Amanda Bell, Twilight Examiner interviewed Little Ashes producer Carlo Dusi. Dusi is also the producer of The Absinthe Drinkers with Peter Facinelli. He talks about the creation process of Little Ashes and of course our Robvador (too much? Robward was good, RobArt is cute but maybe not Robvador? Well, we'll keep it for now:))
Here are the parts where he talks about Robert Pattinson:
Speaking of the cast of Little Ashes, I asked Mr. Dusi what his role in cast selection – specifically in choosing Robert Pattinson for Salvador Dali, Javier Beltran as Federico, and Matthew McNulty for Luis – was in the film.
Says Dusi,
The process was different for each of these actors, as Javier was brought to us by our wonderful Spanish casting director Merce’ Espelleta, who found him straight out of acting school, and his audition simply blew all of us away. Merce’ also brought us the fabulous Marina Gatell (who is a very well-known television actress in Spain) for the role of Magdalena Mera, and again it was her consistently strong readings that won us all over. Robert had been on my radar for some time, as I had actually got him to read for a role in a pilot for a feature film that I made in 2006, and while he was too young for that particular role I had already been extremely impressed by his screen presence and his acting ability. When our dates for the shoot of Little Ashes were confirmed and we went back into the market to find our Salvador Dali’ in Britain, he was immediately one of our shortlist, and his reading for the role left us all in no doubt that he was the right person for the role. Of course no-one could have imagined at the time how his career would have soared so soon after our shoot, but we could all tell that there was a very special quality to him, as well as huge talent and integrity as an actor. Finally, as regards the role of Bunuel we had had another actor interested in principle in the role for some time prior to the shoot, but by the time we could confirmed dates he was no longer available, and we were left casting this key role with only a couple of weeks before the start of the shoot. We picked who we wanted to see for the role very carefully, and Matthew was always our favourite as his work to date was extremely strong. Our director was already in Spain and I was away from London when we got him to read, so we all had to make our decision based on a DVD of his audition, but even so Matthew’s incredible talent shone through, and we immediately brought him on board and flew him out to Barcelona to rehearse.

About the actors, I asked Carlo Dusi what he thought made them just right for their respective parts. He said,
Each of them is an extremely committed, technically excellent and very gifted actor, which would have been the pre-requisite in all instances given the complexity of Philippa's beautiful characters and the beauty of their language and journey, but I also believe that we did manage to tie each role to specific characteristics of the actor playing it. Javier has a very special sensitivity and vulnerability, as well as a quiet dignity and elegance, which gave him the perfect basis on which to build the persona of Federico Garcia Lorca. Matthew has an incredible energy and inner strength, as well as poise and wisdom well beyond his years, and while in reality being much smaller physically than the real Bunuel he managed to compensate for this with his phenomenal screen presence – so much so that both Paul and I were quite taken aback when we first met him in Barcelona as we were expecting someone much bigger and taller from the audition DVD! Finally, Robert is himself an incredibly intense, artistic and complex character whose intelligence immediately tapped into both the insecure side of Dali’s personality as well as his flamboyance, and the arc that he managed to create for Dali’s journey during the film is a real testament to his craft as an actor.
Check out the whole interview HERE where Dusi talks about Facinelli's Absinthe Drinkers.

what about RobDali?
a little easier to pronounce!
thanks again gozde and dani for all you do! :)
I like Robvador! Sounds a bit like Anakin Robwalker's Sith Lord name though.
(geeky, me? nooo)
Either way - it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside to hear our Rob spoken of in such high terms. 'A very special quality to him', yes indeed :)
Congratulations must be said for their impeccable artistic eye in recognizing talent when they casted Rob and his co-actors for Little Ashes.
Robali? Robli? Robador?
yay Rob! I always do a little cheer inside when reports like this get out, hollywood suits take notice
(Although we of course already "know" this about Rob, his brain and artsy side are a big part of his allure. Also his suspected *huge talent*). Sorry, sorry, too early?
Thanks for posting this Goz! Anyone one of us who spent time searching out Rob's past performances in The Bad Mother's Handbook or the The Haunted Airman know first hand that he is a talent to be reckoned with.
Each performance has subtle nuances and he is definately an actor that will have a variety of roles that people will be able to point to and say that was their favorite performance!
Bravo Rob! You deserve the recognition!!
Nice piece. Thanks for posting it.
May Rob ONLY read these types of articles and ignore the gash out there.
His little light shines. Bright.
So glad whenever I see a piece written on his commitment and technical skills, rather than his hair or hygiene. I can't wait to see this film, and to see Rob's interpretation of such a fantastic "character". It sounds like this might be his most difficult role yet, and I have no doubt that Rob did Dali proud.
p.s. I'm hunting for another Robsessor who I met at a soap fan event this weekend. Where you at, girl???? Hope you had a great trip home--PM me at the FL board! {hug}
I really am looking forward to future Rob in 5 years. He'll be 28 and the Twilight craze will be over. His life will hopefully be a little more normal and he will be doing movies that interest him. Not to mention he will be in FULL PRIME. Yummy, seriously can't wait. I'm going to love watching this man grow up.
I am so excited to see Rob's performance as Dali. The trailers and clips all show him to be an actor who immerses himself in his role and becomes that character.
Can't wait to see the movie...and all his other films that will be made for years to come...
I love how he recognized the "very special quality" and "huge talent" in Rob.
Oh, I just love to soak it up when i hear this kind of thing said about Rob.
Good morning every one!
Ma~nana, ladies! I love Robvador, he can be our troubador! I'm glad for this positive article. We all well know of his intelligence and artistic abilities!
hi Ellainieeeeee!
"ma-nana"? did you forget how to spell banana? and why on earth would you greet us with a banana?
oh i get it. fruit porn.
who wants a mustache ride? i do! i do! sorry to quote super troopers at 830 in the morning.
k~ hee hee ;)
Great article!! I love to read this kind of article because it talks about his craft, and that is what I most care about.
Great words about Rob and the cast.
Good morning everyone!
Fruit porn and mustache rides this early in the morn! I'm luvin' it.
C~I like the fleshy edible inner portion of the banana! Don't they hang in clusters?
I'm going to get fired!
HowULikinDaRain~ I am liking ur name! How ULikinDaRob? lol
I am super excited to see this movie. I love Dali's artwork. This is a good article.
Ellayniey~ Yep. Fruit porn. Just like i said. LOL!
(hee hee-ing over "Cullen Hiney Tingles")
Great article can't wait to see this movie. Still waiting to see what cinemas are showing it here ;-}
Ahhh, great article, nice to hear positive things about our Rob :) Of, WE all know this stuff already!
Good morning girls!
C~"Do u do that a lot?' "Or just the past couple of months' w/ the fruit. Now u make me want to go watch "Twilight" for the 100th viewing. Only I'm at work today!
My name is boring~ clever Crazy girl what must we do?
CHT~ luv the names
Bye, everyone! Hope to check back later! I actually have to work a while! But I still have a Robreel running in my mind all day long of all the fab pics on this blog!
Hey Yvonne! Missed u!
Elayynieeeyey~ you want a different name? it's not enough to have it spelled differently each and every damn time? (winks)
You are high maintence (hee hee!)
hi crazy,
I know, I wasn't here all weekend
:( feels like forever!
I kind of stopped by last night, but everyone was leaving.
Had a busy weekend...
Robador beats Salbert any day. I hope some of the gossips, who are so desperate to write about him that they make things up, will take note of this article. It's real, it's true, it picks up on what we, the Robsessed, have known all along. It's actually helpful to him instead of a stupid smear. Here Teddy, Teddy, Teddy, Lainey, Lainey, Lainey - eat this.
I agree, post-Twilight series Rob and his work, whatever he decides to do, will be exciting to watch. HTB and LA suggest he shouldn't be referred to as 'Twilight actor, Robert Pattinson' for long.
I will be here if Gozde and Dani are still going 15 yrs from now. Rob hasn't even hit his prime yet and I think he will age well (just like us women!).
Hey Yvonne~ if you didn't have time to Robsess, than your priorities are all screwed up! ;)
Diane ~ from your lips to God's ears!
uhhhh, "lips". oh boy.
Erin~ suspect he'll get even better lookin? Please, oh no!
yeaaaah (C. Hardwicke style)
Crazy...ha ah ah
OK, let me explain...was my sisters b-day, so I actually DID Robsess all weekend...just did it at her house :) I got her a PE, and we watched Twilight and listened to Rob sing...But I truly missed you all :)
Morning girls,
you guys are killing!!! Just thinking about Rob's huge talent is sending me to oblivion. I'm so swamped today. I hope I can make it through the day.
I love this article. I love hearing the good stuff about Rob.
Huge talent and Rob at his prime. Focus, focus, focus....
Crazy, say "is it not enough just to spend a long and happy time blogging w/ me
Elainnie says, "for now"
My DH say I'm high maintenance! I loooove the way u spell my name! I was just kidding!(since the other were so Rob cool!)
C~i made a typo and left the s off of say.
i am estactic,just got the flyer from our local indie theater and they are gonna show LITTLE ASHES, donnot have the exact date yet,looks like may.allentown,pa.
Congratulations must be said of article because it talks about his craft, and that is what I most care about.
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