According to
Pink is the New Blog Rob is featured in the new Issue of
Dossier Magazine. Caliente! The leather jacket, the cigarette and those jeans are tight batman! Oh Hot Damn!
Click, enlarge, drool!

Thanks to Jen from
The Twilight Times for the tip :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 465 Newer› Newest»Tight jeans and a leather jacket do him justice. I need to be alone now.
I always knew that man would look infinitely edible in a leather jacket.
Deam!! that shot of him in leather jacket and tight jeans is like death sentence for all of us, how can a man be so deam sexy??!!... if that pic comes out in HQ... we are done!! gone to hell of very bad dirty thoughts... I can´t wait for the HQ pic!!... hahaha
How the HELL do the pictures get better and better? I hope I never see him in person because I swear I would probably just die. 4real.
Ooh great pics, thanks Goz & Jen ! ;-)
HOT DAMN is right, Gozde. Phew.
Hmm, I just watched Rebel Without a Cause last night, and I can't help but see James Dean in these pics. ;} *fans self*
Leather jacket....
T H U D !
this is the best sight to look at first thing in the morning... ;)
the sex hair, the pants, the leather jacket!!! *THUD*
could he get any hotter?
WHAT!!! Rob in that kick as punk leather jacket...
It´s me Emmes.
Can I PLEASE have one of those for Easter this year, you can give my eggs,bunnies and candies to someone else. I want to find a Rob with a Leather Jacket hiding behind a tree for my Easter Egg hunt this year.
Thank YOU :)
(ok, we need those with much more pixels please)
Yvonne...if I ever saw him in person I would jump him....
I can't stop..........staring.
Wait a sec,... I DON'T WANT TO BE HELPED. :XXX
This man tortures my soul! I am so in LUST with him, its not even funny anymore....
"Ma'am.... just step back from the Pattinson... Ma'am...please kindly unwrap you legs from around his face...Ma' do understand that you can go to jail for this?????"
"Dude...I think she passed out...."
Jewel are you talking about me...cuz thats exactly what would happen!!!
The really does prove that God is a woman!
Thank you God(dess)
C'mon Melissa...this is the Robsessors you're talking to.
You're not alone here...
Don't hold back...tell us how you really feel.....
What is this Dossier Magazine? These photos look to be from the same shoot that he did for Rolling Stone.
Hey know how I do it...LOL
My reaction simply cannot be helped.
I feel like I need a cold shower!
Gah! And I'm still at work!!
Jewels!! I luuuvve when I see your avatar!!
"The really does prove that God is a woman!"
Hahaha You got that right!
AMEN! Praise the Lord!
Caliente? Me dicen que es caliente? Su muy muy muy caliente. Las cosas que me gustaría hacer a este hombre - No hay límites!
Absolutamente Hermoso!
Totally suz....las cosas son muy muy mal.... ;)
Damn, he's so beautiful.
There are no words...
Rose, I swear I am in love with you!
I have to teach a water aerobics class in about 40 mins.. I hope the water is very cold... I am on FIRE!
Muy Caliente
I`ve always fallen for fair guitarists, but this is just a whole new level of perfection.
Oh I'm so glad these pics are here! Love his profile with his eyes a little puffy from sleep or too much booze. It's his vulnerability with masculinity that is so sexy! The one where he is on the floor..just screams climb on board!!lol
Suz...yo creo que las cosas que nos gustarian hacer con Rob suenan mucho mas calientes en la madre lengua!!!!
Tight jeans and leather?! Way to cool off the salivating mob, Goz. I'm going to go tear gas myself before somebody gets hurt.
emmes.. to bloody right
and Diane
OH MY F*ING GOD!!! Gozde, you've finally outdone yourself. How on EARTH does this man get more and more gorgeous and SEXY SEXY SEXY!!!! There are no words anymore....they don't describe what these photos are doing to me right now. HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!!!!!
Godalmighty, will you look at him in the biker leathers? LOVE that man in leather!!!! And those tight, tight jeans. ARE YOU TRYING TO GIVE ME A HEART ATTACK, ROB?????? If it looks this good, go ahead and give me one!!!!!! I'll just run my fingers through your sex hair and I will know that I'm in HEAVEN already!!!!!
ROB...WHEN I SEE YOU LIKE THIS, I WANT TO DO BAD THINGS TO YOU.....VERY, VERY, VERY VERY DIRTY, HOT & BAD THINGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ladies I gotta get out of here...I cant bear to look anymore or I'll start crying cuz he is just so beautiful....
be back later...gotta go compose myself
Oh no! Have you heard about his butt injury? Poor Rob's butt, I want to be his nurse!
Can you PLEEEEEEZZZZZZZZEEEEE try to find these photos individually & in HQ???????????????
the LEATHER JACKET wow i think he should often wear a leather jacket
I think we should start a prayer group...we sound like the most religious biatches out there, thanking and praising GOD (who just proved herself a women).LOL
I have never seen anything so beautiful.....
Oh my...Is he, like, trying to kill us dead? *drools*
ok Gozde, you have the get the leather jacket picture of rob in HQ!!! pleaseeee?? lol i love it him holding the cigarrettte and lookin soo good
He is so hot, he denaturates my proteins!
To hell with the prayer group (you should pardon the expression), let's just start our own religion - nonprofit, tax exempt. Think of the business deductions - flights to Vancouver and Italy, group discounts on PEs, vision plan (needed after staring at our screens so long from a quarter inch away), the possibilities are endless.
Diane - sign me up bb!!!
i wouldnt mind having him in bed =)
i wouldnt mind having him in bed =)
I seriously need to buy him a leather jacket so that he can wear it all the time! I mean a leather jacket has never looked this good before
My jaw just hit the floor.
WOWZOR! The leather jacket look is just.... *thud*
Earth to Robsessors: Rob wears leather jackets nearly every day! LOL! Okay, maybe not biker jackets with bling touches on them... I guess we are liking the '80s vibe here with this photo shoot.
I have to admit, I gulped when I saw the profile shot (gads, a police shot?!?) and then laughed hysterically when I realized this was from a modeling shoot!
It´s settled one new religion coming up...hey if Tom Cruise can do it so can we right?
And the skies opened up...we have seen the light!!!Praise the Rob!!!
Im sorry but the only way this could be heaven is if he were right here, right now...
This Robsession is my own personal HELL!!!!
Oh but I love him so is SO worth it....sigh...
Oh shit, I've lost the ability to form coherent thoughts. I will stay here and drool for a couple minutes, lick the screen, change my panties, and then I need a fucking drink! DAMN!
Hey, Laura??? Drool much, babe?
How was your day?
Oh hell, I think my computer screen is going to blow up,every damn day - another photo to top the last burning hot shot, I'm going go crazzzzzzzy, stop it - no don't.
Diane - ya got it, a religion, something to help, I'm just losing it, the first 2 shots are just mind bending - then he goes and looks like a kid down the bottom.
Help me!
Twilight on the big screen again tomorrow night - maybe the last time to catch it special screening in my town:)
Jaw drops ... DAMN. Thank you for that!
we should start some support group: Hey,I`m Martina and I`m a Roboholic.
Oh crap I just thought of something else......he's only 22, imagine when he hits his full manstraps around 30, you know when men get extra sexy.
Do you reckon Lord Byron and Valentino had some Rob dazzle? They say women died for them. Maybe you get a magical man every couple of hundred years or so.
damnnn i pretty much died after seeing the leather jacket pik!
he should wear leather jackets more!!!!
+ Gozde you have to get HQ piks- i love you haha
He should go on a vacation because I want to see his beach photos!!!
The middle one is from the Rolling Stone session, right? He looks younger in the bottom two.
Goddamn, this man is so put together in his professional pics, yet looks so different in everyday pics. I like both kinds...:)
Not sure I could handle said pics in HQ. I seriously might just pass the fuck OUT.
Melissa - Got any room on the floor next to you??
Oh i want so much to see him like a bad ass punk rocker!!! OMFEC!!!
Hi ladies, I don't have a lot of time. I just had to check and see what's going on, and what do I find?
The one of him laying on his back and smoking has killed me.
I'm serious, I am no longer alive. Funeral arrangements have been made,
Be Back Later
I'm gonna have to go to confession just for looking at him in those jeans... YA BABY!! about painting pants on...
HOLY SHIT!!! tight jeans- leather jacket- where in the world did this come from! YUM.
Ditto to eveything that has been said. Leather jacket, tight jeans, I want to wrap my arms around those hips.
I'm drooling again. Thanks Goz for another beautiful..... *thud*
God I just want to run my hands up and down the tight jean clap legs!! OMG!! Need something cool to drink!
Rose and Jewels64, you took the words right out of my mouth!!After that my screen blew up in smoke, I choked, panted, swore, and then THUD....I'm out!! Rob, Jeans, and Leather jackets rule!!
Now we know who to blame for global warming. :P
Good evening. Sorry but I have to express myself in portuguese now...
Rob, deitado no chão sozinho e sugando o cigarro desse jeito... com essa mandíbula linda. Que vontade que dá de pular em cima de você, sobre esse corpo delicioso, cheirar esses pelos... Passar a boca pelo seu corpo TODO. Rolar pelo chão com as pernas enroscadas em volta dos seus quadris. Nem a sua figa (aliás, eu uso uma igual, mas num bracelete) iria te ajudar nessa hora... O que vc está vestindo na parte de baixo? Aquele jeans da outra foto? Tudo bem, eu tiro rapidinho... com os dentes! Posso apagar as luzes agora? Talvez não, eu quero ver tudo muito bem...
Ok, I am (almost) done. I hope the other girls from Brasil are not coming here tonight...
This is so James bitch... one of Robs...hotter bitch...idol.
Isn't the pic with Rob on the floor similar to that Rolling Stone pic? That means there must be more photos out there of this photo shoot....yummy. *SLURP*
You're back babe!!!!
Totally agree with your thoughts in portuguese!!!
I've been drooling for 30 minutos, i don't think i can't stop.
Jeeezzz, Danni, IT WAS PRIVATE!! Sorry for that.
How are you? I have another paper to finish for tomorrow, but I will be checking on Robsessed now and then tonight... A girl gotta have some fun too...
It's enough to make a grown woman cry.
Hello girls. What's the news?
Hi, Sophia
Adorei seu comentário, vc tirou as "palavras" da nossa boca. rss Esse homem mata a gente. OMEC.
Hi Danni.
yeah me too, i worked all day!!!
Oh sweet Jesus...I just did the most insane thing...
I saved the picture... opened it up and zoomed in on the tight jeans...
Holy can see the outline of his boxer briefs through the jeans they're that tight...
** Swoons ** ** THUD!!! **
Can you say ....Dark Edward?
Hi Nanah!!!
How are you babe??
drooling to?
Nanah and Danni, olá. Foi só eu escrever as minhas fantasias habituais em português para as duas xeretas aparecerem, né??
Eu já estava aqui!!!
I'm speechless. My jaw just hit the floor. He's fascinating, hot, sexy..... OMEC. I can't breathe.
Every time i see new pics he's hotter. How can someone be so gorgeous??
Jesus me chicoteia. rs
Ta mais pra Jesus apaga a luz!!!
Sorry Sophia. I can't helped it.
Danni, who isn´t?? Drooling, melting, almost screaming...
Meninas, falem sério... Como ele pode ser tão gostoso? Como?
To rindo aki até agora.
This man is driving us crazy.
Nanah eu tbm to rindo sozinha na frente do pc, parecendo completamente loka!!!
Sophia! eu naum sei guria e nem presta um homem ser tão perfeito!!!!
No, Crazy is crazy. We are nuts!
If we are starting
May I be the first to
Fuck a goddamn duck.. he is glorious
É verdade. É por isso que ele é inacessível para nós.
Nem deve ser tão perfeito, vai... Tem que ter uns defeitinhos irritantes... Tem que ter, não é possível.
Oh, Yeah. Completely nuts.
Que se dane o príncipe encantado, eu quero mais é o vampiro no Volvo.
suz are you on?
Qualquer defeito é mero detalhe, com aquele rosto, aquele corpo, aquelas mãos, aquela voz, aquela barba por fazer....
Vc entendeu neh????
Ele deve roncar, por exemplo. Já que ele tem aquele problema de respirar pela boca... Ele deve deixar a tampa do vaso levantado, não dar descarga, nem lavar as mãos após segurar naquele negócio para mijar. A propósito, "aquele negócio" deve ser um sonho...
Vixi, não vou trabalhar nada hoje... já vi.
hey, Suz, it's a great idea.
Hello all! I agree with all of you. My DH had to give me CPR, I was a total gonner but he saved my life. When I came to, he asked what happened and I said, "For some reason suddenly my brain stopped sending messages to my lungs" it was too busy sending all impulses to other parts of my body.
Jewels wazzup lady?! Great minds do think alike, I did the same thing. Enlarged it so far that when I squint it looks like he's standing there taunting me with his peen. Check out the bulge on Patz! Holy mother of Edward! He's definitely packing some heat.
Hi Divine... Hey Suz..
E que negócio q deve ser!!!
Se a perfeição do negócio for equivalente a perfeição do resto dele, ai miserável
Sophia and Danni,you are killing me. rss I can't stop laughing. I almost fell down the chair.
Hello ladies.
Suz <-----breathing into shopping bag... and soo glad she asked for paper!
Thanks for the idea Jewels - those jeans are effin HOT, and the boxer-briefs underneath have got to be even better. Take it off, bb. One piece at a time! uuhhhhhhhhh.
Hi Ladies! The James Dean jeans and leather jacket.mmmmmmmmm. Now I'd like to see a Gladiator. Oh yeah!!! woo hoo!
CRAZY!!! Where have you been girl?!?
Danni, adorei o "ai miserável". Ri tanto que assustei o meu cachorro...
hey ladies
Hey Momma :)
Eu tbm to rindo gurias!!!
Especialmente do 'negócio'. Nos poderiamos apelidar de LittleRob!!!
O que vc acham??
poco mamá
CRAZY, great idea. Rob in a "Gladiator" outfit!! Perfect!
Good evening.
Holy crap! The clothes in the bottom two pics are not great, but his FACE is magnificent!
hey kelly long time no chat! wink wink
hey crazy...divine...anyone else??
hey suz
Yum... I really hope these pictures come along in HQ and larger! He looks great in everything...
RC~ His face is always perfect! ; )
Where's crazy?
I've never heard of this magazine - where is it from?
I would say how great these pics are, but the ladies above well...they pretty much covered it! Anway, Rob should really wear brighter colors. That blue and yellow really looks good him. He should dress all sad all the time. But I do like him in all black...a like it a lot. *say that in the jim carrey dumb and dumber way and its really funny!*
Danni, "Little Rob" is the most perfect idea you had in months. Ok, "LB" between us...
yea ann.. and loose the fookin
pink stars!
edit: "LR"
Danni~ what the hell are we supposed to do NOW?? Somebody please tell me!!! gagaagaga
Good idea.
Será LittleRob um GreatRob? rss
Ai gente, to começando a ter idéias. kkk
Just say his name crazy....
LR then!
Eu ainda estou rindo!!!
<~~ Looking for batteries for Crazy.. now where did I leave the D batteries??hmmmm
it`s 3:55 AM and I can`t fall asleep. looking at leather jacket photo & listenting to alice cooper`s poison. "I want to hurt you just to hear you screaming my name" <3
RUle #1
never run out of batteries...
Crazy honey!!!
Just droll and patheticly laugh, it gets better after 30 minutes...
I've got em Suz.. I'm trying to help Crazy out!!
Nanah, it is a huge one... in my dreams... "LR" then, girls.
Tina where are you??
Hi ladies (Kelly, Suz, Momma, Danni, Crazy, KK, Shani, Sophia, RC,Nanah and all others on here tonight) What's the good word? last comment had a lot of typos. I should really learn to spell check. Anyway...if you knew what I meant then great!
Hello Crazy, Suz...
Danni, I loved the nickname.
But I hope that LB it will be a GR.
The word is
Fall on you knees and worship !
Dinvine~ The good word is Rob of course... : )
has Crazy lost it then??
Hey Divinaselly!!!
How are you? We are talking about Rob's anatomy!!!
Divine, hi. The good word is a sentence: Rob wet and naked in bed.
that's a good little parishioner
poco mamá
That's the right spot !
I think so.. she's awfully quiet... Hey Suz.. are you going to see HTB?
I guess it is a GR!!!
Hey Girls...
Divinesally... go back and check the Hot Topic photos from Dallas... the one where he is standing holding the mic looking back up over his shoulder....
The Pattinson Peen is in fine form in that picture!!!
Lol Suz! And teeth on that yummy zipper....real slow now...
yup Kelly got my tix today...! I am blowing off the KOL...
I think Crazy went out to buy new batteries...
I like the tip sophia!!!
Hello, Divinesally
Jewels I gotta go recheck that one!
Sooz! Crazy! Hey Mamas! What's shakin this evening...
oh man, a ROBaligion??? My DH was right you guys! Am actually on my knees already have been for the last 20 minutes, and I'm not sure why. It's like I'm getting subliminal messages from above...I'm scared...
Jules, you hot piece of azzz
come over here and tongue kiss me!
Crazy, send your DH do get the batteries. Stay with us.
I want to go.. but Midnight... it's a drive for me..
Hate to say it but we've beaten you to it Diane - welcome to the Church of Pattinson. You are free to worship, offer up
unicorns, and drool at will. Every day is the sabbath so keep it dirty babes. We even have a 'golden rule' Do unto Rob as you would have him do unto you...
Hey ladies - praying at the Robsessed alter?
Little Momma...At my age... I don't get on my knees anymore...
They just have to get on the counter.....
I think Crazy is.... ??
How are you this evening?....
I`m in my bed with laptop heating my loins (I hope that`s the right word) as if I am not warm enough. XD
There you go Jewels... my kind girl!
Suz...put you avatar and mine together and ....
I know Kelly the time is rough...
but.. I can't resist.
I am just not sure if I am going to drive to take public transport.. I will prolly drive.
Got to see it.. Art owns me..
You can have Darkward
Tie Guy
PriesWard, etc...
crazy...i feel for ya girl
Hello ladies, some fun talking going on.
I want in!!!
Is that Little Rob and Big Rob? I love both! I haven't lusted after an actor like this since James Dean (you do the math). Maybe he could do a remake of "East of Eden."
Thank you, G, there is a goddess and it may be you.
Danni and Nanah, I AM SURE IT IS HUUUGE!
mmmmmm Jules...
Muy Muy
Breathe honey!!!!
Now focus on Rob's tuchi. You will feel better, and realize ther's still hope to go to heaven again!!
I'm great Jules! You are in a particularly good mood - could it be because of the zoom feature on your laptop? - nice view eh?
LOVED your last update of Utter Darkness.
Hey suz, Kelly, crazy, lil momma - anyone I missed...
Do unto Rob as I would hav ehim do unto me... Rob is gonna be a busy boy!!!
Nah Crazy...
Just hit the spin cycle on the washing machine...
You'll be taken care of and have whiter whites....
Yeah Crazy.. after all God made him He can't punish us for worshiping the masterpiece he created
Twi.. hello sexy mama!
LR is hugeeeeeee, Maybe we should change to BigRob or BG!
hey scarlett you live close to me!!! so glad to be sharin rob with such great girls (and guys...if they are out there)
Crazy you just gotta do what you gotta do....
Ladies, I cant resist. I need to see those pics again and again. First time wasn't enough for me.
when does this come out?!
Alie...seriously... I did not mean to do that ....
Who the fuck am I kidding...yeah I did...
Thanks about UD! I've already started working on Chapter 21....
Hey Little Mama I'm a Texas gal too!!!
LOL Crazy. Such a fun girl.
But I have no solution for for your disease.
Really do you want one, it sounds awful nice.
LOL again. Dirty hehe
Danni, "LR" sounds cute, and polite...
Ladies - I searched and searched for a cure. Then I caved when I came here and realized I wasn't alone - at least we are all in this together. Now if we could just get some Rob IN us...
BigRob is good.
oh my
the poor girl...
Sophia, i agree, LR it is!!
wazzup Twiheart, Meg, Jewels, and Scarlett.
Damn Crazy... I feel like we should all turn our monitors off for just a second to give you a moment of privacy... LOL!!!
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