Is it Christmas? Did my desperate cries before I went to bed having just watched the new How To Be trailer help? Am I a drama queen?
Well at least 1 of the above is true :)
How to Be and Little Ashes are available for pre-order from amazon.co.uk! Let the "sqeeeeee"s out!
How To Be will be released on May 4th, just in time for my birthday, I am telling you praying helps! :) You can order it HERE!
Little Ashes will be released on August 24th!
Get yourself a multiregion DVD player if you are in the US and start waiting :)) Here is a link you can check to see if your DVD player is region free!
Thanks to MaryAnn and CSI_Kat for the heads up. I can squeeze you both! :)
P.S.: If you order through the links provided you can support Robsessed ;)
Eeeeeeek! Dance for me boys!
I know Goz it's such great news. I told you things would work out and we'd get to see them!
LOL Gozde I can't help but laugh at the gifs you posted, they are so funny!
LOL. diknabox.
Man. Now I gotta go buy a new DVD player. Do you see what you're doing to my life, Goz?
**grumbles while clicking through to amazon**
LOL hey it's from dick in the box! SNL with Justin Timberlake. LOL
Wow! What a great way to start my day!! Such great news! :D
Perfect! I just ordered my copies of each... it's going to be a Rob-filled year! Going to see LA in May, June, and July, HTB DVD in May, LA DVD in August, NM in November... what's next? LOL :D
Wow the more I see clips from the movie the more I want to see it. Rob is so multitalented it blows my mind.
Goz your blog inspired me to figure out how to log in so I don't have to write out my name everytime. Your the greatest.By the way I'm Elisa.
Oh Goz you are such a little minx, drama queen! hahahahaha and I friggin love you. A big fat bear Robhug and a juicy Robkiss to you! Sqquuuueeeee!
thanks for the two hilarious gifs. I was pleasantly surprised you put up the one with Kristen pouncing on Rob. Loves it. And of course the Rob/Tom dick in the box is truly truly priceless. They will be on my santa list this year, no doubt.
Gozde, I really think you could make a living out of this if you started selling some more RP-stuff:-)
Thank you for the heads up on such awesome news! You're the best, Gozde! I just ordered Haunted Airman & Bad Mothers Handbook through the links on Robsessed the other day. I'm putting in an order for LA & HTB pronto. Gosh, it really does feel like Christmas! I will be "squeeing" like a fangirl. For sure! Haha. Can't wait. ;}
THANK THE LORD WOMAN!!!!!!!! And thank you. Seriously, I had a truly crappy day and this definitely fixed everything. I thought it was pathetic that after my crappy day I go to check this site.. but really if Rob was a thing and he had a tag attached to him his would say "stress reliever" :P among many other things...hah. Now just for Little Ashes...I still need to call my theater in Houston! I'm bad!
HTB DVD on May 4th, realy cool, this is my birthday :-) Thanks for the create news Gozde!
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