I am having a soap box moment. Someone just sent me the link to download the How To Be movie. This movie was made with a very small budget and it's an independent movie. The producers of the movie struggled to find distribution for it, fans worked hard to get screening in their areas and FINALLY it is getting the recognition it deserves. It is on IFC Direct on demand and the DVD will be released in the UK in 2 weeks.
Are we this impatient? Can we not wait a little while and give a little back to watch the movie?
You can say : "Oh, I'll download it now and I'll definitely buy it when it comes out" but I bet you only %10 will do this. Most will go with the downloaded crappy "free" version.
The director, the actors, the producers have been touring the world to meet with the fans. Everyone that went to the screenings keep saying how friendly and gracious they were and someone out there steals their work and puts it up for download.
I am truly saddened by this and I hope you choose not to download it and buy it instead.
P.S.: I understand the frustration over the movie not being available in your country. The shipping from amazon.co.uk is around 5 pounds worldwide. Please check here to see how to make your DVD player region free. The information is at the middle of the post.
Yes I totally agree Gozde, the film makers deserve to get a decent return on their project.
I couldn't agree more Gozde!
I've also been told "oh just wait til its available to download if it's such a small film"
I bluntly refused and have pre-ordered my copy through Amazon.
I saw this film in Sydney and I really appreciate it for what Oliver and the boys have done. It's a brilliant film that deserves proper recognition. Downloading it would just be a disrespectful move for a film as such.
I'm totally against illegal downloading! It's the same as stealing but those who do it would never steal anything (a DVD :) ) in a store!
I've ordered my copy (and the Little Ashes' one too at the same time...I'll have to wait until August 24 to get it...*sigh* but the movie will not be played in my country so better waiting than not seeing it at all I suppose)
I totally agree with you Goz.
It would be a crime to download this film. Give everyone involved all the recognition it deserves. See it, spread the word, and Pay for it
I agree with you,
Im from Germany and cant watch it on demand, but I order my dvds from the UK...
As tempting as it is to download it I won't be.
I have my copy ordered from amazon and will wait for it, and enjoy it all the more because of that.
i agreee. i neeed to get this movieee, idk where thoughh. i want little ashes and haunted airman too )=
I totally agree with you Gozde
I´am from Germany too.
piano-girl1984 your absolutely right. I order my DVD from UK too.
And people are lucky if it has screened near you and is being released in your country.
However, a lot of people are getting frustrated that it doesn't look like being screened or released on dvd in a lot of countries any time soon if ever.
The producers should perhaps consider selling it in downloadable form on itunes or something if they can't get it distributed in some countries - sell it to us via download.
hear, hear Gozde!
Thanks for your efforts to keep the integrity alive online
It is hard enough for independent cinema as it is without this kind of thing, and undermining their work will only hurt our access to it in the future
Gozde, i agree, absolutely. This would be wrong!
Robsessors, don't download! It is NOT supportive of Rob.
Resist! Resist!
Goz.. this is an issue that has me climbing the soapbox on a regular basis....
illegal downloading hurts "Art"
Don't do it!!!
Please wait, and pay for your..
"Edible Art"
These lads made a beautful film and truly deserve all the accolades, attention and YES money that's coming.
C'mon we can wait! It's worth it.
Self Control..... Anticipation.
Do it for Art... don't make Art sad.
I have already preordered my copy so honestly I see no point downloading this at all now. It is only 2 weeks or so untill it is released so seriously what IS the point? Nah I am quite happy to wait for my paid DVD!
Preach it sista!
As much as I am dying to see this movie, I would never download it.
Wrong wrong wrong.
My pre-ordered 100% bona fide copy will get to me in about 3 weeks. I can hold out and just salivate over the clips and vids that are on here already ;)
And can I just say...
Love you
Thank you
Goz.. on the YouTube clip (the break up clip) the message area states that HTB will be available on DVD AND via iTunes on 18 May...
Is there a way to confirm the iTunes part?
That would be saaaweet!
Instant Gratification ON THE 18th (not before)
Suz {hearts} Art and "Art"ists everywhere..
I have been patiently waiting for this film and will now order it up on cable. This is a film that may never have seen much of the light of day without Rob's success in Twilight (Little Ashes, too). I'm so glad they're both receiving wider distribution and believe that all the people behind each project deserve the acclaim and the financial benefits that come with it.
If you love Rob, support something he loves - tiny, independent, script-driven films. Don't download.
Goz - Oh yeah....you and your integrity freakin' RULE!! :)
What do you suggest for those of us in the parts of the US who have NO access to the movie, and won't ever it seems...there is not US DVD released announced or planned that I know of... I would LOVE to PAY but if they are not SELLING what am I to do? I bought the soundtrack!
I ordered and watched it last night off the IFC channel. LOVED it! It was hysterically painful. A movie hasn't cracked me up like that in quite some time.
Ditto on everyone's sentiment. I, for one, will purchase whatever he's in at full price just bc I tend to never find the deals. Shoot...I bought two of the Twilight dvds for goodness sake. lol Besides, I don't like crappy versions of anything. I'm all about quality. =)
Larissa, I'm trying to learn if the movie will be available for download from itunes. I'll get back to you on that.
Goz is on the case!!!
Love yew!
iTunes for US viewing would soooo rock!
Don't be "Art" thieves!!!
Something will be figured out about a US release. A huge part of his fan base is here, and the people behind this film aren't going to just turn their backs on such a potentially huge market.
Also to download it illegaly, you do NOT get the extras that is on the DVD....that is something to think about too, :-D. I do hope this movie get an US DVD release soon so that the US fans who doesn't have a region free player can watch it too.. Itunes is pointless for me cos it only let you buy from your country's store... ugh!
I'm from the Philippines and sadly Rob's fans here will never get the chance to see it or Little Ashes for that matter. Even if we purchase the UK DVD, we won't be able to watch it because its for region 2 players only. I haven't been able to watch my Twilight Borders DVD yet because my player says "wrong region". I just have to be satisfied with your reviews and maybe hope for a miracle. So sad.
k, since anonymous comments aren't allowed here, i doubt you'll get any other feedback than "i would never.." :-)... i love ur blog- i check it several times a day, cause i know u update it regularly...and i usually like ur comments but ...sometimes the "holier than u" attitude is a bit to much, if u don't mind me saying so... AS IF none of the visitors here have NEVER downloaded an illegal mp3 from the Twilight soundtrack or isn't reading the Twilight "e-books" on their pc/laptop...:-)
One thing about iTunes, and it may be because my computer is rather old -- movies bought on iTunes are VERY jerky on my computer. I got the free Twilight download that came with the Target DVD and it's like a carnival ride with bumps and starts and stops. So for people like me, even the promise of an iTunes download is no consolation. I'm holding out for a Region 1 DVD release.
Thank you Tina, I disabled the anonymous comments but I appreciate the criticism. I'm sorry for sounding "hollier than thou", I am definitely not.
I didn't post anything about illegal Twilight leaks etc. but this movie holds a special place in my heart. I was really sad to see it leaked that's why I made a post. I know how much Cilla from RP Australia worked to get a screening there, I tried to get a screening in Turkey too but it didn't come through.
I'll try not to sound so hollier than thou next time.
Again, thanks for the criticism :))
And I don't have the Twilight ebooks on my laptop. I bought like 10 copies of the books by now cause whenever I landed it to a friend they never came back :))
I totally agree with you, Goz.
They all worked so hard and to see this happen really sucks!
I paid my $5.99 last night on IFC Theater to watch!! BUT I do plan on buying the DVD as well.
BTW-The movie was EXCELLENT! Rob was amazing!! :-)
Amen, Sister.
Sure, some may have done that. But by no means have we all. And it's not right if ANYONE has done it.
I have purchased all 4 of my Twilight books legally (some more than once because I have them in hardback and on my kindle), the Twilight soundtrack on both CD and on itunes (to get the extra songs) legally, the How To Be soundtrack, the How to Be movie on demand legally and have also purchased several 'extra' books on Twilight (movie companion and directors notebook) completely legally. I did watch The Bad Mother's Handbook online for free, but it was a TV movie and not for sale anywhere. It WAS free to watch, even when it was on TV.
I agree with Gozde completely on this. If you wouldn't walk into a Target and steal a DVD, then why should you feel that illegally downloading is ok? It's all stealing. And if you are a true fan of Rob's, you wouldn't steal from him. If you are a true fan of Stephenie Myers, you wouldn't steal from her either. It's about respect. They work hard and deserve to be compensated - regardless of how much they make.
This is always one thing that ticks me off. Wanting something for nothing.
As far as the region dvd players. There are ways to make your DVD player region free (I think Godze even posted something on this a while back) and also, I learned yesterday that XBox can supposedly play any region DVD's. I have a Playstation, so I'm going to look into that too....
So, for those of you in countries where LA isn't being sold (here in the US it isn't), you can look into these other options. And hopefully, they will make it available on every countries itunes for legal download.
I paid $6 for my HTB on demand yesterday - it was completely worth it! :-)
There are several ways to support artists, and the most important way is to respect their livelihood. These guys will never have the fame or discretionary income that Rob will enjoy, and they've put a special effort into this particular project.
We're all human, but I applaud your opinion, Goz, as will artists everywhere. Hear hear!
Tina~ is that you? i know you usually spell your name capitalized.
Crazy, that's a different Tina :)
tina, I'm glad you made your point, as well, about this happening often on smaller scales :) I still feel strongly about it, but that's why I love this site, people are respectful of and interested in others' opinions.
(Now especially that the anons have left the building :)
Morning everyone and have a beautiful day. The kind of day where Rob crashes your workplace, pick you up, and whisks you off into the sunset, ala 'Officer and a Gentlemen.'
That's what i wanted to be clear on. thanks~
And tina, I don't want to repeat myself but thank you so much for the criticism. I really take it to heart. The reason I disabled the anonymous comments was because they were attacking me personally or spreading ridiculous gossip without the courage to stand behind what they were saying.
I'm always up for a debate but the anons just hit and ran.
Suz- I love your "Art"istic use of the name "Art" in your comments this morning.. It's making me giggle
And Gozde, SO glad you did. It was benevolent of you to even allow that option to begin with and this is your baby to do with what you wish.
I think they were a little exhausting for everyone, one of the recent line of posts was so stomach-ache inducing, that I considered whether to come back. So glad it's back to 'normal.'
Holy Crap!!!!
What have I just walked in on???
Do I need to change my name?
Artists like Oliver etc. will never make the money that Rob will end up making.
These little films are precious gems and we need to support them.
Gozde~ kuddos on taking a stand!! on the downloading issue and with the anons issue...
I appreicate all you do for this site.... and the attacks are not necessary.. This is your show... so run with it... if others dont enjoy it... their are other sites out there... IMO this one ROCKS!
well, im buying the UK version and will just save up for a region free dvd player haha. i just received the soundtrack; i preordered it awhile back and I just want to say i loved it.
oh ang goz, i wanted to apply the Little Ashes movement here in the Philippines, sadly, i could only find like 5 other people who have even heard of it :-( yeah, i know, we are WAY behind in everything.
to me it's too much work downloading the pirate link. all you have to do is hit the ondemand button and scroll down to ifc in theaters and select it and omg you're watching a movie.
it's 4 bucks! come on!
Tess, I am one "Art"ist who allows free downloading....
Download me baybeeeee
"Edible Art" owns me!
Plain and simple. Everytime.
Goz, right is right, and wrong is wrong.. this one is a no brainer... and if it sounds holier..so be it!
Suz <---kneels before her gozdess
in holy agreement!
Don't do it, don't do it! Don't download pirated movies! It's stealing! You are only disrespecting Rob & all his hard work if you do!! Do you really want to hurt Rob???
Totes Goz, it's going to be a crap shoot video anyways.
If your tempted just think of Rob staring at you shaking his head, you'll stop.
I'm so pissed off right now. My Comcast IFC Film Festival Direct doesn't have it. I called Comcast and he said he doesn't see anything for it coming up. :(. It's the Chicago area Comcast. Is anyone else having this problem. I was going to watch it a bunch today as it is my only day off.
I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now.
I agree with you Gozde. They worked so hard on the film. It's sad that a small budget film like this is leaked. Kudos for not posting the link.
ditto Meg, and all...........
Ash7586, there were two IFC tabs on my Comcast, so be sure to check both...
I watched HTB on Comcast Demand last night, I will buy the movie also. It was different...but good. We laughed while watching it...it is nice to see Rob in a different light. I don't think there is a role I would not like him in though.
I love him w/his guitar...that was nice to see!!!
I bought the CD also, I am going to support whatever projects Rob is in...he is just good enough for me to!
Gozde,~ITA! I paid $10 first time, $16 second time bought the DVD (waiting patiently for it) and ALMOST bought it "On Demand" last night. The movie IS WORTH IT!
Oh, and I heart the new banner. :)
Hey Lynnes
Gmorning Tina~thanks for responding to my email! Just sent you a reply...
G'morning, everyone!
So many "new" people around... Guess you were the anons...
Have to say that I never downloaded anything! First, 'cause I am too stupid with computer stuff. Seconde, 'cause I like TO HAVE the movies and the CDs in their cases ~ and I adore to go to bookstores and find new stuff.
Trip to the bookstores is also BF's favorite program. Well, after... you know what.
I am waiting for the DVDs.
Tina, I had to change my "screen name" too, there was another Sophia... I think it was my yayá Robsessing, that naughty lady.
It took me forever to come up with this fake name....
Hi Lynnes, I have dish, and it's not on paperview. How can I see it. I can't order the dvd because it won't work in my dvd player, right?
I want to see it sooooooo bad. I haven't seen any of Robs older movies, but I really want to.
Keep your fake name, but add something else.
I've checked all tabs BeBe it isn't there.
Hiya meg! I'm sorry, I have Comcast so I don't know how to find it on Dish. The only reason I knew how to find it on Comcast is because Gozde had specific instructions up. Neither of my blue rays play the Haunted Airman and I'm trying to figure out how to get my regular dvd player to play it. I just thought of playing it on my MAC this morning and it works, so maybe it will on your computer? IDK.
Lynnes w/ computer = failure
Tina~me too. *winks*
i have directv with an IFC channel. HTB wasn't playing on it or any of the pay per view channels last night. confoosed and saddened.
i have directv with an IFC channel. HTB wasn't playing on it or any of the pay per view channels last night. confoosed and saddened.
i have directv with an IFC channel. HTB wasn't playing on it or any of the pay per view channels last night. confoosed and saddened.
I would never do that to those people. They worked to hard to get this movie made and have been so gracious to the crazy fans that keep asking about RP. Hell, that right there allows them to have a leak free movie. I hope the fans listen to that angel on there right shoulder and they go see the movie or wait for the DVD.
All of the hard work and talent that went into making this film....not to mention, it's ROB! Have some respect people!
Lynnes - thanks I have a Mac also. so maybe I'll buy it now. Thanks
meg~any time, sweetie. BTW, it asks you to set the DVD player on the MAC to region 2 when the dvd starts playing (because it's currently set to region 1, of course). On my computer it let's me change it to region 2 only four more other times. I will save it for when I get LA. ;P bbl
Gozde, thanks for taking it so well :-) While of course, I respect your stand, and it's your blog, and you can write anything you want, for me personally it would have been enough if you'd said something along the line of "I got a link, but since I'm against illegal downloading, I won't post it, and please, refrain from sending me any more links in the future". End of story. Just like when u make ur position clear on stalker-pics and -videos... It's ur moral stand, and you don't need to explain these things- we can chose to relate to them, or not, but personally I prefer when people are more discrete about their ethical stands rather than appear to be moralistic about it- and in this format, inviting only supportive comments, cause who would admit to anything else if they can't stay anonymous...And there's also another thing- whenever I read a fan-blog or a gossip-blog that have the "Oh, I respect intellectual property"- banner, I tend to think they're doing it to be on good terms with producers, publishers, publicists, etc, and hopefully benefit from the relationship in the future. Of course, I wouldn't mind if that was the case, as long as it's declared openly- I like the way Twicrackaddict for example, openly begs Summit to throw them a bone :-) I think it's cool
The ways we all try to watch Rob. We would do anything for you love.
Hey tina,
Disabling the anonymous comments was definitely not my way of ensuring only positive comments. I didn't disable them when our blog was attacked and people posted porn here. I didn't disable it for a LONG time but lately it got a little bit out of hand, the regulars complained to me all the time and unfortunately since there are so many comments here I can't moderate them all the time.
I also have to tell you that I spend way too much time on this blog. I do it for me, I love Rob and I don't expect anything in return, I don't get anything in return and it breaks my heart when people post negative things.
As for staying in the good graces of "the people". Definitely not. I post paparazzi pictures, I got quite a bit of heat from some people on that but I post whatever I want to post. I posted about Rob smelling and said he probably does :) To tell you the truth if I CARED about that this blog would be so much different.
All I'm doing is blogging about Robert Pattinson and saying whatever is in my mind at that point. If I change that, if I do what I think people will like the fun I get out of this will be gone and I'll delete the blog.
I'm not making money out of this, I'm not getting anything out of this. If it stops being fun, if I cry for being attacked personally then what's the point?
years ago I had this software program that allowed you to set your pc DVD player to any region, back and forth without it being locked, I forgot what it was called...but I will try to look for it.
OK found this for hacking your mac to let the DVD player be region free:
For computers
All I did was google region free dvd players for computers. Hope this help those not having a region free DVD player and wanna use their puters/macs to view these DVD's. :-).
Gozde - In the end, this is your blog, and you have the right to express yourself however you wish. I love this blog and even though I don't always agree with things you say (and vice versa I'm sure :), I appreciate that you say what's on your mind and that you choose to express your admiration and love of Rob in your way. The rest of us just benefit hugely from it. I bet there is A LOT you could post that you choose not to because you just don't feel right doing it...not because of the opinions of the masses.
Personal attacks are just not cool; neither is coming on to a blog to post inflammatory comments just to get people riled up. Freedom of expression is important but when it is affecting the greater goal and intention of something, that needs to be considered. You can't be on here all the time, but do your best to create an environment that encourages robsessing, friendship, humor, sarcasm, support and stress-relief. Thank you for that.
I totally agree with you. So there is a way to play a UK DVD in the US - do we need a converter? After having met all four of the cast/crew in Minneapolis,I am totally in support of having everyone NOT download. Besides being illegal, they are such a nice group of guys, hard working, and FUN. The movie is amazing and finally getting some press time. Help them out....
I agree with you. I don't like the lecturing. I for one, paid the IFC fee last night and depending on the quality of the download, may download so I have a portable copy (I find it too difficult to copy my DVDs myself). AND I will buy the DVD because I love the extras that come with them. I bought all 4 books, but also downloaded them to have a travel copy.
I get that a lot of people abuse the intent of sharing sites. It is sad and it is wrong and we all end up paying for it in the end. However, I think there are more than 10% out there who do it right and we don't appreciate the assumption that because we download that we don't pay!
Oh and one more thing, I would be so much more popular if I posted New Moon shoot locations, where you can go and "bump into" Rob or where he stays. I would be more popular if I posted the leak to the movie, the soundtrack etc. In the end it's not important to get into the good graces of the production companies, it's the HITS that count. Look at Perez Hilton. He is an ASS to everybody but he gets SO many hits that the douche bag is invited to Oscar parties!
I knew posting this little rant would make some of the fans unhappy but it is just what I think.
Meg, I could be wrong but I don't think dish is carrying HTB. I also have it and don't see it with dish.
Gozde, I don't see anything wrong with what you said. One can choose to agree or disagree. I don't see the problem.
I appreciate every single little bit you do with this blog. Lord knows Id be lost without it. Do you have like 30hours in your day?! There is no way I would be able to maintain this blog like you do. UNPAID!
Massive Kudos to you for it.
And whats all this backlash for a little free speech eh?!
I know that I dont have to agree with everything you say because its your blog, your opinion. Fortunatley, I do agree!
If my vote counts - I love you ALOT ;)
Gozde, 3 words.
YOU ARE RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!
Hi, Godze, thanks for the reply (again :-) I should have chosen my wording differently- I didn't mean that I thought YOUR blog had some hidden agenda or that you're not genuine (or passionate) about what you're posting.... I like your comments, I like your updates, that's why I keep coming to read the blog several times a day (at least 3 times, sometimes more...) I don't care if you make money off the website or not (anything from advertisements on the site to actually being paid by promoters) and even if you were in the good graces of the "people", I know you'll just pass onto the fans any info or swag they might give you- so I wouldn't mind if you had or got some connections or access- it would benefit us all :-)... Look, maybe it's more of a cultural thing- the issue of illegal downloading... My impression is that Americans tend to be more "higher-gound" on it, and won't admit it, while Europeans (like me) don't have as many scruples...In fact, there was one recent EU study about how many people download illegal music, and the statistics were impressive... chances are that between me, Rob and Mr. Average EU citizen- at least two of us three have done it :-)... I suggest you put a survey on ur blog about how many of us have seen/read/listened to something Rob-related or Twilight-related that they know for sure is illegal (and divide the answers geographically)- it would be interesting to see what the reality is... It would also be an interesting sociological/customer preference survey- and something "the people" can take into consideration when they plan their next moves towards this or similar fanbase ... I mean it- you should consider it :-)
Thanks for responding Kathy.
Sorry...I hit send before I added something important!
I do love your site. I check it everyday, several times a day. I don't want to leave the impression otherwise.
Muah guys, of course it counts :))
I do appreciate the negative feedback though! Thank you so much :)) I hated the anonymous hit and runs but I love people voicing their opinions. Doesn't matter if it's negative. I'm all for free speech :)
Conner: I said %10, I stand by it :) It's great that you buy it and download it. I respect that but you know most people don't do it :))
Gozde - You are the rock that keeps us sane. It's YOUR blog to do with what you will.
I have completely stopped going to the negative sites because I just couldn't bear it anymore.
Who needs the aggravation?
Can I come out of Witness Protection Program now??? (It's me)
tina, I think the result of that poll would be %100 :) Everyone watched the HTB videos that leaked, we all watched the "extra DVD" features. And I'm not American :)) I'm Turkish. The illegal downloads, movies, music is everywhere here. at one point singers stopped coming because they couldn't sell their albums, everyone downloaded them ;)
To tell you the truth I don't think I would get on my soap box (and I didn't) when Twilight leaks got out. But How To Be is a little Independent Movie and it just made me really sad that it was leaked. That's it. I wasn't making a stand against any illegal downloads. I can't do it. It's just How To Be :)
Sorry but I have a giant stick up my bum about this! (OUCH btw)
I happen to know artists whose income has dropped upwards of 47% because of illegal downloading.
Could any of us afford to take that kind of financial hit ?
ahhh, I didn't think so.
Don't do it. Ever.
Have some integrity. Illegal Downloading is Stealing. Simple.
Godze, I knew you were Turkish, just thought you lived in the States (or maybe ur blog-partner is?... I heard there were two of u, that's why the blog was updated so frequently).
Anyhow, I'm not trying to be a pain in the neck here but I would like to continue the debate from your last comment about "How to be"...:-) I do appreciate your enthusiasm for independent projects... BUT you do realize that small-scale projects that are thrown into the spotlight don't just benefit from increased profits,,, just the exposure for anyone associated with them is enormous, and at the end of the day, whether people paid to see the film or not, matters significantly less than whether they actually saw it or not... Personally- I don't intend to see it...It sounds like a film I wouldn't have seen had there not been Rob starring in Twilight in the first place, and since I don't want to obsess (that much) about Rob, I'll try to go on with my life and film preferences as usual and be picky about his (past) films.. "Little Ashes"- maybe I would see it..if a friend gave it to me, or something- but not buying or renting, that's for sure (and I wouldn't bother downloading it illegally, either)... And besides, don't u feel like the producers/makers of both movies are free-riding on Rob's popularity now? Maybe some fans actually don't want to reward that by paying for the tickets/DVD but are curious enough to see Rob in them...so, instead of making them feel bad about the way they choose to see the movies, isn't it better to think of it in that way- if the fans remember anything about the cast, or the music, or the director, it would still be something...:-)
Wow.. Wow.. Wow...
(bugger!! that fuking hurts!)
already ordered my copy...impatiently awaiting its release!!!
i need me some rob soon! good thing i dont have to wait much longer for LA!!! SQUEEEEEEEE
Goz- You know how much I love you and this site. And you are one funny HOT BITCH. Do you because that's all you can do. Well you could do RP.Tee Hee...THE END...
Couldn't agree more.
Not more than an hour ago I ordered my copy from Amazon.
I hope that even my small contribution helps give them back the money for their hard work.
I agree, too, Gozde. I've already ordered my copy and can't wait for it to arrive. I will probably buy it on IFC Direct, too, cause I can't wait! I couldn't keep my eyes open to watch the whole thing last night, but I did watch the trailer a couple of times. I always buy CDs, DVDs, and even books straight from a store because I want the person who worked so hard on it to get the credit and money they deserve.
As a side note, I got my HTB soundtrack and I love it! It just makes me smile! Art is so lovably hopeless! :D
Suz - I'll get you the Tylenol honey.
Anna - I agree. HTB Soundtrack had me smiling all day yesterday :)
Hey tina,
Sorry for the late reply. For big budget blockbuster movies what you say is right. Getting the movie out there, making people know about it is very important but movies like How To Be are very hard to make and they need the income from the movie to make more like it. Indie movies need the revenue. Twilight made a shit load of money in the theaters but HTB didn't. It should get a good turn over from the DVDs and this leak is horrendous.
I'm going to be honest and say...
I was going to watch it on YouTube as soon as someone leaked it, though I felt very guilty about it.
But. I've changed my mind, since discovering I have 4 region changes left on my PC. I didn't know that I could do that!! I was so depressed because my cable company didn't have, specifically, IFC Festival Direct...and I was really worried that I'd pay for a Region 2 DVD for my DVD/VCR player and I wouldn't be able to get the codes to work. Hence, I would be staring at this beautiful movie in it's beautful case, and wouldn't be able to watch it.
So, I'm just going to buy the Region 2 DVD. And I will watch it all of those 4 times, on my PC, whilst trying to make sure that my DVD/VCR player is hacked and ready to go when I am through with that.
Thanks to...Who mentioned the PC settings???
Now I don't have to feel dirty and cheap about all of this.
P.S. Could someone please send that link to the codes, for DVD/VCR players? I want to write down anything that I may need, and I know that it was posted so long ago...
I agree totally. The smaller, independant movies need more support. Have to admit tho, if Rob wasn't in it I probably would not even know about it. I have to wait and see what I can figure out to watch them (LA & HTB)in Canada. Still haven't seen anything on the Canadaian distribution site for showings (LA) anywhere other than Ontario. Perhaps I will email them again.
Goz, I understand why you disabled the anon bloggers, but we weren't all like that. And for some reason I do NOT like signing up for ANYTHING on the internet. I made a few posts as an anon. Anyhoo, here I am signed up and all *ugh*, b/c I love this site and come here every day. Keep up the good work !!!
Thanks CallaLily. I love this discussion, I would like to defend my opinion but some of the anons were just too much and they only hit because they could and it really brought me down.
This is supposed to be a "happy place" and I thought about giving it up last week because they were bringing me down too much.
Sorry you had to sign up but happy you decided to :))
Gozde, I totally agree with you 100%, and i want to also thank you for the post-you saved my life! i was at my wits end trying to get this player i ordered and got just for UK dvd's really. Thnaks to oyur tip, and one of the sites you directed me to, it plays now, after just following some simple instructions. Thank you so much! I heart you, chick! You're the best. Keep on rockin'!
Yay! I could help :)
one other thing, Goz-I saw HTB at eh NAshville Film Fest, and it was great. I met Oliver, Mike, Jonnie, and Ronny afterwards too, and they were all so lovely and gracious. I couldn't in good conscience do anything but support them, this movie, and Rob, of course. have my HTB soundtrack also, which I ordered. i love it. The dvd will be ordered too, now, since I player that works, thanks to you! muah!
Your site is a daily ritual, too, by the way. While you're on (I know it's late where you are-sorry!)Thank you for all your hard work. i know you don't hear that enough. Your site is wonderful. Rob would be proud. i hope he checks it out one day, if not already. oh, and thanks for LA tip about Nashville! That's great. YES WE CAN!
Bye Goz-thanks again, and keep up the "Rob-tastic" work. You're awesome!
Awww, thank you :))) I have heard the same thing from everyone that met the cast and crew of HTB. Nothing but love for them :))
Thanks so much for all your nice words :) It helps a lot :))
Ballsy -
here is a link to a software that lets you get rid of the region code on your DVD. Then you make a copy for your DVD player
There is a free 21 day trial period.
Did you survive last night???
hee hee
How are the Lady Parts?
Let me know when you need more "stuff".
Thanks Tina!
Oh my goodness...I guess you could say that I survived the night. It was an epic evening.
I still can't believe that. I was, truly...
AH...UMM. No words.
I'll definitely know about the need for more "stuff" when I think I can handle it AHAHA.
Probably later. TEEHEE
Have a good one, and thanks again for the info.
*let you know
I already preordered the DVD and I am from Brazil and probably this will never be released here ;) I don't care about it, I bought the original version and I am very happy. It costed me less than 13 pounds and it's just nothing to support Rob.
There is no reason for downloading illegal versions of How To Be. I'm getting the copy for less than 5 pounds shipping, it's just worhtable!
Please. Real fans won't download it, right? ^^*
Tina # 8.20am..here I am!! One of those people you seem to disbelieve exists. I have NEVER illegally downloaded any of the stuff you mentioned.
How old are you to be so contemptuous of human nature. So much of what is wrong with society today is the idea that if "someone else is doing it then I may as well also".
When artists can no longer make a living out of their art what will we have then? Music, books, film, will they all disappear because we want instant gratification FREE? The internet has been a great thing for bringing people together but also really damaging in other ways. None more so then when it comes to fraud.
How would you like your job, your means of making a living, to become freely accessed on the internet. Wouldn't that make you obsolete.
It is happening all the time . WE don't have to condone it or encourage it.
You are entitled to your opinion but I am with Gozde. I hope she keeps her soapbox and is never put off from saying what she thinks either.
Right. Because this blog's banner-header isn't one massive montage of illegal screen shots, unauthorized stills and promo shots, borrowed without permission, from the same film. Oh wait, it is.
Pot, meet kettle.
I saw the illegal version, enjoyed it and will consider buying it as a result of seeing the downloaded version - something I could not and would not have done otherwise as I don't have satellite TV or live in one of the, what is it, two cities it's screening at in the U.S.?
Additionally, if you want to talk about producers/screenwriters/actors and the movie industry as a whole, you know what the real shame is here? That it took Robert Pattinson's participation in the Twilight franchise to get this movie the funding it originally deserved.
Twilight and the craptacular Mary-Sue it depicts are neither quality film nor quality writing. Silly girls - stop throwing hissy-fits. How To Be was not originally intended for the preteen/creepy-dissatisfied-housewife demographic lapping up the Twilight schtick to begin with.
So while your defense of it is somewhat admirable - despite the hypocrisy I mentioned above - let's all be serious here: You're Twitards that just want more "Edward time" and enjoy acting high and mighty.
Give me a break...
Kelley R.. For a start I believe that Rob did HTB before he even auditioned for Twilight and whilst it is "admirable" of you to defend the movie it is not necessary to belittle people to do it.
I work with disabled people on a daily basis in my job so I am NOT impressed with the word Twi tards at all.
I am happy to be called a girl although I am not one,(haven't been for quite a while now.) Neither do I fit into any of the other rather disparaging labels you have put on the visitors to this site.
Twilight, say what you like about it,(I would probably agree)it did introduce me to RP though so it is OK for that reason alone.
The pictures on the banner were all released by How To Be to the media.
And I agree with Katy, you can defend your point without calling people "tards".
does anyone know the link to the leaked how to be copy?
You have GOT to be kidding me Ms. Green.
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