How To Be is NOW available from IFC Festival Direct in United States! Wooohooo for all of you in US and boohooo for the rest of us :) Oh well only 20 days for the release of How To Be [DVD] [2008]
IFC Festival Direct (http://ifcfilms.com/index.html ) can be found within your cable provider’s movies on demand platform. These five cable providers offer IFC Festival Direct. Follow the menu instructions to access the service. Each purchase of the film lasts for 24 hours and can be watched multiple times during that period.
* BrightHouse: Movies On Demand → IFC In Theaters
* Cablevision: Movies On Demand → IFC In Theaters → Festival Direct
* Comcast: Channel 1 → Movies & Events → IFC Festival Direct
* Cox: Channel 1 → Movies On Demand → IFC In Theaters
* Time Warner: Movies On Demand → IFC In Theaters
It's the lips, and eyes, who cares what his hair looks like! yum!
"Each purchase of the film lasts for 24 hours and can be watched multiple times during that period."
hea hea
Goz said "multiple"
GAH...we have Mediacom, and I got rid of my digital cable years ago. Even if I had it, Mediacom probably wouldn't offer IFC Direct, the bastards. Guess I'll be waiting for the DVD *sigh*
Booohooo. I SO want to see this. Where I live we NEVER get indies like this to watch. And the mail's so erratic I wouldn't trust them to deliver it if I bought the DVD online. I don't even get my bills until months after they're due.
*off to cry and pull out hair in a corner*
I'm so sad, I want to see this SO bad, but I've got DirecTv...any idea when/if it will be on directv??? or when it'll be released on dvd in US???
I watched it at 3:45 this morning before I came to work. It is fantastic and really shows off Rob's talents.
Thanx so much...I just checked on my on demand movies and what do u know....it's there....I'm so watching it TODAY!!!! Robert is a genius.....from what I've seen he's really good at everything he does....music, acting...anything ...I luv him!....can't wait to get DVD's of all his films....;)
I don't subscribe to IFC :( And Amazon/Chapters doesn't have the DVD. Guess I'll just have to suffer through without Art... unless some nice person uploads it to YouTube (hint hint)
BTW: love the tag "Robert Pattinson is Beautiful even with a bad haircut." LOL
I have Verizon and they don't offer IFC Festival Direct. Just plain, old IFC.
I've been depressed over this for the past month, maybe more haha.
"Crying takes the sad out of you."
Booo, not.
"Rob on demand"... he he... where do I place the order??
kh~ That's what I'm saying. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.
*Elbows a techie in the ribs.*
Time Warner Cable's Movies On Demand has it, it's $5.95! I'd rather buy the DVD and have it forever. When is the DVD coming to the U.S????
Lolas - probably after IFC is finished
We have Charter, which offers IFC in theaters...but no How To Be! I am incredibly frustrated.
"Rob on Demand" LOL! Now that's a dream made in heaven.
I can't stand this, first I couldn't go to New York to see it; now I can't order it from on demand until I pay my bill (which I don't have the money for yet. I think I'm gone off to a corner to cry and pull my hair out also!! boo-hoo....
Oh NO!
Suz <---quickly passing around the hat!
Lost, you HAVE to see this film!
Gah I've been looking foward to seeing this movie and it's not showing up in my IFC festival direct!! Wtf?!
Grrr... It's not showing up for me. So, I called Comcast and they told me it would be available tomorrow. But I want it today!!! *throws mini tantrum*
I just watched it! Parts of it were very funny and I think Rob can do physical comedy as well (Bad Mother's Handbook as well). The hair is funny as well. I'll watch it again tomorrow.
Bootstrap - I have Comcast too and it's not showing up either. They told you'd it'd be tomorrow? Your post was more helpful than the csr I talked to. Grrr... frustrating.
does anyone know if the movie can be recorded (like on a dvr?) ? sorry, i'm technically challenged. i have to resort to asking my husband to do this stuff for me.
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