Is Robert Pattinson Pulling A Leo With ‘Little Ashes’?
By Nicole Guanlao
Leonardo DiCaprio and Robert Pattinson’s hotness levels on a scale of 1-10 are pretty even at about 15.2. I’m not a big fan of hotness comparisons, especially when dealing with these two actors, but RPattz’s transition on the big screen from swoon-worthy vampire with the perfectly messy hair to a haughty painter with a curlicue mustache in “Little Ashes” reminded me of Leo’s first post-Titanic career move.
We all remember him as dreamy Jack Dawson, and we all cried when he let go of Kate Winslet’s hand and sank deeper into the ocean. Most of all, I’m sure you remember buying every biography about him, going to see “Titanic” five more times in the theater and then eagerly buying the VHS. Sound familiar, Twilighters?
I was 11 years old when “Titanic” was released, and sadly, I’ve found that I have not grown up one bit as I swoon over RPattz with the same intensity (my co-workers and anyone who passes by my desk can vouch for this).
Leo followed up the mega-hit with “The Man in the Iron Mask,” in which he played King Louis XIV and his twin brother, Philippe. In this flick, Leo sported long locks, 18th-century attire and was a huge jerk. (Gozde: But he was a very pretty jerk!The long hair made him indistinguishable from the Christine who had really thick eyebrows :))When he wasn’t playing a womanizer, he wore a metal mask (boo!). Although I didn’t want to admit it at the time, I didn’t think Leo was very hot in this film, and I yearned for Jack. I wondered, “Where is the messy hair and the sweet smile?!?”
“I’ll never let go, Jack!” I cried.
I got the same feeling when I snuck a peek at Rob in “Little Ashes.” Don’t bite my head off, fellow Twilighters, because I still think Rob is a hottie in this film, but I don’t really think he’s H-O-T. I longed for Edward Cullen, but I guess I just have to learn that RPattz can’t be a sparkling vampire forever. Like Leo, Rob’s next character looks less swoon-worthy than his blockbuster counterpart and far from the perfect BF.(Gozde: I don't think this is a very good comparison. Leo played a pretty, albeit evil, king and his imprisoned twin was oh so innocent and, well, pretty. Rob is playing a very eccentric artist with a seriously unfortunate mustache:))

It looks like Rob and Leo’s careers are taking similar turns. They both starred in huge blockbusters that shoved them into the media spotlight, and they followed them up with more serious movies that are meant to show off their acting chops.(Gozde:News Flash! The man in the iron mask was a serious movie?!? Are we talking about the same movie? You know the one with 3 1/2 musketeers and Gérard Depardieu's naked ass (my retinas are still damaged from that)? :)) Of course, “Little Ashes” was shot before the release of “Twilight,” but I doubt it would be garnering such media attention if it weren’t for Rob’s recently acquired star power.
When “The Man in the Iron Mask” was first released, I remembered fans (i.e. me) exclaiming that this was the film that was going to show all those critics that Leo was more than just Jack Dawson. I remember arguing with my father and screaming, “He’s an actor, and he’s here to stay!”
Of course, I ended up being right, but I would’ve never walked into that theater to watch “The Man in the Iron Mask” if it weren’t for him. My crush on Leo meant that I would support him through the end and watch all his movies.
The same goes for RPattz. Many of you commented that it’s great that Rob took the role of Salvador Dalí, because it will show how great of an actor he is — and I hope you’re right! Hopefully, his acting skills will distract viewers from his Yosemite Sam mustache.
Leo’s career is a great one to mirror, and I hope Rob will be just as successful and respected in this industry. It also wouldn’t hurt if he remained just as H-O-T as Leo at age 34.(Gozde: Agreed. I just think you chose a wrong Leo movie to compare:))
P.S.: Sorry (Kim:)), I had no idea who Leo was before Titanic and I never thought he was HOT. I think he is a very very good actor though! I do. He is just not "I want to rip your clothes of" hot. :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 463 Newer› Newest»They can't be compare.
Leo will always win!!
I don't think Rob was all that great in Twilight - in some scenes he was just downright laughable. Maybe he's suppose to be that weird vampire vibe. BUT, in Bad Mother's Handbook he was really, really awesome and from what i've seen of How to Be, seems like that awesomeness is back.
Wasn't Leo in a movie before Titantic where he had a gay relationship and was also naked in it? Total Eclipse, maybe? I remember everyone going back to that movie once the Leomania hit. Very interesting...
I always thought of him as a Johnny Depp type guy- one super hunk role followed with eccentric/indie roles later on. But Leo is a similar comparison, although his movie choices are a lot less eccentric in my opinion. All three great actors though. One thing i do wonder about, Rob once said that if he knew Twilight was going to be this huge, he would have done it differently. I wonder how he would have done it? And how would it have come out if they had a more experienced director?
I beg to differ ANON. Rob is way more talented.
Goz, what about Total Eclipse? Leo has sexual intercourse in doggie form with some old dude in that film. and it's also a period film.
I sadly have not grown up from my Leo days either. i was obsessed with him at 13. My mom compares this Robsession to to the Titanic/Leo craze.
I dont' agree with the comparison, why are they trying to compare Rob to everyone? Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, Zac Efron, now Leo?? I will admit that Leo is the only other actor I have really ever had a crush on, not to this magnitude though. Leo is an outstanding actor and I will also always go see his movie in theaters, as I will most likely do with Rob.
Anon, it's the Brit humor. Gotta love it!
yeah, divsally, i totally dig brit humor!
sorry, I had no idea who Leo was before Titanic and I never thought he was HOT. I think he is a very good actor though! I do, just not I want to rip your clothes of, hot. :)
Ok, don`t get me wrong, cuz I love me some Leo and all, but to be honest, I don`t see how the two of them can even be compared.
Rob will always win in my book. He just has that something that pulls you in and never lets go. :)
Okay, I'm off for the day. I gotta go and be a good beta now and read a fanfic :))
What a wrong comparison, “little ashes” is more serious and it is independent movie, “the man in the iron mask” wasn’t, it had all the intention of being a blockbuster; Robert did “little ashes” before his big break in Twilight, because he was taking that path in his acting career which makes me think he either took the role because he was already playing histrionics “weird” characters or he just took it thinking he had nothing to loose, not sure on that. While Leo took “the man in the iron mask” because it was an strong character to play and show his range of acting skills, because he needed to prove he was an actor and not only a heartthrob.
I think the only comparison to make is that either Leo or Rob, are actors that take a challenge with the roles they play, which is always something good to watch.
Oh you are right. It was Total Eclipse. Thanks so much for pointing that out. It makes me feel better about Rob doing taking this role.
I love me some Leo. I can appreciate most of his career choices, and think he's a damned good actor. If those are the basis of comparison, I think it's a good one.
But in regards to being adored by fanbases? Rob is going to take this to a level Leo never could. He's more personable, more articulate (or at least, comes off that way in interviews), more versatile, and IMO, more committed to his characters.
I dunno, maybe I'm talking out of my ass. I guess only time will tell. But I have so much faith that the world is Rob's oyster.
(that sounded a bit dirty for some reason LOL)
Bye Goz, I heart you, girl!
He also did Basketball Diaries that had some pretty racy things in it.
machevpao and lovingshadow, I agree completely with both your statements.
Lori, drugs right? i remember seeing that one too. I forgot the plot though.
Hey... my first comment... but I read Robsessed everyday =)
Well... I too think she chose the wrong movie to compare... she could have chosen Total eclipse that has much more to do with Little ashes than The man in the iron mask o.O but well... I agree in some points... I do think Leo's career is a good one to mirror... but I don't know if I agree it's a good thing to compare both of them...
Anyway... I do hope he turns up being so successful and respected in this industry like Leo is now...
Hmm... sorry for my english... haha ;)
Ladies, you are so funny but right in your comments! would be super to see Rob progress like Leo actually got hotter in his 30s (as we all do!) Ha Blood Diamond yay!
Or maybe model a carre on someone like Christian Bale - who is seriously on fire (and again, hotness factor increased in his 30s) He's done TONS small indie stuff..I have seen them all! Now he does blockbuster fims.
I love movie Edward better than book Edward, mostly because I love Rob. Really though, I am looking forward to seeing Little Ashes and How to Be, and the stuff that comes after Twilight.
I think Johnny Depp is still seriously hot even though he was pervy and creepy in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. I'm just sayin'...
I had seen Leo before Titanic in "The Basketball Diaries" where he plays the role of a young boy becoming a drug addict.
He is cute, but Rob is a whole new level of charm. :P
I think it's sad that Twilight had to be Rob's big breakthrough film. That film gave none of the cast any leeway to show their talent and it's just a shame that Rob will probably be remembered for that performance (because let's be honest, wasn't that memorable/great). If only Little Ashes was his first huge movie, now that would've changed everything about how Robert is treated by the media and some sceptics.
And I'm sure I'm not the only one sick of all these comparisons by now. Can't they just have an article where they talk about Rob and just Rob, not how he measures up against others who are not even in the same league as him (and yet they seem to get more praise)?
I like them both very much, but in different ways! Sorry, but what do you mean "gozde" - I don't get it!
Could you please answer me by comment in my blog? I write in swedish but it would help me if you answer this because I really don't get it ;)
Gozde is the lovely blog owner here. She is our hero. :)
to me, Leo has always been a boy.. until his performance in Revolutionary Road
he is absolutely ...
(tough film, but all of the performances are magnificent)
ok, Leo has always been a great, talented actor (I like "What bites Gilbert Grape"), that's true
1. my hormonees do not react at this guy - not at all ... I'm a dead squirrel, not even look at him like as a man
2. Titanic was an interesting and romantic film, yet ... just don't fell anything watching it - saw it once and not interested
I never got the Leo thing. I almost got it during the love scene in The Departed. I think the song "Comfortably Numb" is now schmexy because of it, but I am still only barely lukewarm over Leo.
Everything about Rob invites you in :) literally. He is a real guy with no ego....approachable, lovable, funny. NUCLEAR HOT.
Leo has been in my personal Top Ten for many years but Rob is my number one.
Quite a few differences here. Rob, in some ways, is an accidental actor. He says he didn't expect "Little Ashes" to be released and went to Spain for vacation. Dali was the first role he throughly researched. Had not "Twilight" been such a success, which theaters would be interested in "Little Ashes"???!?!?!? So, the premise that this is a calculated career follow-up to the blockbuster is mistaken.
In my opinion, Rob's greatest asset is his quirky personality and it is up to him how he chooses to showcase it. (Yes, I love his face and body, too, but it is his essence which make them so special).
Also, the Dali mustache is "Snidely Whiplash," not "Yosemite Sam."
ohhhh Chi-Town Girl!!!
I'd say that Nicole Guanlao just got skooled!
Umm! What about Total Eclipse! Leo gayed himself up for that one. You should have compared that movie.
I've never gotten the Leo appeal. Ever. He looked like a little boy in Titanic and now he looks all puffy in the face. He has nothing on sexy Rob. I wish that the media would stop comparing Rob to everyone, what a thing to live up to!
I really hate articles comparing actors. Must be a slow news day. IMO Rob is the best next talent to J.Depp. I hope he continues on doing indie films and takes risks even though he is more open for ctiticism. I hate to watch movies with actors that look the same and sound the same in every project and so many of the "popular" actors are like that.
Suz~Is that OK? PS~I still say that the REAL answer to your question with choices A-D, a few days ago, wasn't "B" but "A." I think the person who answered it, kicked it up a notch!
I really hope Rob soars in his acting career.
But...Leo did not have to deal with the internet and stalkers like Rob. When Leo was big with Titanic the internet was not following his every move. And I highly doubt millions of girls were stalking him at his every move. So i think Rob is dealing with more. As far as I am concerned neither one is Johnny Depp calibur of an actor, YET.
other news: did anyone see Nikki was out with Michael (Kristen's boyfriend) for lunch. I wonder...
no comparison....
Leo I think started out on the last season of"Growing Pains" with Allen Thicke and...I can't remember the rest of the cast... it had what's his name... that was a teen heart throb at that time on it.
Anyway, Rob is an individual and he will pick the roles that he feels like doing. I'm tired of all the comparisons with this person and that one. Can they just let him get some roles first...
This article is evidence of how some Twilight fans are enamoured with Rob because of Edward - and Little Ashes is just so...not Edward. Some people may find Rob less appealing as a result.
Don't get me wrong, Twilight is how I first heard about Rob, but I love what I see him doing in Little Ashes.
Also, I think most of us here know, but many do not, that Rob made Little Ashes BEFORE Twilight. It's not a stunt to avoid typecasting, though it will probably work out that way for him anyway!
Goz- I agree... Really I never thought to rip anything off of Leo.
He looked like a kid for a long time and then a few years back started to finally look like a man.
Just goes to show that he was making wise choices before he was "noticed" just took something mainstream like Twilight to bring to the attention of such a broad audience. His true talent can now be apprciated by so many more people. Yay for us!
Hi girls!
Why are we over here when Rob is in a wife beater "down below"???
Shani, how dare you bring up Kirk Cameron here in our happy place? LOL. Just kidding {hug} I loved that dude when I was 8 years old. Too bad he's gone all crazy in recent years. (Actually, I find his new insanity kinda amusing, truth be told.) Man, I AM in a shit-talking mood today, lol. (Kobe beef meatballs? Blasphemy!)
Anyhow, I'm rambling. Back to Rob. What kind of role would you guys like him to pick up next?
Personally, I just love him in anything that's truly character-driven, rather than plot-driven. That's why I was so glad that he was cast as Edward--you can tell that he finds Edward's character pretty darned interesting, rather than getting all caught up in the Hollywood blockbusterness of it. And he obviously loves doing films adapted from books. I hope there's something interesting and juicy out there calling to him. I haven't read anything recently that stuck out to me...except...
I wish AG would change the names in WA, sell the book, get it picked up for film, and cast Rob!!! Gah! And quickly! Rob's gonna be too old for Darkward, soon!
Chicago- I think the real answer was "B", trust...just saying.
just read all the comments...
Kudos to my girls. I agree with all of you. Great points indeed.
oh, and did you see Rob is in a wife beater and skinny jeans in that other post?? Sorry, I'm still on that... :(
It is hard to move on from that picture crazy....
Hey Yvonne! Oh yeah. I will be stuck to my chair, swooning over that pic for a long time.
Praise the Lord and pass the panties!
Crazy, just got off the phone w/ my sister, who I have finally convinced to join us! Yay, she's "mimi" if you happen to see her, give a wave :)
She was a little shy about her Robsession until she saw this site!
Oh I can't wait to see Mimi come on board the Robsession train!!
Good evening ladies.. I don't think there is a comparison between these two actors.. they are each in their own league....
Team Rob
Leo got me because I was young when he did Romeo and Juliet and while he looked like a boy, well I was only 18. I just pulled up some clips of him on You tube and there is no way I would feel the same way now. Rob is able to appeal to an older audience and also have the young ones. I don't think Leo is that attractive now, but he is still a great actor. I think I liked him before because of his eyes and naive look. I sure hope Rob doesn't date tons of models like Leo has. LOL
that article had it backwards. If they want to compare Rob doing a blockbluster followed by him having done an artsy gay film prior to the release of the blockbuster before he "hit it big" they should of used Leo's film where he himself played a gay man (poet) Total Eclipse.
Really, GW and Divine? Total Eclipse? It will be on HBO here in Brasil tonight -- so, I will watch it, if I don't fall asleep...
Good evening, you all.
ANON: I cant find where Nikki Reed went out with Michael, anyone else see it ??? Or was it when the three of them went out, old news???
Crazy, you are back to the blog, hi!
Did you go out to buy your bunny outfit for Easter? And the Gladiator one for our Rob??
Where did everyone go??
I like Leo and loved Titanic. But there's something about Rob that just sizzles. From Daniel Gale to Cedric and Especially Edward. I want to see him in any type of movie and I just come away loving it. Toby Jugg, Art,and Dali. He's diverse and I think he's in for the long hall. Besides just watching him makes my stomache do flips. I wish people wouln't compare.He's unique in his own way.
xoxo Elisa
Kelly, I have no idea...
I remember watching Leo in "Basketball Diaries" and I was so blown away by his performance.
I thought to myself then that he was going to be around for a long time.
When I first saw Rob as Cedric, it registered that he was good looking and I carried on with my inappropriate crush on Dan Radcliffe.
Then all the Twilight hoopla hit EW. I read all four books within days of each other. I searched out Rob on youtube and everywhere else I could find him.
His performances have such subtle and meticulous attention to detail. How he could do HA and then BMH and still be alluring and just the complete focus of every scene he was in is an attribute of his incredibly growing talent.
I love Leo still to this day...but the Pattinson has me forver!!!
Hey you guys,
Here's a clip where Robert "dazzles" the camera and he doesn't even know it. Oblivious boy. You have no idea how you make me (and a lotta women) swoon (among other things) without trying.
OK, Shani~Trust.
I think Rob will carve out his own niche. The fact that he has this chameleon quality of looking and photographing differently each time is so intriguing.
Holy Shizzz
I just came back for another dose...
I see the banner..
Goz you own me.. body and soul!
I am you B*tch
I remember Leo in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" And I thought he was amazing! Of couse so was Jonny Depp...
Hey Suz
OMG Robert is WAY much hotter than leo No offense he okay but Robert is SMEXY XD
Aubruie stop thinking everyone is hot even you think fourth graders are hot..!
I love Leo and think he's a great actor and very good looking. I think he and Rob can be compared only in the sense that they both shot to sudden fame and heart-throb status causing them to have to choose their roles carefully to warrant their heightened status. I recall that, at first, Leo became a bit crazed with all the fanatic attention, but he's come through it nicely and has continued to have great success - something we all wish for Rob.
Rob has many qualities that Johnny Depp, Leo, Zac and others don't have...
#1 his killer accent - makes me melt! Not just your average british accent - it's so "posh" and sexy.
2. His brilliant musical talent - piano AND guitar
3. His ultra-sexy and soulful singing.
4. His mega-sexy, panti-melting modeling - the guy can't take a bad picture. Those EYES!
5. His goofy/nerdiness is so endearing - I think it makes him seem more attainable (in my dreams - I'm old, but you young girls still have a chance! :))
6. He's smart and wise beyond his years.
7. Funny and witty!
8. He doesn't appear to be a womanizer like most hollywood guys. All Robsessed dream of being the one who steals his heart.
9. Rob has to/gets to make 2 (maybe 3) more movies w/i two years doing the character that made him famous which keeps him contstantly in the spot-light. And, as someone else mentioned - the internet is bigger than ever which is something Leo and Johnny Depp didn't have to deal with.
I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture...
Hi Ladies! let me catch up with comments...
Hi Sophia! I decided I needed to head back to reading "Little Women". Seriously! Get my "head" in a more subdued place LOL!
Hey crazy
What a strange article, writer seems to ignore the fact that poor Leo totally lost the plot for about 6-10 years after Titanic.
All he did was drink, party and womanise, and was in utterly crap movies, with an occasional hit.
I loved Leo in Gilbert Grape, and most of his pre Titanic stuff was wonderful, I kept arguing with people after Titanic that he had the goods - but hell he was disappointing for a long time.
It was like he had to wait to grow up and stop looking quite so much like a baby boy. It is nice to see he did turn a corner.
Even now he's just sort of cute, he's never been sexy and he has a crappy voice, almost squeaky - though it's developing a bit of depth.
And he's kind of boring.
And Rob is soooooo interesting, he's such a bundle of contradictions, he's gawky but graceful, so elegantly beautiful he could be perfectly cast as Sir Lancelot the perfect knight, or Cedric Diggory the perfect boy. And then he's dirty, sexy, steamy and would be a perfect rock god or villian.
The gawky funny boy is so vulnerable and fun and magical.
He can be so intense he burns up the screen or so light he almost floats - that piano playing out-take is like a dream in the clouds.
Leo just doesn't have that kind of presence or legendary old movie star charisma that robert has from his fingertips to his eyelashes.
White T-Shirt
Smoldering Pose
Tight Jeans
Out-take Dossier Journal..
Suz~ Discuss?!?... I can't form a cognitive thought after that picture!
Atta Girl!
Truly it's beyond words.. it's ike heaven on the NET seriously.. what this man does to me.. it's really illegal in like 47 states
Ladies, I continue to be impressed with your eloquence and thought provoking comments on our Rob.
They are all spot on!
He is indeed... Magical and Ethereal
Kespax - very well said!
Funny thing: my dh came home from work, took a good look at my laptop and said it was "dirty" HUH? How can he tell? (he meant that the keyboard was dusty. certainly not the screen though!)
Kelly, Suz- i'm happy we're still "discussing" the dossier pic. I'm still not over it.
or your mind Crazy!
<~~ Is still fanning herself.. yikes.. he's just dirty... dirty boy!!
It's criminal..
He is a work of Art (no pun intended)
He is just magnificent looking in these photos..
fo sho!
UHHH. Been lookin at that pic again, and there is no change in the way I feel since i first saw it. I can't keep the panties on. They just keep blowin off my ass! ;)
ha ha ha @Crazy
IDK what I have to do, but i AM getting that pic somehow, enlarged in HQ and putting it in my damn bedroom. DH will just have to deal.
The mole (that I share with Ten) pic and the biker jacket are the ones that do me in...
But today's out-take... hummmina hummina hummina..
LOL Crazy... you go girl!
Suz~ he really is a work of art.. it can be odd to me that I really can't get enough of him.. like every picture.. I love them all good bad doesn't matter.. every interview... good bad doesn't matter..
I want the biker pic in poster sized.. I'd have the museum quality framed and hung.. (i said hung) in my office..
It's so James Dean.. but better...
Bad Ass.. Mo Fo... YEAH!
Same here Kelly. It's a little frightening to me. :/
See now I love the pic from the GQ out takes.. the one wher ehe looks like he just rolled over in bed and he's looking right into the camera in that one so when you look at it I swear it looks like he just about to smile at me.... I'm crazy.... well Crazy is Crazy.. but I'm headed that way : )
Suz said hung... hehehehehe
Kespax...that was just beautiful...and so right...
Hello girls...
When are posters of this man going to be available, for crying out loud!? Imagine the frenzy?!
kelly I am slightly (ever so slightly) worried about my sanity.
I am attributing it up to a mid-life crises..(who cares if I've already had 2)
; )
I also love my new avadar(sp?) isn't that what you guys call it.. anyway.. Rob wet in a tee and jeans.. life is SO GOOD!
hey Lil' Momma! we' re still on Rob pics...
I'm just attributing it to good taste Suz... that man is FINE... You know next to wanting to meet him.. I want to meet his MOM and DAD... maybe we should send them flowers or a quiche or something to thank them for there fine product....: )
Suz I agree...that is what is wrong with me too...but I call mine an "early life crisis" cuz I am sure this is just the first...sad....
Suz- a midlife crisis developed for me after I saw Rob in Twilight. Hadn't seen him before. Seriously. weird huh?
Totally Kelly...they desreve at the very least a Thank You joke...I need their address...
LOL - quiche!
so we are all in a Rob-imposed Mid Life Crisis? Jeez.
Kespzx.. well said.. I hope Rob retains all those lovable boyish qualities as he grows up more
oh well if thats what it is...I am super excited that it is over him and not someone else...
So, I too was in love with Leo, but it's just not the same. Maybe it's because I was younger.... But I did not find him "rip his clothes off HOT" like I do Rob... I can't help myself. I don't know about the whole acting comparison either, they are just different.
WOW Kespax!! I’m amazed of every word you said, just what I feel/think about Rob, great comparison with Leo, interesting points about their difference.
Some comments here at this board are more insightful than what was written in the article posted at MTV.
True. This is "safe".
i think its because MTV doesnt LOVE Rob like we do... :)
OH no I'm not at Mid-life yet!! I need many many more years of this man!
Crazy ...its TOO safe...thats why we are all going insane!
Kelly- i may not be "mid-life" but i am in crisis for sure. Can't you tell? LOL!
Meg.. I'm pretty sure I've been around longer than you and I have NEVER felt this way about anyone else.. I've had my celeb crushes.. but nothing has consumed me the way Mr. Pattinson does...and it's weird cause I am more protective of him than anything. I just want to make sure no one hurt him or changes him
I think it's true what they say about women and sexuality. What matters more to us is what's in our thoughts.
See. I think we need to think of this in a positive way... is it a CRISIS.. OR a Gift... we spend so many days praying for something good... somethng to bring joy.. something to make us smile... THANK YOU GOD!
Ahh sheeyate! I'm going to be in Rob's motherland when Little Ashes opens. :( What crap luck!
He needs to come back home to the UK in May on his way to Italy. And he should bring the biker jacket, wife beater and tight jeans with him...
does that make sense?
K~ IDK.. I'm still on the fence about Gift vs. Crisis. (sighs)
I agree Crazy... I think our minds always see more than can ever be provided.. sexuality and sensuality for us is in the mind first how do you explain the pent up and frustrating sexual fire that this man brings to it part of the GIFT or the CRISIS??? LOL!!!!
He's a Gift to me... and you know what you have to do with gifts.. unwrap em!!! (*wink wink*)
Kelly~ don't you mean we WANT more than can ever be provided? LOL!
Kelly, you are so right. He is a joy to behold.. such a bright beautiful light.
Let's embrace and enjoy!
LOL Kelly...and then we are righ tback to the crisis....he is just to far to reach....
Okay nice mental image...Rob with a bow...only a bow...
Okay is that too "adult"?
Part of the gift.. however... we don't use it to our advantage with our signifigant others... Keep him in your mind... trust me the frustration will subside... ;) And there in is the gift : )
but unwrapping him in my head is not enough. I agree w/ Momma - frustrating!!! Thank God for the DH.
Kespax - right on! He is a bunch on contradictions, but in the best ways anyone could contradict themselves. He's just the BEST. The BESTEST EVER IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORD:)
ok kelly you are so wise this evening... :)
hmmm Embrace Rob.. *THUD* Dang it!
My husband is a tool...
A big hard tool!
(is that wrong?)
yes. He is an absolute joy to behold. (sighs again, really)
(feeling very serious at the moment; not so "crazy".)
hi meg...
oh well Kelly . it was nice while it lasted LOL!
I don't know about wise.. but I needed to figure out how to function with all this energy he arouses!
(did I just say arouse?)
Sorry Suz.. Crazy.. Lil Momma
Suz- mine too. And I'm his ScrewDriver!!!
Kelly...I am trying to concentrate here!!!! LOL!
lol @ Suz.. I loved that interview!
here we go again. in the end, it's effin hopeless.
Breath in ... breath out.... breath in ... breath out.. breath in... breath out...
ok, i'm breathing....breathe!
HI Monna, Crazy, Kelly, and Suz. Interesting conversation ladies.
I don't know about it all, I still feel very confused about my obsession.
I'm going to put it out there. Do any of you talk out loud to Rob. Kind of like your having your own conversation with him. Please say yes, even if you don't.
hyperventilating now................thud.
oh I cant slip up tonight...its kinda hard to drift off into fantasy land with Rob when you gotta a really fat (but cute) weiner dog snoring on the couch...he is keeping me on my toes...
Hi Meg! yup.
RK's get your asses on the blog. Come out Come out. I miss my girls.
BTW...I was never hot for Leo either. Love him as an actor though.
KESPAX~Please keep bring up excellent points!
Hey Crazy! My DH would flip out if I wanted to have another man's pic in our bedroom! You already have a handsome one in your b-room, right?
MOMMA! fat weiner dog? oh come on!!!
Okay I did it once meg...I cannot mention the time I did because of proper crassness...but I did! ;)
OH MEG you hav eno idea.. I talk to him .. EVERYDAY.. in my car.. I'm not kidding... I have a journal and I write in it everynight and I tell him what I'm thinking and ask him questions... you are not alone in that...
DB - we not good enough for you?_ hee hee.
i am NOT joking crazy...he is for real...but sorry about the "fat weiner" part....
Chic - i do. but i wanna nother one! ( whines like a little girl)
in the car. yep. (sighs again)
It's not that you aren't good enough, I just miss MY girls.
yeah. Leo is a boy. Rob is all man, bb!
I have a pic of him on my phone and lap top and the visor mirror in my car... byt Rob.. Not Edward.. I loved Twilight.. but Edward doesn't really look like Rob.. I mena not like Rob looks everyday.. am I making sense?
just kiddin db ;) we know you love us too.
Meg..I did get mad at him one time. I was like, "WHY ARENT YOU REAL!!!!" eventhough he is real...he just seems to perfect to be real....does that make any sense???
Kel- Rob, not Edward. But Edward got me very interested...
crap, my dh is calling...
I have to wake my DH up in like 20 minutes.. has to work 12 - 8
where did Suz Go? she didn't even say good bye!!
Wow Kelly, that is a lot of pics of Rob. Curious are you single? If not what does your OTHER think about this. How do you get away with it? I get caught way to much:(
Did she leave?
rough hours!!!
hi everyone!
im not single...DH doesnt care if I robsess...he just wants me to be happy and have a life since I am SAHM...I think he feels guilty that I dont get out much he lets me have my happy place...
Meg- my dh knows full well i spend my eves Robsessing. he just makes fun of me a little. He's not the jealous type. never. now he just said "you talking dirty with your friends again?" yep, he did.
Suz are you there???
Perfect sense Momma. He IS real, just sadly not to us. It just sucks!!! *pouting*
I sorta "write a letter" in my head of things I'd like to say...
Like Kelly, most of my thoughts are of a protective nature.. But I would also love to talk to him about films, books and of course music.
I also make him a mix tape in my head.
(All of my friends/lovers have a Suz mix tape.. it's how I show my love -- I think they are very revealing. These are sometimes given at the beginning of the relationship, sometimes at it's demise.)
Weird? Too weird?
Hi Erin!!!
HA! crazy that is so funny!!! I dont think my DH knows I talk dirty on here....
where's TS and Tenneil and everybody else? i think they crashed after this afternoon!
Im glad I make sense to somebody!
I'm married.. my DH knows...he looks at it all respectively.. what are the chances I'll ever meet him? What are the chances there would EVER be anything there? And I have explained that it's not as much a physical thing... althought that part is FINE.. but it's who he is.. there is something about him that I need to know more about. I also told my DH that I love that I get to talk to all you great ladies who feel the same way I do.. and lastly, when he starts to look like he's getting upset I look at him straight faced and say.. "Please don't tell me you are jealous of a fictional character" that usually calms everything down. I love my DH.. and and Crazy and I were saying earlier, as women sensuality and sexuality start in our mind... If you ask me there are a lot of satisfied DH's and signifigant others out there because of Rob Pattinson...
I don't know if any of that made any sense..
Good evening, ladies!
DB, I so puffy ♥ you!
Wait.. I just asked Rob.. he said it makes perfect sense! : )
That's beautuful Suz.
sorry, I am composing that last bit of drivel...
This really is a SUPPORT Group tonight...
Aww Kelly that was so nice...and it made complete sense.
Hey Ladies! Am I the only one who thinks Leo was friggin hot as fuck in Romeo and Juliet? i am definitely over him now though. He was my obsession 11 years ago.
Remember tomorrow is Kristen's 19th b-day, of course Nikki and Michael are hanging they are probably planning what they are going to do for her. I don't know, I still think the 4 of them get together and play switch-a-roo.
Hey Ellie!!!
Kelly - perfect sense.
OK confession ladies.. I actually made a video of his pics and posted it on You Tube... I'm blushing now thinking about it.. but I made it and sent it out there into the universe for do I win for craziest obsessional act?
Hey Divine...
i am not going to say what I think about it being Kristens bday...
post the link kelly
Divine- no. and who cares?!! (said like Fred Armisen doing that View lady) LOL!
Kelly, thanks I'm going to use the fictional character bit next time I get caught.
I big Bear hug You right back Suz!!
we want to see it!!!! please!
I'll send it to your facebook Lil Momma.. I want people to find it.. I don't want to advertise it...
Suz - this support helps me calm down after the craziness.
aww thanks very sweet of you...
In a way though I gotta put myself in my DH's shoes...if he was obsessing about some actress like the way we do with Roberto, i think I would be quite annoyed. This is why this is my little secret. Thank god he doesn't hover. he thinks this is a FF blog. LMAO ahahahahahah
Gozde needs to post warnings at the tops of some posts...
When I saw the new wifebeater pic I was unfortunately at work, said OH MY GOD really loudly, in the middle of the office and could barely keep the breathing under control and look casual when everyone turned to look.
Interesting convo...just catching up...
hey crazy did you get my message?
Kelly~ send it to me too please... :)
Erin.. I've done that... when I check the site on my BlackBerry during boring meetings... it's tough to explain...
Crazy lol, "who cares!" lol
Why not Lil mama?
Divine- i think the Dh (along with alot of other guys) check sout porn sometimes and figures this is his payback LOL!!!!!
Lil" Momma~ when?
Divinsally - That is exactly what my hubby said to me 2 nights ago. "What if I was obsessing over the internet about Jennifer Aniston" is what he said. I stupidly said nothing. Crap!!!
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