From people.com:
For many Twilight fans, it's hard to imagine life without Robert Pattinson after his brooding performance in the 2008 film. (Gozde: Tell me about it! I go to the gym for 1.5 hours and 10 people sent me this article (thanks guys, y'all rock :)). I live and breathe Robert Pattinson :))
But Pattinson, 22, who stars in the independent film How To Be, almost decided to change his career focus, the film's director tells PEOPLE.
"He was thinking about giving up acting and maybe doing music solely when this role [in How To Be] came along," the film's director, Oliver Irving, tells PEOPLE. "He wanted to play the roles he wasn't getting."
Irving says that for Pattinson, being cast as the lead of role of an awkward, quirky young musician who hires a self-help guru to come live with him "got him back into the swing of things again." Irving adds that after the Harry Potter films, in which Pattinson played Cedric Diggory, "He was looking for something more challenging."
Among the challenges for Pattinson in How To Be, which filmed prior to Twilight, were playing the guitar, harmonica, and, for the director, muting his good looks. (Gozde: You mean like this? :))

"I said, 'You're banned from cutting your hair between now and the shoot,'" says Irving. "We had to give him the most awkward haircut we possibly could, and we cut his trouser length a little bit too high. Things like that played down his apparent good looks."
Honing his musical skills, however, came naturally to the actor. "He downplayed how good he was," says Irving. While playing the guitar and harmonica, Irving says, "A lot of the time he would turn out to have a really good technique and we told him he needed to play it more simply."
Irving says he isn't surprised that Pattinson's star has risen since the film, which is available on demand on IFC Festival Direct on April 29. "He has a playfulness and naivety that he was able to inject into the character. He's very down to earth and unpretentious. I think that's probably what makes him appealing."

OK he looks more dorkable but mute his good looks? I guess he got more dorky but still looks good IMO :-). Very cute article though and it seems like the ppl behind HTB really did enjoy working with him. IF this is the movie that made Rob want to continue acting the I love this movie more! Hope he continues to get roles he wants and that allows him to be challenged too then :-).
I can't wait till I get home and can watch this... ugh work is always getting in my way...
That last picture always makes me smile :)
argh. i just want to lick him. is that bad?
kennedy - licking Rob = never bad
For me, Art is the most alluring and beautiful character Rob has played.
Suz {hearts} Art the most
I want to watch HTB on IFC on demand, but I dont no how it works
Anon, welcome back (?) lol
first of all, you must be a Comcast subscriber. Then look for it ON DEMAND.
Hope that helps.
Happy How TO Beeeeing
That last pic forced an avatar change..
A close up crop... then an avatar change..
waaaait, I LURVE his long haircut in this movie! I don't think it's muting anything. The man is foxy. And adorable.
I need to go check out my cable listings.... fingers crossed!!
Gozde, are you seriously complaining that during your workout 10 of your readers sent in an article which they thought might be beneficial to your site?
Oh piss off anon! See that's why you don't deserve anonymity. I allow anon posts and you show your ugly head. Did you not read "thanks guys you rock!" in the end?
Anon are you serious?! Jeeez...
Anons just dont have the balls to put their name behind what they have to say.
Anon ? go and ... I don't know ? have a cup of coffee, eat a piece of chocolate, go jogging, read a book, screw somebody - just make yourself happy, that's what I wish you ...
as to the topic : it is funny what males write sometimes ... as if a woman couldn't see a real person in, for example Rob , as if any clothes or hairdo could change what we actually see through
It's men who can be blinded by the cover
I banned the anonymous comments for good. One bitch spoils it for everyone but this is our happy place and there is no room for sour pusses like you.
finally :))))
hmmm ... I didn't notice sour pussy is used in English as in my language, it must have been taken from English then
Well I can't wait to see it at the Barbican very soon! Wooooooo!!!
Gozde, you rock. Please ignore the obnoxious anons. We heart you.
BTW, I ordered the HTB soundtrack on itunes. So excited, will listen to it tonight and there's also a 2 minute clip.
Also, thanks for the LA review. Going next Friday, can't wait.
Unfortunately, no sign of showing Little Ashes or How to Be in cinemas here... unless there is some festival of the independent cinema ... if not I will finish as a naughty girl playing with emule again and who will be to blame ?
I had to make my way over here, now, to...well...
*elvis noises*
You, Ted C(word) and Laimey can all
you can make Rob look less beautiful only with plastic surgery. the really, really bad one.
Art haircut is great <3
The muting didn't help. I was watching the trailer with the pep talk yesterday and mellted into a huge puddle. He exudes somthing unexplainable. It's the same with his Daniel Gale character, he's so adorkable I just want to hug him.
Goz it sucks that you have to lock the anons,but I get why. I used to be one because I wasn't sure how to get a blogger acct.
However I enjoy this site and totaly appriciate all you do. I wanted to be a part of your blog bad enough to figure it out.
If the others want to be a pleasant part of the group then they can do the same. Thanks again for all you do your the best. (Dani to.)
Thank you guys :)) I don't know why one anon gets me down when y'all are so awesome to me all the time :))
Hugs to all of you! (wish I could have Rob hugs y'all too!)
Gozde: don't have regrets honey. This is your playground and you didn't lock out or censor anybody. They can still say whatever they like they just need to stand by it by putting a name on it! (If they can't figure out how to set up an account then they're too young to be on here anyway :))
GOZDE~ur site has changed my life! I come here to release some of the sexual tension that Rob causes me and worship Rob w/ fellow Robsessors. lol
The banners are second to none! The anon is jealous! Not worth ur time!
Muting his looks is impossible! I haven't seen HTB, but can't wait!! He will make dorky look sexy, I'm sure!
Go Gozde!!!! We love you and stand by your decision. You're right one pissy anon ruins it for others, but you aren't censuring anyone or blocking anyone who sets up a profile.
Send me and email peeps I'll help you do it. It's not hard. I have two -one for the fam. and one for my Robsessing.
I hope everyone is having a great day- It's agreat in Rosessed land today. Lots of good stuff.
Meh - mute his good looks? He's still gorgeous and I want to cuddle RobArt sooooo bad - that's ALL Rob's acting and sweet persona.
hey gals!
Gozde~XOXO you are the best! your blog is the best! and we adore you! I stand behind you all the way. F**k all the anon haters. don't let them get you down. XOXO
RPaddict~I agree with your first comment.
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