How Old Are You?

Please vote on the side bar :) Last day to vote.


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Rhonda said...

I was not gonna vote, and you whip out THIS picture? Well, I did, are ya happy now? And I feel completely inappropriate for being on here commenting on a man almost half my age. I am merely a green sliver in the poll results. LOL!

Anonymous said...

I am old enough to know better...yet I can't stop this damned ROBsession. I can't even tell my therapist about it. God..I'm a mess.

Gozde said...

Oh please do vote! The amount of votes on 0-15 is scaring me! I don't think I/comments are very teenage friendly on the blog :P

Anna said...

O-oh, mole sighting... I don't know why, there's something about this particular mole on his neck that makes me go weak at the knees!

doomed love said...

I voted. I should be ashamed of myself. I am twenty years older- He could be my son. so disgusting.
He is so gorgeous and so great!

I can not get enough of this blog. always checking on it.
Thanks and I voted. please don't judge me.;(

crazy said...

oh, no Goz. I just had only my second sip of coffee and now I'm having it with a RobPorn chaser. Even I'M not ready for this yet, and that says alot. Not funny Goz!

Good morning ladies!

Is there a big number in the 0-15 age group??!! If that's the case, I'll need to reitre from the blog! eek!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I have the same mole in the exact same place on my neck, and I have always HATED it. No more. I will embrace it...though I still like Rob's way better....;)

crazy said...

Went back to stare again. It's ProfilePorn, really. oh. boy.

and don't tell the therapist unless you don't mind being put on meds for OCD. :)

and...Rob does not look 22. he looks way older. so i can Robsess comfortably, at my age. That's my story and I'm sticking tot it!

elaine said...

I could also be his Mum. I can't resist him and this site. U girls keep me from going crazy. If this site is for 15 year olds, I'm off. lol

Kathie said...

Doomed Love, I am in the same boat. Rob is just a year older than my son, I feel like a freaking pedophile being obsessed with someone in their 20's.

I love this site because I don't feel like such a whack job, the site has shown me there are others out here just like me with a nice innocent obsession :)

Goz and Dani, thank you so much for given us "older" women a place to feel comfortable, you both rock!

Anonymous said...

I am 38 married with 6 kids I just love Rob.I never felt like this for any other actors on earth...:)

Unknown said...

Hey, I'm 18 years older, now ask me do I care. Yum is yum no matter what age you are you still have an appreciation for the pretty!

Kate said...

I already voted Goz and you already know how old I am anyway LOL

Kathi said...

I am 35 and also Robsessed. Just can´t help it. Really good to know I am not the only one at my age.
My sons are 12 and 10 and keep rolling their eyes at me, but then they keep buying my papers with posters of him inside... so sweeet ;)
And I love your blog!!!

Kathi said...

Sorry, me again ;)
btw.. if we all were man at our ages and would get obsessed with a 22 year old women... who would care?

Anonymous said...

I love you make me feel more normal. I'm cancelling all future therapy appointments and will be hanging out with you ladies instead! OH..and Kathi said it best - if we were a bunch of older men gaga over a young 22 year old woman - who would care? No one, that's who. Problem resolved..guilt gone! Bring on more Rob!!

Anonymous said...

I voted and I was truthful about my age. I feel guilty for even looking at this guy.. I am twice his age, but I can't help myself.
This little crush will pass and I know this. I just wish it would be done and over with cause I am tired of liking something (one) that I would not necessarily want in real life.
Well maybe just a one night stand would be alright in real life. What do you think?
The picture for this comment does not help. Oh God help me I love the sideburns, the hair on the back of his neck and most of all the chest hair... it leads to what is below well I am not going to finish that.

lelietje said...

Im 15 years older and expecting my 4 baby next week. I don't care either. Rob is to good to be true. So let us just admire this piece of art that our holly Lordness (it has to be a woman in that case) gave to us ;-))!

Anonymous said...

Jezz, he is soooo, so, so beautiful in this picture! Like an angel. A devil/angel! I could squeeze and kiss that face to death! Love all the different hairs. I look at this picture and I can almost smell him... Damn hot man!

Hey, Efron, no wax in Rob's ears!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pic, Gozde, really! But this one is not fair... It even hurts me.

Now, YOU scared me. A lot of people between 0-15 in here? Better be more careful with my Rob daily dreams here...

Anonymous said...

margot says:
yep, definetely Rob is the Proof that God is female ....

Yvonne said...

He really is an angel, heaven sent. This picture is beautiful. Amazing.

Anonymous said...

margot says :
as to large number of teenagers here ... I think you might underestimate teen girls ... not all of them are screaming high pitch voice at Rob or do/say sily things, there are just nice wise girls who happened to be Very Young at the moment (it will, unfortunatelly, change soon) and no wonder that they want to be at the best Robfriendly blog ont net :)))))

crazy said...

oh this pic says speaks for itself, right? and good point~ it's a beautiful display of all the scrumptious hair. I'm very excited over this pic. ;)

how do y'all like my new avatar?
hee hee.

crazy said...

I know Margot but I'd have to censor myself and that would take alot of the fun out of it for me.
I can't stay up until all hours of the night to joke around the way I do. Crap.

tinababy1 said...

Ooooh, skraggly side-burns, my favorite!!

Also twice his age.

Yvonne - still not sure if he is heaven sent or the work of the devil to tempt us into evil.
Hee hee

He is an absolute angel though, isn't he

tinababy1 said...

Crazy - love the new avatar

Good morning to you Mr. Pattinson

Ellie said...

Good morning, ladies!

That picture of Rob gets to me every time. I just want to lick those sideburns...well, and every other part of him, also. No secret there, I guess. I suppose that's not so unusual, after all, since I know I'm not alone in those thoughts... :)

Ellie said...

crazy and Tina, hope your day's great!

crazy said...

Hi Tina! These pics are going to make me late again. The hold he has over me is ridiculous!!! WTF!

crazy said...

Hi Ellie~ oh and I want to feel his face.

and then slowly unbutton the shirt.......

too early?

tinababy1 said...

I know, I just got dh and dd off to work and school today after 5 days home. Probably won't move from here most of the day.


tinababy1 said...

Crazy - never to early

Patticake said...

I'm 33. I should know better, but somehow I can't stop myself from admiring him and all his loveliness. I'm only human.

tinababy1 said...

I want to stick my nose into his neck and inhale him

crazy said...

my dh asked what did yesterday and i had no response. I had sooo mcuh to do and instead I Robsessed intensely. I need help too!!

We need a support group, and I'm not sure this is it LOL!

Anonymous said...

margot says .... @crazy
I suggest you didn't care all that crap censorsip:
1) be yourself (and let me be) , we would miss all that come to your mind
2) be serious - any 8-year-old can write "Hi, I'm Margot, I'm like 50 and so that we can talk dirty freely", NO f*** chance to know the truth, so why care ??

Anonymous said...

and the opposite ....

tinababy1 said...

Patticake - welcome to the (psycho) club. Don't expect to get much done from now on

crazy said...

i want to kiss those lips for hours.

tinababy1 said...

Crazy - Am proud, actually got 2 loads of laundry done yesterday

crazy said...

very true margot. as long as I keep proper crassness...just not sure if that applies to daytime.

welcome patticake! strap yourself in for a long ride!!

Anonymous said...

It is never to early to imagine unbuttoning his shirt.
But I am going to go have another cup of coffee instead of letting my imagination go places where it does not need to go today.

crazy said...

T~ I couldn't do laundry yesterday. tried, but just kept thinking of the washing machine. (winks)

again too early?

tinababy1 said...

How do you think that DJ in Vancouver survived being touched by him?

I bet she's now lurking in here

Ha ha

tinababy1 said...

C - Just bring the laptop or the GQ into the laundry room and hop on!!

I've still got a couple of loads to do today!!

crazy said...

she won't stop thinking of him for a long time. She's has got to have found this place by now! She probably hasn't slept, not her dh for that matter!!! ;)

crazy said...

So T~ are you actually thinkin what I'm thinkin?

uhhhh. i have 6 minutes more to Robsess....

tinababy1 said...

Can you imagine how insane that would make you??

We're bad enough with just pictures. It would probably ruin my life. I don't think I could go back to Before.

tinababy1 said...

It's laundry time???

crazy said...

What's "before"? LOL!

Where did Ellie and margot go?

tinababy1 said...

Before meeting Rob

Maybe all this talk of large vibrating machines took it's toll on them.

crazy said...

I wish!!!! hee hee. I have to go to visit an Aunt. I will still be Robsessing though. weird.

Diane said...

As my son's girlfriend said, when I was wondering if I should turn myself into the nearest psychiatric facility, "Obviously, he's a mature man. It's natural to have that reaction." I'd say, more like supernatural, but it's true that stunning beauty is stunning beauty regardless of age, sex, species, etc.

tinababy1 said...

Are you goning to get your Aunt hooked? tee hee

Oana said...

Wow, ladies, I guess we should all apply the Bella-Jacob age gap theory from New Moon:
For instance if I'm 32 but act like a 17 year old, that makes me what - like 25? Add to that the fact that he looks slightly more grown-up (not older) than 22 - there we go, we're a perfect age match :))))))))

crazy said...

yeah, but i can't remember what happened "before", hee hee. I think Ellie and margot could handle it, no? who said anything about vibrating? proper crassness?? i'm so afraid....

tinababy1 said...

Spin cycle

crazy said...

Diane and Oana- good points!

T~ probably no, but I got my mom hooked.... genetics, ya know.

crazy said...

Tina STOP IT!!! :)

tinababy1 said...

I heard about your Mom and Rob - Is she going to share?

crazy said...

who started this!!!!?????

Ellie said...

Sorry, class is here now and it's teaching time.

I'll be back very soon...time for Music.

crazy said...

she refuses to share, that Biotch!!

tinababy1 said...

Beat her!!! I'll help, I'll hold her down.

crazy said...

See ya later Ellie~

oh crap. time to stop. that 6 minutes went fast. Hope to see you later gals!!

Bye Yvonne, Ellie, Diane, Oana, Margot.....and anyone else i'm forgetitng right now... LATER!

tinababy1 said...

bye crazy

meg said...



Suz said...

I am fortyfuckingsix years old.

Recognizing beauty at any age is just exhibiting GOOD TASTE...


kchambers77 said...

nice! cup of rob in the morning to me! wahey!

Anonymous said...

i'm 25.. oh wait... i'm not supposed to leave it in the comments.. i don't get this blogging thing..
can i email you my result?

Ellie said...

Hi, Suz~~

Rob's a perfect way to start the day and end it. Wait, no, then there's the dreams about him. I guess it's a full 24 hours, then. Yum.

Anonymous said...

Sad but true my son is 3 years younger then Rob, and he thinks I am nuts...
He does look older then almost 23, and that’s a true story...

But to deviate from the conversation, this is a very funny article

Divinesally said...

Wow, and a good morning to you all. That profile pic is hot. His whiskers are so manly yet adorable. how does he do it?

There are a lot more people 0-15 range than I had originally thought. Guess I gotta curb my inner pervert on this site. lol

anna F said...

I hope that a lot of regular visitors voted, I was always wondering about that too.
I mean, from the comments, one can gather that it's usually women from 20 to "whatever age you feel like robsessing" who leave comments, but what about the readers only?

This blog has all the news about Rob, I'm not that surprised that even the youger folk comes here. And who doesn't love the laid back attitude here? But it certainly is mainly 16 and above, no need to censor yourself.

- a 30 years old Robsessor -

tinababy1 said...

Div - Never curb

anna F said...

Plus, the web and blogging is the younger people's thing, the younger you are, the more you are adapted to this system (I still haven't figured out how to open a blog, and actually, why would anybody be interested in my life? This type of blog with a topic is much more interesting).
It's sort of normal that some 0-15 end up here, it was unavoidable...

Anonymous said...

He must read these comments from time to time and be completely creeped out. Sorry Rob. Just laugh and don't try to understand it.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Hello KK!

Crazy~You're correct...I think Rob could pass for 30ish, especially when he's in scruff mode.

I'm crazy for the mole, too. I think it is because I love his neck and that is the perfect spot to zero in on...

GOZDE~That 0-15 list is worrying. I was surprised to see the number of ladies over 70, too. Please grown-up ladies, please VOTE!!!

Anonymous said...

I came back to look at that picture again. This is just wrong. Maybe if I make it wall paper that way every time I walk by the computer it will be there to look at. Yum.
Thank you Suz for the forty f**g six, I feel better.

Tenneil said...

For the love of ALL holy...
how am I s'pose to get anything done with a photo like this out there??? want the real deal tho..that would be NICE...

Crazy.... morning!!and never too early...
HI Tina...
Ellie.... love that you Robsessed at school:)
and anyone else I missed!!MORNING this fine rob day!!

Anonymous said...

Goz...This one of my favorite pictures of oldest son is 2 years younger. My other son is 18....they think I am crazy and my husband thinks I have gone over the deep end...and he is clueless to the depth of my Robsession.

I have too thought of talking to my university roommate- a therapist to get a handle on this.LOL

Thank You, Ladies, for at least knowing I am NOT THE ONLY ONE!!!!!

Tenneil said...

last but not least....Suz...mortal beloved... you still out there is Robbieland???

Maryann said...

I voted a while ago hehe.

JRal said...

*swoon* holy shit, what i wouldn't give to wake up to THAT every morning!!! of course that thought just leads to others, like why we would be in the same bed to begin with....ugh, if i don't stop that train of thought, i will get NOTHING accomplished today =( oh well, i suppose it could be worse!

Shani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

Ten ~ My true Mortal Beloved..

I am in and out... (heehee)

I have a deadline that is keeping the "session" at bay...

I've also promised a HOMEMADE meal tonight... WTF!

10:37 a.m. is a good time for a RobbieBreak, no?

I put the kettle on and took out a fresh batch of scones....

(nooooo, not really!)

Suz said...

@Shani.. re: his hair.

I want to take permanent residence in it!

smartinez99 said...

This picture just set me off... I can't take it any longer!!!
I also voted and was glad to see I am not alone in my age catagory.

smartinez99 said...

This picture just set me off... I can't take it any longer!!!
I also voted and was glad to see I am not alone in my age catagory.

smartinez99 said...

I love the therapist comment. I was just telling a friend that if I told my therapist about my Rob obsession he would have me committed. Love the pic!!!

tinababy1 said...

Suz - What?? No hotpockets tonight?

Anonymous said...

Anon @9:49 am-- I have to say, I just read the Normal Mormon Husband blog that you so graciously shared the link to and I cannot stop laughing. It's histerical! I love this blog. You ladies make me laugh so much! So much that I get those disgusted 'what the hell is she reading/looking at now' stares from the hubby. Between you and LTR I'm convinced I no longer need those meds;) I have to start a blog or something - I can't remain anonymous forever. OH crap..gotta go, husband approaching.

Anonymous said...

Ok, so I voted...
The first time I saw that he was born in 1986, I thought,"Huh... why does that year sounds familiar?" Ummm... that's the year my oldest son was born! And the year I graduated from High School! Eeek!
But I don't care. I'm 41 years old! I love my hubby, but I LOVE to LOVE Rob too!
And,honestly, when I first fell in love with Rob, his name was "Edward". And he was waaayy older than me! Right? LOL

Tenneil said...

Suz~ homemade dinners...WTF is right... no mom of the year award for me...LOL


Wait will suck up with homemade cookies does that count???Dinner your making dinner plans...I havent even showered..geeez

Tenneil said...

Anon...loving edward first... he is way olds.... so that is soooo your story...I would stick to it... IT TOTALLY works...LOL

Anonymous said...

There is an enormous amount of freedom in anonymity.

JRal said...

I'm 19 so the age thing couldn't be more perfect for me...but no one can blame you ladies for lusting after such a delicious piece of man meat!!! we are all putty in his strong, large, magnificent hands......*swoon*

Suz said...

The HotPockets.. we're out.


1. Get dressed to go out in monsoon to buy more

(That ain't happening)

2.) make the damn pot of meatballs already (it will buy me a few days...)

3) Claim "women problems" and stay in bed all day and have my three little drones serve the queen... (while I secretly RobSess)

(they are mad scared of "women problems" cause ya just... never know!)

Option 3? I like how you all think!



Suz said...

Ten ~ how about this idea..

You.. Me and EW Rob?


tinababy1 said...

What happened to Art?

Suz said...

Tina, Art is still in my heART!

He will come back.. especially as I start my HTB Countdown!


tinababy1 said...

Now I must hate you


luckygyrl said...

Hello Lovlies!!!! Stopping by to check on my Rob and wanted to say hi. I miss you guys, but Ive been so damn busy.

Suz said...

maybe you will think twice about stealing hair tails that don't belong to YOU!

Dibsies, are dibsies in my hood!


Suz said...

Oh, and I also SOOO CALLED the right side mole...

So all you Mole Thieves... Step OFF!

Ten ~ I share the HA Right Mole with Thee

tinababy1 said...

If I blow it up big enough for you to lick and email it to you will I be forgiven?

(not sure I have the computer skills for that, but it's the thought that counts right?)

Suz said...

yes, that would work..

Also, your mad cool taste in music gives you lots of lee-way...

Lucky, ain't ya?

Suz said...

BBL gurlies...

I have to roll some balls and work out

(I am feeling suddenly aggressively motivated!!)


In love with Rob said...

I am forty-F*-five, two kids and a wonderful husband. And I could just DO ROB NOW! Repeatedly!

And I feel "normal" when I come to this site... But it is not, is it? Guess not... And I don't have a therapist... maybe I should get one. No, I would never tell him THAT! Ok, I'll keep Robsessing... secretly.

Love the mole, too. And all the hair thing... The beginning of the chest hair keeps me wondering what comes below...

tinababy1 said...

see ya Suz

tinababy1 said...

In love - Oh yeah...the happy trail

Dimplefaced said...

Suddenly I feel better by reading this. I'm 26 ;)

tinababy1 said...

Forty-six girls

JRal said...

oh god, the happy trail...that just sent my mind down a dirty spiral that i'm not sure i want to recover from =P

In love with Rob said...

Tina, hi, why did you have to remind me of that happy trail pic? I have to go to pick up my kids at school now. How am I going to concentrate on driving??

Good day, girls. I have to be a mom now. Robsess!

VeilsofLight said...

Umm...let's just say, young enough to hit that, but old enough to know better. ;)

and Tina, you GO!

It's so funny, the age stuff is just another example of American sexual hang-ups. Older European women wouldn't even think twice. :)

And of course, notice that the men who make fun of 'cougars' are dating girls 20 years younger.

Also, am I the only one who thinks the term 'cougar' is stupid and assinine? Who exactly coined this term anyway? Let me guess, a man?

It makes it sound like older women are somehow predators who follow every movement of a younger man, spending every moment dreaming of him, writing about him and conniving about how to get close enough to pounce.

Just plain silliness.


Lady Cherry Cream Pie said...

Ladies, no matter our age,
Rob just brings us all together
and it's a good thing.
I not only shout a huge THANK YOU to Mr and Mrs P for raising their son the way he is now.
Also I thank God for Goz!

The moral: Just appreciate the pretty!
Share the love not the shame.

Anonymous said...

I don't care that I'm almost twice his age. He's yummy to look at and a sweet soul as well. I too am just a green sliver in the poll results. Dont care. Dont care. Dont care. Love you, Robbie.!

Greenie said...

The poll shows only 3 in the 41-50 group, but I know there are more of us than that. I'm 45 and there're several more 40-somethings commenting right now. I'm always glad to know I'm not the only one obsessed with someone half my age (I too have thought I need therapy). I agree that he looks way older than 22.

VeilsofLight said...

I have to say, if Mr. P ever did actually have an extremely unlikely free moment to curiously grace this beautiful little site with his presence, I can imagine he would get a kick out of THIS topic!

Can you imagine, reading about the range of women who adore him??

Must be seriously Twilight Zone time for him.

Seriously, actual picture this for a moment. You're sitting at your computer in the morning with your cup of coffee, half-bleary eyed, and you come across 65 different websites that are devoted to how wonderful you are.

And a few to how wonderful you aren't.


JRal said...

VeilsofLight ~ that's so true hehe talk about boosting your ego =P ahh but what i wouldn't give to have a little rob with my coffee =(

Divinesally said...

VoL, I agree that would be a surreal moment knowing people of all ages all around the world love and adore you. But that can't be the worst thing in the world. lol

I truly don't understand Mario AKA Perez. He's such a fu**ing flip flopper. I swear if he wasn't a fellow Cuban-American I would never go on his friggin site again. Perez make up your god damned mind! And stop calling Kristen a twat! You are way way more of a twat than anyone in Hollywood. i shouldn't even post this link, to get him hits, but it's just so annoying, he was dissing the sh*t out of him last week now this:

VeilsofLight said...

Rob's Lover.....**sigh** I know, I would indeed like a little Rob cream with my coffee. And a lot of sugar.


God, did I say that? Oops..note to self: teens on this site, teens on this site!

Anonymous said...

I voted. Going to be 35 in a few weeks. Lovin the pics. I love coming here every day.

dreamon said...

I am 45 too. and I have never thought I was crazy. Just a woman dazzled ...just a woman, no more else to say.

tinababy1 said...

Div - Mario is an ass

He probably realized that he gets more hits when he is being positive about Rob than when he is being a shit.

I haven't been on his site since he turned nasty.

Tenneil said...

Luckygyrl...OMG where have you been...*secretly crushing you* well not a secret anymore..LOL

Suz~ I heart you... thats rigth girls we have claim to the moles FIRST... EW is beyound HAWT!

Tina~ regarding you mad computer skills anything of ROB blown up is a winwin in my book...LOL

tinababy1 said...










in the same sentence!?!?

Martina said...

I`m 20 and I`m a Roboholic.

Tenneil said...

Yes I did...

It has a nice ring to it...huh???

tinababy1 said...

Huh ?!? What?!?

I think I just passed out for a few minutes there.

Tenneil said...

Tina~ I know that happens to me alot...LOL

Anonymous said...

@Shani at 10:30 am

Robert has MOLD on his neck? Please proof and spellcheck and look at what you write. Your creative spelling needs work.

Melissa said...

ha I am 20, sadly obsessed and have found more delicious photos of our main man... eat them up :)

Anonymous said...

lucky: where ya been girl? real life taking over...must put a stop to that immediately :)

good afternoon: t, crazy, suz, tina, ds, ellie, chicago...anyone else i missed!

i hope that all of us 30+ ladies have voted in the poll... i did...loud & proud

Anonymous said...

Everyone is right. There is nothing wrong with drooling over a guy half my age especially when he is just gorgeous. I really should not feel guilty. Besides, I will never meet him. I am single, not dating anyone, and I haven't even ever been married. (Another reason to not feel guilty.)
I had first dibs on the sideburns. I like the messy curls.

Anonymous said...

I have never had a celeb crush!! No one has ever done what Rob P does to me. I have two adult children and a wonderful DH.

There is just something about him that attracts all generations! Even though I'm older I still have needs and am young at heart!! I know I can look not touch! (unless given the chance) This site helps me soooo much!

Loisada said...

Greenie.... I too fall into the range, along with several ladies on this thread.

Gozde: you sure the software is recording all the votes?

THere seem to be plenty of us in the category of "finely seasoned" enough to appreciate a good thing when we see it!

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Hello Thirty!

Greenie~My screen says 394 votes for 40+ or 7%.

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Hello Thirty!

Greenie~My screen says 394 votes for 40+ or 7%.

Anonymous said...

I feel like a perv, I am soooo much older than him. It's just wrong. Except for the part where I'm absolutely perfect for him.

Suz said...

@Veils, I dig the shit outta you..

The Older European woman comment is RIGHT ON THE MONEY!

Suz < -----older European Woman state of mind since 1988!

cullenluv said...

I almost fell off my chair when I saw this picture! He couldn't be any more beautiful! It's so good to know I'm not the only "mature" woman loving Rob. I just wish I wasn't in the 11th grade when he was born! Robsessed is the best. I'm on here all the time and NEVER get enough!

Emmes said...

I'm old enough to know how to handle a real man! (*wink, wink Rob*)

Suz said...

**HIGH FIVES*** Emmes!


Anonymous said...

Jeez, the angel is still on the first thread. I think this is my favorite Rob/pic now. And, then, the happy trail ones. And the GQ cover, and... all the others.

Emmes said...

Hey , we gotta own it right Suz.

I don't think there is an 18 yr old on the planet that can do (him) the way us, experienced ladies, could (...and will , when we get our shizz together and plan our first Robsessed Field Trip!)

tinababy1 said...

Ex-pe-ri-ence > perky boobs

Anonymous said...

I'm 50 and both my kids are older than Rob...but he is just so adoreable. I love his goofy grins...but his smoldering eyes really take my breath away. I may be more than twice his age, but I'm not at all immune!

angie said...

I am at the same age as Rob :)
btw, this picture is great! He's so Hot :)

Emmes said...

*pouting* Got to go venture into the real world now, bye Robbylu, will comment later!

Anonymous said...

@Anon 1:58
... and you are not alone here :))))))))))))))

Divinesally said...

I still can't believe he's 2 years younger than I...he's seems older. I'd say 25-28. I wonder what he'll look like in his 30s. o_O

Greenie said...

Thanks Chicago Girl...if I click on the green bar and drag it I see the 7%.

Hansom Ransom said...

I voted and I am 22. Approximately 9.5 months younger than Rob. I shouldn't have taken the time to figure that out, but I did lol.

Tenneil said...

Suz ~ you are and out...LOL

tinababy1 said...

Hey Girls,

All the Cullens are now assembled in Vancouver and the filming of the party starts tomorrow.

Tenneil said...

Tina~ mad skilllzzz.... you go girl!

Anonymous said...

Holla Rob Luvies

Anonymous said...

Ten ~ In and Out is sorta my specialty!


Suz said...

Tina, huh?

tinababy1 said...

It's on Lainey. Carlisle and esme arrived in BC and alice and emmett were shopping there.

They start to film Bella's party tomorrow

Suz said...


I was curious as to how the film can be 1/2 completed.. that seems pretty quick.

WinWin said...

I was able to see the photo briefly. It is quite yummy. Don't you just want to nibble on it and whisper sweet somethings into them.

Kisses to you, DS. What's shaking?
Hi everyone!

Tina, yeah party scene. I listened to the DJ encounter and I can't believe they are 1/2 through. I can't wait to see this. He sound satisfied with the results.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ lol.

come on.. I am sure you have many
hope work is not a rob buzzz kill.....

Unknown said...

Hi Divinesally, Crazy, Shani, Sophia, Ladies!!
I'm back after an awful migraine!
I'm 22, 23 in october.

tinababy1 said...

Suz - How are the meat ballzzz
wink wink

Suz said...

Ten ~ I've packed it in for the day...

Balls are stewing
Workout complete
Deadline - made

Robsessing - ongoing.

Yes Ten, I have man mad skillz...

for riz.

Anonymous said...

Danni, hello, a migraine? Best med for that: go look at the pic. He is sooo gorgeous (ok, he is always gorgeous), but also like a devil/angel.

Anonymous said...

23 here!

Suz said...

ha ha ha

I mean *many* mad skills...

or freudian slip?

Anonymous said...

I'm 50's and and a senior exec at a major multi-national company. I love this site because I am utterly and totally Robsessed--not sure how it happened, I certainly didn't plan it. It's my first time being this obsessed/overwhelmed by any musician/celeb I've never met. But I like it. And I'm convinced he's worth it.

I love this site because it's the most honest of all of the Rob sites, and I trust them and am interested in listening to all of you. It's the only site with comments that are as interesting as the original posts and while it's true some might be a bit shocked by the comments, I think they are real, funny, hot, and yes important.

Here's to all of you and please please keep it up!


A very special thanks to our hostesses, who have a real talent and should be writing professionally, if they are not.

To everyone else, I'm right there with you: mole sightings, jaw porn, and that new amazing Dossier out take in the wife-beater and the thumb.

tinababy1 said...

Rayette - It's ALL about the thumbs sweetie

Anonymous said...

I saw the pics on Lainey's (yes, I check on her site too) ~ the rest of the Cullens are already in Vancouver to shoot their few scenes. They are 1/2 done with the movie? That was fast! I think the most difficult parts to shoot are still to come.

Suz said...

Rayette!!!! you go girl! welcome to the madness!

Unknown said...

My migraine is getting better. Seriusly, that stare can kill.

tinababy1 said...

No Danni - Rob doesn't kill, he CURES

Unknown said...

edit: seriously

honey bee said...

Welcome, Rayette! I loved everything you said, but don't forget about the hand porn. ;}

Since everyone is sharing ages:
I am turning 26 on the 24th of April. I'm attending the How to Be screening at midnight. Can't freakin' wait!
Birthday + The RPattz = LOVE

Unknown said...

That depends on how much he stare. He could cause a heart attack with that stare.

Anonymous said...

Well, Robward could kill with a bite...

Anonymous said...

But Rob, being THAT TALENTED, would take me to heaven...

* sigh *

Cure, for sure!

tinababy1 said...

Also, Rob causes insomnia and severe daydreamingitis

Unknown said...

Sophia and Tina

Tenneil said...

Rayette~ were all in the same boat going down together...

Death by Rob...what a way to go...

Oh and Mole porn...but thats for Suz and

Anonymous said...

I think I have that, Tina, daydreamnigites! Girl, now I know what to tell to my doctor...

Doc, is there a cure for that?

Tenneil said...

What is called when Rob makes you lick the computer screen???

honey bee said...

No, Sophia. You don't want a cure. It's better this way...;}

Anonymous said...

Soph: only if the real Rob shows up and gives you "his thing".

Rob, love, come here and give me your thing... It is a Doc's prescription...

WinWin said...

Are we all revealing ages?
37 here, DH and 3 kids

tinababy1 said...

Ten - That's just plain old horny

Tenneil said...

thanks tina, I feel soooo much better.... lol

padded cell here I come...
shit did I say that... oppps

Anonymous said...

m... do you think it is better LIKE THAT? Sometimes, being THAT BAD? Dunno,...

I had (have) another celeb/crush, for James McAvoy, but it is not even close to this...

Suz said...

lol @ Tina

and Ten ~ did you just say going down"?

atta gurl

you REALLY are my life now!

Suz said...

Soph, McAvoy is hotter than a witches...... in August.

ana said...

I was wondering are you going to do a wrap of ages...
I am also surprised how many teens are on site. I think they just look and dont blog, my guess at least.

I am 35 going to be 36, happily married, with 3 step children (ages 18-24) and a 5 year old of my own. I actually got my step-daughter into this whole site and she is 20. So i guess like was said before we come in all forms and ages obsessing over Rob.

Tenneil said...

Suz~ I also said come...I will never speak normal again without my words having double meanings... damn FF

Anonymous said...

Now I remember the threesome we were talking the other day about, well, ME, Rob and McAvoy... Oh, my!! In a library, of course. Stand. And with their difference in high... just perfect.

Anonymous said...

Suz!! That was you! You said that you were building a library, because of that scene in Atonement??

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