If you live in Vancouver tune in to The Beat 94.5 on Monday at 5PM to hear about Holly Conway's encounter with Rob. (You can also listen to her online HERE)
Here is what she says on her blog:
So last night I was out for dinner at Rodney's Oyster House in Yaletown and who walks in?? Robert Pattinson!! He was charming and lovely and we had quite the convo outside for 20 minutes, I'll share the full story Monday afternoon- don't miss it Twilight fans! Love Holly
I hope it's something interesting :)
Thanks to RobPattzNews for the tip and Sandra for the online radio link :)
20 minutes? lucky chick. Can't wait to hear what what he had to say.
Hmmm, oysters, aren't they aphrodisiacs?
Nice lip art! Clearly I'm not Robsessing enough since I just took the 95-part Pattinson quiz on Fanpop and only came in third. Better say 10 Hail Robbies.
Hey DS and Diane -
What quiz did you take? I wanna take it.
I'm so excited to hear from someone who got to meet him. Lucky DJ.
for those of us who dont live in canada, would someone mind posting a recap of the convo after it airs? thanks!
Ditto ANON - please post the interview or just a re-cap, thank you in advance.
wow, 20 minutes, that was nice of him, i wonder who he was with ?!
Ohhhh. I wanna hear whats she say about him.
Im hearing so much good things about him, it making me fall for him more and more!!
when will the reports that say he is a jerk and asshole, so I can stop this obsession!!!
I don't think it will happen cus his parents raised him right...damn it. LOL
Ohhhh. I wanna hear whats she say about him.
Im hearing so much good things about him, it making me fall for him more and more!!
when will the reports that say he is a jerk and asshole, so I can stop this obsession!!!
I don't think it will happen cus his parents raised him right...damn it. LOL
Hey Twi! =)
Not sure how I wound up over there, Twi. I was just tooling around cyberspace, and suddenly I was taking a test on one of my favorite subjects. It's http://www.fanpop.com and you have to register but from that point you can skip and search for the quiz.
Let us know how you do!
Thanks for the info -- cannot wait :)
*thumbs up*
I feel so silly. I always feel a little pang of jealousy when I hear of someone who met Rob. If only......(sighs). Don't mind me.
Hello Ladies!!!!
Just thought I would point out it will be Monday at 5pm not Sunday.
Hey Crazy- I'm not jealous... he can talk to who ever... I just hope he picks wisely.
I hope while he was talking to her he cleared this main crap up. Now we already know his this nice guy,blah, blah, blah. But maybe he talked a little bit about New Moon. Overall, she probably want end up saying nothing that we don't already know.
And watch... she like at lot of the fans lately will include, the obligatory "he doesn't stink,he smells really good like soap or a mild cologne". Oh God kill me now...if I have to hear that one more time. Dummies...we know already he doesn't smell... for the fucking thousandth time.
I agree! I'm sick and tired of the stinky rob shit. The man is perfection in my eyes, so it dosen't matter anyways.
I want to hear what he says about filming New Moon and how he likes the script and working with Chris weitz for the first time.....
Yeah I agree Shani.. what annoys me even more is when the silly tween fans try to defend rob by saying "it's not his fault.... he stinks because he's british!" it's very insulting!! haha!
I bet rob smells like sex. sweet hot sex.
** Thud **
You had to post the close up of the lips...?
Oh my Robward!! What I wouldn't give to partake of those luscious lips of yours....
Hope the story is a good one!
From Rob's lips to.......................my lips. uhhhhhhhhh!
Daneh- So true...hot sex on a platter....
Mmmm... Rob's lips look delicious. I bet the DJ was staring at his mouth for that entire 20 minute conversation... I know I would be if I were her :) I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to help myself.
Gozde - is this mouth photo from the photoshoot where Rob is wearing the pink/salmon shirt and grey coat? I believe it was the Teen Mag photoshoot? Do you know if there are any untagged photos from that shoot floating around? He looks sp spectacular in those photos, but I've only seen tagged shots so far :( Anyone know?
Daneh- I wonder do he get performance anxiety??? Because so many woman think his sex is the shit...the end all...be all...
British people don't stink.
Honest!!! :)
SG- We know... there are plenty of people from every country that do. Everybody shit stinks...it doesn't smell like a bed of roses.
I luuuurve those lips! What a nice shot. Can't wait to hear her story. Rob is awesome to just chat with a fan for 20 mins on his way to dinner. THAT is why we love him!
Shani - i wouldn't be surprised if he was a greek god in the bedroom! he never ceases to amaze me ;) it makes me wonder...would he be tender and soft... or dominant...*wind wonders*
not wind... see what this man does to me?!
just checkin my new avatar.....excuse me!
What great lips!!!
Hi ladies...here is the link to the radio station ....give it a try to see if you can listen from where you live
How can a silly photo of someones mouth rock my world so hard??? Seriously the hold this man has on my imagination is unreal!
Did anyone see the TA post about Michael Sheen (Lucian the Lycan from UNderworld) being cast as ARO?
Emmes i know! i just heard now! I hope its true!
if it is there will be 3 sexy brits in the movie! im so glad :)
Daneh...he totally rocked Lucian, so I have high hopes if it´s true!
Funny... My Hubster and I just had an Underworld marathon 3 nights ago...watched the 3 back to back. I felt like I was cheating on the Cullens but I loved it!!
Sandra thanks a million for that link, it's working for me all the way over here in Ireland ;-) Only thing it with the time difference it'll be 1am over here but knowing me I'll still be up at that time.
this video is so cute!! i love how awkward he acts!
No problem Kate....maybe you can grab a nap and then stay up for the good stuff (i hope we hear something worth while)
Daneh, lol i love that video. He's so nervous. Totally adorable. That lil girl made shit all awkward though. poor lambs.
Ohh..great Daneh , Thanks.
I´ve literally spent hours on youtube looking at Rob videos and I still haven´t seen it all...and that´s a good thing (chaneling Martha Stewart)!
Love those LIPS...pucker up buttercup!!!
cant wait to hear Robs voice..GAH!!
I listen to this radio station everyday, and Holly Conway is so annoying.
by the way,
I visit you guys almost everyday, and I think you have done an awesome job with this site!
I'm Robsessing again!! Heaven help me! He is sooooooooooo fine!
Anon~ Robsessing happens 24/7. Not a thing you can do about it. Strap yourself in and enjoy the ride!!!
Hey Tenneil!!! I think another Rob TV interview is long overdue!!!
Daneh- I am so sorry...I went off and got sucked in reading...
Okay, I think both...because he's bold enough to say the crazy shit he does and then the way he softly flirted with both girls in that video in Ryan Seacrest's green room.
That was melt in your mouth...Mmm...Mmm...good.
Emmes- Girl I love Micheal Sheen. He always gives the best performance playing that character in Under World. In the last one he brought so much emotion. And I was thinking the whole time about New Moon and how I wished he would be in it. So if he is...he will steal the spotlight from whomever is in a scene with him. He's been nominated for big time awards and may have one one.... I can't remember.
I left you a note in your Gabriel's blog. Nice work he is doing there! I've been using some of his articles in my classes. Gotta talk to you! Answer my note there, I left my e-mail!
EfcarestĂ´ poli! Kalo paska!
Hey girls! Kinda quiet tonight.
Sounds legit, Chris Weitz was the one who confirmed it....looks like we have a KILLER Aro!
Emmes;, who's playing Aro!!!!???
Elena, how are you? I already saw your note, but I am in my parents home in Rio, not in my house. I will write back to you as soon as I can, but I did not see your e-mail in there. Are you sure you left it there? I have to think on what you've said and asked... got to check on my notes in my own computer (I did not bring it to Rio).
Now, Elena, PLEEEEASE, don´t say anything about Rob or Robsession in G's blog, ok? He is proud of his work there and my Robsession stays in HERE!
Happy Easter to you too! I will go there now and check if I missed your e-mail...
I could suck that mouth to death!
The DJ says she'll talk about Rob in between 2pm and 6pm. Not sure exactly when.
Way to stretch out her radio show air time. I think I'll listen to it once it's on youtube.
Michael Sheen as Aro!
That picture of those fabulous lips is such a turn on.PLEASE post everything she says.She is so lucky 20 minutes! Good GOD!. How do you suppose she got him outside?
Given the huge time difference between Vancouver, BC and Norway well I won't be listening in. I am working the next day lol.
So I'll get the youtube version and read the blog about it. Much easier lol.
UGH man I wish I had the balls to talk to him for 20 minutes! I completely froze when I met him... Jesus Christ... some times I wish we had a re-wind button and I could erase wtv happened and start fresh... this time I'd be less of a woman who looked like she *saw god* and try to carry on a normal convo.
Well, she's adorable. Looking forward to her recap.
Diane - http://www.fanpop.com/spots/robert-pattinson/quiz
Here's the quiz link - I only answered the first 5 only. I got them right but they were easy - height, birthday, middle name (Edward right?) LOL - Character's name in Nibelungs.
I decided I didn't wanna know how much I know. It's too pathetic. Actually my ADD kicked in - mabye another day.
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