From Celebrity Q&A Examiner:
Yes, it’s true. "Twilight" star Robert Pattinson is naked in a movie. Want to know more? Then read on.
I saw an advance screening of "Little Ashes" on April 27. The dramatic film — which takes place between 1922 and 1936, and is based on real people — stars Pattinson as legendary Spanish artist Salvador Dalí, who had a forbidden romance with poet Federico García Lorca (played by Javier Beltrán) while the two men went to college together in Madrid.
In their circle of friends is filmmaker Luis Buñuel (played by Matthew McNulty), whose homophobia affects his relationships with Salvador and Federico. The women caught up in Salvador and Federico’s love triangle are Magdalena (played by Marina Gatell) — Federico’s girlfriend, who can’t figure out why he’s reluctant to sleep with her — and Gala (played by Arly Jover), who becomes Salvador’s wife after he leaves college. "Little Ashes" was inspired by Dalí’s real-life accounts of these relationships.
Due to the huge interest our dear readers have in Pattinson, here are the answers to your burning questions about "Little Ashes," Pattinson’s role in the movie and what he had to say about playing one of the art world’s greatest eccentrics.
WARNING: POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD! Although I won’t reveal what happens toward the end of the movie (but if you know what happened to the characters in real life, you'll have a pretty good idea), there are some key scenes that are described here. If you don’t want to know things like if Pattinson gets naked or what the movie’s sex scenes are like (or if you’re just generally offended by anything that would make a movie rated R), then don’t read any further!
Does Robert Pattinson get naked in "Little Ashes"?
Yes. There’s a scene with him naked in the front, except his private parts, which he covers up with his hands. But the scene is still racy because, well, things are little hairy, if you know what I mean. The scene is near the beginning of the film, when Salvador is a new student. He’s shown in his room, trying on a bunch of different outfits in front of a full-length mirror. Next thing you know, he’s naked and checking himself out in the mirror. That’s something you won’t see in a "Twilight" movie!
Does Robert Pattinson "hook up" with a man in "Little Ashes"?
It depends on what your definition of "hook up" is. Does he kiss a man in the movie? Yes. Several times. (More on that below.) But are there any scenes of him having sex with a man? No. That’s because in the movie, Salvador is reluctant to consummate his romantic feelings with Federico by going "all the way." It’s implied in the movie that Federico is gay, while Salvador is bisexual/bi-curious.
What happens in the man-on-man love scenes? Details!
There are five scenes of Pattinson and Beltrán kissing. The third one is definitely the considered the steamiest.
What happens in the first Salvador/Federico kissing scene?
Salvador and Federico are on a rowboat on a moonlit lake. (The lighting in this scene is very blue, just like a few of the romantic scenes with Edward Cullen and Bella Swan in "Twilight.") There’s sexual tension in the air, because the two men know that they want each other. Salvador and Federico then take off their shirts and dive into the water and start horsing around. They stare at each other with passion and desire. (Seriously, if you loved the scene in "Twilight" with Edward and Bella staring at each other on the bed, you’ll see some déjà vu here in this "Little Ashes" scene.) Federico reaches out to Salvador, and then they kiss on the lips. It’s a romantic kiss, but not a French kiss. Salvador pulls away, confusion showing on his face.
What happens in the second Salvador/Federico kissing scene?
Salvador and Federico are in Federico’s room, talking about how they want to work together on a project: Federico would write a play, while Salvador would design the play’s sets. They start eyeing each other and kiss — this time longer than when they were in the lake. But this time, they’re interrupted when Luis knocks on the door and come in. Luis senses the sexual tension between Salvador and Federico, and Luis gives them a weird look.
What happens in the third Salvador/Federico kissing scene?
Salvador and Federico are alone in Federico’s room again. This time, the passion is unleashed. They start making out and they take off their clothes. (Naked legs and upper bodies are shown, but there’s no full-frontal nudity here.) Just as Federico is about to get on top of Salvador, Salvador pushes him away and says he can’t go through with it.
Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door. It’s Federico’s girlfriend Magdalena, who’s been trying to seduce him for a while, and she’s confused over why Federico hasn’t consummated their relationship. Federico opens the door, and she wastes no time and starts to kiss Federico passionately and tells him that she wants him to take her now. Federico starts making out with her, while Salvador is on the floor, looking on in stunned silence, as tears well up in his eyes. Then Magdalena sees Salvador on the floor. At first she’s startled, and then she laughs, and she and Federico keep going at it while Salvador watches in silence.
What’s the most graphic sex scene in the movie?
Magdalena and Federico have sex on Federico’s bed, while Salvador watches and masturbates. The only nudity in this scene is female nudity (front and back) here. While Magdalena and Federico have intercourse, Federico and Salvador look at each longingly, and you just know that both men are thinking that they wish Salvador could take Magdalena’s place. After Salvador climaxes, he leaves the room without saying a word.
What happens in the fourth Salvador/Federico kissing scene?
Salvador has returned to Madrid from Paris, where he went shortly after he rejected Federico. When Salvador and Federico see each other again, they realize they still have strong feelings for each other. This time, it’s Salvador who makes the first move, and he kisses Federico. But Federico, still feeling hurt by Salvador and not wanting to get hurt again, stops it from going further. Salvador is stung by the rejection.
What happens in the fifth Salvador/Federico kissing scene?
The fifth scene is a flashback scene of them kissing in the lake.

Does Robert Pattinson kiss any women in this movie?
Yes, sort of, in a scene where Federico and Salvador have a reunion. Eight years after Salvador and Federico have ended their relationship, Federico visits Salvador (now a famous artist) in Paris. Salvador is now married to his wife, Gala, who can tell that Salvador still has feelings for Federico. Salvador tries one last time to see if Federico is interested in him sexually, and even says that Gala would be OK with it, but Federico rejects him and won’t even let Salvador kiss him.
As Federico leaves Salvador’s home, Salvador yells at Federico and says that Federico will come crawling back to him. Gala tries to comfort a brooding Salvador as he sits on a couch. She says she’s going to bed and kisses him, but Salvador just stares off into the distance, barely acknowledging her, presumably because his mind still on Federico.
Does Robert Pattinson have any sexy scenes with women in "Little Ashes," or is it just guy-on-guy action?
There’s a scene where Federico jealously imagines Salvador drunkenly carousing with women in Paris, so Pattinson is shown with some topless women, doing things like kissing them and picking one of them up as she straddles him around the waist. The scene looks like it takes place in a nightclub with strippers or "easy" women.
How is Robert Pattinson’s Spanish accent in the movie?
He has the accent about 60% of the time. The other times, you can hear his British accent. And a few times, he even sounds American!
That moustache? Really?
Salvador Dalí famously had that mustache in real life. But the moustache Pattinson wears in "Little Ashes" looks as fake on the big screen as it does in this photo.
What are the main hair/costume looks that Robert Pattinson has in "Little Ashes"?
There are four main looks that he has, to signify the different stages in Dalí’s life.
Look #1: When Salvador first arrives at the university, he looks very effeminate, with a pageboy haircut, white frilly shirts and knee-high boots. He looks like something out of a Renaissance fair. When Salvador realizes that he sticks out like a sore thumb, he cuts his hair and changes how he dresses.
Look #2: After Salvador is accepted in Federico and Luis’ hipster crowd, Salvador starts to dress like them, with sharp suits and slicked-back hair.
Look #3: Salvador grows a moustache after he makes his life-changing trip to Paris. His hair isn't slicked back as much.
Look #4: As he became more famous, Salvador (who was known for being quite the eccentric) sports his trademark upturned-twisted moustache and he stops slicking back his hair.
Speaking of Salvador Dalí’s eccentricities, what crazy things do they show him doing in this movie?
In the college scenes, Salvador mostly gets drunk a lot. At a dinner party, a very drunk Salvador shouts to everyone at the table, "I’m Salvador Dalí, savior of modern art!" As he leaves the party, he shouts to some police officers on the street, "Viva la revolucíon!" (English translation: "Long live the revolution!") The officers chase him and Federico down the street. Federico and Salvador duck in an alley and "get close," and it looks like they’re going to kiss, but they don’t.
In another scene, Salvador tells a group of instructors that they’re too stupid to judge him, and he gets expelled from school. There are a few scenes where Pattinson does the "bug-eyed crazy look" that Dalí was known for in real life.
After Salvador has seen Federico and Magdalena having sex, Salvador freaks out in another scene. A female student catches him rolling around, ranting, sobbing, covered in paint, with his head completely shaved. (Shades of Robert De Niro in "Taxi Driver." Or Britney Spears in 2007. Take your pick.)
And in the final "crazy" scene, Salvador is painting (using black paint) when he hears some upsetting news. He starts to smear himself all over with the paint. His wife calls from downstairs that guests have arrived at their home. Salvador, still covered in the paint, calmly puts on a suit and heads out the door to greet his guests.
What’s the most memorable line in the movie?
This is totally subjective, but one of the most memorable lines for me was in a scene with Salvador giving a seductive compliment to Federico, by saying, "You are raw, like an animal being skinned!" How’s that for a pickup line?
What’s the tone of "Little Ashes"? And what are the similarities to "Twilight"?
"Little Ashes" is an artsy independent film, with several scenes showing people reciting poetry and being creative eccentrics. The movie isn’t hard to understand, but it doesn’t have your typical straightforward plot and ending that you see in most Hollywood films. There’s rough language and sexual scenes which have made this movie rated R. It’s not a humorous film, but there are a few moments when people may laugh. The main similarity between "Little Ashes" and "Twilight" is you see a lot of Robert Pattinson giving brooding looks to someone he’s in love with and wants to have sex with but he resists the temptation. Another similarity: The leading men in the movie are a lot prettier than the leading women.
Would you recommend "Little Ashes" to anyone?
It’s not for me to decide if people will like this film or not. But let’s be real: I think there’ll be lots of Robert Pattinson fans who’ll want to see this film just because he’s naked in it.
How did Robert Pattinson prepare for his role in "Little Ashes"?
Here’s what Pattinson had to say about playing Dalí in an interview:
"I just researched tons and tons of stuff because everyone spoke Spanish on the set and so I just read all day. It was the first time that I ever really got into characterization, trying to work on movements. There was a photo of him pointing and I kept trying to figure out how he pointed for like three days. I've never done that for any job. I was doing tons of stuff on his walk and such … I've never related to a character more than him, which is really weird because everyone thinks that he’s some nut job … He was an incredibly complex person. I'm not saying that I am. I’m not at all."
Rob is coming to France (for Cannes)!
{fangirl squeal}
He's coming for me! Finally :)))
Rob at Cannes!
A full-fledged film star.
He must be so excited!
LA Spoilers = PURE WIN!
Can't wait to see Rob's "O" face...
Additional NYC screenings of How To Be just added
Monday, April 20, 2009 at 4:36pm
In anticipation of the April 29 IFC Festival Direct On Demand release of How To Be, we are happy to announce that IFC Center has added two more screenings of How To Be to their NYC lineup this weekend!
The revised NYC schedule — and links to reserve tickets for the two extra screenings — are on the How To Be website:
How To Be News — Additional NYC screenings just added!
The official website of How To Be starring Robert Pattinson
So...I dunno why I'm so turned on now. lol
I wonder how he moves as he picks up the girl who's straddling him. I've always had this particular image in my head about us...
::sigh:: GOOD MORNING to me. hehe
Spanish guitar sounds really sexy. I'll go look for some CDs this weekend.
Lots of kisses, ugh? Lucky Javier...
I know I am repeating myself, but... I can't wait to see this movie; you lucky americans! Rob naked and Javier reciting Lorca's sonnets with that accent? What more could a girl ask? Oh, ok, I know: TO BE THERE TOO!
Good day, everyone.
omg did they lyke hookup?! is he edward cullen with a weird mustache?! *hair twirl space stare*
where are the real journalists? i'm so sick of seeing drivel like this.
sorry i had to read it because i knew this idiot was going to compare every scene to twilight.
i am so jealous of little bear right now. :)
Phew... can't wait for the DVD.
hmmmm, I was looking for comments on how well he acted or performed as "Salvador Dali" in the film.
I am looking for possible film critics backslash or praise.
sorry i had too much melodrama in my free trade/shade growth coffee this morning.
On a different note :
the author of Wide Awake ff has just put an important info on her LiveJournal site
heelllloooo girls :)))))))
It is sad to assume that a lot of fans are going to see it for Robert's "nakedness". He is not an object --- he is an actor who happens to be extremely good looking.
I wish the reviewer have included a q&a on Robert as an actor.
Oh, I forgot to say, in my excitement: the scene with Robvador watching Federico with his gf sounds heartbreaking. And incredibly hot. I can't wait!
kchambers - yeah, what kind of a lame-ass non-review was that?! That was a plot summary written for Edward fans, NOT a review.
hey guys, this is a bit OT but thought I'd share it, you have no idea just how badly Rob is being bashed on Ted's blog right now. Only because Ted's 'confirmed' Rob and Nikki were friends with benefits once. Some of those idiots over there,I have no words for them. He's losing fans big time as we speak. Good riddance I say. And now I'm kicking myself for going there today,I'm such a loser lol
Kchambers I actually agree with you.. This movie is worthy of a proper review not a Twilight comparisson.
In saying that, after seeing LA I was thinking of how Dali and Edward were both complex characters, harbouring shame and regret.
His role in LA goes far beyond nakedness and masterbation. Many of these scenes are overwhemled by their intense emotion that the fact that essentially it is Rob with his hand down his pants just doesnt actually seen to matter that much!
The reviewer screwed up kissing scene 3 too. As far as I can remember, these were 2 separate scenes. Correct me if Im wrong.
Rob in France.
Now there's a fantasy.
Avery - Ted C can say whatever the fuck he wants
Avery - Teddy C is a little gossip bitch.
Rob wont loose fans over it. The Robnetic pull will bring them back. Always.
Hi Hannah. How are you babe?
Avery - The fans Rob "loses" through this weren't really fans at all and he's well rid of them.
The only thing Ted C. can confirm is that he (Ted) is full of shit.
Rob's true fans (like those of us here on Robsessed) just wish for his continued success and happiness and the rest is just some kind of wacky BS.
Don't hang out on Ted Casablunkhead's site. You'll just get more and more pissed. Hang out here, and you'll just feel the Rob love :)
Tina :)
Im super didilly duper!
How's yourself?
Where'd the hand porn go!?
KK - Oh to feel the Rob love....
This "review" was clearly written by a Twilight Fan...
Completely irrelevant to Rob and his upward climb...
That said..the idea of FIVE kissing scenes does have me doing a little fan girl (okay fan grannie) squeeeee!
Of course many people are going to see this film for the Robward factor..but I predict within seconds they will forget it's Rob and be swept away by Dali and Lorca.
Rob has a magical way of rendering us "spellbound" while watching his portrayals.
Toby Jugg, Daniel Gale, Art, EC, Dali, etc. Rob becomes these men and we go along, happily for the ride, enjoying every breathtaking, heartbreaking, euphoric moment!
Watching HTB, I will admit to a fangirl moment... during his self-pep talk.. when he first blew into the harmonica....I was undone and the tiniest sigh escaped my lips, causing my friend to ask... "are you okay?"..
Harmonica Heaven. THUD
H - I missed the face and it's a little early in the morning for hand porn.
I would never survive the day.
Ted C can
Suz - I agree. The man is a chameleon. I have never seen anyone "become" someone else like he does.
Even in still photos. They are always different.
Uhhh Suz - How exactly does one do that?
Tina, where exactly do you want to "feel" that love...
behind you?
better stop.. its only 10 am
Hey Avery, I feel your pain, I hate when I'm forced to realise not everybody loves Rob like I do :(
On the bright side, hearing things like that makes me love this blog even more! Here we're all Robsessed for the right reasons, and in it for the long run :)
Suz - "and we go along, happily for the ride"
ooh yeah! ;)
Tina - The face deserves a little avatar time I think.
My equivalent is stubbly jaw line... oh.sweet.jesus
not sure Tina, but it's a How To Be moment...
thought it applied.
Suz - HAHA...Now that's what I call a good morning bitchslap to Mr. Casa-i wouldn't be able to find a real source if one crawled up my ass-Blunkhead!
Girls, this is not a review... just a small treat to Robward's fans. Don't be so harsh.
Ok, ok, I agree! Rob is talented, such a good actor, and want to see how he played this eccentric and also talented character... That said, now... come on, girls...
Yes! I want to see his flesh, the kisses, the sex scenes, etc. I am in my Robsessing time now!!!
Hannah, my loverly Irishlass.
How is the day treating you?
Nothing starts my day better than delivering a much deserved BITCH SLAP!
Yeah, Suz, Rob's "O" face is gonna be Hot,Hot,Hot...and I'm asking myself why am I getting turned on reading that him and Javier are going to have these hot love scenes?? Oh well, hot Rob and hot Javier equals steamy fantasies!!!Cannot wait to see this movie, it's going to be A-W-E-S-O-M-E!!!
Suz - Thigh?? Just a twitch to the left.
Suz - Hey! Its 3pm here already so its going good, not much longer left in the work day. Not that ive done much else than Robsess!
How are you? All you're little bits about HTB are killing me. I need to see it. Now. Please.
Today HTB starts on IFC Festival Direct on cable. I'll be ordering that up right after work :)
Sophia, don't see anyone being "harsh" (goes back to re-read comments)
Just stating opinions...
We can all share... awwwwwww
feel the love.
Now as far as Ted C(word) is concerning... ya.. might have been harsh..
but its "proper harshness"
Good Morning, y'all ~
Thank you so very much for the Little Ashes soundtrack clip. I could listen to "Cadaques Bay" all day ... quite lovely.
Hi Soph :)
I'm 100% with you ... what more could a girl ask??? You bring the CDs and I'll get the maps. We'll have a great time! Ummm, yeah, I love Spaniards ...
His "coming" face in the trailers are disturbing...
Hey, Lorca's girl! You are in here! Just wrote back to your e-mail.
Lost in Philly Babe
I said this before..
You know Rob is MAD FUKIN SEXY if we are anticipating scruff on scruff just as badly as the first TwiKiss..
What's next "slash" ff?
Sophia - His coming face last night was SPECTACULAR.
Tina, OMG
(definitely too early for this!!)
Lostinphilly, I used to wonder too... Now I've just accepted it. Rob kissing another dude: Hot.
Rob sexing it up with another dude: HOT.
Rob's "O" face as he watches another dude getting it on: HOTTEST THING EVER.
Tina! What did I miss? Last night? Oh, ok, you had a Rob-porn-dream...
Suz - Sorry. Reading Frenemies before McV pulls it off today.
Sophia - Was no dream sweetheart.
Tina. NEVER apologise for having a Rob induced "horn"
Hannah, I neeeeeed to see HTB again and again..
what can I say..
I am one of those... "multi" girls
Tina, lucky girl! Can I get in the line? Can I be next?
Oops, wonder what BF would say... maybe he is up to a threesome...
Suz - Thank the god of multiple O's for DVD release ;)
no really,there's so many immature teens(I assume) over there who totally believe him(not saying I'm calling bullshit on N/R once hooking up hehe cause it might have happened) but this is getting beyond ridiculous there, there's so many saying 'he's a dog','he's dead to me','I'm over him','I will never watch anything with him anymore' and more. fickle fans or more like fake fans that just won't listen to reason. think I've lost faith in teens and their common sense(know I'm slightly overgeneralizing),even though I'm not much older than them(23). One thing for sure,I'm not visiting that blog anymore,that was a mistake I won't repeat.
Suz - Tell me if I need divorce lawyer.
DH needed "reading material" last night and took GQ into john with him.
WTF sacrelige, right?
Soph ~ just checkin' the email. Off to work soon ... will talk to you later, k?
Everyone have a magical day!
Avery - Our motto here at RobSessed is
"If he ain't shagging me, I don't care who he's shagging"
Live the motto, Avery, live the motto
Tina, maybe your DH is a Robsessor too... Jeez...
Have a magical day you too, Lorca's girl!
Tiiinaaa .... ROFTL
definitely I NEED some serious professional help, best a shrink
and more panties, this time I've almost peepee :))
Tina - maybe he just wanted some alone time with Hot GQ Rob... thats okay right?
We're all guilty of it! ;)
Tina, I CARE who he is shagging... But I TRY not to think about it...
Damn hot man!
Margot - Nice avatar
Rob is way too big for any boundaries, he crosses them all :))) roftl
Tina and Avery - there's also the 'unofficial' motto, borrowed from UC:
"If he's not with me, then he's poundin' spam."
Not as classy, but it works for me.
Sophia - As long as it's not some hosebag Paris/Lindsey/Britney...
Would love him to be with stable, nice, loyal, there for him girl.
Not necessarily famous. (pref. not)
@ Tina : thx, the look of what he does unconsiously with his hands makes me even weaker and more vulnerable... aghhrr
Tina.. I will forward Raymond Tooth's contact info!
(most famous div attorney!)
Wow... I can't even imaging GQ in the bathroom
wait.. wtf am I saying.. I imagine Beautiful Bastard in the ladies loo all the time!
But husband should be totally on punishment indefinitely!
Margot - This is for you.
For Fuck's sake.. please!
Margot - Are you ok??
Suz - going to try ANYDVD software.
Got my Haunted Airman and BMH yesterday.
Tina - Do the Regions still affect it playing when it on your PC??
Im so dumb when it comes to this stuff!!
Good Girl.. remember to use the free trial... you get it for 21 days..
then we made a copy and when the trial expires, I will just watch my copy.
HA is sooooo goooood!
BMA -- Daniel owns me in his tight pipe jeans and velvet blazer and mad sexy glasses... (sigh)
Hannah - I think so. I guess I should try it. You are getting HTB released soon. Lucky.
Not here.
it does hannah....
but my sexy IT (hubby) guy knows how to rock the free software trials...
I think I killed Margot
Suz - Good idea missus!
Tina - I have LA, HTB DVD and Soundtrack ordered through amazon on robsessed :) Cant wait! Pity for you guys and all that regional shite. bastards.
hannah, you have LA on DVD already?
Tina, I have McV's Frenemies as a word doc if you dont finish it..
nevermind, Hannah...
I re-read comment..
You have ordered all those..
me too! lol
haven't received HTB cd yet. still waiting
Suz - yes all ordered. None in hands yet :( I cant wait!! Anyone got a time machine?!
ohhhhhhh Tina, maybe you have a signed one comin'
me too Tina but because I ordered it off amazon I wont get it til May 8th I think..
If I do I will probably erase autograph by while rubbing it all over my body
Suz - Very profound!
hannah, let's not wish our lives away..
enjoy the sweet torture of
(a dying emotion in a world of instant gratification)
Tina, you are cracking me up this morning...
I am not crossing much off the old to do list..
Tina - mmm just think of those hands that held that pen that sign the autograph... ;)
That's what ff porn at 9 am does to me.
FF porn and hand porn..
Hey (and most men will agree) nothing beats morning sex.. lol
Hey - First time EVER in long, long life, woke up with Forbert song in head.
Must be the influence of a certain Robsessor.
Im a late comer (no pun intended) to FF. Only started reading WA a couple nights ago :-/
Wide Awake
Chap 49 is UP!
Wasn't 49 already up?
Tina... you said the other "F" word...
Imagine my weekend....
Forbert on Fri
Art on Sat
Harmonica Nirvana....
awww blooooooooooooow!
What song was it? RT?
Hannah - enjoy
RT = Romeo something... yes
Thanks Tina! I have a long list of FF recommendations to get through!!
I am assured that I wont be disappointed.. :)
Hannah - you won't be disappointed but you will need to go and buy yourself alot of new panties.
Hey Lady loves.... nobody called me to this party... i hate being late....what up???
Hi Ten
Tenneil - Hey lady!
Tina - I've just bought a few pairs of plastic ones.. easy to wipe down ya know! ha!
Ten ~ MB.. I tried calling you..but your line was engaged!
Glad to see you. Happy Hump (Rob) day
Hannah, are you in Dublin?
Suz - Indeed I am.. Im moving in a couple weeks and dont know if Im gona move outside of Dublin just yet though..
WHAT!?!?!?!? unavailable??
I am always available for you BB...
I love hump day!!
Hannah, Tina, FF my fav subject!!
I love dublin!
@ Tina ... I guess I'm not ... I don't know wether I AM or I AM NOT ... ahh whatever
Hmmmmm, plastic undies. Are they anything like edible...?
Ten ~ Messenger not working..
She's ALIVE!!
Suz - Tis a great place! :)
Tina - Edible plastic? emmm... no.
Would love to go to Dublin. have a "thing" for Irish men.
Don't tell Scottish hubby
@ Tina ... not really...
SUZ~ I am crying....
ediable panties.. HMMM ....I got my GQ laminated..
Tina, I do tooo.. there is this guy in Downpatrick.....
(limerick, no!)
Tina, tell Ten my MB what your hubby did with GQ~~~
however my own avatar has much more dazzling impact on me - not only the shape but more of the gesture (the person behind)... ah, we, women ...
Ten - I need to get the damned thing fumigated. He need to have crap and took it in with him as "reading material"
You should have seen the look on my face when he walked out with it and said "What?"
okay do tell Tina... should I sit down???
What the HELL GQ does not grace the presents of any bathroom...
Margot - Here, now I've got the face and the fingers
How am I suppose to lick it NOW???
Many Irish men look like they've been hit by a bus..
Tina - LOVE the scotish accent :)
Just got a call.. my tee from Breast Cancer Research is in the post :) Im doing the marathon for them in June.
Unless well you are alone... and hmmmm well you know
Ten ~ MB
Unless it's Beautiful Bastard, the the Ladies Loo...
than its okay!
Tina thats hilarious.. I was thinking he just wanted some 'alone time' with it..
Tina... you didnt buy a back up???
I did..LMAO
Good for you Hannah. is it a 2 day thing like here?
That is something near and dear to my heart.. BC Research and funding.
Do you have a page up for sponsors?
He doesn't need alone time with it. He is reaping the benefits of my Robsession as it is.
Tenneil - a back up?! ha! I keep mine safe under my pillow ;) LOL
Tina - no just the 1 day. I am the most unfit person you will ever meet but I figure ill give it a go. Its only a mini marathon so like 10k..
Suz - No not yet. All the details are coming to me in the post. I'll let you know though.
H- Good for you. We recently had a Bye-Bye Boobie party for a close friend.
A bunch of us spectacular women went out for a girls night out with plenty of cleavage before friend went in for mastectomy
Tina - It is such an awful thing to happen to a woman. Im so sorry to hear that but a good way to help her through it, fair play ;)
(I dont want to bring down the chat - tell me to shut up about this at any point!)
Hannah... yes a back up laminate copy ...LOL
and i dont keep it under my pillow... that would be covering his beautiful face up... Besides 5FT edward hanging on the back of the door might get jealous...LOL
DH bought it for me...he lost a bet..
Tenneil - Serious? Fuck me! If I had a 5ft Ed in my room I dont think id see the light of day for days.. weeks even! LOL!
Tina~ hope you friend is doing better... I lost my mom to that SOB... so anything to help
Hannah way to go girl and help a great cause.... good luck
ok no bring reality in to this chat... more Robbieness...please
5Ft edward poster is a beauty to behold.. I love rolling over and see his beautiful mug... DH gets creeped out ever so once in a while
No Edward posters in my bedroom. have to go to DH room to enjoy the view.
The one where he is alone, the eyes follow you like Mona Lisa, except beautiful.
Ten - friend is good. finished chemo, hair is growing back. she is a real fighter though. second occurance. 46 yrs old
In my room I have Tonner Edward (who watches me sleep) and a beautiful piece of artwork that a friend gave me for christmas.. its a pic of Edward called "broken glass" or something and its almost animated looking...
Hubby can handle Edward in the room.. but not.. Rob. (he draws the line).. if he only KNEW how oft "Rob" is in the room... (awww he knows and cares,NOT!)
Tina~ I do feel like hes watching me... he likes to watch me sleep... I fasinate him...LOL
Like I said before, they are ALL reaping the benefits of Mr. Robert Pattinson.
What I would give to wake up next to that...
My sisters friend did a wood carving of Edward for an art project in school. This girl was like 16 and you wanna see it.. Amazing. I told my sis I wanted to buy it off her once the project was over!
That french article says that he is going to Cannes with Remember Me Director to look for distribution and that it shouldn't be to hard to do.
But I digress. Waking up with Rob.....
H - When you have inspiration like that..
OK I need to find a DH.. not for any other reason but to play out all the Rob fantasies on!!
Rob's beauty...
it's why painters paint
musicians play
poets write
etc. etc. etc.
Someone is carving Edwards wood???
I spelled craving first...LOL
Suz <------------ CRAVING
fo sho
Ladies.... and MB I have to jot out a sec... see you ladied when I get back if your all still here...
Tenneil - Carving in wood but craving the 'wood'!
Laters Lady ;)
craving - wood - carving - wood
can't stand myself grinning all the time
DH has just entered the room "just to check you out ... are you ok ? fo sho ? " and went away chuckling ... he's a wise man ... he knows something is going on
:*** for my DH
I was truly curious how he is in the film. I've never seen him act in anything else.
That is one really creepy and disturbing pick up line,"you are raw, like a skinned animal"
*raw for the hills*
What an amazing opportunity to go to Cannes. Congrats RP!!
Yup, UC is right he is just ponding spam...
Hannah- Carving the wood but craving the wood...priceless...tehehe
Damn I meant to say "run" not "raw" for the hills.
Okay today I can't fucking read or type. I meant "pounding" not "ponding".
Fantastic story--one of the best I've read. Thanks GOZ!!!! Very clear, detailed and well-written.
Finally, a story which covers all of the bases.
Just read all of the comments and there seems to be some confusion. This is NOT a review but an overview of the film. It is written for Robert Pattinson fans with the romance-with-man versus romance-with-woman angle.
Have to agree with Sophia. Well done!
Nonetheless it sounds a bit like it was also written for people who wonder how he moves as he picks up the girl who's straddling him - since the first(!) question is if he gets naked. As if this was the most important thing about a film with him.
I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure she has some of the kisses very wrong. o.o
I think kiss no. 3 was on the roof(because I remember thinking how awkward it would be if someone waled in on it. haha) and it's when they very nearly have sex.
And kiss number 3 is when Magdalena comes in, after Salvador has returned from Paris, and he masturbates.
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