I have to ask this: How does he not need to run to the bathroom during the interviews with the amount of coke/water he consumes? :))
Thanks to, ummm, anonymous for the link :))
P.S.: Turns out Dani posted this video back in November so this is a recycle post. Thanks to Jules for pointing it out :P
Supporting Mexico Pics:

Cute Interview !
Gozde, good day!
Yes, it is that one from Mexico. I am (way too much) Robsessed too, I've watched every vid that is in YouTube like 100 times at least. No wonder my work is so delayed...
You're welcome Gozde! :)
I had not seen that one before, thanks Goz and Anon.
I just love the way he is just so honest with every answer.
I still wonder if after the Twilight series he is just going to take a break from acting and work on his music career.
Anyways, beautiful new banner Goz. I love the pics!!!!!!
Oh how I wish I was that can of coke...a girl can only dream
Yup, Mexico....so cute.
I love how he really stops and answers each question so thoughtfully. He never just blurts out some rehearsed answer. And you can see he is clearly uncomfortable with all of the attention. I love this man :)
He certainly stays hydrated, doesn't he?
Must be "nervous drinking" lol
Sophia, mine too... Piles of work waiting for me on my desk.
But that man...
I think he has to constantly do something with his hands, so if there's a drink there he's drinking. Wonder which best friend lived in Mexico at the time?
OMFG - Goz!!!!! I love these pics and the interview is so great! Rob smiling is a thing of beauty. Of course, him looking up at you with his chin down, and wearing those suspenders!!!!!!!!! GAH!
Hi Kate! Nice to see you posting today : )
Oh, you can see how nervous he was back then, the really looks uncomfortable at some points....sooo adorable!!!
cool interview. he fidgets a lot.lol so sexy in those shots. looking like a scrumptious super hero with his hands on his hips.
This is what I call nervous. :D
http://www.flickr.com/photos/isis682/sets/72157608250562747/ here are the photos. I think the girl was crying.
Loved the interview. He is so cute! I have things to do today and I'm so distracted I dont want to leave.
Aw, he was still so new to the fame here. He even looks more wide eyed and "innocent" in the pics. For his sake, I'm glad he's gotten used to it a bit now.
I think he drinks a lot of water because he has to talk so much and he's nervous. His mouth would be really parched.
*stop thinking about his mouth*
God, he's adorable! *swoons and faints*
Gozde---I love the Mex pics....the suspenders in the tapestry shots are drool worthy. Rob looks so bad boy Edward....fan fic rears it's ugly head. Thanks for the oldie but goodies!
Yeah....I'm a little Robsessive when I can remember when you posted an interview....
Cuz that's how I roll when it comes to Rob!!
LOL girls, in British English 'suspenders' means 'garters'. The pictures in my head after reading your comments... sooo wrong... :)))
My god Tina!
I saw the video!!!
He's adorable!!!
I am picturing sitting in his lap with those long legs, long fingers holding me around the waist---ohhh--got to stop that!
Jewels - Did you see my post from last night? Any news?? You are the goddess of FF. Have they ever made a movie from a web novel??
Thanks for your wonderful mind.
i like it when he looks like a wolf man.
Wow Scarlett your words are WAY too kind.
Yes, I got your post from last night and I am currently writing the next chapter.....
"Thank you," she murmured...
please watch, it's beautiful!
LittleBear---enlighten us with the proper term for suspenders? The idea of Rob in garters is so wrong on many levels.
Lynn...that would be "Braces"!
Lynn...I gotta ask cuz it's freaking killin me....
Whats up with Rocky your new avatar? LOL!!!
Lynn - I know, right?! The image is now burned into my subconscious. GQ to the rescue.
The English term for 'suspenders' is 'braces'. Which I think also means something else in American. It's a vicious cycle...
oops, sorry, hadn't seen Jewels had already answered! (love your fanfic btw:)
I don't know if I remember this interview or not...Sometimes they all start running together...
But he is incredibly cute as usual.
Goz...LOVE LOVE the new banner...
some of my most favorite pictures EVER!
Goz...LOVE LOVE you, too!!!
Thanks LittleBear!
I was able to answer Lynn's question because I'm originally from Australia...well half aussie...
So yep...I'm familiar with the british vernacular....
Love this interview, he looks scruffalicious. The suspenders to mmmmm.
I definatly think the drinks are a nervous habbit.Almost never see an interview where he doesn't have one.
Thank god for all you Robsessesors. I feel more normal now. I can admmit that I check this site at least 3 x per day.
Thank you!
Elisa: Welcome to the blog. We all suffer from the same "disease" you'll fit right in :))
Him in braces looks so sexy just doesn't sound right :) I think Brits should consider suspenders instead of braces :)
Rose, baby, I love you too! Muaaaaaah!
Have I mentioned that I absolutely LOVE Rob in suspenders??
I haven't.
Well, I swoon when I see him in suspenders.
These pics (sigh) give new meaning to "Jaws of Life"
Thanks for posting them.
Elisa - 3 x per day? Hmm... sounds to me like you're still fairly sane :)
I would never admit to anyone how many times a day I refresh this blog! But I'm beyond help anyway, my Robsession is terminal I'm afraid.
Oh and by the way, terminology aside - Rob in braces/suspenders is pretty much the sexiest thing I've ever seen.
Jules---I just felt kind of squirrelly and I love the change up amongst all the Rob avatars.
Tina: Just saw that video, i was embarassed for him. It made me laugh.
I was having a bad day but after checking back to the site, i have a smile on my face.
Wow, Rob is just sooo adorable.
Hey Lynn! It's nice to see you here! I never get a chance to see you on the blog!
Littlebear---I love how things get lost in translation....so, suspenders are garters and braces are suspenders. In the States, braces are worn on your teeth to straighten them out....LMAO!
Rose---life has been so crazy...today is my first free of children's activities in two weeks. So, email and fan fic are about all I can handle. I miss the blog...I need more Rob eye candy!
Yes...life is busy...but I always find time for Robert.
@danni & ana: from now on, that is my favourite interview. :)
I`ve never read fan fiction. Can you guys recommend me some sites? :D
Tina---fanfiction.net is good but we can weed out the good one for you. Do you want vampire, alternate universe (human Edward and Bella), lemons (the good stuff that Stephenie leaves out)?
Beware, Tina... once you find fanfic...it will completely take over your life!
Tina---here are some to start you off. Jewels64 (Jules) and McVampy are two of our resident writers and they are BRILLIANT.
Frenemies is A/U and OOC (out of character) with tons of lemons.
Utter Darkness is post Breaking Dawn.
Holy Moly! His little grin and laugh in the beginning was already enough to turn me to mush, then he just got progressively cuter with his answers and sheepish smiles. How can he possibly be this adorable/hot?! I can't handle it - it should be illegal!!
Tina---yes, it's like literary crack. You will hit the pipe daily, because, it's addictive, free and loaded with the stuff that SM leaves out!
Holy Shit! He was truly at the peak of HOT here! This video is one of my favorites to watch with the sound off as well. His facial expressions are yummy; make me ravenously hungry for him ;)
Hi all you ladies!
Yvonne - missed you yesterday!
Hey Crazy:)
Lynn...thanks for pimping my fiction out.... MMMUUUAAAHHHH!!!!
I got to quit goofing off...I've written only two pages today and I still haven't written any lemon...
Bye ladies...catch up with ya later....
Jules! I didn't see you here!!
But yes...another chapter..
I can't wait!
guys, I`m already addicted. For a few weeks I had a kind of ritual before going to bed - watching twilight every night. And if I was really tired, then just my favorite scenes (the ones with edward).and instead of learning biochemistry (aww, when edward says biochem <3), I used to read twilight series till 5 A.M. guys, thank you for the links! :)
Hi Rose! Ready for the heat that eminates from this SEX ON FIRE??
Where the hell did i get that from?!
I guess I was wondering why hell hasn't come for me yet!!
Crazy...isn't loving Rob...a kind of hell? I think so. But the flames feel soooo good...I don't care.
Jules---you are so welcome, mija! I somehow missed the last chapter and read it just now. GAH, I love Darkward's intentions and drive! The lemons running through my wicked mind are revolving around sports car.
Rose~ you are spot on!!! It IS hell because we can't even get NEAR him! It's so "frustrating", because MY sex is on fire all the effin time now. Since November! uuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
it probably hurts to look that good.
hey Crazy, it's funny you should say that, my sex has been on fire since November as well. Coincidence? I think NOT.
Love - it hurts US that he looks that good!!
Crazy, I saw smoke coming out of this thread so I had to come check on you. There is no extinguisher ladies - not one that I've found. Just when I think I'm getting 'better' Goz goes and posts a bunch of bullshit pics and videos and kind words from friends, hurts so good. Damn you Goz!
Yeah, I saw this interview way back. I remember him saying that he had a friend in Mexico but was working all that weekend. So he couldn't meet up with that person. As we know that's when they were working his butt hard.He also did a radio interview down there.
Oh, he is so cute. So shy. You can tell how uncomfortable he is with the attention, which of course, just makes him that much more adorable. Thanks, Goz!
Rob was looking like the hot bitch that day and when his hair is like that....panties melt.
Wow. His eyes are soooo green in those pics. Yummylicious! Cute interview!!!
Thanks for reposting G. Something about this interview just turned the longing into lust! There's just no other word for it: he was f***Ing scrumptious in Mexico. Hair, giggles, impish look in those eyes, hands moving around all the time. And then he recognizes the journalist and turns on the shy ackward charm and starts playing eye contact tag with her. Would make any woman with a pulse want to gobble him up right then and there!
Divine~ it's in the water -NOT-!!
Hi TWI!!! I'm not smokin'...
I'm leakin'!!! ;)
The only extinguisher would be death, methinks!
LOL! I always wondered how he manages not to wet his pants during these interviews after drinking so much. I'm glad i'm no the only one that thinks about that. I agree with what some of the other posters said, it must be nervous drinking. Oh to be the bottle in those large, beautiful hands.
His hair looks fab here.
It's an interview from Mexico. I waited for him for 36 hours and my friend and I got the chance to attend the book signing the whole 40 minutes. I even have videos!!
It was the most amazing experience!!
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