I love him but not in that movie...Watched it after Harry Potter GoF and Twilight and hated his German synchronization voice in it...And the hair is scary, too! But nevertheless he's Rob so don't hesitate to watch it :)
i watched this in december when it was on sci fi...ha recored it on my dvr. my 14 year old son was like wtf? buuut he is one of the main characters and he does have blushed cheeks through the entire movie... he's soooo damn cute
t: swift movement on your part snagging the new lovely rob smile... well done, love
c: i tried watching twilight with my dh and everytime he moved, talked or breathed, it distracted me & i got pissy...lol i had to retreat to the bedroom and watch alone
My dh hasn't watched twilight yet, not because of Rob but because it's a "teen" film. I'm sure he will want to see HTB and maybe even LA. Won't tell him about the doggie style nervous breakdown scene.
That is something I never, in a million years, thought I would see: Rob in a freakin' mullet looking HOT. If anyone can pull off a mullet, it is Robbie. Sheesh. No wonder men everywhere are jealous of this man. He can do no wrong. Really now!
It is being shown today and I am at work with no way of DVR-ing it. Sigh.
Tina~ she loved Edward first. But now the hormones seem to be kicking in more, so it's Rob. Her friends kiss his Edward poster when they come over here. not kidding.
Can someone tell me if what's airing is the same YouTube version where they dub his voice with another actor's? I tried to watch it and that just drove me bananas. I couldn't handle it no matter how Hot Jesus he looks.
OK - I just FF'd to all Rob's parts in the first part and he looks hot even with the mullet! Only Rob! If this was out in 2004, he must have been only 17 or 18, but he looks much older and manly. His acting is very good I think. He smiles a lot in this which is awesome. Definitely worth watching (at least his parts)- better than Harry Potter (which I also watched only his parts :)).
"Eric killed the dragon!" HA!
His brother, the King, looks a lot like his friend Sam Bradley :)
Wow, check out the guns in that last photo, Niiiice.
I guess this answers our question about whether Rob can actually look bad or not. The bod is killer as always, but the hair is killin' it for me. And THAT'S hard to do.
Sorry, ladies, but ugh.
Rob + mullet = wrong
Just file this next to 'Zygote' photos in the 'Pretend it Never Happened' file. :)
He was soooo good on this. HE IS AN ACTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what else does he need to prove???? Little Ashes How To Be Twilight . . . etc, etc. etc. action, drama, sci fi, comedy....has anyone done so much variety of acting jobs????
Rob is just over getting over his puberty when this movie was filmed... his voice has changed since then. And his features were also much more developed now, more defined handsomeness.
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«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 207 Newer› Newest»Rob in a leather jerkin
Rob with a mullet
Rob in Burlap
Rob with a sword
Rob likes to play dress up! Hot Damn! I'm in love!!!
This is the movie where I first became robsessed. : 3 His scruffy beard and pink cheeks just did me in. xD <3
oh mg, he got some muscles!!!
thanks for the headsup, G.
I have seen it last night actually, and I really liked it.
The movie itself has an interesting story and Rob, Of Course, was gorgeous. :-D
I thought he had a smaller part but I was wrong. :-)
Oooh!! Yay for my mofo DVR!!! :D
Viking Rob! Awesome! I wonder if he kept the hot leather outfit... (Ah, the possibilities...)
I wish I could watch the movie, it looks like good cheesetastic fun :)
It's on on saturday in the UK at 3:20pm under the name Sword of Xanten people.
Just a heads up.
Yay, cheers Anon!!!
(but, that title?! WTF?!)
Oh yay!! It's on at 11a here... Ahh!!! I can't wait!! :) I've never seen it before, so I'm stoked for some 'new' RPattz. LOL
i'll be at work. poop. here's the scifi link to it http://www.scifi.com/darkkingdom/
Thanks for the info, Gozde. I've got my DVR set :) but I wouldn't have known about it without you!
I love him but not in that movie...Watched it after Harry Potter GoF and Twilight and hated his German synchronization voice in it...And the hair is scary, too!
But nevertheless he's Rob so don't hesitate to watch it :)
Is he in it a lot, is it worth tuning in for four hours?
i watched this in december when it was on sci fi...ha recored it on my dvr. my 14 year old son was like wtf? buuut he is one of the main characters and he does have blushed cheeks through the entire movie... he's soooo damn cute
It's on when I am at work - BOO! You know you're obsessed when you can think someone still looks hot even in a mullet....**le sigh**
Hey TS.... lucky girl...jealous you have got all the rob hook up...damn..
Tess ~ rob playing dress up pure win...LOL
ps its like 4 hours long... 4 hours of ROB??? WTF my day just got way better!!
T~ maybe my dh will watch this? Maybe he won't recognize Rob~
t! watch it... you won't be disappointed. just don't mind the dragons and trolls...focus on rob.
oh yeah baby!! mullet rob, yums!
i think he's hotter with more hair. me likey his hair, everywhere. every. where. ;)
t: swift movement on your part snagging the new lovely rob smile... well done, love
c: i tried watching twilight with my dh and everytime he moved, talked or breathed, it distracted me & i got pissy...lol i had to retreat to the bedroom and watch alone
Crazy - won't he notice you all panting and hot and bothered??
@ Little Bear: Viking Rob? The Nibelungs are an epos of the Teutons.
TS~ the dh likes Twilight alot! should i be suspicious?
Tinsa~ yeah, how do i keep that from him? hmmm, maybe just pretend a hot flash..
My dh hasn't watched twilight yet, not because of Rob but because it's a "teen" film. I'm sure he will want to see HTB and maybe even LA. Won't tell him about the doggie style nervous breakdown scene.
LOL - hot flash
that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!!
Tinsa~ the dh will like HTB. He likes those quirky indie films, but LA? he'll be grossed out, and wonder why I'm so "OK" with it. "OK" , yeah, ok!!!!
Hot flashes all friggin day is my deal....
hi tina. we've never "met". nice to see you.
c: i do believe your dh is robsessed...hmmm do men's undies explode at the mere sight of rob too? geez... i think i need to go back to work
Gay male porn AND Robert all wrapped in one beautiful film....Heaven
Hi TS - nice to meet you too
My dh will also love HTB, that's right up his alley, quirky indie too. Especially British. Are we married to the same guy??
TS~ you'll love Tinsa!
and if he is Robsessed, the whole house will explode soon! that explains the holes in his undies. hmmmm.
Tina~ oh yeah, bb.
Tina~ and vice-versa! re: Thirty
still can't stop staring at that last screnshot from et....yowza!!!
Hey girly-girls...have a good night sleep...hope u did!
whoa tina throwing it out there aren't you? niiiice.
hot flashes... heart aching... breathing jacked...every single time
Try walking for those hot flashes. It helps. I walk 1 hour a day. Of course then I show up here and it all comes rushing back
Tiuna~ maybe. that would explain him not having the "energy" required right now...... ;)
hi em. sorry i missed you earlier.
Emmes ~ ok sleep. but i keep waking up with the pjs soaked! Rob dreams ya know........
Crazy - Never got that battery problem solved yesterday. Maybe my PE is degective.
That is something I never, in a million years, thought I would see: Rob in a freakin' mullet looking HOT. If anyone can pull off a mullet, it is Robbie. Sheesh. No wonder men everywhere are jealous of this man. He can do no wrong. Really now!
It is being shown today and I am at work with no way of DVR-ing it. Sigh.
and take that any way you wish hahahhahah
t.... where did you go?
i try to focus on work. i really do. and then i get all pissy and need to see his face again... i'm a robcrack whore
You still haven't figured out where to put the battery? LOL!
I did my dance for him but he wouldn't undress???
m~ he could wear a blonde wig. all the same to me.
yeah, where is t?
we're all whores.
try a lap dance (winks)
rob.in.new.moon......ahhh!!! I don't think I can keep my shizz together until november, something's gotta give
Hey 30!
Crazy,I wake up with a reall big grin on ma face with those rob dreams!
Tina...defective PE...sounds naughty
Hi Emmes
ts couldnt pass him up... he made me smile..thought I would share..LOL
okay I am confused...sometimes I ten and sometimes t... who are you ladies talking to??? Tina or me...
*walking in circles*
Emmes~ the anticipation for new Moon will be just the same as foreplay, imo. (won't give details)
tina: you did a dance for pe? hmmm how did that work out for you? was he tucking the bills?
for me, you are tenn or T.
Tina is Tina. or Tinsa. or Tiuna, apparently.
arghh...DH rushing me to drive to work....will look for you lovely ladies when I get to my Robsessing Offices...I mean work!
tenneil: you will always and forever be t to me...and you ROCK
sorry tina...gotta spell yours out
TS` LOL! now i;m thinking of his "tucked" pic. Thanks alot.
What kind of Siberian outpost do I live in??? All that's playing on my Space channel tonight is Star Trek marathon!!!!!
F**K F**k F**K
later em. be careful driving while thinking about rob...
Emmes~ later~
tina: wtf i live in indiana and we've had it twice? where are you?
Tina~ just watch the damn thing and imagine Rob as Spock. ya know, he touches you and you pass out.
I'm in Montreal Freakin Canada
Land of the Lost
c: happy to oblige... i am truly, madly, deeply in love with nekked dalirob :D
far from vancouver. what's the point of living in Montreal??
Crazy - I'll be wanting to do naughty thing with his ears
and who mantioned TUCKED???
TS~ nekked Rob made me lose it one afternoon. everyone was worried about me LOL!
tina: let me get this straight... you are in the same country as rob right now and yet you're here? why is that exactly?
Keep hoping the story will change and the Volturi will become French Canadians
ha ha ha
Thank you...my DVR is set!!!!You're the greatest
Tina~ so the ears will "work" hee hee
c: when aren't people worried about you? lol
TS - because it's 3000 miles away. AM ON WRONG SIDE OF COUNTRY.
Was in BC last year "doh" (facepalm)
Crazy - Do they Wiggle??
TS~ i know!!! I'm close to edge.
LMAO @ "facepalms" all the time.
tina: oh clearly i failed canadian geography...lol
Okay ...i got it now thanks... I have gotten shit done today...
and I cant get this thing set to record...it starts in 1hr and 9 min...WTF
c: much love girl... you know i heart you
Tina~ you tell me. it was your idea! but I imagine so......... sick.
Can't think of excuse that would fly with DH to go visit a friend out there.
Then I would have to ditch her to go on the stalk.
Lemme just say, I DVR'd this movie last time it was on and no likey. It was weird. JMHO. But, I did FF to all the Rob parts. YES. I said "Rob parts".
TS~ feeling the love. :)
Tenn~ have lots of panties ready, and the PE.
t: you've got time... just need a little patience *singing like axel rose*
C - Only sick because they actually Spocks ears. If they were Robs ears, not sick at all.
MEL~ hahaha @ "Rob Parts". I plan to fast forward too. I have seen it before.
Tina~ i wanna lick Rob's ears.
Hey - Are the Rob parts on youtube, maybe I can see the best bits after all
Crazy, foreplay for 6 months, my u know what will detonate!
U girls r hard to keep up w/
If I'm goin to run with the Robgirls I guess I'll have to get off the porch!
C - I wanna lick ROB
hi mel! i tried watching it as to seem interested for the benefit of my dh since i took up four hours on the precious dvr...lol
good question.
are Rob's ears prominent in this Rings? Or is anything else prominent?
too early?
Elaynie - better get those fingers working.
I'm talking about typing here, not foreplay...
Ellainie~ oh 6 months is it? ugh. Can I get a private viewing?
Tina~ giggidy!
TS - Keep singing
Tina~ yeah right.
what's that sound I hear??? bzzzz bzzz bzzzzz
Yeah, right! I meant my computer! lol
Somebody talk to me about Jacob jumping off the porch! I'm going crazy(no pun intended) here!
Tina~ don't get me started!!! puhlease! the whole famn damily is here!
tina: still singing... and "i wanna lick ROB" ummm yeah... about that
Why are they there?? I had mine home for 5 DAYS last week.. Drove me nuts.
Happy Trails to us........
5 days THIS week. jeez. hard to Robsess, buT here i am anyway. don't care.
c: please don't take me there... i'm at fucking work... damn i need to stop robsessing @ the office
C - Don't Even Start!!!
Crazy~what does the fam think ur doing? Rob research.
assignment for Rob69 class-
TS~ stuck to the chair yet? Being on the blog, i mean.. ;)
OMG - Now all I can picture in my mind is that lovely trail going down, down, down...
Rob Research LOL!
yeah, that's the ticket....
Tina~ now you stop it! that imagery is killing me now. we better be careful here.
Crazy, did u say Rob's happy trail? Share the wealth, where?
TS - Do your coworkers think you are nuts randomly laughing out loud?
Elaynie - ROB69 yes, yes yes, please God
Eellaiieni~ do you know the way down there?
tina: if i'm picturins something going down, down, down... it ain't the trail
C - how old is DD?
TS` we were enrolling at Rob U the other night. Classes are ts"interesting".
TS - The whole purpose of Rob69
tina: they think i'm nuts anyway... it's a good cover for my robsession
TS~ woah! yes!
14 why?
oooh who's the instructor at rob u? and rob69 is the class? hmmm
Mine too!!!
Thinks I'm nuts but is ok with it because I feed her Edward habit.
TS~ Rob. He just doesn't know it yet.
Rob is instructor. I have my name on list first. It's a 2 year course, so get in line
Tina~ she loved Edward first. But now the hormones seem to be kicking in more, so it's Rob. Her friends kiss his Edward poster when they come over here. not kidding.
tina: my dd is very soon to be 15... and i bluetooth her my rob pics from my phone... is that sick? god i hope not.
c: robstruction. two words: fuck me
funny Tina and i boht have 14 year old girls.
Did she feel like she had to go to the bathroom every time she saw Rob in Twillight too? It was hjilarious! her gfs too.
c: you're better than me... i'd get all pissy with the teens kissing edward with their sticky lip gloss...lol
Yeah mine is starting the shift too. Not sure I want to share though. At least dh thinks GQ, posters, PE, mags are for her mostly
TS~ i forgot about your dd! My dd doesn't feel comfy getitng stuff from me. :(
and tell it like it is bb!
She is happy when I have new pics and news for her every day.
Tenn is dissing us.
She rolls her eyes when i slip and give any news at all. Buzz kill.
TS - Yours is the same age too. cool. Hormonal
Craz~if I don't I have a GPS! Would I love to put in the clutch and shift his gears?
Crazy started the Rob69 class until she got kicked out! lol
Oh, so Rob is their first kiss! Jealous.
Why is Ten dissing us?
tina: just keep her off of robsessed... don't wanna scar her with your comments...lol
yeah t! get your movie recorded yet?
Tess, just saw the Rob w/ a sword! loin cloth! I'm done~thud!
Mine is asking for a Rob pillowcase. She also want s Jasper one.
she's fickle
Eelaiinie~ I got myself in huge doo doo the other day when i was experience car imagery! ruh roh!
think about it, right?
TS - she keeps trying to see my used name. NO WAY. She WILL be scarred for life.
TS~ that would be horrible if she ever "heard" me ugh.
WAIT! There's a Rob pillowcase?
Crazy - you drive a stick?
tina: wait... there is seriously a rob pillow case? how could i get away with that purchase? must think.
There is Rob EVERYTHING Crazy
well maybe not everything, bzzz, bzzz ,bzzz
Tina~ THAT'S what I'm sayin.......
and no more on that topic.
i have robsessed in my favorites... but set up at the blogger sign on screen... my dd would have no idea what my screen name is
Tinba~ LMAO!!!!!!!
Tinba? Simone and Tinba.
Settling in at work...I'm back ;)
I'll never drive the same again, Crazy.
brb- how dare my son bother me?
ebay, girls, ebayhttp://shop.ebay.ca/items/_W0QQ_nkwZrobertQ20pattinsonQ20pillowQ20caseQQ_armrsZ1QQ_fromZR40QQ_mdoZ
my dh asked me how you all know it's me if i am an Anon? I told him i am an Anon. uhhhh.
ts - you need to explain that to me.
Tina~ page not displayed.
maybe i can get it for the dd. but when will i sleep with it??
tina: you are so going to get me into trouble... i see it now
dh: hey you got a package in the mail today
me: squeeee! must be my rob pillow case!
dh: that is not going on my bed
me: okay, i'll sleep on the couch then
I also have to refresh and get past this security warning every time I want to see an update. really annoying.
TS~ i don't get it either. caise I'm an idiot.
C - whan she's a school, you can go back to bed.
Robert Pattinson pillow case
TS~ LOL! couch. Great idea!
explain what? how i have it saved to my favs?
and i have the security warning too everytime i refresh...that's just how it goes
Fuck fuck fuck... I repell technology....LOL
Tina~ duh. (winks)
let me try that way.......
c: the couch is always more comfy with rob ;)
Ten - you ok?
I thought I was the only one with the refresh problem.
gotta go, being called away.
have a great day girls!!!!!
bye crazy
what's a matta t? still no luck on the movie? hell... it's probably on youtube if you really wanna see it
buh bye c! have a good day!!
Ha ha, Gozde blurred and cut out the fangirl on the other thread.
tina: i know! i just went there... lmao. fucking brilliant!
Gotta love Goz.
How hard would it be though if youactually got a pic of him, to NOT post it.
I would be dying
See you a bit later TS, I'm starving
It's coming on the Sci-Fi channel on Dish Network in about 3 minutes(CST)at 11am(part 1) and part 2 to follow.
Can't wait!
OMG Anon! I have Dish network. Talk later!
I live in a middle of nowhere so I hope someone will put this on some torrent.
btw. do you think Rob has got a sharp sword? :P
Martina, that's a loaded question. O_o
Can someone tell me if what's airing is the same YouTube version where they dub his voice with another actor's? I tried to watch it and that just drove me bananas. I couldn't handle it no matter how Hot Jesus he looks.
watching this RIGHT NOW!
Lots of hot azzzzz boys in dis here shizzle.
ahh fuck.. 12 mins IN
(yes I said (in)
and first Rob sighting.. voice porn.... scruff porn
Mullet porn!
Watching right now! Rob is a stow away! Imagine that!
OK - I just FF'd to all Rob's parts in the first part and he looks hot even with the mullet! Only Rob! If this was out in 2004, he must have been only 17 or 18, but he looks much older and manly. His acting is very good I think. He smiles a lot in this which is awesome. Definitely worth watching (at least his parts)- better than Harry Potter (which I also watched only his parts :)).
"Eric killed the dragon!" HA!
His brother, the King, looks a lot like his friend Sam Bradley :)
How how how does he look good with a mullet? He looks great in this, but he does have some of the worst dialogue, which he does his best with :)
Did anyone see him smile at the lady-in-waiting? guh
Tess - you crack me up! Rob likes to play dress up... :D
I've never known a movie to have so many different names! LOL
I bought the DVD and have yet to watch the whole thing... Will have to do that.
Wow, check out the guns in that last photo, Niiiice.
I guess this answers our question about whether Rob can actually look bad or not. The bod is killer as always, but the hair is killin' it for me. And THAT'S hard to do.
Sorry, ladies, but ugh.
Rob + mullet = wrong
Just file this next to 'Zygote' photos in the 'Pretend it Never Happened' file. :)
He just fuckin kissed some slag .. Lena!
(= ahhhhhhhhh i sawww his beautiful self.
does anybody know what channel this is being shown on in the uk on sunday???
He was soooo good on this.
HE IS AN ACTOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! what else does he need to prove????
Little Ashes
How To Be
Twilight . . . etc, etc. etc.
action, drama, sci fi, comedy....has anyone done so much variety of acting jobs????
Watched the entire movie~ very good, Rob was icing on the cake! Adorable and yes, mullet porn is in order!
Rob is just over getting over his puberty when this movie was filmed... his voice has changed since then.
And his features were also much more developed now, more defined handsomeness.
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