Jorja tells us that the Los Angeles - Landmark Regent Theater says they are going to decide on whether or not to show the movie today! We've previously listed it as a SCORE, I don't know what made them change it, please call Jeremy Willis 626-799-1824 and tell them you'd like to see the movie there if you live in the area! This is important. We can make it happen! Please call...
There is an addition to the screenings in Missouri! Please check the Little Ashes page for all of the confirmed screenings. You can also check out Little Ashes Movement page for the numbers to request the movie in your area :)
We don't tag the pictures because it takes away from Rob's gorgeousness, please credit if you take them ;)
everytime when I refresh this page, something new comes up. :D
Awesome pics and I died when I read you called them Robvador on Twitter. Perfection!
these photos are lush!
Ooh a Robfest.
Thanks for posting the pics without tags... you rock! :D
ahhhh 2 men I hold dear (besides the DH of course ;): Dali and Pattinson. I love the baby faced shave and black slick hair. So sexy.
This film is going to kick ass. Only 10 more days!
Ok.. Full disclosure!
I am incapable of stopping my staring at the beach photo...
Robvador, you are magnificently stunning...
Suz, when are you seeing LA?
DS are you going Fri or Sat?
we have quite a Robsessed crew for Sat..
(or jinx)
Oh crap, that's right, I forgot. My ticket is for the 8th, unfreakinfortunately. I'm meeting Winnie aka Winwin by the Chelsea Clearview theater. That sucks we can't all go together. Maybe if Summerhouse comes out, we can all plan to buy tickets for the same day/time.
What's jinks? I'm definitely a Pepsi gal.
when two people say the same thing at the same time..
we both asked the same question of each other at the same time..
You owe me a pepsi.
Ohhh I'd love to meet Win!
TEN<------- jealous of your meeting...Enjoy yourself ladies...details dont forget details... :))
Oh! I see, lol.
F**k soda!I owe you a stiff drink. ;) How about a Rob straight up. Really, really straight and UP.
don't be jealous MB..
I will burn every detail in my memory and relay it all to you..
especially the "lemons"
Now this needed a comment.
Oh gosh, thank you for these.
I am such a big fan of him as Dali, I honestly think it's his best role in all aspects.
I mean, are you seeing all the jaw porn??
And that second photo is really one of my favourites. Beautiful.
Thank you Gozde :)
Trying not to be....you all have got mad hook ups... its all good...
Suz~ oh I know you will~ thats why I heart you!!
JEEZUS, here we go again...I had to sign up AGAIN in order to post. Site doesn't seem to be storing my password...&%$#...what am I doing wrong?
Well, Goz, you hit my area code so I just called Jeremy at the Regent theater and requested that he run "Little Ashes," because: A) It will do well B) Robert Pattinson is a huge star with drawing power C) it is a good film. HTH! For me, I'll be seeing it in Pasadena (much closer) on May 9th.
That's it, I can't take it anymore. I NEED to see Little Ashes. NOW. And if I don't, I'll just die.
Hi DS, Suz and all the fine ladies here (gives great big hug),
no wonder my ears were ringing, you guys are thinking about me. Glad I came to check for updates.
DS, can wait until 5/8. I love these pics. I read your review on HTB the other night. So glad you had a good time and your mom sounds adorable. Will email you to see when we'll meet.
Suz, I got your email and you are so welcome. Sorry we couldn't connect. I'm sure we can get a party together for his upcoming movies. Or you can come to NYC and we can hang at a English pub, he'll be in the city this summer filming.
You guys make me smile. I was so stressed at work and once I get here it all melts away. You guys are better than therapy!
Hey WinWIn.... dropping in huh.. you have some self control...LOL
Wow!!! It likes you can really reach out and touch him. Now this is HQx100...
I love that your website doesn't tag! I hate Lainey Gossip's tags because honestly, no one cares which website had them FIRST, we just care that they EXIST! Love you, Robsessed!
Win -- you are a TOTAL WIN!
Again the pics of these two hot guys together... "together"... You lucky americans, may 8th is pretty close!
Okay, still trying to get past the crazy 'stache and the even crazier look in Rob's eyes on that first pic... I know Rob's under there somewhere!
Chicago Girl, I had trouble when I first signed up for the Google account, but I discovered that where you're supposed to type in your "username" here on Robsessed, you really have to type in your email address instead, then your password. Hope that helps!
being a hairstylist i notice alot of hair .. rob has light brown roots in the one of them both in white- and other dude sooo has a fake piece on- check out that hairline in blown-up mode!
These are gorgeous. His eyes are luminous.
I have posted that I was having trouble several times with no reply...THANKS SO MUCH! I was feeling like a moron. Of course, I should know (WTF) that it means email address instead of actual user name... Thanks, again.
Poor Chicago, I am sorry I did not understand what was your problem and helped you yesterday... But now that Leann said it, I remember that I had the same problem when I got my google acc.
Sorry again.
Lesamara~LMAO at the hairpiece and light brown roots!
OK now, thanks Sophia!
No problem, Chicago! I reset my password once before I figured it out, so don't feel bad! :)
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