We are on the final round of 4tnz.com March Madness Hottie Tourney and Robert Pattinson vs Nick Jonas? Puhleaaaase! Rob is losing BIG time though and by big time I mean 800 votes, let's see we get ~3000 hits in an hour! Show your power ROBsessors! Go vote HERE! Don't let a tiny teeny boy win over Rob :)) *fist in the air* & *war cry!*

girls where are you? Rob is losing :(
Hey guys you can vote several times... I already voted 10 times.. and will continue doing so... Lets go girls...
I cant vote anymore whats wrong.. when I go to the page it already comes with the results...
I voted as many times as it let me (lost count). My job is done here :)
I have done the same... it doesn't allow me to vote anymore...
It only let me vote once. I'll go to another computer tomorrow.
Georgie try to refresh the page in the browser or use a different browser. It should let you vote a few times at least.
Click on the..... Rob v blah in purple, title at the top and it refreshes and you can vote over & over :)
Those teens have no taste! Guess they just don't know the difference between a man and a boy!!!
Off to vote......many times!
That´s a joke! Nick.. WHO? I will vote NOW
Anon...I voted again last night...turned around to vote again and it wouldn't let me...
Going back right now!
Ladies...start clicking those mouses!!
A Jonas? PFFFT!
puh lease- nick looks like a monkey! ewwewww
boy vs man?? nick vs rob? Are they for real????
It came out as a result first to me too but just delete the cache on your browser and the poll will work (and keep doing to revote..yep!).
Seriously, what do people see in the jonas...they're SO NOT CUTE
Seriously, Nick Jonas?! Pfft.. there is NO competition here! Rob is in a league of his own :)
Even with refreshing it only let me vote a few times :(
I'll keep trying throughout the day though
Oh thanks Leena, Ill delete Cache ;)
I love your * fist in the air* & war cry* gets me all fired up! Rhaaaoooorr! (Rob Style in LA)
Rob girls to the rescue. I'm at work and voting. Risking gettin' fired for our Hottie! Seriously!
Teen-Jonas with pimples and all is beating THE HOTTIE? Come on...
Maybe we don't want him winning this.
I discovered if you click on one of the dumb articles & come back you get a fresh vote 2, if you can cope.
Is that the best Jonas, eww? Can they actually sing I've never really heard them.
Thanks guys but I tried clicking on a dumb article (like "I farted on my crush" eeeewwwww) and still couldn't get another vote; also tried another browser. I'll try some other computers at work tomorrow.
Thanks guys but I tried clicking on a dumb article (like "I farted on my crush" eeeewwwww) and still couldn't get another vote; also tried another browser. I'll try some other computers.
when I came across this craziness yesterday I COULD NOT believe rob was losing to this guy and by such a huge number!?! its a conspiracy!!! =) I tried to vote more than once then but it wouldn't let me, i'll go try again now...
We can not let some young little pip-squeak beat Rob!
You know, we are grow-up women, we have to work (some of us work and study), we have to write our dissertations, to cook, to clean, do the extra laundry, to take good care of real BFs and DHs, some of us have kids (I have a dog) ~~ and we are Rob´s fans!! Busy Rob´s fans!
But those Jonas boys, they get the teens votes! And teens only go to school and ballet classes. They got nothing else to do... That´s why that Jonas with pimples is getting more hits!
Girls, I felt guilty again. I am off to take care of all the list that I gave above. I am not a teen anymore... thanks God!
Have a good day, you all! Robsess and vote!
Come on people! Nick is winning by almost 400 votes. =(
rob is catching up quick ladies! there is hope!
although I tried voting again and I can't find a way that it'll allow me! *tear* I guess desktop, laptop, and phone are the only 3 i'll get in...ive done what I can, so those of you that can vote more than once, do it! =)
have a good day ladies!
Voted all I could. I cant believe he's losing! Arent all the Jonas teeny girls in school right now! lol
OMG, seriously. How can this even be a CONTEST?!?!?! Rob vs. a Jonas??? Dude...
Just voted and Rob's only 200 behind now. We can do it, ladies. If he loses we should hang our heads in shame...
Rob vs a fetus? Give me a break!
i couldn't get another vote... :(
Boy that will hold your hand and snuggle = Not Hot
Skraggly, Sexy, drunk Englishman who will bang your brains out = HOT
Go Team Rob!!
Very nicely said, Tina.
I will vote but why, why, why is there a battle of the babes between Nick Jonas and Rob? Rob is like seven years older then Nick....dude, no contest what's so ever!
Keep voting, all the tweens are in school right now.
Wouldn't let me vote again! I voted yesterday. We can't let a Jonas win!!!!!
Ok. Rob's less than 100 votes behind and closing steadily. Keep at it ladies. I've been voting steadily for the last half hour (can't believe the things this Robsession is making me do - I would never have dreamed of voting in a Hottie Tourney before - never even heard of it before. Ah me!)
It won't let me vote again!
Come on Robsessors
I know 10-year olds who think the Jonas Sisters are lame-ass
Look what yasemin did on the comments section there! hee hee.
i tried all your suggestions to vote again, none work. Those that can, spend the day on this ok?
It let me vote just once! Yes, the teens will be back pretty soon from school ant Nick is going to rise again. So, do your best, Robsessors!
Lol! @ Tina!
we've done it ladies!!! we've past the lame-o jo bro! wooooo hoooo!!! keep it up!!!
Its 50-50 now - !!! with rob just ahead. Keep it going. We managed to close a 800 vote gap in a few hours. Well done! :) The kiddies will vote jonas dweeb soon. For some bizarre reason I cldnt bare it if rob loses.
Yayy we caught up and now Rob is winning...but for how long.
Voting still
gee someone is still voting for the jona's bro...give me a break
Keep trying to voting ladies...maybe if you go out and come back in a couple of times it will let you vote again
Yeah, Rob is ahead finally. I voted 3 times myself. hehe Keep voting though, he's only ahead by 50 votes.
We've got to put a good distance between them so when the kiddies get out of school they won't catch up too easily. Off to vote again...
you are amazing ladies :) i love you :) ROB 4EVER!!!!!
Hahaha Yasemin, Rob forever !!! It's so true Rob Fucking Forever!!! I could never live without him NOW.
Nick Jonas vs. Rob?????
As if.
Uh, there's like, no comparison. Nick Jonas is a confused little boy that wears white pants. Rob is a MAN. 'Nuff said.
I can only vote once too. And pfff it is not a matter of life or death here either.. .WE know who is hotter, it is just these lil girls that cannot take a MAN so they go for the teen idol, how old is this jonas dude anyways? he looks like a baby! Cute but still just a baby lol
Oh god, the Jonas is close! 51-49! Don't let him win!
Keep voting anyways ladies even if you think it's a stupid poll
why is my computer not letting me vote more than once?????/ I can't bear this the fight is to close...tell me how did you make it let you vote more than once
I love reading these comments. Keep voting!
I'm a teen girl and I hate the JoBros. Rob is so much better.
He cannot lose out to a Jonas. That would create some kind of bizarre imbalance of the hotness in the world!
Its 53 - 47 to Rob right now.
Im scared.
Hold me.
GRRRR its giving me a hard time...i can get one vote in for every 5 times i try...frustrating as hell
i'll keep at it though
OMG!! No contest is right Lynn!!
Morning ladies, I just went and voted and I'll go back after this . Rob's up to 53% while the little one is at 47%. PLEASE!man vs boy. this should be a given.(shakes head)
Alright girls, Rob 54%, lame dude 46%. Winning but still too close.
Meh, I voted - it only let me vote once. Judging by the comments. The average age on that site is 14.
For those having problems voting more then once and want to again. DELETE YOUR COOKIES then try again. We had to do this when we were up against the Whovilles (DR Who Fans),it worked and Rob won.
Just a suggestion. Have fun! GO Rob!!
RPaddict where do you delete your cookies....sorry for the stupid question
I´ve just voted and Rob is winning!
Cookie deleting didn't work!!
how long is this vote for...anyone know?
Ewww Nick Jonas is SO NOT hot. People who think hes hotter than Rob are just CRAZY. I just voted. It only lemme vote once though. Rob is winnning!! Woot Woot! Keep voting guys! We cannot let Disney boy beat our man!
Rob is winning now! Fangirls vote for our beloved Rob. He is now 10%ahead. We can do this!!!
I have 2 minutes to Robsess...
I could not vote more than once. But I did vote in some brazilian and portuguese sites...
you are crackin me up with your enthusiasm on the 4tnz site comments. LMAO! i still cant vote anymore. :(
56% for Rob...good going ladies
Do you get to vote more if you sign up for the site?
Someone with account on IMDB or other sites that worship Rob should post this poll there and Rob will win for sure.
I voted :)
I just had a thought...(yeah, really?)
If Rob doesn't happen to win this stupid poll, wouldn't it be just more proof that his larger fan base is with "mature" gals, 18 - ?
Not that we need proof. This site is "4 tnz" after all.
I think I'd get over it quickly if Rob didn't win this stupid poll.
That said, let's make him win anyway just to show the love!
Good idea Anon @ 1:32!
Maybe all Goz' affiliates, but she has probably told them already.
i forgot to say HI to every one!
I want him to win, its very true ladies..ROB has the most amazing fans!! We cant beat out a Jonas brother! haha Keep up the voting!!!
oopssss *CAN BEAT!
There is a whole Jonai category??? How many of those little bastards are there?
Hi Tina!
too many
Hi Crazy. How are you today?
having a bad day, since you asked. Glad you asked? LOL!
p.s. your comments are hilarious!!
Just catching up on the Peenpire literature.
A&O. They just had a 24 hour "date" and are now having dinner out.
I love Tie Guy.
Wish he would ring my doorbell.
(hee hee) Me too.
I'll let you get back to reading. Enjoy!
All hell is going to break loose when the tweens get home from school and realize their little "rock star" is losing.
Didn't rock stars use to be messed up, horny, don't give a fuck guys?
Poor kids today, don't know their asses from their elbows.
see ya
LMAO Tina, isn't that the truth
- robpattzfan~aka~Kristen -
i can't vote, either. when I go to the page it already comes with the results..but ROB will win without me :D
Go Team Rob!!!
yasemin just keep refreshing the page and it will come up again so you can vote. I have to do it 5 or 6 times to vote once
I voted...I said yesterday that we are in a war that will last RP lifetime. He is magically delicious...with rainbows on top...giving unicorns that are hard as a stack of quarters...LMAO
We are Robsessed strong we shall not be defeated...Damn it!!!
LMAO Tina - how many of those little bastards are there?-
I heart rob!!!
-and robward, and darkward, and darkward induced unicorns...AG where are u with chapter 49?????
; )
I just voted at 3:30 p.m. and Rob is winning!!! Keep going!!!!
ooopsey it seems we pissed a few of them off lol
keep voting ladies
Looks like the kids have started voting Rob lost 1% so far...keep voting ladies
is anyone still voting? i need help here
Doesn't let me vote anymore :(
I lost count of how many times I voted. Somewhere between 20 and 30. Maybe more. I get to vote 3 or 4 times and then I only get results. I wait a while and then start again. Rob is like 900 votes ahead. But we can't get complacent.
(As if all this really matters. If the Jonas fella wins does that make Rob one iota less hot? No way! I think I must be losing some of my marbles...)
it won't let me vote anymore either :(
I'm still voting, I think I voted about 40 times, but this thing is kind of dopey that site must be for 10 year olds since it's all about farting and puking.
Anyway, a more serious vote you should make each day - check Rob out on IMDB, you just have to check his profile each day to get him the most clicks and he's currently no. 1 on the star meter - he often has been, others take over as a scandal breaks about some other loser like Mel gibson.
I would think these kind of more serious stats would drive producers to offer rather nice parts:)
What - are these JoBros born in a litter?! All the ways that allowed me to vote again don't work anymore, but we will not be defeated. Everybody sing now:
We shall overcum . . .
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