. to R.):
Since this bee sting, his tongue keeps growing.
It seems like he’s seeing naked girls everywhere.
Or maybe he has a problem with his sinus.
It’s like he’s trying to tell us something…
Kristen Stewart – She keeps stroking her hair
The Twilight’s heroine’s thing is to run her hand through her hair, in a compulsive way. Lock catching, scratching head, putting some lift in her roots… We wouldn’t like to niptick her, but maybe she should stop getting worked up.
Legends of the photos (L. to R.):
It was worth spending three hours blow-drying her hair…
“And now, do you recognize me?”
What?! What a nasty publication. The french version of Ted C. and that Canadian gossip hag.
what is scary is that this is only going to get worse with each Twilight movie release, his star status is getting exponentially greater with each week. You gotta wonder how someone like him can handle all this crap? It is so invasive and insulting.
There is so much crap there I don't have a shovel big enough.
i have no idea what that just said? it didn't make any sense- who did the translation? His tongue growing and problem with his sinus??
canadian gossip hag!!! i love that word hag!
Now that is a load of MERDE!
Booo! What a mean magazine! It is no wonder celebrities start hiding from themselves from the public. The nasty media gives them a complex sooner or later. I'd walk around with a bag over my head. Poor Rob. He's such a nice guy; definitely doesn't deserve it.
Quel tas de merde! Conneries tout cela. Same crap as Ted C, Lainey, PageSix, L&S and all the other stupid gossip rags.
Can't the idiots see that with his mouth open that Rob is makeout ready? - and there is a problem with that?
I don't understand the nastiness in this world. I just wish all nasty people would just up and die already.
Quel mess de merde So somebody's trying to draw a quick caricature of Rob and Kristen and they say SHE'S the one with her hands in her hair?! Real observant, fou. And since when do the French object to something drool-worthy? Nice to know we're not the only country stuck with unscrupulous, pathetic excuses for "journalists."
Can't we reduce the size of these captures? They do not deserve full-size reproduction. Then Gozde can cover the "news" and give the most importance to stories which deserve it. This trash does not deserve it!
Who in their right mind puts of picture of Michael Jackson next to Rob? As if Michael doesn't look freaky enough on his own but next to Rob...yikes. It's frightening.
Oh and I have NO problem with Rob's tongue porn/open mouth pictures. Who would?
Hi , I'm french and don't worry it's the better french's crap magazine ;)
Hi ladies...has anyone voted for Rob on this poll?
Frankly, it offends that these idiots thought it was a good idea to put Rob's beautiful face next to Michael Jackson! Thats just wrong, baby.
On s'en fou!!!
Il est le plus beau homme au monde!!!!!
Sorry Goz for the French, ooops.
Melissa - gives new meaning to "Beauty & The BEAST!"
xxx (Rob Snogs)
What the hell is this fuckery? I love the way he open his mouth to take pictures. Who know he might have sinus problem and is a mouth breather.
(like me)
Next to Michael Jackson too! Now that just more fuckery!
That's the French version of Lainey. That's the same mess she was saying about Rob. Well her comments were a little bit more nastier and silly.
Micheal Jackson has been a joke for a while...and having him next to Rob is demeaning.
Morning ladies
Kissses to you all. I survived a night without Rob. Check in last night but was too tired to chat. Spent a night in a hotel room with my dh and 3 kids. The snoring was like a symphony orchestra.
Anyway, there are pics from R k N night at the metropole.
Goz and Danni, I don't know how to email you.
He's hugging fans and looks scrumptious.
Missed you guys tons.
oxox to crazy and suz.
suz, I still owe you a drink. will miss you on 4/25 and 5/9. I'm sure there'll be tons of opportunities.
Wonder what the media is thinking when they see these pics. It's not just teenag fans anymore. hehe
Just wait until he does a Broadway show or something. We'll have to get a group going.
Sorry ....I don't think French read this crap..I am french and I've never bought this magazine because of its name sounds silly..Ooops?!!
j'suis vraiment navrée !
lesamara: it's a joke! This is a bad rag, along the lines of Life and Style. But there's lots of word play here, and they're just having a good time teasing the stars while still saying they love them. THis is a better idea of what it says.
Twilight’s leading lady has a tick: running her hands compulsively through her hair.
Grabbing a shock of hair, scratching her head, tugging at the roots. We’re not trying to nitpick, but maybe she should stop getting all lathered up!
He just can’t help hanging his mouth open.
When you’ve got a winning thing, you don’t mess with it. Ever since his turn as a vampire in the Twilight saga opened up the doors to success and (girls’ bedrooms), Robert Pattinson has kept his trademark expression glued to his face: gathered brows, baleful gaze and mouth hanging slightly open. The worst part is: even like that, he’s still got us drooling!
photo 1 Since he got this bee sting, his tongue keeps getting bigger and bigger.
photo 2 He looks like he sees naked girls everywhere.
photo 3 Maybe he’s just got sinus problems?
photo 4 He seems to be trying to tell us something....
i got 3 letters for this and that's: LOL!
Just commenting to say I bought the i-D issue with Rob in it today and I have a pic to share!
So sorry for bad quality photo but my scanner isn't working for the moment :(
Hi Winwin!
Sadly, I can't spend a night with Rob.
and happily, I can't spend a night without Rob.
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