Then we have the "report" that according to Edi and Rachelle Rob will appear in the beginning of New Moon till the birthday, then surface in Bella's imagination, warning her not to do stupid stuff and will be back in Italy. Oh my God! Breaking news indeed! I believe I HAVE heard that somewhere...Maybe the New Moon BOOK? :)
And finally a real piece of news. The Haunted Airman and Twilight are being released in the UK tomorrow (well almost today with the time difference) and here is another yummy albeit creepy picture from the Haunted Airman and 2 steamy scenes from Twilight :)

Thanks to Kath, Kirby, Jen and everyone else that sent me the info :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 311 Newer› Newest»So did Ireland actually get "Twilight" before England?????
It was released here on Friday;-)
On a semi-unrelated note, Zac Efron is appearing on SNL next Saturday night. I guess with his movie starting, but I think he's still trying to redo his image somewhat. It would be really funny if Rob made a surprise appearance while Zac was on there in some kind of skit with Zac about how he hates all the publicity Twilight/Rob are getting. I know it won't happen, but it would be great! :)
IF rob were going to do saturday night live, it would likely be to support a movie coming out, which is when 90% of the hosts do the show. So, I wouldn't expect him to do SNL, if at all, until before new moon comes out.
Exactly anon! That's why I am making fun of this non-news :) Like we even expected Rob to be on SNL. Maybe next season but definitely not this one :)
Do you really believe Rob would be a great host for a show? He is funny and deliciously akward at times in interviews... But leading a show is something different... I don't know the show by the way, but it seems to be very popular in America.
Plus is this the kind of thing that he would really enjoy?
I picture him as completely terrified, on the verge of panic attacks (or in full mode actually) if he had to be the focal point of a relative long show...
and this is more BS
SNL would bump ANY "signed" host if they could get Rob..
Believe That!
Anna, I believe he would be EXCELLENT!
They rehearse almost a week ahead of time.. he is, if nothing else professional he could do it, and do it well..
easy, peasy!
Suz - I totally agree. IF they could get him, he'd be on there regardless of their schedule.
I think it made the news because there have been petitions, etc., and people pushing for him to be on there.
I read somewhere that he had been selected for "Ohio"? Goz - do you have any info on that? Thx!
Umm - I love rob, but I don't think SNL would bump anybody for him. The lasts hosts of the season include will ferrell and justin timberlake - they're not getting bumped. Sorry - just keeping it real.
When he ends up doing SNL, and I have faith that he will before NM releases, it's going to be awesome. He's going to be so good!
Oh. And yeah. Thanks for the Robward ass gif, Goz. There goes any productivity left in me for the evening. :P
I'm going to read Wide Awake and keep that gif viewable in another window for the rest of the night. While listening to Rob sing and play guitar. LOL
anon, if he is not on a very short list of "who we really really really want to host" it would not have been news.
keeping it real.
why isn't that nurse animated so we can see his butt dimples? j/k
and the snl thing cracked me up. rob should to mad tv. it's so much better.
*do mad tv. cnt typ
news? it was in OK magazine.
hey kate!!!
i pre-ordered mine and got it friday too, so did a couple of ma mates, i think its not in stores until monday but if you pre ordered it online ya get in sooner.
did you order from play and get the free art cards? -drools-
Godze, I love your upddates. Been a very hectic weekend. Thanks for the Rob ass shot. The qulaity is deliciously clear. I could decide which one to focus on. hehe.
I am sad. I have a kind of a girl's crush for Maura Tierney, Abby from "E.R."... And, now, "E.R." is over... Damn it!
hey anon the Bi-Curious E.R. Celeb Crush Blog is that away ------->
Gah! Those kiss loops are mesmerizing me!
So, embarrassingly, I watch the 1st kissing scene pic over and over - I love it so much. When I need a fix I just pop over to that part of the video, too.
Ah well!
I am one of the many people out there that would love to see Rob on SNL. I think he would do a great job and I think there is an endless supply of material for them to use.
toastqueen, I spent about 15 minutes yesterday just watching the kiss scene over and over in slo-mo... just can't get enough of that man's passion and expressions. And the loud smootches.
Hi, girls!
Who cares about the "news"!
Watching him move on that bed is making me twist and turn on my damn chair! ;)
hello Ladies!
Oh wait ~ Rob not doing SNL is making me very sad, "for I dearly love to laugh". Good thing I have my PE and GQ to turn to.
Bootstrap - funny name! :) I, too, would love to see Rob on SNL. I think he would be great. He already uses self-deprecating humor on his own, I think he'd have fun on SNL. Like you said, the material they could use is endless.
I think if Rob can do a magnificent Dali, he could certainly do a few funny skits on SNL. A piece of cake.
SNL would be lucky to get Rob. He just has that natural ability to be funny without even trying.
Suz ~ LMAO re: the "Bi-Curious E.R. Celeb Crush Blog is that away" (hee hees alot)
Ok so for New Moon, it will happen just like it does in the book? The birthday will happen, Edwards awkward for a few days, then he leaves her in the woods? Or is he going to leave before then? I really hope they keep it as close to the book as possible
Hello lovely ladies!
I think it would be awesome if Rob did SNL.
Just imagine.............. him being funny............. smiling.............. doing skits...............being............. just being.............. wonderfully amazing!
Now that would be something to watch:)
Good evening all!!
Hi Kelly~ are you THE Kelly?
I'm just dreaming about an entire hour of Rob being goofy and dorky funny as only he can be while still being insanely hot! How long has it been since we have been able to see him for that long, that way? They would be really stupid not to realize the draw power. But I agree, next fall would be the time.
Hmmm me thinks Edi et al were referring to Rob appearing as a vision - a filtering image - as Ashley mentioned instead of the voice in her head (as it is in the book). If this is the case, then that's great news as it will mean more Rob then the book intended! Plus, seeing him as a vision would work infinitely better for a film audience, then a voice :)
Both the birthday scene (Jackson's favorite) and the goodbye scene (Rob's favorite) are integral to the story. I am looking forward to Laurent and Bella in the meadow, Edward thinking he is in heaven and Bella holding her own against the Volturi.
"utter Darkness" has won me over as a fan of Bella (not Kristen yet, but seeing the way Rob looks at her...I just want him to be happy).
I'm the Kelly you'll be meeting up with in NYC Crazy.. if that's what you are asking : )
The early Canada photos show Rob with A LOT of makeup on--rouged cheeks even. I think they may have been working on the makeup for flickering scenes which would require more. At least I hope they don't paint him up like a clown.
ahh experienced or not rob looks soo good in bed =)
Damn. I really would have liked to adjust that towel and give Rob a massage...
Yes, Kelly! I thought I may have seen another kelly around here the last few days. How's your Robsession going today? Where's Yvonne and Faith?
Crazy~Faith was here this morning but I haven't seen her yet tonight.. I haven't seen Yvonne since Friday night. My Robsession is in full swing.. thanks for asking : )
GALS~ I think when they say Rob won't be doing SNL THIS season, they mean the season that starts next Fall. This season would be out of the question most likely because of New Moon shooting. I'm really bummed because I was hoping for him to host the show just prior to New Moon's Premiere in NYC. I thought that would be perfect. Still hoping!!
Oh the kiss again - and again, and again. Sweet torture!
Thanks Goz - you make even the non-news entertaining.
I agree! Rob on SNL would be amazing - making fun of himself hahahaha. Even tho it's not happening anytime soon, a girl can dream - like I needed more imagery...
That would be perfect.. but probably won't happen.. we can however keep our fingers crossed that there will be a change.. I would love to see him on SNL.. the whole Live aspect of it I think it would be very funny
Kelly! The Mexico video and pics are some of my very favorites, and Lord knows how much stuff we have seen. So that's how my day started, and my dh just kept getting the way!! LOL!
How many days until LA??
TWI ~ I think I may get tix for every friggin SNL show next season, just in case!!! If he does host, it'll be win!
It has een a good day actually for robsessing.. I checked out people's profiles and found sites I didn't even know existed... I've always been worried that I would get into all of this to much and didn't know if it would be insane.. but since meeting all of you great people I don't feel like such a weirdo anymore.. so.. I got alot of Rob today and that always makes it a good day!
I was one of those crazy people who sent an email to Lorne Michaels to get him to consider Rob for a host gig....
What's up ROBSESSORS?!!!
K~ i felt like such a perve when my Robsession began, because of his age. I "suffered in silence" for 3 months until I found Robsessed. The gals here made me feel alot better about it all, because sooo many of us are "older" than him. Now I don't give a crap!!! Weeeeee!
Come to momma, baby!!!
Hi Jewels! You did? I knew I could count on you. (fingrs are crssed, so th typig my sufer abit her).
THIS Robsessor is horny as all hell!! let me at him!!! uhhhhh!
C~ You always make me laugh..
J~ You took one for the team there.. you are my hero for the day!
I make no excuses for my behavior when it comes to Rob...
I work at Target and I got first dibs on all the Twilight promotional material that came out for the DVD release.
They told me I made some little 14 year old girl cry when they told her the huge Rob Cardboard Twilight poster was saved for someone else.
Everyone asked me if I felt bad.
My answer?
Fuck no! She needs to toughen up! No one gave me any Harrison Ford as Han Solo shit when I was 14!!
Life's a bitch...and so am I! LOL!
Man you rock my world!
Jewels~ ROTFLMFAO!! SO TRUE!! Life is tough kid.. deal with it!
Hey jewels aka Cardboard Bitch~
I'm so with you. That 14 year old wouldn't have an effin clue what to do with (to) that Rob cutout anyway. Fo rizzle!
(embarrassed she may not have said fo rizzle right) ;)
Hey Suz!!
How was your Sunday today? I spent mine writing... lost in the world of SM.....
Hey Jules♥ You're my kind of bitch!
Hello fellow Robsessed people:)
A day of S&M is a day well spent!
I too spent it writing...
I'm knackered, cranky and need to get my RobOn!
Thanks Crazy! Thanks Kelly...and Hi BABES!!! ** Waves Frantically **
Hey Suz♥
evening Rosie! xxx
Suz...not S and M!!!! in Stephenie Meyer...
Hi Rose...I fucking puffy heart you!!!
Hi Rose! what's your current level of Robsession, on a sacle from 1 to 10? Mine's an effin 48! uhhh.
ooooops! did i reveal too much?
rut rooooo heart is beyond puffy for you...
(and I can't fucking wait for your next chapter... I'm so damn excited!)
Rose my love...still waiting the final "go" from my betas...
Chapter 20 is done and waiting their approval....
Jules, I'm making my way through the "Darkness" fucking great, girl...
thank you.
Hey crazy. I cannot measure my level of ROBsession...its infinite.
Don't get me wrong Suz...
I'm all for a little slap and tickle...and blindfolds...and handcuffs....and riding crops...
J~ woah~ what FF of yours is THAT in?
AWWWW...thanks!!! I wrote some E & B lemon in this last one....
atta gurl... I knew you would..
; )
mmmmmmm lemons
(now that I know what lemons are)
mmmmmm lemons.
Not yet Crazy...but I am drafting the outline for my next "Twi" story. It will be AU!
I can't wait to break away from the confines of Breaking Dawn...
I was out of my fucking mind to do something like that....
hahahaha Suz...I didn't get the lemon thing right away, either.
I have been so lame...still not caught up WA even, believe it? Hate to read when the famn damily is around. They need to take a vacation!
AU? (feels dumb)
Rose.. (secret) I thought it had something to do with "sucking"
like sucking a lemon and making that puss
(like rene zellwinger)
Did I miss something?? Lemons??
alternate getting the lingo the more I live in FF
Kelly~ Where did you go girl???
crazy W.A. is brilliant..
make sure you have tissues for latest chapters..
I cried like the bitch I am!
Suz...I wasnt sure what to think when I saw 'lots of lemony goodness' expect lemons to be sour...and bitter...
Crap. Now you have to explain alternate universe. jeez
WA is fanfuckingtastic.
I'm in love with AG.
Suz~ Jewels told me that too. I think I am actually afraid to read it. You remember how i couldn't go in to see Naked Rob at first.? I'm hesitant..
lemons niiice.
Kelly, hiya kitten
Lemons = Smut (the kind that SM leaves out for some unknown reason!)
I'm still lost on Lemons (feeling like a kid and it's been decades since I was one of those)
AHHHH Thanks Suz!! no I get it *Wink Wink*
Well...Jules is probably more knowledgable about this stuff...
but alternate universe means something different than Vampire Edward/Human Bella...
I think.
Dare I say this? The best part about Twilight, for me, is what SM left out.
Rose, it truly is..
If she changed the characters names (gasp!!)
She could totally publish that shizzle!
Fucking Brilliant..
and Crazy.. It's amazing! You are going to LOVE IT!
OK now WA??(man where I have been to miss all of this stuff?)
I do like the AU then. berry much!
Huh...what...Naked Rob....?!!!
You know something Crazy.. I agree with you.. it's the innocents of it that makes it so ... so... hot? does that sound stupid?
I think I'll slip a mickey into the dh and dd's Cokes, and get on that!!!
Kelly you must put entire LIFE ON HOLD and read
Kel~ it let our imaginations run teased us. It was horribly, awfully, fantastic! I sped read thru all the other crap!!!
yeah girls, but by the time we got to Breaking Dawn.. come one. give me a lil somethin' somethin'
Well..i wasn't quite right about AU...but its major change from the book...
Naked Rob is hiding in the bushes outside my bedroom window 'cause the dh came home early. that's where he is now, fyi. ;)
Alternate Universe is like the stories that McVampy writes. "Frenemies" "Housemating Season", and my personal favorite "Frenemies".
(I have a fanfiction crush on Skittleward! I adore her shit! She is the shizzle when it comes to AU!!!)
You take the characters and put them in different, almost real life situations. Like AG did in "Wide Awake".
Shit...I fucking love that story...
BD = G-rated for the tweens. boo hoo.
Suz.. true.. by BD there was marriage.. there should be somethin more than feathers!
Ah yes...Frenemies *weep*...
Excellent FF.
I loved Housemating Season!
what i mostly want to know...
and the Rolling Stones hinted at it decades ago.....
How to make a dead man.......come!
It looks like I have some reading to do...
Suz - lol! yeah, 'caise i can't get no satisfaction in the meantime..._
You have to polish his Rock
Damn...I'm having a crisis right now...
Just flipped onto "Laura Croft, Tomb Raider" and I can't decide who is hotter...
Angelina or Daniel Craig....
Angelina is soooo my girl crush...
Besides DB and Kim of course....
Kel~ have you read any?
NO.. I haven't Crazy
Db and Kim sound MUCH hotter than AJ is, methinks.
Rob trumos anybody. I don't even see other men. where did all the other men in the world go???
Hello Ladies!!!
Hows everyone tonight?
I am so exhausted...we had people over for like 4 hours and I am just getting to check the blog...
Crazy...I keep proposing to Kim...
Hahahaha Jules.
hiya faith
Crazy.. I know.. what's even more insane I will use just about any opportunity to talk about Rob.. Any time Any where.. I don't even care who they cast in the rest of New Moon... As long as Rob is there.. and any other work he is doing.. I haven't even gone to the movies since Twilight left our local theaters
Hey suz
that is one hot avatar..dont even get me started on the pic with the suspenders hanging down...mmmmmmmm
Hey Faith!
trumos = trumps. duh, again.
Kelly - i think the gals would suggest Wide Awake by Angst Goddess first. This, and other fan fiction stories, are the the ONLY things in life that will pry you away from this website. Seriously. Really. Get the batteries ready! Even thoough you may not need them. The dh may not even cut it at times (now that's just a joke) ;
hey kelly...i said a prayer for you...that you would be blessed with beautiful images of rob all day.
and Kim says...........
Hi faith~~~~~ we missed u!
mmmmmm thanks Faith.
I just had to have him..
oh and the braces.. mercy!
It's been a RobHorn day..
The song, OH MY..
My husband is a happy camper today.
He LOVES Rob more than I do.
hee hee
FF saved me from rereading the Twilight series to dust....and helped me satiate my Edward addiction.
Thanks Faith.. your prayers were answered!! (*wink*)
I hear some RKs...where the fuck are they?
I totally relate kelly. it's kinda unbelievable, right?
Faith and Kelly - love the new avatars. I was thinking of changing mine to a pic of my eyes, before u even changed yours. weird! My dh says my eyes are his favorite.... awwwwwww.
I will go in search and begin tomorrow with my reading
hey crazy! aww thanks I have been dying to get on here all day...and been dying to get on rob all day!
Suz..the worst part was that I saw those pics with the suspenders RIGHT before I went to church...I could not conentrate AT ALL!!!
Crazy, I am sure your eyes are beautiful.. but why oh why in the name of everything holy would you change that avatar!?!?!
Crazy ~ I had one of both my eyes but I couldn't get the size right and everytime I posted it it showed just the middle betwee my eyes.. not appealing
You gotta sin to be saved!
crazy - go for it...I just wanted to change my innocent pic to one that leaves him wondering...if he is indeed checking in...
My dh hasn't been well, so you wanna talk about angst???
And the Robness keeps cumming!!! No fair!
I changed mine because I'm always keeping an eye out for Rob : )
Rose.... Rose.....
Lol Suz!
Kelly I had the same problem with the one that I am using right now...but when i came in here to chat it took the original i dont know how it happened
Suz - i know, wtf do i care what the dh says??? specially since he;s not giving me any at the moment!! gahhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Sorry y'all...I keep checking my emails to see if it is "go" time!
faiuth~ i think that's what they call Priestward LOL!
Now YOU have to go to confession, deary ;)
and confess you don't have any intentions of not Robsessing at church. did i just say that out loud???
OK Faith.. I'll try it.. and see
Kat, my Darling!!!
Hi Kat....
I'm waiting just as patiently as you aren't....
GAH!!! I'm such a whore...
faith - don't change it. it's hot and Rob would wanna cum and get it, fo sho!!!
Rose.... puffy heart to you.
Jules..... puffy heart and a HURRY UP to you :-)
my hubby could be on his deathbed and would still say yes!
He is sooo cute when he says in his english accent..
Shall I get my Edward Maaask!
too funny.
crazy it was terrible!!! Well not terrible..good, great...but at CHURCH!!!
He consumes the naughtiest way!!!
I like whores... ooooops, did I say that out loud?
I'm like...all atwitter at this new chapter...
Everyone says it looks "emo"...but I dunno...its just me...
Well Faith.. God created Rob so he must have had this as his plan? (Is stretching to make Faith feel better!)
Rose.... have you read it too? Damn you and Kim... favouritism....
Gals- the dd is not feeling well and I've got to go. Sounds like you are on a roll...keep it goin!!! have fun, see you tomorrow!!! hey RobKats!
No...I haven't read it...
it's very "visually dynamic"
Hey Crazy... hope the wee one feels better soon. G'night.
see ya crazy!
Kat...I've written the fucker...
I'm just waiting on my damn betas to give me the green light....
An let me tell you kelly...I want to thank God for making that fine man...and thanks to his mum and dad for making him...and thanks to the wonderful doctors who delivered him....and well you get my drift...
Oh.... thought you'd read it to get yourself all atwittery, but you're just anticipating it like I.
awwww night crazy. hope bb feels better in the morning...
Rose is not special...Rose doesn't get favoritism...Rose is sad.
Rose is crazy.
Exactly, Kat...I'm all on edge.
I would definitely suggest reading Wide Awake. It was my entry into the fan fic world. Frenemies is wonderful. Scotch, Gin & the New Girl rocks. A lot of these are AH/AU (all human / alt. universe), meaning it's human characters with some of the same characteristics of the actual characters. If it says OOC, that's out of character (like same sex couples). If it says "canon couples," that's the usual - ExB, AxJ, ExR, CxE.
One that's not complete yet, but I would strongly, strongly suggest is THE OFFICE. Wow....
Speaking of S&M :) ... if you haven't read The Submissive (complete) and The Dominant (incomplete EPOV from The Sub), check those out. Very hot.
Kat...just cuz I love ya....
Check your email in a couple...
You too Rose....
aww crazy....well hope she feels better...cya later...
thanks suz
See you Crazy!! Hope the dd feels better soon!
Oh kelly it worked!!!
Wow Mixxy...I couldn't have said that better myself.
Excellent recommendations!
Yep it did.. it doesn't look quiet so creey now!!
NO WAY.... no fucking way..... I fell off the bed jumping so excitedly... (
No its very pretty! You have great eyes!
Well thanks.. my DH told me that pic reminded him of "I dream of Jeannie" I'm dating myself now I know..
Why do I feel like someone is watching me...I'm all paranoid...
age doesnt matter here....all that matters is rob...
It's me, I wish you'd let me in the fucking window.... I'm freezing....
Just watching for Rob there Rose.. no worries for you.. unless of course you spot him first, then I'll have to steamroll you girl!
Hahahahahaha...FINE! Get your ass in here!
I'm just being obnoxious (as usual) Kelly...just seems like a lot of EYES are in the comments tonight!
It's all good.. If Rob ever makes an appearance then he'll know we are watching for him (All part of my master plan!)
Kelly,,,I was looking you up on facebook...
Thank you Rose, I was beginning to think me tits were gonna freeze off, and we all know Rob's a tit man, so where would that leave me?
if Rob ever peered in here, I'd die a thousand deaths from mortification...
Rose...its just my best feature... ;)
is there a facebook directory, here?
Kat~it would leave you as being one of the luckiest bitches I know...with those fucking bullshit pictures of yours!
Did you find me Faith?? Check my profile here.. my email is there
suz...he would just laugh...well i hope he would...
Jules.... squeeeeee....
I love you.... did before, but now i LOVE you...
I'll be back....
I understand, Faith:)
i found someone...i assume its you...ill send you a request...
Okay ladies...I sent you your present...
And I've heard back from another beta...she freaking loved it...
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